Defund and Deport
February 15, 2025

“IMAGINE that a group of people break into your house every night, go into your kitchen and use your food, appliances and electricity to prepare meals. Then they take those meals and sell them on their food truck. Compared to other food trucks, the ones breaking into your house have no overhead and no risk. Everything they make is pure profit. Then they use that money to buy things, to send money back home, to drive up costs and scarcity and drive down profits for other food trucks – who have their market share diminished by them.
“This is the scam of illegal invader labor. There’s no benefit to the citizen to have them here. NONE. Every single thing they are able to do, get, have is at the expense of someone who belongs here. Illegals profit from STOLEN resources and opportunity. Those who drag their feet to address the very simple problem are profiting as well, taking their cut like mafiosos.
“It’s not ‘who will pick the avocados?’ that the Dept of Commerce mass migration thugs are asking themselves. It’s “who will destroy the White working class without our brown army?”
“This has ALWAYS been an economic battle. It’s time for Trump to take an economic approach to undercutting illegal invader ability to earn money. Ban them from access to banks or wiring services. Start seizing their property. Enforce the laws on the books to fine and imprison anyone who uses illegal labor. TAKE. EVERY. DOLLAR. off the table for these parasites and watch them wither away like a cancer cell doused with Ivermectin.”
— Comments —
Terry Morris writes:
Good work, ma’am. Here’s a relevant piece.