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Education and the Soul

February 27, 2021

“EVERY child born into this world is given a body and soul. This soul, for which the body was created, and which will rise with it at the last day, be judged with it for the acts done in life, and be happy or unhappy with it for all eternity, is, in consequence of the “fall,” turned away from God, and the body, no longer acting in obedience to right reason, seeks its own gratification, like any irrational animal. Religion (from religio) is the means provided by a merciful God to reunite the chain broken by the sin of our first parents, and bridge over the chasm opened between man and his divine destiny. To give this knowledge of religion is the principal purpose of education. Without this it is mere natural instruction, but no education at all. It would be worse than giving, as we say, ‘the play of Hamlet with the part of the Prince of Denmark left out.’

“Religion, then, forms the spirit and essence of all true education. As leaven must be diffused throughout the entire mass in order to produce its effects, so religion must be thoroughly diffused throughout the child’s entire education, in order to be solid and effective . Not a moment of the hours of school should be left without religious influence. It is the constant breathing of the air that preserves our bodily life, and it is the constant dwelling in a religious atmosphere that preserves the life of the youthful soul. Here are laid the primitive principles of future character
and conduct. These religious principles may be forgotten, or partially effaced, in the journey of life, but they will nevertheless endure, because they are engraved by the finger of God Himself.”

— Fr. Michael Mueller, C.S.S.R.; Public School Education1879



Why Americans Deserve the Therapeutic State

February 23, 2021

                           Richard Chamberlain as Dr. Kildare

Although we may not know it, we have, in our day, witnessed the birth of the Therapeutic State.

                                   — Thomas Szasz, Law, Liberty, and Psychiatry (1963), p. 212

          By prescribing literal treatments for diseases and metaphorical treatments for disagreements and by assuming the power to impose such treatments on those who do not submit to them voluntarily, the Therapeutic State aspires to become one of the most hideous tyrannies in human history.

      — Thomas Szasz, Heresies (1976), p. 183

ALAN writes:

Anyone who thinks that Dr. Szasz exaggerated in statements like these above obviously has not been paying attention. Tyrants, thugs, and totalitarians will use the Therapeutic State as a pretext and means by which to seize the limitless, unchecked power over our lives that traditional political or Constitutional constraints denied to them—and they will do so in the name of Doing Good. The current Lockdown (read: Takedown) is merely the most dramatic and far-reaching example of their lust for power.

That people today are dying or being made sick by alleged “vaccines” for an alleged “virus” whose very existence is open to debate is a predictable consequence of Americans’ naïve, childlike trust in doctors, “experts,” and do-gooders.

In 2014 I wrote (on paper, not online) three lengthy essays under the heading “On the Evil Done by Do-Gooders.” I wrote about the effects of that evil on decent people who made the mistake of trusting do-gooders. I did not then expect Americans to provide as many concrete examples of that evil as they are providing today by dint of their uncritical acceptance of the Great Flu Fraud and its corollary frauds.

The arrogance of many doctors has been known for centuries. It was discussed by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn in his book Confessions of a Medical Heretic (1979) and by Dr. Szasz in many of his books and essays. They were two of the few honest and intelligent men in their profession.

The arrogance of doctors was plainly evident in the television series “Dr. Kildare,” which I remember watching in 1962 and which reflected the conceit that doctors are wise beyond measure and can resolve human conflicts and disagreements as readily as they remove tonsils. Read More »


In Search of the Virus, cont.

February 23, 2021


[Note to reader: Disregard any warning notice when you try to play this video.]

MARK M. writes from England:

First may I offer maximum props for your work – excellent, I read you several times a week!

Regarding yesterday’s post on virus isolation, here is the early December 2020 Cowan/Rappoport interview, since censored by YouTube. As I recognized it as pure gold and an inevitable target for censorship, I recorded it – just as well.

As rational beings, we can make a definitive judgement and I believe that the video supplies the means to have as much certainty as any scientist. We need to get off the fence on this.

May God bless and keep you and Our Lady watch over you.

Read More »



February 22, 2021


Source: Swiss Policy Research (DPM = Deaths per Million)

SUSAN ANNE WHITE writes from Northern Ireland:

I am confused as to your views on COVID-19 and now, on COVID vaccines as well. Some of your recent posts seem to point to a wavering attitude to COVID-19 on your part. The post entitled “Correction: COVID shot fatalities” gives the impression that you are warning your readers about these vaccines (and rightly so) but when set alongside another of your posts entitled “Treatments of COVID-19” which includes these (your) words, “Those who are not interested in getting the vaccines….”gives me the impression that it is neither here nor there if people want, or do not want, a vaccine. The danger of these vaccines is not apparent in your words quoted above. Read More »


Consequences for the Elderly

February 22, 2021


A LOOK at a couple of the elderly people who faced grueling loneliness in facilities during the past year while denied visits from their relatives. It is sad that as a society we depend so much on these institutions.


