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Gratitude « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


March 9, 2010




My name is David, I’m a twenty four year-old guy living in New England — I confess I am one of those slowly maturing betas your posts mention — and I just wanted to write and say that I think you and your posts are absolutely amazing. You are truly a voice of reason and good sense in a world that is spiraling into ever greater lunacy and evil. Voices like yours are far too few in number but provide some encouragement amidst a demoralizing clamor of confusion, sorrow, and need — this world where a new kind of oppression, the one that shamelessly reduces others to objects for self-satisfaction, has substituted the now-defamed ancient, institutionalized one. Thank you for being one of the few women who will express any appreciation for men at all, and for affirming that we have a useful role to play in the creation of a healthy society. I guess I’m not supposed to say this, but I’m desperate to hear a woman say something like that, since very nearly none — I would say none if not for you — ever do. Thank you also for providing a glimpse into the heart of the modern woman, which is really quite opaque to me. It breaks my heart to think of what many women, young and old, are suffering in today’s bewildering and lying world. Your insights in this regard turn my attention to the women in my life, whom of course I love very much. 

The thoughts you present on your blog are like an incisive beam of life penetrating the gloomy darkness we now inhabit. I know how awfully sentimental that sounds, and maybe in my lack of wisdom I’m unable to see whether it is so, but I believe I am saying it with sincerity. And as a Christian, whenever I am satisfied by contact with the truth, I can only believe it must have come from God. These things are like a small gift from Him that say, “Yes, there is hope. I am here. Keep going, and don’t give up.” You were the vehicle for that encounter this evening, and all I can say in response is this: God bless you, God bless you, God bless you. 

May the God you shared with me today be eternally yours.

Laura writes:

Thank you for this beautiful note, which touches me more than words can say.




                                                            — Comments —

Amelia B. writes:

Thank you, Laura, for all your hard work. I think you’re a wonderful spokesperson for a common sense return to traditional values. I’ve even taken to forwarding your posts among my friends. You certainly give us lots to talk about!

I just wanted to comment to “David” on the post today and say, “Hang in there!” I’m a conservative 21-year old woman who would love nothing more than to be pursued by a traditional man with everything that entails (dances and dinners instead of hookups, meeting each other’s family instead of, well, hooking up, taking time to really get to know each other’s dreams and values instead of, well, hooking up). I want nothing more than to be a “traditional” wife, making my home beautiful and welcoming, caring for my husband, and raising our children. I agree that the society we’re offered today is simply poisonous, and I think many of our peers are on some level searching for something deeper. Thank you, Laura, for helping us find those types of values and lifestyles that will help us “recover” from modern madness. And David, and any other young male lurkers out there- keep on searching! I promise, wonderful young women who share your values really do exist, and we’re just dying for you to come and find us!

Lisa writes:

“Thank you for being one of the few women who will express any appreciation for men at all, and for affirming that we have a useful role to play in the creation of a healthy society.” Useful? Not merely useful, David, but absolutely essential and most necessary! I hope more young men will not give up on modern young women and hopes for delightful family, happy children in cheerful homes, and a society strengthened by principled, unselfish, foresighted, strong, and loving men.

Yes, Laura, we are grateful for the quiet, frequent encouragements found here amidst a cacophony of untrue and destructive voices in our lives today.

Jake Jacobsen writes:

I would also like to thank you, Laura, for this calm oasis of sanity in these intertubes.

But I want to address David and give him a word of encouragement from a fellow man. It is easy to believe David, when up to your chin in the world, that this is how things really are, but, in fact no matter how deep the lies get, there is still truth and people, women, know that there is this truth and crave it.

Your God-given job is to be a rock in the streambed of this culture. One that all the lies flow around. If you can do that you will find a good woman. Your job right now is to make yourself worthy of her.

But don’t forget that part of your job is to love your woman and redeem her from this culture as Christ has redeemed you. And stop this “Beta” nonsense. You are a man, David, that whole Alpha/Beta thing is something of our unregenerate natures and while it may be physically true it isn’t truly true in a spiritual sense.



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