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Acceptable Risks « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Acceptable Risks

March 19, 2021

39-year-old Utah woman with no health problems died suddenly after getting her second Moderna COVID shot.

Interesting is the reaction of her doctor, her father and the state health officer: “So what? Accidents happen. Life is filled with risks.”

This is a conclusion they refuse to draw with an alleged flu that has a recovery rate of over 99 percent, in which case no risks whatsoever are acceptable, not even the risk of standing next to someone who is healthy.

“These vaccines are safe and effective and you know we certainly understand that there have been reports in the media of people who have died after receiving a shot,” Dr. Scott Harris, the state health officer, said.


The vaccines are safe and effective, but they are not safe and effective.

Brazenly contradictory assertions such as this by people so deeply acclimated to deceptive salesmanship that they don’t even see themselves as liars have brought the entire world to its knees. Any state health officer who hasn’t quit or lost his job by now is a common criminal. COVID is a quasi-religious, pseudo-scientific cult founded on faith, not reason. It is especially suited to the materialistic mindset of Western society, where anyone who is successful at his professional job must be trustworthy. This mentality has created a swindler’s paradise. We are surrounded by “lying wonders” of biblical proportions.

— Comments —

Zeno writes:

From the link you posted:

“There’s a risk to taking an aspirin. You can have an allergic reaction to that. A risk of getting a penicillin shot or even taking penicillin. There’s a risk to eating shrimp. You can have an allergic reaction to that too,” Dr. Richard Oyler, with Compass Urgent Care, expressed.

Amazing! The risk of having side effects or dying from an experimental gene-therapy vaccine is compared to “eating shrimp” and the risk is acceptable, but… walking around and getting close to someone else beyond six feet without a face mask, even while being perfectly healthy and neither person showing any symptoms, is considered an “unacceptable risk” in this society… We are definitely in a topsy-turvy world, when evil is called good, and good evil.

But I think the worst is for the children. I’ve known of 5-year-old children having to wear masks in preschool, and forced to greet others exclusively by “elbow bumps”… No hugs, not seeing faces… What kind of world are we showing to them?

What the hell are we doing? Is it possible that millions of people do not instinctively understand that all this “fight against Covid” is evil, and just not right?

Zeno adds:

And now for something lighter. Cats can get COVID too!

How is that different from that Tanzanian president getting a papaya and a goat to “test positive”?

(By the way, he died recently in very suspicious circumstances, and now Tanzania will have vaccines too)

Jim V. writes:

I’m not very computer savvy, and don’t even know if it would be of any profit, but just as I read your phrase “lying wonders”, which is from Thessalonians 2:6, I thought of making one of those parody pictures showing a rock band called the Lying Wonders, with their guitars and all, and the faces would be four or five of the current batch of high level deceivers (who also are “being deceived;” 2 Timothy 3.13, reaping what they sow.) Fauci and Gates came immediately to mind (the lead singers) but it wouldn’t be hard to find two or three others to fill out the picture.

Laura writes:

Great idea!



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