THE DISCUSSION in the previous entry of the search for modest and feminine clothing in the desert of feminist junkwear and ultra-bland chinos and polo shirts continues here. It has yielded great suggestions from readers of retailers and styles. You can even go so far as to buy historical reenactment wear. This dress above could be worn with a a white bolero cotton sweater such as this when going out to make it more modest. Obviously, sewing things yourself is far more economical. But if you are like me and do not sew, it makes sense to spend a little more on a dress that you may wear over and over again. There are also great deals. I wore one calico blouse which I bought at a thrift store for 25 cents about 5,000 times because it was pretty and modest. I finally was so embarrassed by its overuse (it was virtually indestructible cotton) that I gave it away to charity.
Aminty writes:
First off, thank you for your website. I don’t have the time to go into it right now, but I find much of what you say to be true, true, true. As a woman with a degree in philosophy, masters in writing, and a law degree, I bought into feminism hook, line and sinker like so many of my contemporaries. Read More »