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Asians: The Model Minority « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Asians: The Model Minority

December 3, 2013


HERE is a fascinating discussion from VFR of June, 2012 in which an Indian commenter explains how he identifies with the British Raj. He is what Indians call a “Macaulayputra,” or Macaulay’s Child.

On a related matter, a reader says we should welcome those Chinese who wish to give birth on American soil so their children can live here as citizens, and I respond.

— Comments —

Chris writes:

I live in the very prosperous city of Bellevue, Washington, a suburb of Seattle, where many of our residents work at Amazon, Microsoft, Expedia and Boeing. Bellevue has an exceptional public school system with 5 high schools rated in the top 100 of the nation.

Bellevue is also about 30% Asian and has a large number of Indians. Microsoft lobbies Congress each year to expand the H1B visa limits so they can import even more Indian software engineers. All of these companies do this – its a matter of wage price control. American multinationals have no national loyalty whatsoever. And neither do these imported nonwhite workers from third world countries.

The effect is that the children of these Asian and Indian families fill the schools (40% nonwhite is typical in my children’s elementary school). They stick together, do not assimilate, do not volunteer for civic groups such as parent-teacher associations, coaching sports or, heaven knows, anything that requires fundraising.  If you only attended a PTA meeting, you’d think the school was 99% white. But they all come out for the “international day” celebrate-diversity-fest, proudly wearing their native garb, in the schools paid for and built by generations of white property tax payers of this area. They don’t buy homes and pay property taxes, they rent. And if they don’t live in our school district, they just register multiple families in a single residence. Koreans are notorious for this. Japanese however seem to be the exception, but are limited by their lack of English speaking skills.

A couple of years ago, the school district decided to separate the “gifted” students and consolidate them in a single school. Those classes are of course filled with non-native Asians and Indians with white enrollment decreasing year-on-year in direct proportion to the increase in Asian kids. My friends’ son is only one of two whites in 3rd grade. The nonwhite kids exclude him and their parents refuse any interaction with others. My children qualify for the school but there’s no way I’m going to put them into a minority status like that.

But progressives, being ethno-nilists, have ratcheted up the stupidity. This year the school district decided to open a dual language Mandarin/English school. You can guess how many eager white families were clamoring to enroll. Do you think they even bother to say the pledge of allegiance? In Mandarin?

Adam writes:

Your post about the large number of Asian immigrants in the science and engineering fields reminded me of a particularly unpleasant run-in I had with an Indian Ph.D. student a few years ago.

In 2010 while I was a Ph.D. student, I made the mistake of posting on Facebook a link to an article which noted that “many immigrants are poor and low-skilled.” In response, a female science Ph.D. student from India, with whom I had previously been on good terms, posted on my Facebook page that I should “save these articles for your white-supremacist support group.” I felt deeply offended by this assault against my character, since I have never espoused the superiority of whites (I only believe that different nationalities have the right to maintain their own nation states and not have those nation states overwhelmed and culturally transformed by mass immigration). I asked her to apologize, but she never did and I have never spoken to her since. Below are some excerpts from our Facebook conversation. (She deleted many of her posts so I mostly have my side of the conversation with some quotations from her.)


I was completely flabbergasted. Neither my friend nor I had ever said anything negative about her, used any foul language, or said or done anything that could possibly be considered “harassment” or “profound hostility and hatred.” If anything, she displayed hatred toward us by using the f— word, calling us dumbasses, and accusing us of racism (which is just about the worst thing a person can be accused of in present-day America). Then after her nasty tirade for her to accuse us of harassing her (when all we did was ask for an apology for her false and defamatory statements against us, never once attacking her personally) was the height of ridiculousness.

After this happened, I was somewhat afraid that I was going to be called up before some conflict resolution board at the university to defend myself for my thoughtcrimes against multiculturalism, but nothing ever happened. Both the Indian student and I have long since graduated, and thankfully I have no reason to ever interact with this unhinged person ever again.

Laura writes:

Since your exchange was very long, I have not posted it all. To summarize, she threatened and bullied you, something she could freely do because it is unacceptable and racist to make the comment you made.

I hope you have since changed your attitude and don’t feel “deeply offended” by being falsely accused of racial hatred and don’t seek apologies from such people. An Indian woman would only make such a comment if she knew you were not a white supremacist. That’s the great irony. If she truly believed you were a white supremacist and that white supremacism was influential, she would have been afraid to say such a thing.

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