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Singapore Rejects “Diversity” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Singapore Rejects “Diversity”

December 11, 2023

“THE demographics of Singapore’s multiracial citizen population has remained stable for five decades, at approximately 75% Chinese, 15% Malay, and 8% Indian, and 2% other.

“The Singaporean government stated that they have a “commitment to maintain the racial balance in the citizen population, [which] enables us to preserve social stability and the multiracial character of our society” (source).

“Since Chinese are the majority demographic, I presume this actually means “we need to stop the Indians and Malays from outnumbering us.” Only ~60% of Singapore’s total population are citizens, eligible to vote, hold office, etc.

“Of the remaining ~40% who are politically disenfranchised, ~10% are ‘permanent residents’ and ~30% are ‘non-residents.’ According to the 2010 census, ~43% of Singapore’s total population were foreign born.

“Not a situation that any Western country should emulate, but it does prove that you can maintain stability simply by refusing citizenship to immigrants.”



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