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Lesbianism « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


Same-Sex Unions in Maryland “for the Kids”

October 15, 2012


THIS maudlin Washington Post story, more editorial than balanced reporting, argues that the same sex “marriage” law on the Maryland ballot is in the interest of children, echoing the slogan used by Gov. Martin O’Malley, who says people should vote for homosexual unions “for the kids.” That’s right. The governor of Maryland believes that being raised by homosexuals and being denied a relationship of any kind with one parent is actually a good thing and should be championed for its own sake.

The article by Aaron C. Davis features two overweight, middle-aged lesbians (almost all middle-aged lesbians are seriously overweight, or so it seems) seeking to formalize the adoption of one of the woman’s twin sons by the other. They are already legally both the parents of another boy who was born to the same woman. The women appear before a female judge who is delighted with their petition and with the idea of three boys being raised by lesbians. Unsurprisingly, they succeed in the adoption of the twins. Now both of their names are on the childrens’ birth certificates, making this document an outright lie and falsification of parentage. One small battle is won in the ongoing war on children.

Amid the sympathetic details about the immense sacrifices of the lesbian couple, we find this interesting paragraph:

Rice [one of the lesbian women], who manages a homeless shelter in the District, carefully documented their Shady Grove fertility clinic’s use of sperm from an anonymous donor so that no one could later claim fatherhood.

These women have with deliberate calculation obliterated the boys’ father from their lives, and we are supposed to believe that they have the children’s best interests at heart.

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Lesbian Chic

November 12, 2011


AT Camera Lucida, Kidist Paulos Asrat explores the manly style of Jenna Lyons, president and creative director of the clothing retailer J. Crew. Lyons received widespread criticism for appearing in an ad earlier this year that showed her painting her young son’s toenails pink. She recently left her husband for a woman.


The Mother as Kidnapper

November 3, 2011


Lisa Miller, the former lesbian, and Janet Jenkins, who has been awarded custody of Miller’s child

WHAT CAN one say about a society in which a “family” court seriously entertains a child custody dispute between two women and then grants sole custody of the child to the non-mother, thus inciting the mother to flee with her daughter to a foreign country, risking arrest for kidnapping her own child and causing the Christian missionary who arranged her flight to be arrested as a kidnapper too? Such is the tyranny of state institutions over the family.

The mainstreaming of lesbianism inevitably results in the mainstreaming of ugly lesbian battles.


Kidnapping Charges Against Mennonite Missionary Dropped

November 2, 2011


Timothy Miller with his family last week

Timothy Miller with his family

IN THE LATEST DEVELOPMENT in a child custody case that will either go down in the history of American jurisprudence for its flagrant violation of parental rights or represent a radical shift in the legal defintion of parenthood, federal prosecutors last week dropped kidnapping charges against Timothy Miller, the Mennonite missionary who helped Lisa Miller flee the country with her daughter in 2009 after a Vermont judge ordered her to hand over the child to her former lesbian lover.

According to The Rutland Herald, U.S. Attorney for Vermont Tristram Coffin, in a motion to dismiss the charges against Timothy Miller, stated that Miller agreed to appear as a possible witness in the future. Timothy Miller, who is no relation to Lisa, works as a missionary in Nicaragua. He has been unable to leave the United States since his arrest last April. The Timo Miller Support Network was collecting financial support for him.

Interestingly, the story of the charges against the missionary has been virtually ignored. Read More »


Late-Blooming Lesbians

September 5, 2010


A READER writes:

A Toronto Star article on “late-blooming lesbians” contains all the latest mumbo jumbo on the theory of female sexual fluidity. It is a slickly written piece. Beyond the obvious message it intends to deliver, I noticed the events the author quoted as examples of what led the women to become lesbians. Interesting. This “sexual fluidity” thing is just over the top, as far as I am concerned. We have the pop song, “I Kissed a Girl and I liked it” and now this for the older ladies. I first heard the term “sexual fluidity” on a men’s rights site and at the time I dismissed it as absurd. I guess I was wrong. I refuse to believe women are innately fluid, but how many will? Read More »


Lesbianism Explored

June 26, 2009


Kidist Paulos Asrat writes:

I read the intriguing interaction you had with Rose, the conservative lesbian. I guess my view is that Muslims will be Muslims, and lesbians will be lesbians, however intelligently and insightfully they (lesbians) present their unconventional life style.


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More on Lesbianism

June 21, 2009


Dearest Wife,

I am lesbian and conservative, (rather like Florence King, I suppose). I have spent some time pondering your thoughtful post titled “Why Lesbianism?” and have come to think that there is much truth in what you say. While once a man would be obliged by societal expectations to stay with his wife despite his love and attraction for her fading, people in modern relationships are bound together by nothing more than personal desire. And aside from my purely sexual preferences, it is my opinion that, in that absence of social pressure, another woman is more likely to be faithful to her partner. Reading about relations between the sexes today, I can only think how glad I am not to be a part of the whole sordid process. Perhaps a guilty conscious and a desire for children would be enough to make me try to put aside my distaste for the male body and marry if only I had some assurance of permanence and stability. But alas, faced with the prospect of ending up an embittered single mother, I suppose there is little reason not to ‘follow my bliss.’

