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Puerilities « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife



February 17, 2010


STARTING WITH THIS ENTRY, I will post statements by history’s famous feminists on a regular basis. These false or misleading appraisals of human nature, biological fact, spiritual truths, and common sense take the breath away. Feminism is rife with ridiculous assertions. I call these statements “puerilities” because they are so often child-like.

Here is the psychologically unstable Charlotte Perkins Gilman writing in The Man-Made World: Our Androcentric Culture, published in 1911:

The inextricable confusion of politics and warfare is part of the stumbling block in the minds of men. As they see it, a nation is primarily a fighting organization; and its principle business is offensive and defensive warfare; therefore the ultimatum with which they oppose the demand for political equality – “women cannot fight, therefore they cannot vote.”

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