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Anglican Priest Ordered to Leave « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Anglican Priest Ordered to Leave

September 1, 2011



A PENNSYLVANIA  judge has ordered a traditionalist Anglican priest to vacate the premises of his church on Philadelphia’s Main Line. The decision comes years after the Rev. David Moyer was defrocked by the Episcopal Church because he agreed to become a bishop for the Traditional Anglican Communion. A priest at the Church of the Good Shepherd for 21 years, Moyer refused to leave the parish after he was ordered to do so.

Moyer objects to the ordination of women, homosexual clergy and homosexual “marriage,” all of which are accepted and approved of by the Episcopal Church. In recent years, he would not allow Bishop Charles E. Dennison, of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, to preach or conduct confirmations at his parish. The diocese, a withering institution with magnificent buildings, has only 55,000 members left. Moyer is now seeking to join the Catholic Church. His determination and refusal to kowtow to the totalistic demands of modern liberalism are heartening. Much of modern Christianity is not Christianity, but an entirely new faith. Moyer is leaving an anti-Christian institution behind.

One wonders what will become of Good Shepherd’s beautiful stone church building, a vestige of Philadelphia’s Episcopalian elite. Perhaps someday, after the limited attention span of liberals runs its course and the novelty of Rev. Jane or Rev. Heather wears off, it will be a restaurant or a fitness center. Perhaps a pizzeria. Wood-burning ovens would be nice.


                                                    — Comments —

Hurricane Betsy writes:

I think someone should give Rev. Moyer a call regarding his desire to join the Catholic church. If you read Lifesitenews, you will see that the mainstream Catholic Church is plummeting downwards, and has been for some time. Countless priests and bishops openly gone totally liberal, children’s schools heading the same way. Members of the Church openly supporting the usual atrocities.

The fact that the mainstream Anglican Church has puts its stamp of approval on these grossly sinful viewpoints and activities, and the Catholic Church has not (yet), is irrrelevant. It’s coming. And even if it’s never going to be officially degenerate, it is such in fact. Moyer is going to have to bite the bullet and put his money where his mouth is by, maybe, joining one of the traditionalist Catholic Churches while these still exist, i.e., haven’t been put out of business by the federal government.

Laura writes:

Liberalism has made significant inroads in the Catholic Church too. But it is not “irrelevant” that the Church does not approve of the ordination of women, homosexual clergy or same-sex “marriage.”

Joe writes:

We are Good Shepherd parishioners. Our family and countless others have been baptized, confirmed, married and buried by Good Shepherd and David Moyer in particular.

David made his share of mistakes, some serious and damaging to the life of the parish. But he is without doubt a righteous man and took a courageous stand for righteousness and in defense of his flock. While many of us were aghast at his planned decampment to Rome, and wish he did not involve the parish in this endeavor, we wish him and those that follow him well. The troubles were instigated by a so-called “bishop”, one Charles E. Bennison, who is perhaps a true sociopath, seemingly incapable of distinguishing between right and wrong, Christian and satanic, but who as you might expect is an expert politician.

Please pray for the congregation and mission of Good Shepherd. Yes, our building is as magnificent as it is historical, and our spiritual lives have centered on that holy place for generations, but it is in the end merely dust. The congregation is not. Since its inception, Good Shepherd has been a force for positive good planting church missions, schools, hospitals and forming many men of God. If the congregation is lost to the “Episcopagans” then Satan wins to that extent. Many have sought refuge in other congregations, not always Anglican. Others chose to bide their time at Rosemont. Others still were alienated from the Church as yet another example of the inherent failings and corruption of “organized religion”.

Absent Good Shepherd, no doubt others will rise to the occasion, but the loss of organization, experience, and accumulated goodwill shall be devastating to Christian witness on the Main Line and beyond.

Laura writes:

Joe also sends this article that provides details on the legal disputes between the diocese and Moyer.

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