The Trojans Welcome Their Horse
May 30, 2013
Apropos the alarm of true Frenchmen concerning the betrayal of their country by the political class and the insouciance of that political class in importing savages by the tens of thousands to inflict on ordinary Frenchmen – here is the Finale of Act I of Les Troyens (first performed in 1862) by the greatest of all French composers, Louis-Hector Berlioz (1803 – 1869). In this scene, Cassandra (sung and acted magnificently by Anna Caterina Antonacci), who can see the future, watches in helpless despondency while her deluded countrymen drag the lethal horse into their citadel, breaking down the walls to admit it. The performance comes from the production at the Theatre de Chatelet in Paris, to mark the 200th anniversary of Berlioz. The situation in the scene is the situation – in France and elsewhere – today.
From the libretto:
Arrêtez! arrêtez! Oui, la flamme, la hache!
Fouillez le flanc du monstrueux cheval!
Laocoon!… les Grecs!… il cache
Un piège infernal…
Ma voix se perd!… plus d’espérance!
Vous êtes sans pitié, grands dieux,
Pour ce peuple en démence!
Ô digne emploi de la toute-puissance,
Le conduire à l’abîme en lui fermant les yeux!
(Elle écoute les derniers sons de la marche triomphale qu’on distingue encore et qui s’éteignent tout d’un coup.)
Ils entrent, c’en est fait, le destin tient sa proie!
Sœur d’Hector, va mourir sous les débris de Troie!
(Elle sort.)
Laura writes:
What a thrilling scene. There is nothing more to say. Berlioz’s Cassandra says it all.
—– Comments —-
KR writes:
Loved the clip of Cassandra. You’re right. It is thrilling. I don’t know what the sentiments are of the artists that produced this show, but that’s not their business. They just need to be true to the work, and I think that they are. It is for us to take such enthralling performances and draw inspiration and consider the drama in light of our current world.
I’ve always had a strong affinity for Cassandra. I’m sure that many here have felt the same way. It’s great to see her portrayed in such a fantastic and honorable (if quixotic) manner. Who could not watch this and see the visage of, oh, I don’t know, Lawrence Auster, Pat Buchanan, Sam Francis, Joe Sobran, Venner, any number of others. Dare I mention Venner’s name? Although I have mixed feelings about his pagan suicide, I appreciate, at some level, what his intention was. Haven’t we all been Cassandra in the last decade or so? And so much more lately? NO one cares, sunk in their everydayness, sunk in their panem et circenses. The finest arguments you can make and they’re all falling on deaf ears. Lalalalalalala, they scream, partying on until the Titanic goes down.
However tragic it is, it reminds me of the conclusions of good men like Kennan and Lukacs that life is, ultimately, tragic … on this orb, at least. But the truth is our victory, the cross is our victory. The burden is our triumph. It was supposed to happen this way. Rejoice in Cassandra and embrace her. Her destiny is ours, and it is the only triumph that transcends this world.
Thank you so much for this clip.