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Vengeful, Vindictive and Mean « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Vengeful, Vindictive and Mean

June 28, 2022

WHEN POLITICS is everything to people, they become aggressive and cruel when they don’t get their way.

This fanatical nastiness, with the happy end of Roe v. Wade, is now more obvious than ever. Some thoughts on this phenomenon from Eddie Scarry, written before last week:

Even when Democrats emerged victorious from the suffocating bonfire of 2020, having control of the White House and all of Congress for two years, has their mood change? No. It’s only gotten worse.

They may have traded their pussy hats for Fauci prayer candles, but the attitude has never been angrier or more spiteful. Vengeance has animated them each and every day.

There are scores of studies, surveys, reports and data to back up that truism.

Spoiled brats are everywhere. And mostly they’re grown adults. Stay away. There’s nothing to gain from engaging them in any political conversation.


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