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Elite Mockery of Male and Female « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Elite Mockery of Male and Female

January 14, 2025

KATHY G. writes:

The level of Elite Gender Inversion (EGI) among the political and ruling classes is much higher than most people realize. Many of the supposedly female “feminists” and politicians, actresses and celebrities are actually male, and have been for years. EGI is common among satanists because of the androgyny of Baphomet. They consider  a human that is both male and female to be more perfect than the male and female of God’s Creation. It is a tribute, a sacrament of sorts, to invert the sex of children born into these families. They consider themselves “special” and above the masses of only one sex per individual. They have carefully kept this pretty quiet, with a few exceptions, like the masculine “Princess Stephanie” of Monaco. This Amber Rudd in the UK has a wide male skull and square jaw, deep set eyes, brow ridge, and an Adam’s Apple (airbrushed out in most pics).

She appears to be male. They put biological men posing as women in positions of power, and they do not condemn the rape of white women and children. This silences actual white males, cowed by years of the “feminists” abuse of the “patriarchy”. If you take a close look at the American “feminist” icons, most appear to be male. Take a close look at Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, Margaret Mead, and Susan Sontag. You don’t even have to look close at White hater Susan Sontag.

These rapes of Western women and children by Muslims are being orchestrated and approved by men posing as women. Most are very probably actually homosexual as well, homosexuals who hate and envy biological women, and delight in their torment and suffering. Actual leftist women see this and follow their lead.

 The world is not what it seems at all.

Once you understand ‘male vs female’ skeletal structure, these people jump out at you. They have been making men actual sex symbols in Hollywood to condition people to see male features as female, and desirable: wide shoulders, angular facial features, large heads, jaws, height, slim hips (“athletic build, ha!), They always pose to disguise the lack of hips, turn to hide the shoulders, wear long hair to hide the thick, muscular male neck. The male to female are easier to spot, and today’s surgical procedures can add butts and hips, shave Adam’s Apples and brow ridges, and computers can alter images. But you can often get a candid photo that reveals the truth, the totality of signs. Once you see it, you can’t stop seeing it. And it is mind-blowing how prevalent it is.

Laura writes:

Betty Friedan!! …. I’m not ready to say she was a guy, but she sure did have a deep voice and look like a trucker and she sure was filled with the sort of rage toward manliness that sometimes comes from men unhappy with their masculinity.

The deep voice and long, narrow waist of Gloria Steinem … Could it be?

You’ve probably heard about the controversy over Emmanuel Macron’s “wife” — another one who looks weird and unsettling.


— End of Initial Entry —

Kathy G. writes:

LOL, I know, Laura. I always thought Steinem was beautiful.

Actually, Taylor Swift made me start paying attention. I can’t find many females prominent in the media who don’t check the male to female boxes. Even “lesbian” Rachel Maddow actually has male physical characteristics. You start noticing, and then you cannot not notice. Some, like Cher, Jessica Alba, and Meaghan Fox have admitted being male publicly. This inversion has been stealth, and we are in late stages. It makes me seriously doubt our historical timeline. But, the point is that it is deceptive men who are doing this, not women. Men see all these female CEOs and European leaders and the message is that women are as capable and the same as men. Real women are not. That’s why men are in these positions, not women. Yes, Macron’s wife is almost certainly an invert. I’ve seen pics of “her” as a young male.

Betty has prominent brow ridges, wide square skull, double Adam’s Apple. I can’t find pics of her standing up to check shoulder:hip ratio, etc., but she looks male.

Laura writes:

But, but … she’s so beautiful!!

Kathy G. continues:

Here’s Gloria with prominent double Adam’s Apple. Double Adam’s Apple, actually.

Stand her up straight and the wide shoulders, small hips are apparent, low body fat. Trannies wear shirts that stop at the hips, padded underwear, corsets, hands on hips, and belts to give the illusion of waists and hips. She has a very large square male appearing skull, and most pics have her hunching her shoulders forward. Also, male index fingers are shorter than females’. Female to male trannies will put their hands in their pockets and pull their pockets outward to disguise the female hip flaring.

Laura writes:

Isn’t it easier just to be a man?

Imagine Gloria Steinem wearing a corset! Talk about hypocrisy!!

Kathy G. writes:

Here’s Susan Anton. Look at the hands.


Laura writes:

Amazing what hairdressers can do these days.

Seriously, I can’t say she’s a man based on one photo, but it’s intriguing.

Kathy G. continues:

Take away the bosoms, stand her up straight, and Kirstie Alley had a male v-shaped torso, large square male appearing skull, big muscular shoulders.

[Image censored]

Sara writes:

I am glad to hear that I am not the only one who has closely studied the issue of gender inversion. I read with interest your post written by Kathy G., and I assume that she has studied many of the videos by “Mr. E” who thoroughly explains this cultural phenomenon. Unfortunately the younger generation has embraced the notion of gender inversion. And why not? It’s a progression of “feminism” (a misnomer) started by (Mr.) Steinem, that ultimately brainwashed women into thinking that it was preferable to be less like a woman and more like a man. I also recognize gender inversion everywhere, but I think most people are oblivious. Case in point: the wildly popular and heavily promoted Taylor Swift is portrayed as and thought to be a woman. But look closely and really see that entity, and you will likely conclude that she is really a he. It’s all a form of mockery crafted by the Synagogue of Satan.

Laura writes:

I posted a while back ‘Mr. E’s’ analysis of Taylor Swift and ever since then I can’t not see it.

Her body is male.

I think that’s why she’s so heavily promoted.

In addition to everything else so disturbed about this is it makes women strive for an impossible physical ideal. They can never have that hip-less, broad-shouldered look.

I remember thinking when I was young how creepy Cher was, but I couldn’t put my finger on why exactly. But now I know it was not just because she sang such awful music, but because she was a impersonating a woman. Even when I didn’t know, I couldn’t stand to look at her.

Kathy G. writes:

I have watched several of “Mr E’s” videos. I thought he was pretty knowledgeable on male/female anatomy, but fringe and a bit obsessed. I did not believe that all of these people could be trans. So, I began trying to debunk it. I started searching various people and checking “images”, looking for the candid shots. And it was quite eye opening. You are correct. The more a woman is hyped as beautiful, “sexy”, etc., it appears she is likely not a biological woman, it is a sales pitch. The power of suggestion. With many, it becomes more obvious with age, which explains the prevalence of plastic surgery in those circles. Even a botched surgery hides a masculine face/distracts from it.

It is the massive deception that is so disturbing, and the public unquestioning acceptance of what is presented. It is still very much a man’s world, as we see in the non-Western nations. It is only in the West where we see large numbers of female “leaders” and CEOs, and close inspection casts a lot of doubt on that “female achievement”. It explains the “feminist” emphasis on making women behave like men, and displacing men, rather than actual women’s issues like family, children, domesticity. Scripture prophesies that in the End Days we will be ruled by the effeminate. That doesn’t necessarily mean women.

Laura writes:

As for acceptance by the public, this is too disturbing for most people. They can’t put themselves in the minds of liars who think what they are doing is beautiful and good.

Dianne writes:

Scary stuff.

Laura writes:




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