Yes, the Virus Has Been Isolated in a Lab

February 22, 2021

I HAVE posted interviews, comments and quotes from doctors stating that the COVID-19 virus has never been properly isolated in a lab. According to the late author David Crowe, for example, “the word ‘isolation’ has been so debased by virologists it means nothing (e.g. adding impure materials to a cell culture and seeing cell death is ‘isolation’).”

Dr. Pam Popper, of Make American Free Againargues, however, that this assertion is wrong and provides critical analysis of the claim. She elaborates in a new video. In her daily newsletter today, she writes:

Every day I receive a few emails from people claiming that “the virus does not exist.” Most of the time a link to a YouTube video is provided as evidence to support this statement. Almost every time I teach a class someone asks about this claim – even when the class is not about COVID-19. An analysis was definitely needed.


Those claiming that the virus does not exist often cite a document titled “CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCov) real Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel,” which is currently posted online and last updated on December 1, 2020.[1] The context is which this document was originally written and posted is important. It was written in January 2020 after the first cases were reported in Wuhan, China. The CDC was rushing to develop its own tests for the purpose of diagnosing “cases” of SARS-CoV-2. Read More »


The Desert Fathers on Fasting

February 22, 2021




Pizza Industrial Complex Is Booming

February 22, 2021


AMERICA’S favorite fast food — fiberboard coated with sugar-spiked tomato sauce and recycled rubber — has become even more popular in the past year. It’s cheap, it’s fast, it’s filling. You can get it almost anywhere.

Billionaires have become trillionaires. You can almost hear the Great Resetters say, “Let them eat pizza.”



The Total Lenten Fast of St. Francis

February 19, 2021

YOU CAN read about the miraculous Lenten fast of St. Francis, made by the saint in 1211 A.D. on the then isolated island of Isola Maggiore in Lake Trasimene in Central Italy (not far from Assisi), at Shield of Faith blog.



The Vaccine Is Russian Roulette

February 19, 2021

AN interview with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny examines the COVID vaccines, adverse reactions and the ongoing, over-the-top promotion of the shots. She explains the technology of messenger RNA drugs and what she contends are their risks.

I’m not endorsing everything said in this video. The first 20 minutes or so interested me the most.


The Path of Penance

February 17, 2021

“WHEN the penitent sinner inflicts corporal penance upon himself, God’s justice is appeased. We have a proof of it in the Ninivites. If the Almighty pardoned an infidel city, as Ninive was, solely because its inhabitants sought for mercy under the garb of penance; what will he not do in favour of his own people, who offer him the twofold sacrifice, exterior works of mortification, and true contrition of heart? Let us, then, courageously enter on the path of penance. We are living in an age, when, through want of faith and of fear of God, those practices which are as ancient as Christianity itself, and on which we might almost say it was founded, are falling into disuse: it behooves us to be on our guard, lest we, too, should imbibe the false principles, which have so fearfully weakened the Christian spirit. Let us never forget our own personal debt to the divine Justice, which will remit neither our sins nor the punishment due to them, except inasmuch as we are ready to make satisfaction. We have just been told, that these bodies, which we are so inclined to pamper, are but dust; and as to our souls, which we are so often tempted to sacrifice by indulging the flesh, they have claims upon the body, claims of both restitution and obedience.”

Dom Prosper Gueranger, The Liturgical Year: “Ash Wednesday”



Ash Wednesday

February 17, 2021


FROM The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis (Richard Whitford translation):

Jesus hath many lovers of His kingdom of heaven, but He hath few bearers of His cross. Many desire His consolation, but few desire His tribulation. He findeth many fellows at eating and drinking, but He findeth few that will be with Him in His abstinence and fasting. All men would joy with Him, but few would anything suffer for Christ. Many follow Him to the breaking of His bread for their bodily refection, but few will follow Him to drink a draught of the chalice of His Passion. Many marvel and honour His miracles, but few will follow the shame of His cross. Many love Jesus so long as no adversity befalleth them, and can praise Him and bless Him when they receive any benefit of Him: but if Jesus a little withdraw Himself from them, and a little forsake them, anon they fall to some great grudging, or to overgreat dejection.

They that love Jesus purely for Himself, and not for their own profit and commodity bless Him as heartily in temptation, tribulation, and all other adversities as they do in the time of consolation. And if He never sent them consolation, yet would they always laud Him and praise Him.

O how much may the love of Jesus do to the help of a soul, if it be pure and clean, not mixed with any inordinate love to self! May not they then that ever look for worldly comforts, and for worldly consolations, be called worldly merchants and worldly lovers, rather than lovers of God? Do they not openly shew by their deeds that they rather love themselves than God?



Eugenicists Play Saviors

February 16, 2021

A COMMENT posted by ‘Kalen’ under “5 questions to ask your friends who plan to get the Covid vaccine:

COVID is a theatre of absurd produced by global oligarchy to make people mad, incapable of defending themselves from genocide of the brave, new, technocratic World of Reset.

In the COVID theatre of wilderness and pain, nobody is real, nothing is what it seems.

