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There Will Be No Normal « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

There Will Be No Normal

November 2, 2020

TRUMP says the election boils down to a choice between severe lockdowns or a vaccine.

Yup, that’s what he said. I didn’t make it up.

There you have it. It’s all out in the open. Personal freedom is not an option. A return to normal is not an option.

Never before has a president vowed as a campaign promise to inject millions with an unproven and unnecessary drug. And he made that vow when the nation is not facing any unusual infectious health crisis from a virus. (The vast majority of “cases” in the news have no symptoms at all.)

He could have offered us freedom, but he didn’t. He could have ordered those who perpetrated fraud to be investigated for treason, but he didn’t.

Biden’s goofy masks and threats of lockdowns, both of which make him an extremely undesirable candidate to all but fervent Trump-haters and hard-core party loyalists, are propaganda for the real goal of Covid-19 — a  vaccine. (They let you know from the very beginning. C-O-V-I-D-19: Covert Vaccination Identification, 2019.)

Stay tuned for dramatic harm to human health, digital surveillance, billions in profit for drug racketeers and the destabilizing social division the vaccine will cause. This is going to be a great way to criminalize and punish the thinking few, who absolutely need to be eliminated by the control freaks and liars who run this country.

— Comments —

Hurricane Betsy writes:

I want to thank you for the above.  Yes, Donnie’s been yapping for weeks about that comin-down-the-pike-any-day-now vaccine, but I didn’t realize it was a major plank in his campaign.  So, now we know for sure.  I suspect that politicians and apparatchiks who support vaccination will smilingly hold their arm out on television, but it will be a weak and harmless injection.  The rest of us will have to line up and get The Real Item.

The hell with it.  Some things are best left in God’s hands as far as I can tell, because the few of us who know better are not great enough in number.  Sometimes (OK, always) I think that the real enemy is the stupidity of our own kind. And they’re not going to change: the decades of fluoride, aspartame and mercury  – all brain poisons – have taken their toll.

Laura writes:

Health has become just another name for exploitation.


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