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Children Burn Masks in Idaho

March 7, 2021

BEAUTIFULJust beautiful.

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Debunking Germ Theory

March 7, 2021


THREE DOCTORS challenge the major tenets of modern virology, the foundation of our ongoing medical tyranny. As Dr. Andrew Kauffman points out, if the dogmas of germ theory are true they will withstand this critique. If they are not true, they must be abandoned no matter how profitable them may be.


Uprising in Ireland

March 7, 2021

MASS RALLIES against COVID restrictions continue throughout Europe, but they are rarely reported in the mainstream news. Youtube channels that post videos of these rallies have been taken down.

Listen to a speech at a rally in Cork, Ireland yesterday here.



The Lie of American Freedom

March 7, 2021




Third Sunday in Lent

March 7, 2021

Nikolai Ge, What is truth?, 1890

Believing as the Church Believes
by Anonymous

“Blessed are they who hear the word of God and keep it” (Lk.11:28). Like the Blessed Virgin Mary, who conceived the Word of God in her heart before she conceived Him in her womb, we must hear the word of God and believe. Jesus, exasperated by the lack of belief of His hearers, once compared them to children sitting in the market place, shouting to one another: “We have piped to you and you have not danced; we have sung dirges and you have not mourned” (Mt.11:16,17). Created by God as rational beings, their minds were too clouded by sin and the errors of the times to recognize the Messiah when they saw Him.

Just as it is reasonable to believe in God, it is reasonable to BELIEVE God when He speaks. It is reasonable to believe what God has revealed. The Catholic Religion is the most reasonable of all religions. In fact, it is the ONLY reasonable religion, the only religion based on the truth of God’s revealed word. Hearing God’s word means belonging to the Catholic Church, the Ark of Salvation. The Church expresses this doctrine in the formula, Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus, “Outside the Church there is no salvation.”** Read More »


Trump and Alex Jones

March 5, 2021

WAS Donald Trump’s presidential persona consciously modeled after the loud-mouth Alex Jones? Seems like it.

This 2018 article by Timothy Fitzpatrick is still a fascinating read:

If the Trump persona truly is based on the Alex Jones persona, perhaps we can make a prediction of where Trump’s presidency will go. Right now, Alex Jones, as a character, appears to be on the decline. The truly awakened individuals that once followed him are long gone and now all he has left are mindless “red-pilled” idiots, of mostly millennial, hillbilly, and pothead extraction. His out-of-control behaviour is, perhaps, doing the most damage to his status and reputation. The publicity of his custody-trial with ex-wife Violet revealed a lot about the artificiality of his public character. He is currently married to what appears to be a former hooker. His strange relationship with Hollywood sleaze Charlie Sheen went public a few years ago, and now his former employers are bringing to light even more darker truths of the Alex Jones character. In essence, he is self-destructing. Could Donald Trump follow a similar path? Many think he already is. Both Jones and Trump share the pathology of narcissism, which makes them their own worst enemies—and at the complete mercy of their handlers. Read More »


It Was Never About Health

March 5, 2021


DR. Ben Tapper’s speech before the Omaha City Council last August is still timely.

They don’t care about your health.

(Note: If you get a warning message, please ignore it. There is no danger.)



In the Hours of Pre-Spring

March 4, 2021

“SUFFERING, no matter how small, has its own work. I pray that mine will perform its work within me, and that the time I have left in this life will be well used as a result of the inevitability of suffering.

“The rain in these mountains has stopped for now, and the air is clear and cold and peaceful. Spring is less than three weeks away, and I am straddling the two seasons, enjoying the things of winter and yet looking forward to a loosening of my joints and a new perfume in the air when the green things begin to lift towards the heavens again. All around me, the trees and bulbs are pushing and jostling and insistent in their cellulose way. And in the background, men work their evil deeds and tell their blatant lies. It is a wondrous time to be alive right now.”

— S.K. Orr at Steeple Tea



“Jewish Fragility”

March 4, 2021

JEWISH Fragility refers to feelings of discomfort a Jewish person experiences when they witness discussions around race and theology.  This may trigger anger, fear, guilt,  and violence.  Some Jews may become insecure when other people groups claim privileges that Jew[ish] people enjoy.

If a Jewish person  becomes defensive, a non-Jew may feel obligated to comfort the Jew.  For example, some Christians comfort Jews by telling them they are “God’s children,” while some Europeans speak words establishing racial self-hatred.   These non-Jews seek to unburden themselves from socially constructed sin accusations (racism or anti-semitism).

