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The Thinking Housewife


The Surreal Inauguration

January 20, 2021




“Health” Secretary Levine

January 20, 2021

AMERICA at large doesn’t know how dangerous this man is, but Pennsylvanians do.

Dr. Richard Levine, aka “Rachel” Levine, has been picked by Joe Biden to be his assistant secretary of health. Levine is currently Health Secretary of Pennsylvania.

He may be one of the most hated bureaucrats in America. He has caused unnecessary deaths, untold suffering and economic devastation. To top it off, Levine, who adamantly insists he is a woman, wants laws to silence anyone challenging his sort of mental condition. That’s why, of course, he has been chosen. When it comes to a virus that has never been isolated and purified in a lab or shown to be contagious by healthy people, the “science doesn’t lie.” When it comes to a universal fact recognized by all of humanity, it does. Can you imagine a health secretary who doesn’t acknowledge the basics of biology? Sadly, you can.

In other words, he’s a perfect fit for the Biden regime.

Levine played, and continues to play, open favoritism towards major corporations and big business. He allowed a large amusement park, Hershey Park, to open at 50 percent capacity while smaller fairs and businesses were shut down. He continues to persecute restaurants. He is famous for having taken his mother out of a nursing home right before he ordered sick hospital patients to be returned to nursing homes, where they caused illness and strained available resources. He’s a COVID crook who has implemented medical tyranny with Bolshevik zeal.

But it’s not hard to believe he’s headed for D.C. Maybe you’ll get a free “gender change” if you get the vaccine.



More Capitol Coup Actors

January 19, 2021




The Test Is Meaningless

January 19, 2021




Protestor Begged for Police Control at Capitol

January 19, 2021

(CONTAINS vulgar language.)

THIS could have been staged too, of course. But still what he says is true.



Keep Your Head Up!

January 18, 2021




Peace of Soul

January 18, 2021

“FOR to enter by this door of humility, thou must be earnest to embrace tribulations, and esteem them as thy sisters, and wish to be despised by all men, and that none do comfort thee but God. Let this be thy settled persuasion, that only God is thy whole joy, and that all other things be but thorns to thee. And think thou to thyself, that if thou wert led to some place, where thou shouldst receive some disgrace and affront, yet thou wouldst go willingly and with joy, being sure that God is with thee. And fix thyself firmly to wish and desire no other honour than to do that that is for His honour and glory, and to suffer for love of Him. Thou must also force thyself to be glad when any one wrongeth thee with injurious words, and despiseth or rebuketh thee; for, under this rugged bark is a hidden treasure. Tribulation taken in patience is a purging herb, that scoureth out the dregs of our imperfections and offences. Moreover, to suffer with Christ crucified is the only true glory; but to follow one’s own will and desires, endeth in perdition.”

— Father John de Bovilla, The Quiet of the Soul (Thomas Richardson and Sons, London; 1852)



Interview: “Virus Mania” Author

January 16, 2021

New Video Link

DR. Claus Köhnlein, co-author of Virus Mania, makes some interesting observations in this interview with Dr. Sam Bailey, especially on the issue of excess mortality in the U.S. and elsewhere in April, which he claims is due to over-doses of the drug hydroxychloroquine. “This is the danger in our time, the danger of over-treatment,” he says. By April, doctors were reacting to mass hysteria. Excess deaths in Belgium last year mysteriously did not extend into Germany. He says there is no other explanation than the treatments. Contagious illnesses do not observe national borders.

This is an important interview because it addresses some of the most difficult questions. I highly recommend it.

Bailey looks further at the issue of excess mortality here.




Trust the Science

January 16, 2021



Cloth Face Masks Enhance Viral Transmission

January 15, 2021

WITHOUT cloth face masks, we emit droplets. With them, we emit aerosols. The cloth breaks apart the droplets.

Aerosols, because they are lighter, travel farther. This is called “nebulization spread.”

