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Long-term Side Effects of Face Masks « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Long-term Side Effects of Face Masks

July 19, 2020


— Comments —

Loyal writes:

Interesting video, informative and to the point, as always!  So many reasons to resist the mask nazis….or face fascists…

Besides those listed in the video, and the often overlooked spiritual issues that you have addressed in earlier posts, there has also been a resurgence of Legionnaires disease.  The moisture in the mask is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria.  The problem has been that doctors are so eager to call any respiratory symptoms Covid ($$$), that they overlook the bacterial infection.  Legionnaires kills – and improper diagnosis leads to a delayed response.  Treating “Covid” wouldn’t involve antibiotics since it is viral.  Once again, the forest is missed for the trees.

This only makes sense if you see it through a spiritual lens.  God is not the author of confusion.

As a side note, I am amazed at some of my RN friends who are so ready to defend the wearing of masks. One even told me that they are “85% effective”, and that of course I am supposed to wear one to protect others, just like she does.  She also told me that doctors and medical staff routinely wear more than one mask at a time.   I had to ask, if her mask is truly 85% effective, then why do I need to cover the other 15%?  Why can’t she just wear two masks – then she’s up to nearly 100% coverage!  Three would be even better!

Laura writes:

I’m so sick of these lies.

If masks are effective, then why have thousands of prisoners been released from jails?

If masks are effective, then why are small businesses still restricted?

If masks are effective, then why are offices still closed?

If masks are effective, then why are people not allowed to visit their relatives in nursing homes and other facilities?

If masks are effective, then why haven’t doctors and nurses been using them for years to protect against the contagious illnesses they routinely encounter?

If masks are effective, then why aren’t they treated like biohazardous waste material and properly disposed of?

If masks are effective, then why if you take a puff of a cigarette and exhale while wearing the type of masks people are wearing now does smoke come streaming out both sides and the top?

If masks are effective then why hasn’t it been scientifically demonstrated with peer-reviewed studies involving significant samples?

If masks are effective, then where are the studies showing that the health effects of masks are less serious than the benefits?

If masks are effective — and mask orders not part of a crushing display of totalitarian power —  then why would we ever stop wearing them?

If masks are effective and breathing freely is dangerous, then how has humanity survived for so many thousands of years without artificial breathing filters?

Loyal writes:

My next T-shirt:  “I love my neighbor, but I refuse to get Legionnaires just so you won’t get Covid.”

All of your questions are right on.  People who are taking the time to think this through are having increasing difficulty accepting (and obeying) the story line.  There is too much that doesn’t make sense.  I once saw a sign that said “humans will prefer a familiar hell to an unfamiliar Heaven.”  Sad, but it is playing out right now.  I think many still believe that this will go away, either when an election happens (but fail to realize that things are the way they are now under the incumbent, and could get much worse under the other guy), or when we all “cooperate” and this finally goes away.  The virus will NEVER go away.  There will always be a virus, and there are no vaccines that prevent cold (corona) viruses.  Even the flu vaccine is always by necessity a year behind the flu it is developed to prevent.  It is more of a placebo.  As long as people continue to think if they just put their heads down and wish really hard, things will get better, they won’t.  There will be more and more of these requirements just to survive.  It is better to live as a free person TODAY then drag out an existence as a slave for years to come.

We as a society must stop fighting each other and realize who the true enemy is.  “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”  (Eph. 6:12)

Now is the time to reach others for Christ, for He is coming soon!

Laura writes:

Well said!

As an aside, it’s shocking how many conservatives think this is a plot against Trump! … As if he wasn’t presiding over it all. If they just make sure Trump is re-elected, everything will work out and what our friends at the World Economic Forum call the “Great Reset” will end. Ha! Ha! This never would have happened under Hillary. Conservatives would have risen up in arms before letting churches close, small businesses die by the tens of thousands, governors openly insult their constituents, riots unfold without restraint, government surveillance intensify to the point where citizens’ everyday movements are tracked, and, as if that wasn’t enough, being forced to wear dirty diapers on their faces as disgusting badges of submission. Trump was a great thing for world government and its secret leaders because he neutered resistance.

…. Or maybe I’m kidding myself. Maybe they would have let churches close and worn their face diapers under Hillary too.






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