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Erasing America « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Erasing America

April 22, 2016

PAUL C. writes:

People need to realize that without General Andrew Jackson’s leadership (and my fellow Orleanians) at the Battle of New Orleans, the U.S.A. would not have occupied the Louisiana Purchase or have moved further westward. The British superpower would have stopped us cold.  We lost the War of 1812 except for this post-treaty 1814 battle, which the British would likely have used to negate the treaty if the last ranking and foolish British commander had not retreated.

People can see and hear about this from New Orleans’ historians, who admit the British snatched defeat from victory.  The link is to an absorbing, free, hour-long, commercial-free production by PBS New Orleans (WYES).  (It is so good that I might contribute to this left-wing outfit. It is better than most movies.)  We all know there are countless white males who did something for their country such as die.

Just what did this gentle-appearing horror, Harriet Tubman, do?  She helped her race and joined with the murderous John Brown to help murder people not of her race.  Of course, Brown’s defeat by the patriotic United States’ Colonel Robert E. Lee at Harpers Ferry earned Brown a hanging by the good old USA, not the Rebs.  As the murder link shows, she earned the moniker General Tubman.  Honorable résumé eh?  A trustworthy hire, eh?  No one would ever hire her before now.

Bill Ayers, who bombed the Pentagon, retired as a professor at the University of Chicago, and who was cozy with President Obama.  But now war is peace as Orwell warned us about in 1984.  We won’t sleep peacefully while this horror is on our twenty to haunt us.

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