Therefore, to be in a room filled with people wearing face masks is potentially to increase your vulnerability to transmissable respiratory contagions.

You don’t believe it, right? You believe what bureaucrats, billionaire eugenicists and the medical industry are telling you.

Fine, may I offer you a dose of DDT? Or how about a cigarette?



Dying in COVID Land

January 15, 2021


PAM POPPER does a nice job of highlighting the hypocrisy of COVID Compassion.



When DDT Was the Miracle Cure

January 15, 2021

BETWEEN 1946 and 1962, more than a billion tons of DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) was sprayed throughout the U.S. and sometimes directly applied to children. The chemical was believed to prevent the spread of polio and typhus. Read more at The Daily Mail.

According to authors Torsten Engelbrecht and Claus Köhnlein in their book Virus ManiaDDT probably caused the very paralysis it was believed to prevent. The chemical is now known to be highly toxic to humans and animals. It was finally banned by the government in 1972.

Image credit



Expert Says Middle-Aged Doctor Died of Vaccine

January 14, 2021

CHILDREN’S Health Defense Fund reports:

The Florida Health Department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are investigating the death of a Florida doctor who died Jan. 3 from a rare autoimmune disorder he developed on Dec. 21, three days after receiving Pfizer’s COVID vaccine.

As The Defender reported last week, Heidi Neckelmann, the wife of Dr. Gregory Michael, said that in her mind, her 56-year-old husband’s death was “100% linked” to the vaccine.

Now, at least one doctor has come forward publicly to say he also believes the vaccine caused Michael to develop acute idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), the disorder that killed him.

According to the New York Times:

“Dr. Jerry L. Spivak, an expert on blood disorders at Johns Hopkins University, who was not involved in Dr. Michael’s care, said that based on Ms. Neckelmann’s description, ‘I think it is a medical certainty that the vaccine was related.’ Read More »


Christmas Afterthoughts

January 13, 2021

ALAN writes:

So evil, so ugly, and so drenched in depravity had life become in this nation and in my city, St. Louis, last year that I was scarcely aware that Christmas had come and gone. Memories of Christmases Past did not even begin to occur to me until the year had ended.

I composed these words at six o’clock on the night of January 1st as I listened to Christmas carols sung by the Robert Shaw Chorale and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Only then did my memory turn to the happiest Christmases I ever knew, those between 1949 and 1970, and to the few people to whom I owed all gratitude for those things: Principally, my mother and grandparents. Read More »


To Obey or Disobey Politicians

January 13, 2021

Sick of Politics
by Anonymous

See Part One of this essay here.

What Should Be Our Attitude toward Politics and Politicians?

The way in which we should approach politics and look upon politicians is a mixture of the positive and the negative. We must be led by true and correct principles and not feelings, nor partisan attachments, nor family history, nor any other subjective criteria. Here are some principles that are worth noting and remembering:

ALL POWER COMES FROM GOD―Our Lord Himself tells us that all political power ultimately comes from God―He says to Pontius Pilate, both informing him and warning him: “Thou shouldst not have any power against Me, unless it were given thee from above!” (John 19:11).

The Old Testament says the same thing: “[God] taketh away kingdoms and establisheth them! … The most High ruleth in the kingdom of men; and He will give it to whomsoever it shall please Him, and He will appoint the basest man over it” (Daniel 2:21; 4:14). Read More »


What Scamdemic and BLM Did for Black Americans

January 12, 2021



I’m Feeling a Little Asymptomatic

January 11, 2021

FUNNY COMMENT at OffGuardian:

Just imagine if you waded into hospital pre-scamdemic, all guns blazing, demanding that they attend to you because you believe yourself to be an asymptomatic carrier of a dangerous disease, demanding PCR tests etc., but you have no symptoms at all. They would have called the men in white coats! Now the entire health service is wedded to and governed by this concept. Suckers!



Vax Casualties

January 11, 2021


Read More »