Manifestations of Jewish fragility commonly include accusing others of what they do themselves. These include, but are not limited to:

Inventing a social sin that only applies to non-Jews (anti-semitism).

The privilege of their own racial homeland while accusing others of a social sin (racism)  for seeking the same privilege.

Establishing organizations promoting the interests of their own race while denying that privilege to others, specifically Whites.

Violence toward those who do not submit to religious, historical, and cultural narratives promoted by the Jews.

One manifestation of Jewish fragility was the reaction to Jesus Christ, who verbally chastised them for  hypocrisy. As a result, the Jews used their power and influence (Jewish privilege) to have him executed.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
28 February 2021



Did God Love Us Too Much?

March 4, 2021

MEDITATING upon the gruesome and bloody crucifixion of Jesus is too much for most people. Why?

The Rev. Frederick William Faber offered one reason:

It is the excessive love of the Incarnation and the Passion which makes men find it hard to believe those mysteries. We confess it seems to us that he who, on reflection, can receive and embrace those two propositions, that God loves us, and that God desires our love, can find nothing difficult hereafter in the wonders of theology. Another feature of this love is that it is eternal which is in itself an inexplicable mystery. As there never was a moment when God was not in all the plenitude of His self-sufficient majesty, so there never was a moment when He did not love us. He loved us not only in the gross as His creatures, not only as atoms in a mass, as units in a multitude, all grouped together, and not taken singly; but He loved us individually. He loved us with all those distinctions and individualities which make us ourselves, and prevent our being any but ourselves.

[Thoughts on Great Mysteries, selected from the works of Frederick William Faber; Suttaby & Co.: London; 1884.]

People who see in a crucifix only morbid and unpleasant reminders of the finality of life and who think those who meditate devoutly upon the crucifix are psychologically unbalanced are people who don’t see the love. They do not want to see the love. In fact, they do not want the love. They are repelled by this strange offer of friendship. They do not want a friend who loves them that much.



“Don’t Take the Shot” Update

March 4, 2021

FROM Children’s Health Defense:

The latest data made public by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) on deaths and injuries reported after COVID vaccines are in line with trends that have been emerging since the first data were released in December.

Between Dec. 14, 2020 and Feb. 18, 2021, 19,907 reports of adverse events have been reported to VAERS, including 1,095 deaths and 3,767 serious injuries.

About a third of the deaths reported occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, and 48% of the people who died became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

At least they didn’t die of Covid, right? During the same period, the VAERS database tallied 83 deaths from the flu vaccine. Read More »


Texas Is Reopening

March 3, 2021

NOW how about arresting the governor, health officials and a few mayors on charges of criminal fraud, manslaughter and treason for their role in shutting down the economy and promoting a fake pandemic?



Vax Critics Are “Domestic Terrorists”

March 3, 2021

IT WAS only a matter of time before Vaccine Villains were called threats to national security. From Richard Pan in The Washington Post:

This campaign to deny potentially lifesaving vaccines to those seeking them,  and to poison public opinion against vaccinations, could result in countless American deaths. That is akin to domestic terrorism.

Public health officials, police and fire departments must join hands with a common goal of securing vaccination sites for patients. But, like the virus itself, anti-vaccine extremists are crafty at finding new ways to threaten people. Disruptions are possible anywhere vaccinations are being administered, at sites large and small — even at pharmacies, just as anti-maskers have harassed employees and customers at stores.

Back in the good old days only slick television commercials, brochures and ads on the Internet promoted highly profitable drugs. Now Swat teams and troops need to do it. The idea that there are dangerous extremists attempting to block people from getting these experimental injections, and that scientific objections are “poison” and “threatening,” is the most clever and sinister pharmaceutical marketing tactic ever invented.

The most effective way to lie is just to assert brazenly the opposite of the truth:

“anti-maskers have harassed employees and customers at stores.”

Yeah, right. The Washington Post is owned by someone who has gained billions from the Covid takedown. Nothing the newspaper says on the subject should be viewed as anything but slick advertising.

Questioning companies that have already committed massive fraud (see “Pfizer Paid Largest Criminal Fine in U.S. History”) does not make you “anti-vax” or extremist. It makes you reasonable. It makes you a responsible and conscientious citizen. Blindly accepting, without any thought, what the Vax salesforce says makes you just plain stupid, willfully stupid if you are not in a state of physical dementia and a danger to others who may be influenced by you. Pretty soon being anything but overtly and recklessly stupid is going to be illegal. In fact, it already is. They might as well throw everyone who believes two plus two equals four in jail and get it over with. Call them “anti-math extremists.”

