I have been contemplating your October 2 post about Hurricane Hazel and other natural disasters.
I agree with many of your points about fear mongering and what (in my opinion) is quite frankly a global warming hoax. I do believe that the issue is a bit more nuanced when it comes to weather warfare; that is to say that it appears that we have the capacity to steer hurricanes, at least to some extent. In reference to the most recent hurricane (Helene) perhaps you have seen this short video.
Apparently the capacity to steer hurricanes has been available for at least 70 years. (That is not to say every hurricane is steered.) I leave you with a video on that history. While I do not endorse everything this man says or does, I am simply leaving the video here to consider his points on the ability to steer hurricanes. It’s up to us to dig deeper and not buy into everything we hear in the media. Read More »
Her detractors claimed that Anita Bryant “hated” homosexuals, “terrorized” them and sought to take away what they claimed were their “rights”. That was Big Lie #1. The truth is that she made a point of leaving them alone, so long as they minded their own business — until they began militant agitation aimed at the law, which involved other people’s business.
ALAN writes:
Anita Bryant has been mentioned only twice at The Thinking Housewife. I believe that is too little remembrance of a woman who spoke most courageously in the face of militant Leftist agitation, and I would like to supplement that with the following.
In 1977-’78, I paid little attention when Anita Bryant was vilified by agitators for “homosexual rights”. Had I paid more attention, I would have concluded that Americans were living on borrowed time in a fool’s paradise–not because of her, but because of her enemies and her friends.
I remembered Anita Bryant from years earlier when she was a beacon of sunshine in American entertainment. I remember her appearances on TV variety shows in the early 1960s (i.e., before The Revolution got fully under way later in that decade). She was part of an era when Americans could enjoy entertainment for families on TV programs like those of Perry Como, Andy Williams, Kate Smith, Ernie Ford, and John Gary, among others. I bought her Christmas LP Do You Hear What I Hear? I knew that she was one of the entertainers who accompanied Bob Hope on his tours to entertain American servicemen in Vietnam in the 1960s, for which they were extremely grateful. ” Anita Bryant is the greatest thing that ever happened to our annual Christmas tours for the USO,” he said in 1966.
(Regarding one such tour in Vietnam, an evangelist objected to Bob Hope including young women like Joey Heatherton and Carroll Baker in his troupe of entertainers because they might “stir up” the soldiers. That suggestion prompted Miss Baker to say, “He would have a point, except that our Army doesn’t take men who don’t like girls.” (AP, “Evangelist Stirs Debate Over Starlets Stirring Up G.I.s,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, March 24, 1966, p. 20A)
(Oh, for those glorious days of a Free Press and a masculine military and women who made pithy remarks like that — and thank you, Carroll Baker. Were “the other kind” of men offended and “hurt” by her remark? I can only hope. Imagine the howling and shrieking that would follow such a remark today after Americans have allowed their military to be weakened by all kinds of agitators. Observe how easily American men allow themselves to be brainwashed and emasculated: Whereas American soldiers cheered Miss Baker’s remark sixty years ago, today they would apologize for it. And observe the difference in the Press between 1966, when it did not append any note of disapproval to her remark, and 1977, when it took delight in smearing Anita Bryant for her remarks, and today, when it takes even greater delight in repeating the Big Lies that I will cite below.)
It would be hard to say which was worse: What political agitators and some “journalists” did to Anita Bryant, or what American men in general and those around her in particular did not do in her defense. It proved to me that a cultural revolution had taken place in less than two decades. The mere existence of a “debate” about the alleged “rights” of homosexuals showed how morally and philosophically bankrupt Americans had allowed themselves to become by the 1970s. Read More »
JAYANT Bhandari, who emigrated from India to Canada, where he is a writer and business investor, discusses the Indian mentality:
Concepts like fairness, justice, trust, empathy and impartiality are completely alien concepts to the Indian mind. They cannot differentiate between right and wrong. They simply can’t differentiate between what is right and wrong. They do not have the concepts, the Western value concepts that you think are a part of the natural existence — they aren’t. Indians are indifferent even when there is no cost involved in doing the right thing, in delivering fairness or justice.
I would go as far as saying that … if they could deliver fairness and justice without any personal cost they would still prefer not to do it because they see doing the right thing as a sign of weakness.
I guess anyone who has been to India on a budget of less than $50 a day would recognize what I’m saying here. If you spend $500 a day you will never understand.
Indians cannot maintain the institutions established by the British. These institutions have been completely hollowed out and corrupted. They have become predatory — the Constitutions and laws hold no value in that country. The only forces driving these institutions are bribes and connections. You go in front of a judge and you bribe the policemen and the bureaucrats … right in front of the judge. That’s how openly bribe is conducted in that country.
Bhandari has elsewhere said that Justin Trudeau should be charged with treason for flooding Canada with Indians:
India cannot be civilized. It can only be contained, but the West is too politically correct and now mostly naive to contain it. I am mostly worried about the Indianization, and the [Third] world-ization of the West. (Source)
I’ve been going through old posts and found this one.
