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Promoting French Culture at the Olympics « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Promoting French Culture at the Olympics

July 30, 2024

I have not touched the big stories during the last few days about the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics. I have no desire to do that. This entry is just a brief acknowledgement that I am aware of how bad it was. I know this was not the worst of it.

I agree with Peggy Hall, who writes:

Let me spell it out: you do not need to sit and analyze the opening ceremony of the Olympics to know it’s unimportant, likely demonic, intended to hypnotize you, control your mind, and shape your perspective.

Even those well-meaning folks who analyze and break it down—are you with me here?—you’re exposing yourself to it anyway! That’s exactly what the bad guys want. They want you to be exposed to it, even if you’re looking at it to analyze and say, “Oh, this is disgusting.” Why would you look at something disgusting? I don’t, and I hope you don’t either.

“But Peggy, I need to know what’s going on.”

You already know what’s going on! These ceremonies, Super Bowl shows, and other similar events have been mocking people of faith for years, only to backpedal and say, “Oh, we’re so sorry if you were offended. We didn’t mean to offend anyone. We’re being inclusive.” I don’t need to share any images for you to understand the underhanded game they’re playing.

I have nothing to add. It’s all been said. It’s all too repulsive.


— Comments —

Janice G. writes:

Thank you, Laura.

The article you linked contains some of the best advice I have read in a long time. I have shared it.

Although I haven’t watched any of the sick spectacle, there are plenty of other satanic, disgusting things paraded in front of us every day that I have spent too much time worrying about, ruminating over, and discussing, and I intend to stop giving them any more attention and energy.

Peggy is so right! I hope others will listen to her (and your) advice, too.

David writes:

The old truism that “from the mouth, the heart speaks” was never in better form than during the opening ceremonies for the 2024 Olympics.

In a venue that is ostensibly non-religious, Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Twelve Apostles were clearly mocked by the entire world (the Olympics is an international event, encompassing almost all nations). This mockery was planned, deliberate, and of set purpose. For the Last Supper was the First Mass, the Sacrifice of Calvary, the re-presentation of the Death of Our Lord upon our erstwhile Catholic altars, in an unbloody manner.

That in punishment for our sins, since the death of Pius XII and because of Vatican II, as a consequence of the loss of the papacy (from which Holy Mass derives her fruit and lawfulness), the Mass is no longer available to us, is beside the point.

Both Sacrament and Sacrifice, there was and is nothing on this earth more beautiful, holy, God-pleasing, God-appeasing, and sacred, than Holy Mass, of which the Last Supper was The First. That we are deprived of this “pearl of great price” in our day is owing to our collective and individual sinfulness and abandonment of unflinching fidelity to Catholic belief and practice.

So, instead of Sacrament and Sacrifice, by way of television, we are instead treated to a degenerate pageantry of sacrilege and Satanism. Make no mistake about it: The opening ceremony and its Last Supper mockery were and are a completely “religious” scoffing of the True Mass and Faith of the pre-Vatican II era.

At the same time, this liturgical presentation was not a mockery of the Novus Ordo Missae, whether in Latin or any of its sundry vernacular translations; they are one and the same.

Because while the Enemy is bi-partisan, slyly playing admirably both parts “right” and “left”, or, if you will, “conservative” and “liberal,” he is not bi-polar; he suffers from no conflict of conscience or purpose. The New Mass, and this televised presentation of an Olympic travesty are both his creations. The latter, rife with obvious sexual perversion; the former, evidenced with the same peculiar proclivity of many, many Novus Ordo “priests” and “bishops”. Essentially, they are both different and yet are one and the same in purpose.

As the Apostle St. Paul severely warns us in Philippians 3 of our Douay-Rheims bibles, these so-called elites and those who knowingly or unknowingly follow them are they “whose end is destruction; whose God is their belly; whose glory is in their shame; who mind earthly things.”

May God have mercy on all of us. Eventually His patience must come to an end.

Laura writes:

Well said.

I can’t bring myself to post pictures of this profoundly disturbing sacrilege or to describe the details, which means absorbing some of this filth. I know most people have already seen it.



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