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The Domestic Island « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Domestic Island

Intellectual Excellence for the Housewife

December 12, 2012


Still Life by Giovanna Garzoni

CHRISTIE writes:

I am so grateful to have found your website. I am struggling with my current situation and feel a light of hope shining in – the possibility of truly engaging my mind while being a housewife.

I am a college educated, stay-at-home mother of two young, elementary school children. Having come up for air out of the whirlwind life of preschoolers at home, I am struggling with the rhythm and meaning of my daily life. I physically labor each day cleaning and cooking, etc. for my family, but my mind feels dull much of the time.

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Dear Housewife

October 14, 2009


A female reader writes:

I really enjoy your blog and I have read it since its inception.

I was wondering if you could find it in your heart to give me some advice, as an older wife to a younger one who is isolated from normal wives.

What is a traditional wife to do when she is sick, especially if the illness is long-term and may never resolve itself? I feel like such a failure. I can’t cook for my family or clean my own house. I can barely care for my children adequately.

I feel like there must be some kind of women’s wisdom as to what I am supposed to be doing in this situation, that I just never got, like I never got anything else I needed to know about how to run a household.

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Crusoe, C’est Moi

May 6, 2009



N.C. Wyeth's Crusoe

One of the greatest books ever written about homemaking – in the physical and metaphysical sense of the word – is The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. This is the strange and surprising story of making a home in a hostile world.

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