Feminism and the female vote was the precursor to what we have now. I understand this.
And I agree about women boxing. I would almost take it a step further and say, all women’s sports masculinize them, but there is almost no one I could express this to now! There is no emphasis on homemaking skills anymore — just sports and assertiveness. Women aren’t sweet anymore, and don’t need to be “nice” to men; they think they don’t need them. It’s sad.
“WE frequently hear it said, referring to the duty of removing slavery, that we must break every yoke. Many who say this reckon that in the United States there are three million two hundred and four thousand three hundred and thirteen ‘yokes,’ this being the number of slaves.
“Now, you can not pass through the south and not see that a very large number may at once be struck from this reckoning of yokes; that there are very many slaves who, if you should propose to break a ‘yoke’ for them, would not understand you. The question is not as to enslaving a new people; nor does it relate to the Antilles, nor to Guiana, nor to Mexico; it relates to these people who are here; and the proper question is not an abstract one with regard to slavery, but what is best for this people in their circumstances. The troubles which we impute to their condition are many of them like the most of our own, viz., ‘borrowed troubles;’ we make them in our thoughts bear the burdens of all the possible evils which theoretically belong to the system of slavery. Even if we take all these into view, the amount of happiness among them compares favorably with that among the same number of people elsewhere. If there are some evils to which they are exposed, there are others from which they are exempt. The feeling involuntarily arose within me at the south, and especially in the religious meetings of the slaves, Would that all Africa were here! Could villages and tribes of Africans be by any means induced to emigrate to this land, and be placed under the influences which the slaves enjoy, Ethiopia would stretch out her hands to God sooner than the most sanguine interpreters of prophecy now dare to hope. It is deeply affecting to hear the slaves give thanks in their prayers that they have not been left like the heathen who know not God, but are raised, as it were, to heaven in their Christian privileges.’
“IT is imperative to guarantee that women have autonomy in deciding their preference of having children, based on their own convictions, free from any intervention or pressure from the government,” the Republican nominee’s wife writes, amid a campaign in which Donald Trump’s threats to women’s reproductive rights have played a central role.
“Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body? A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes.
“Restricting a woman’s right to choose whether to terminate an unwanted pregnancy is the same as denying her control over her own body. I have carried this belief with me throughout my entire adult life.”
“SOMETIMES, when I read spiritual treatises, in which perfection is shown with a thousand obstacles in the way and a host of illusions round it, my poor little mind grows very soon weary. I close the learned book, which leaves my head muddled and my heart parched, and I take up the Holy Scripture. Then all seems luminous, a single word opens up infinite horizons to my soul, perfection seems easy; I see it is enough to realize one’s nothingness and give oneself wholly, like a child, into the arms of the good God.”
“Understand that to love Jesus, to be His victim of love, the weaker one is, without desires or virtues, the more apt one is for the operations of that transforming and consuming Love. The desire to be a victim is enough of itself, but one must consent to stay always poor and without strength, and that’s the difficulty, for where are we to find the truly poor in spirit? He must be sought afar, says the psalmist. He does not say we must look for him among great souls, but ‘afar,’ that is in lowliness and nothingness. Ah! do let us stay very far from all that is brilliant, let us love our littleness, love to feel nothing, then we shall be poor in spirit, and Jesus will come for us, far off as we are, He will transform us in love’s flames.”
FOR those who rush to the conclusion that Hurricane Helene was somehow caused either by weather engineers in the government (conservatives) or by global warming (liberals), I urge you to examine some of the storms of the past. Both these scenarios can’t withstand serious consideration.
Hazel (1954 — made landfall in North Carolina as a Category 4; killed 175 in the U.S. and caused the highest wind ever recorded in Philadelphia), Agnes (1972 — more than 43,000 structures were destroyed or severely damaged in Pennsylvania and New Jersey; the city of Wilkes Barre, Pa. never fully recovered), Hugo (1989 — with extensive damage to South Carolina and North Carolina), Floyd (1999 — with 105 mph winds when it made landfall at Cape Fear, NC) and Sandy (2012 — with serious inland damage as far north as New England) — these are some of the hurricanes of the past.
The science for creating and directing major hurricanes is very unlikely. Not that weather engineering doesn’t exist, but this kind of storm involves massive atmospheric systems and trillions of tons of water. It’s beyond human intelligence and means. Real life is not like the recent movie Twisters, where a super-cool and extremely pretty meteorologist is able to calm immense winds by pushing a few buttons. If things were that simple, many of us would have been blown away by now after those dastardly weather schemers sent winds into our communities.
The damage in some cases (I’m not referring to the latest in the Smokey Mountains) is caused by human beings who build in areas prone to flooding or build inadequate levees or dams.
