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Wonderbread America « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Wonderbread America

July 23, 2024

WHILE praising individualism, an American is really expected to avoid it like the plague. American protocol insists upon a danse macabre, an insane ritual of exulting in liberty and behaving with herd-like docility, whether in politics, at work or in private behavior. The inherent paradox has been seemingly resolved by insisting upon twisting individual ‘creativity’ to the development of vulgar advertising jingles, unisex clothing and broad, insipid, intellectual formulae for everything from philosophy to foreign policy. Those who follow the prescribed pattern are lauded as being both men of conviction as well as team players; those who reject it are either laughed off center stage or written out of polite society as being insane.”

— Dr. John C. Rao, Americanism and the Collapse of the Church in the United States of America


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