However, there is another aspect to the growth of lesbianism you have not considered and that is the death of romantic friendships. I quote historian Stephanie Coontz writes of premodern customs in the United States:

“Perfectly respectable Victorian women wrote to each other in terms such as these: ‘I hope for you so much, and feel so eager for you… that the expectation once more to see your face again, makes me feel hot and feverish.’ They recorded the ‘furnace blast’ of their ‘passionate attachments’ to each other… They carved their initials into trees, set flowers in front of one another’s portraits, danced together, kissed, held hands, and endured intense jealousies over rivals or small slights… Today if a woman died and her son or husband found such diaries or letters in her effects, he would probably destroy them in rage or humiliation. In the nineteenth century, these sentiments were so respectable that surviving relatives often published them in elegies….

[In the 1920s] people’s interpretation of physical contact became extraordinarily ‘privatized and sexualized,’ so that all types of touching, kissing, and holding were seen as sexual foreplay rather than accepted as ordinary means of communication that carried different meanings in different contexts… It is not that homosexuality was acceptable before; but now a wider range of behavior opened a person up to being branded as a homosexual… The romantic friendships that had existed among many unmarried men in the nineteenth century were no longer compatible with heterosexual identity.”

It seems that long ago people were allowed to have love relationships with another of the same gender without the taint of sexual suspicion. Anthony Esolen in his “A Requiem for Friendship,” marks the death of true friendship among men and places the blame on the homosexual movement, but I believe that he has things backwards. It was when romantic friendships began to decline in popuality in the late 19th century (mostly because of physiatrists and sexologists) that men and women began to see homosexuality as their only chance for intimacy with someone of the same sex and so the ‘gay movement’ grew. Perhaps I wouldn’t pursue other girls if I could find a straight woman willing to pledge undying non-sexual devotion to me, but alas….

I end here with the assurance that despite my leanings I will never “marry” another woman nor bring a fatherless child into this world and I condemn all such behavior on the part of other Sapphics.


Laura replies:

Thank you for writing. This is a very moving and thoughtful reply. I am heartened to know such longing for intimacy exists. The desire for friendship runs deep in a woman’s heart. I strongly believe, and you seem to confirm the point, that this healthy desire for intimacy in a soulless world explains the rise of lesbianism. This desire is good and noble. Its corruption is tragic.
Those Victorian friendships seem characteristic of a very literate culture, in which women often communicated to each other in letters. One can be forthright and sentimental when not face-to-face. Compared to the Victorians, we are comparatively free with sexual expression and straight-laced with love. All kinds of love. I think of how Wordsworth wrote in what we would consider to be sexually florid language about his love for his sister. Totally unacceptable today, when any subtleties in love are erased and are viewed as purely sexual. Have you noticed how so many people blurt out, “I love you!” to their spouses or parents or kids on their cell phones? That’s not what I mean by articulating love.

Feminism has helped kill off deep friendship. Not only has the taint of sexual suspicion been added to any close friendships, women are too busy. Those vows of undying love were the culmination of hours of idle longing. Also, women don’t share similar experiences. What does a woman investment banker have in common with an elementary school teacher? They live in different worlds. Women were once drawn by the universal experiences of motherhood, marriage or even spinsterhood.

Lesbianism has become common among women at certain colleges. Here, I think feminism has warped the natural longing at that age for deep attachment. These young women want a close bond without the commitment or demands of a relationship with a man. Too bad they can’t be encouraged to have very affectionate friendships without making it sexual.

I’m impressed by your condemnation of marriage and motherhood for lesbians. Private and inconspicuous love between women is one thing. The move for marriage and motherhood is the ultimate expression of self-hatred by lesbians.

 A male reader writes:

I’ve always thought that lesbianism sprang from women’s disappointment with men. Women live on a different plane of existence. They can understand each other so much better than men. 

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Why Lesbianism?

June 17, 2009


The growth in lesbianism is one of the least-discussed cultural changes of recent years. No society on earth has seen lesbians become more comfortably open with their way of life as ours.

Why? Why are there more lesbians and why are their numbers almost certain to grow? The celebration of individual desire, the loss of faith in absolutes – these offer an explanation. But, it’s only part of the answer.

Women seek home. We live in a homeless age. For some in their twenties and thirties, meaningless promiscuity is, well, meaningless. The pursuit of career or the perfect education is empty. Courtship ritual and romance are gone. Other women at least offer the advantage of being nice.

A lesbian relationship holds out intimacy and stability in a cold and soulless world. It’s the natural outcome of a collapse in traditions and the glorification of self. People will find comfort somewhere.

It is a tragic choice. Lesbianism leads to unhappiness and sterility. It causes children harm.

While before it was viewed as a phase, especially among intellectual women, it’s now a permanent way of life. Some of this country’s brightest young women will never be mothers, unless you call reproducing in a lab or with a turkey baster “motherhood.” There’s a scene in Wagner’s Das Rheingold, where the two giants, Fafner and Fasolt, come to take away the lovely Freia as ransom. Those giants are like the force of despair kidnapping perfectly normal young women today.