The devils play saints, demons play angels, inhumane play humane, liars play honest, cruel play gentle, greedy play generous, clueless play knowledgeable, oppressors play protectors, accusers play defenders, killers play doctors, eugenicists play saviors.

COVID tests are not COVID tests, COVID pandemic is not COVID pandemic, COVID cases are not COVID cases, COVID hospitalizations are not COVID hospitalizations, COVID deaths are not COVID deaths, COVID vaccines are not vaccines at all.

All of that is cultist illusion to distract and explain deliberately shuttered lives and piling up bodies.



Hague Court Declares Curfew Unlawful

February 16, 2021

FROM EuroNews:

A court in The Hague ruled on Tuesday that the current curfew in the Netherlands to stop the spread of COVID-19 should be lifted as it violates freedom of movement and assembly. Read More »


Goodbye to the Saucerians

February 15, 2021

Among other things the Annals of Saucerology can teach us is that some endeavors in life are engineered for men and others for women.  That is the way it is—not because anti-feminists like me say so, but because Nature makes it that way.

ALAN writes:

As a diversion from current goings-on that are bad, worse, or still worse, I offer the following reminiscence from ancient times:

Many boys who grew up in the 1950s-‘60s had the good fortune to become cub scouts and boy scouts.  I did not have that good fortune.  But in the late 1960s, I became involved in another masculine endeavor.

One day in 1968, eight men sat around a table in a private home in St. Louis County and agreed to establish an informal organization.  Among them were a chemist, a mail carrier, a newspaper worker, two aerospace engineers, and a high school student.  I was that student and the youngest one there.

What we had in common was a desire to explore the controversy about Extraordinary Flying Objects.  Some of us had spoken with airline pilots or police officers who had reported seeing such objects in the sky.  The purpose of the group was to investigate and study any such reports originating in or near St. Louis.

In looking back to those years, nothing stands out more clearly than that our project was a decidedly masculine undertaking.  Such a project appealed to many teenage boys, young men, and engineering types.  It involved elements of astronomy, optics, aviation, eyewitness testimony, and detective work, things of interest primarily to men.  It was also a good introduction to the work of evaluating ideas and conflicting truth claims.

Thousands of men across the nation—businessmen, writers, engineers, professors, outdoorsmen, amateur astronomers—volunteered their time and interest in pursuit of the truth behind reports of Extraordinary Flying Objects.  But very few women did likewise.  I can remember fewer than 20 women who took an interest in that subject. Read More »


Dancing Nurses and Manufactured Outrage

February 15, 2021

I DON’T KNOW who started the trend of “dancing nurse” videos. Unless you’ve lived in a cave for the past year, you’ve surely seen them.

Was it a marketing team from TikTok? I had never even heard of TikTok before this. The social media platform gained tons of publicity from the phenomenon. Was it a psychological warfare department in government or business? Was this another ritual humiliation invented by powerful occultists? Or was this all just from the beginning a spontaneous grassroots phenomenon that showed what a decadent society we have become?

I don’t know, but I’m sure of one thing. Videos promoted as widely and heavily on social media as these have been serve a purpose for the perverts in charge. Of that, I have no doubt.

Some people obviously find these cute-sy nurses with their peppy routines performed in the ugly, dumpy scrubs that make medical workers look like Maoist serfs to be wonderful and heart-warming. Many people, however, don’t find them wonderful at all. That’s why I say the phenomenon was encouraged for the express purpose of stoking outrage as well as providing entertainment. They seem intended to distract; to entertain and to annoy; to draw attention and create intense division. A segment of the public became steaming mad that nurses were dancing during a supposed pandemic. These feelings are similar to the outrage people feel when they hear or read of library drag queens, a real, though exaggerated phenomenon, intensely disturbing, that also seems intended to get ordinary people extremely upset. Emotion — whether it be fear or outrage — is a tool of control. People who are agitated often don’t get much done and end up feeling defeated.

That’s why I don’t post or comment on these incredibly idiotic videos which underscore the near-total lack of dignity of the nursing profession in feminist America. Obviously there are many real dancing nurses out there and they prove, among other things, that there is no ongoing medical catastrophe.

But I could care less what they do. Read More »


Cure for Pandemic: Ignore It

February 15, 2021

NEPAL, with 30 million people, was too poor to continue lockdowns as of July and too poor to test millions of people with an inaccurate test. Now public health officials say the virus is basically gone. 



Correction: COVID shot fatalities

February 15, 2021

THE Centers for Disease Control now has a page dedicated to deaths from COVID-19 vaccine. It reports:

Over 41 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through February 7, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 1,170 reports of death (0.003%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA physicians review each case report of death as soon as notified and CDC requests medical records to further assess reports. A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records findings revealed no link with vaccination. CDC and FDA will continue to investigate reports of adverse events, including deaths, reported to VAERS.

This is more than the 653 deaths I reported here a few days ago. Also, the Food and Drug Administration requires providers of the injection to report deaths. Read More »