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Where Did All the Hippies Go? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Where Did All the Hippies Go?

November 21, 2015


THOUGH I was a child in the famous 1960s, the anti-materialistic spirit of the cultural revolution was very much alive by the time I got to college in the 70s. It was unthinkable then for us to have televisions in our dorm rooms. Television was The Man. It was manipulation and advertising, the selling of a life based on comfort and things. We wanted none of that. We went to art museums and protests. We drank herbal tea and dreamed of lives that would not lead to the suburbs.

Lacking in humility and other important things, we did not realize we were really tools of the system. Our belief in sexual freedom was incompatible with our rejection of consumerism and Capitalism. Sexual freedom would turn out to be one of the greatest enablers of money oppression the world has ever known.

But now all that is clear. When Barbie, that icon of the establishment and enemy of enlightened feminists everywhere, is championed by the political left, as Barbie was championed this week when the sick and slick fashion designer Jeremy Scott released his commercial of Barbie in black leather, we can see that the anti-Capitalistic spirit of those times has indeed disappeared. The black leather Barbie was hailed as a sign of progress by leftists ( Barbie of all things!) because a boy in the commercial is clearly presented as a budding homosexual. Cultural conservatives played along with the deliberately manufactured conflict.  Many expressed their distress at how their children were being exposed to perversion. Of course, that is true.

But there is a more fundamental critique of Barbie that hails back to the Age of the Hippies. In search of that critique one must ask, for one, why are toy companies such giant monopolies? Why do they possess such wealth and influence that they are actually able to produce such attention-getting stunts and shape our children’s lives? Why do they so arrogantly defy the sensibility of the people? Why do they support homosexuality at all? Why could they care less what you think? Why do children have so many things and so little simplicity and community? The answers will be found in our economic system.

Big money is dangerous when it holds no allegiance to the moral law. That is a truth the Hippies sort of knew. Unfortunately, their solutions to the problem of monopoly and materialism were Marxist. And they got lost on the way to a better economy through the Sexual Revolution. They got unlimited sex in exchange for selling out. They got fornication, abortion, homosexuality, divorce, adultery, contraceptives and feminism, all of which made them so distracted and created such personal chaos they no longer cared that the world was increasingly dominated by money and intense competition, all of which made them succumb to compound interest, careerism, monopolies, mass advertising, skyrocketing national debt, high taxes, erased borders, globalist rule and politicians who are clearly bought. They got unlimited sex and money slavery.

“Much to the delight and amazement of the capitalist elites, the Free Market is the only thing left after everything else has been deconstructed,” E. Michael Jones recently wrote. [September issue, Culture Wars magazine.]

Everything has been deconstructed. Even little boys.

Everything has been deconstructed except debt.

The artificial world of Barbie and her handlers, who have hearts of stone and haven’t the slightest love or compassion for children, is symbolic of all that is left.

— Comments —

Joe A. writes:

People, you must understand:

Compound interest is not a law of nature. “Paying interest on interest” is extremely unnatural.  Given enough time, it will suck the life from you.  Its mathematical formula concocted around the time the Pilgrim Fathers were being run out of England but its history is ancient.  The Bible condemned it as “usury” and for good reason:  it makes slaves of men, literal imprisoned slaves.

But compound interest is what actually rules the entire Western world.  Not laws.  Not political parties.  Not elected officials.

Compound interest.

Understand this and you will understand the true evil of the banking system, which, somewhere along the way, swapped out tangible assets like gold and silver with paper “Federal Reserve Notes”.  “What’s a note?” you ask?  Simple.

A note is a record of debt, no longer payable to the bearer on demand as were the old United States Notes, which represented actual silver and gold, which you could claim by presenting the note to the teller’s window.

No, today that paper you have in your wallet is not money.

It is someone else’s contract of indenture.

Now you know why the Federal Reserve Banking system is your true master and why FICO is more important to you than the Public Laws of the United States.

Paul writes:

Where have all the hippies gone? Where indeed.  To Hell, I should not hope.  Capitalism is imperfect, yet it made America the most powerful, richest country the world possibly has ever seen.  America has poured out help to other nations.  Pure capitalism as defined by Marxists consists in laborers limited to making money for the capitalist owners.

American capitalists created jobs that allowed laborers to live.  American capitalists tried but failed to sustain monopolies.  Any laborer was free to become a capitalist; the efficiency of the markets allowed laborers to become owners relatively easily by buying stock from capitalists, who were willing to take on risk.  In addition, any laborer was free to start his own capitalist business.

All this existed long before the 60s, which were infected by liberalism, Marxist ideas, the lie of feminism, extreme civil rights, refusing to win the Vietnam War or get out, and the liberal control of the Media, the Pill, the complete fabrications in the Kinsey Report, to name some prominent but not all blows against the spirit.  Liberals constantly made excuses for the horrors of communism and confused many people.  Cosmopolitan was filled with intentional lies by professional writers.

But many and maybe most were not completely fooled.  The constant degrading of good American values continued to be celebrated by the liberal Media.  Those not fooled and who have awakened are working to stop the destruction of America.

Unclear is how sexual freedom led to “one of the greatest enablers of money oppression the world has ever known.”

Laura writes:

In answer to your last question, sexual freedom creates personal chaos and distraction. People are more easily controlled and exploited when they are ruled by their own instincts and passions. They can even be manipulated into submission to usury and central banks, which are profit-making machines that control our money supply.

Are you aware of the dramatically declining birth rates of the last 100 years? Are you aware of skyrocketing personal and national indebtedness? Have you seen the vast wastelands of closed factories? Ever hear of the immigrant invasion? How about the Great Depression and the bailouts of 2008?  One-income families, which were once common, are now a rarity for all but the rich. We have billions to enter unnecessary and indeed criminal wars and no money to free ordinary people from overwork, constant anxiety, indebtedness and cycles of boom and bust.

Your vision of a Capitalist wonderland doesn’t fit with reality. All civilizations which have experienced such intense concentration of wealth have collapsed. The top 0.1 percent of the population in America owned 22 percent of the wealth in 2012, as opposed to seven percent in the 1970s. (Source.)

The Great Depression was the result of the actions of central bankers. Even though there was high unemployment during the 1930s and money was in short supply, there was lots of money available to fund World War II. I can’t understand why anyone would consider that a healthy system.

In 1900, Americans paid no income taxes or sales taxes. Chicago recently approved a sales tax of ten percent.

At this point, easy, interest-bearing credit is hiding systemic economic failure.


Laura writes:

In the late Middle Ages, the laborer in England worked an average of 14 weeks a year and supported a family on his income, according to Stephen Mitford Goodson in his book A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind. Now it takes two people working 40-50 hours a week for 49 weeks a year to support a family of two children — provided couples wait until their almost middle aged to have children.

According to Goodson:

The last 300 years, notwithstanding numerous technological advancements, have witnessed a progressive deterioration in Western and European standards of civilization. The excessive concentration of power and wealth, based exclusively on dishonest banking methods, has enabled a tiny minority of criminal bankers to control the media and educational processes, and thereby to brainwash a mindless atomized humanity, deluded by spurious comforts of democracy and materialism, into suicidal practices of savage, bloody and pointless wars, central banking and cultural degradation, which will eventually result in its demographic extinction.

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