Here’s a good fib in response to these brazen lies:



Real History and the Suffragettes

March 1, 2021

Alice Mary Robertson

DID you know that the second woman elected to the U.S. Congress was actually opposed to the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution — the measure that granted voting rights to women nationally?

Alice Mary Robertson, who represented her district in Oklahoma from 1921-23, was one of tens of thousands of American women who were so opposed to suffrage for themselves that they either spoke out against it or joined organizations fighting it. They were known as the “anti-suffragists” and, up until the day the amendment finally passed in August of 1920 after 70 years of agitation, they were a thorn in the side of the women who fought for the vote. They staunchly believed women had too much to do of pressing importance to get involved in politics in the same way men were and they honored the separate role and authority of men.

Robertson founded a boarding school for Native American girls that eventually became the University of Tulsa. She ended up in national politics because she wanted to make the best of voting privileges for women. She believed feminism was ‘bartering the birthright for a mess of pottage.’ She opposed any women’s organizations that functioned as “a club against men.”

The dowdy Robertson didn’t enjoy any of the celebrity of the Gilded Age suffragettes who hosted recruitment parties at Sherri’s restaurant and the tony Colony Club in New York City and who bankrolled the campaign to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. “I came to Congress to represent my district not women,” Robertson said, and she shunned some of the first feminist-style legislation.

When school children today learn about Elizabeth Cady Stanton or Susan B. Anthony, both icons of modern democracy, they rarely get the other side of the story.

In an interview with Judith Sharpe at In the Spirit of Chartres, I look at some of the myths about the battle for women’s suffrage in the late-19th and early-20th century. (The interview is free for the month of March.) The suffragists — or suffragettes — seem to be more revered with each passing year and especially received a lot of attention with last year’s 100th anniversary of the amendment. Some perspective on this issue is in order. Read More »


‘C’ Is for Child Abuse

February 28, 2021

A MOTHER reads the Gay BC’s with her bright little boy.



Meditations for Lent

February 27, 2021

c. 1476; Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest

“So great is God’s love for us and His grace towards us, that He does more for us than we can believe or understand.”

St. Thomas Aquinas



Guys on the Girls’ Team

February 27, 2021

ARE YOU concerned that women’s sports are going to be increasingly opened up to men?

No? I didn’t think so. Me neither.

Now that Biden has signed, and the House has passed, the Equality Act — it’s an equality act — more female sports teams may be forced to accept “transgendered” males.

We’re supposed to be up in arms about this, right? But I say, “Hooray!” As a friend said yesterday, “Bring it on!”

Girls in sports are already pretending to be boys. Women basketball players, skiers, runners, boxers, tennis players, etc., are already pretending to be men. Immodest dress, beefy muscles under skimpy tank tops and shorts, aggressive play, the obsession with athletics —  it’s all designed to exalt masculine behavior for girls. So it makes perfect sense that real men would join in.

If “equality” makes it difficult for girls to compete, if they lose out to boys, they can only blame the cold-hearted principles at work.

Female sports today are pagan spectacles at war with femininity. So it’s okay with me if they include men. Read More »


Education and the Soul

February 27, 2021

“EVERY child born into this world is given a body and soul. This soul, for which the body was created, and which will rise with it at the last day, be judged with it for the acts done in life, and be happy or unhappy with it for all eternity, is, in consequence of the “fall,” turned away from God, and the body, no longer acting in obedience to right reason, seeks its own gratification, like any irrational animal. Religion (from religio) is the means provided by a merciful God to reunite the chain broken by the sin of our first parents, and bridge over the chasm opened between man and his divine destiny. To give this knowledge of religion is the principal purpose of education. Without this it is mere natural instruction, but no education at all. It would be worse than giving, as we say, ‘the play of Hamlet with the part of the Prince of Denmark left out.’

“Religion, then, forms the spirit and essence of all true education. As leaven must be diffused throughout the entire mass in order to produce its effects, so religion must be thoroughly diffused throughout the child’s entire education, in order to be solid and effective . Not a moment of the hours of school should be left without religious influence. It is the constant breathing of the air that preserves our bodily life, and it is the constant dwelling in a religious atmosphere that preserves the life of the youthful soul. Here are laid the primitive principles of future character
and conduct. These religious principles may be forgotten, or partially effaced, in the journey of life, but they will nevertheless endure, because they are engraved by the finger of God Himself.”

— Fr. Michael Mueller, C.S.S.R.; Public School Education1879