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Dobbs v. Jackson Analysis « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Dobbs v. Jackson Analysis

June 27, 2022

THOMAS DROLESKEY’S detailed commentary on the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization is must reading. (Please consider tipping the author if you find it of value.)

Mr. Droleskey writes:

While it is indeed wonderful that abortuaries in [some] states have shut their doors, none of this represents any kind of victory, especially when one considers that laws delineating at what age baby-killing can be prohibited makes it appear that his life is fully negotiable and thus expendable before that age. A human being is a human being at conception, and all the talk of gestational age is simply sophistry upon sophistry.

Moreover, do we really think that those who kill for a living are going to scrupulously observe all the terms of these laws even if they have to be confined to the space of a hospital rather than an abortuary to do so?

The Fifth Commandment admits of no exceptions to the inviolability of innocent human life, which can be targeted deliberately for execution. The laws listed above have such “exceptions” and are thus nothing to celebrate.

Am I saying that Roe v. Wade should not have been overturned or that its being overturned is meaningless?

No, I am not saying such a thing.

It is very good that Roe v. Wade and its false reasoning have now been consigned to the proverbial dustbin of history.

Roe v. Wade has, as noted earlier, miseducated generations of people, including many Catholics, that they had a “right” to [murder] innocent unborn babies, whose own “crime” was to be conceived as the natural consequence of that which is used properly in the married state alone for the procreation and education of children according to the mind of Holy Mother Church. Those who created that “right” did so illicitly as it is not given unto men to dispose of the binding precepts of the Fifth Commandments, but it remains to be seen whether the overturning of Roe v. Wade will correct the errors that have become deep-seated in a world where men act as beasts and do not fear the just judgment of Our Divine King and Judge, Christ the King.

However, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization is itself based on false premises, and false premises can never be the foundation of anything but continued conflict and confusion as attempting to fight evil on the natural level will aways fail. The use of natural means to fight supernatural battles involves the use of the devil’s own tailor-made program of refusing to admit that the Catholic Church is the true Church and that it is only Catholicism that can provide the foundation for a just social order. Such is the recipe of frustration and failure as it will not be until men quit their sins and are converted or return to the Holy Faith that the moral evils of the day can be retarded.

Men must love God as He has revealed Himself to us through His true Church, and to love God we must obey His Commandments … [bold added]

Read more.


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