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“The Mask of the Beast” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“The Mask of the Beast”

August 4, 2020


In Flathead County, Montana, where we live, the population is 106,134. The total number of “active cases” (translated: anyone who has tested positive for corona, whether they actually have it or not) is 213. Two people are said to have died from corona.

213 out of 106,134 is .002007.

My friend writes, “So that children can understand this, it means that 99.8 percent of all Flathead County residents are UNAFFECTED by this virus.”

Yet, as with the rest of the country, people all over town are walking around with those stupid masks on. The “home of the brave” is GONE. The spirit of fear has enveloped the entire country. And Christians are among the most fearful of all.

You and I both know that this is a willful, deliberate, purposeful effort by the PTB to scare the American people into accepting tyranny over their lives—and it’s working.

I have said it before and I’ll say it again: I am personally convinced that this hellish plan could not have succeeded had Donald Trump not been in the White House. The plan was totally dependent upon Trump being in the White House. Had a Democrat been president, Christians and conservatives would have never fallen for this façade. But when Donald Trump told America to limit crowds to less than ten, to shut down their businesses and churches and to not go anywhere without wearing a mask, Christians and conservatives folded like a bad poker hand. Their beloved master had spoken.

Trump willingly subjected the entire country to Bill Gates’ and Anthony Fauci’s voodoo science.

Let’s face some hard truth: People such as Gates and Fauci are evil, wicked monsters. They might even be demon possessed. They have absolutely no conscience about the millions of American livelihoods and lives they have destroyed, the hundreds of thousands of people they have killed around the world, the fear and terror they have inflicted in the hearts of millions of people, the numbers of senior citizens who are dying alone and isolated from their loved ones, the numbers of people who are not receiving the medical care they need as hospitals and doctors hunker down and wait for a non-existent tsunami of corona cases or the trillions of dollars of debt this phony pandemic has cost the American taxpayers.

And politicians of both parties, who are full of greed and unbridled personal ambition, are seizing the opportunity that this “pandemic” provides to bring millions of dollars into their own election campaigns and increase the size and scope of the unconstitutional power that they are able to wield against a naively trusting and frightened citizenry.



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