The most amazing thing about the weather is how it follows certain regular laws, even during what to us are catastrophes. This regularity of a vast system of winds and waters, so complex human beings despite eons of study still struggle to make accurate predictions let alone control it, and the fact that we are not all swirled into the void by high winds, are signs of our Creator’s providential care. The weather itself is proof of an Intelligence that governs all. We are subject to a fallen creation, but even so the hurricane, tropical storm and tornado are the exceptions. The sun comes out the next day. Though we should be compassionate after a major storm, where is the gratitude for the thousands of days without major storms?
Here’s a good comment for those in the “catastrophic global warming” category from Spiked:
Each year, hurricane forecasters issue their annual predictions for the Atlantic hurricane season. This year, with the Earth experiencing a temperature spike, there was near unanimity among forecasters that the Atlantic would experience a remarkable jump in hurricane activity, with one news outlet saying this would be a ‘supercharged’ hurricane season. However, the reality thus far, with two-thirds of the season behind us, is that it has been no more eventful than average. Meanwhile, activity in the world’s other oceans has been uniformly low. So much for ‘supercharged’ hurricanes. Read More »
FROM “Forced Labor: What’s Wrong with Balancing Work and Family” by Brian C. Robertson (Spence Publishing, 2002):
“The satisfactions of motherhood have little to do with ego-gratification or the pleasure derived from seeing the immediate results of one’s toil; they are, rather, the satisfactions of complete self-giving to a totally dependent creature. A society that measures success exclusively in terms of material or professional attainment is unlikely to accord much status to the hidden work of the mother in the home. More likely to value the mother’s unique contributions is a culture whose ideal is self-giving, be it the sometimes monotonous, consistent toil of the breadwinner borne for the sake of the family or the same toil borne at home for the same reason. It is not mere coincidence that a society in which the predominant view of work was Catherine Beecher’s “self-sacrificing labor of the stronger and wiser members [of the family] to raise the weaker and more ignorant to equal advantages” venerated the mother at home, while a society that views work as a means of self-aggrandizement holds her in contempt.
“A good mother must have total devotion to her work, but not because of the prospect of payback in the form of immediate results or pecuniary reward. The accomplishments of a day’s work of mothering are impossible to quantify and will only manifest themselves, possibly, in the distant future. The truth that civilization itself depends on such intangibles only underscores the fact that the goals involved in the work of parenting are much more remote and less susceptible to analysis based on results than are the market-oriented goals of professional or wage work. The product of a mother’s work is not a project or a paper, but a person, with his or her own personality, temperament, and free will. Read More »
“WHAT are the nefarious consequences of the artificial limitations and subsequent misdirectioning which the current financial system imposes on our economic activities? They are legion: the instability of the business cycle, constant inflation (mostly cost-push, but also demand-pull), the misuse of economic resources, economic inefficiency, waste, and sabotage alongside forced economic growth, an ever-increasing mountain of societal debt that is, in the aggregate, unrepayable, recurring financial crises, heavy and often increasing taxation, wage and debt-slavery, servility, the usurpation of the unearned increment of association by the private banking system, the centralization of economic wealth, privilege, and power in fewer and fewer hands, forced migration, cultural dislocation, unnecessary stresses and strains, social conflict, environmental degradation, and international economic conflict leading to war, etc., etc.”
I DON’T LIKE to watch TV news about devastating storms because there’s so much hype and distortion, but I found this video that gives you an idea of the damage of the recent hurricane that swept the Southeast.
So sad to see these areas and the people affected and to think how difficult it will be for them to rebuild.
“COMPARED with ours how calm and how luminous is the knowledge of pure spirits [i.e., angels]! They are not doomed to the intricate discoursings of our reason, which runs after the truth, composes and analyzes, and laboriously draws conclusions from premises. They instantaneously apprehend the whole compass of primary truths. Their intuition is so prompt, that it is impossible for them to be surprised. as we are, into error. If they deceive themselves it must be of their own will. The perfection of their will is equal to the perfection of their intellect. They know not what it is to be disturbed by the violence of appetites. Their love is without emotion; and their hatred of evil is as calm and as wisely tempered as their love. A will so free can know no perplexity as to its aims, no inconstancy in its resolutions. Whereas with us long and anxious meditation is necessary before we make a decision, it is the property of the angels to determine by a single act the object of their choice. God proposed to them, as He does to us, infinite beatitude in the vision of His own Essence; and to fit them for so great an end, He endowed them with grace at the same time as He gave them being. In one instant they said Yes or No; in one instant they freely and deliberately decided their own fate.””
ANOTHER white child is beaten up in a government school, this time in Mississippi. Will this boy ever be the same again?
Parents who live in all-white or mostly white neighborhoods generally don’t care about this kind of thing (that usually occurs in poorer areas.) When it comes to the victims of black cruelty, they have hearts of stone. The plight of white children who face aggression on a routine basis never moves them. One is tempted to believe they want young white children to be mauled to assuage their own un-Christian racial guilt.
Ironically, many blacks actually want whites to lead and defend their own societies — and to protect blacks from themselves. Read More »