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Ember Days

September 15, 2024

Morning, Catskill Valley by George Innes; 1894

NEXT SUNDAY brings the autumnal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, when the sun is at its highest point directly above the equator, and the fall season, with its smoldering beauty, begins. The liturgical calendar also assigns seasonal significance to this season. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are “Ember Days” on the traditional Catholic calendar, days of fast, abstinence, prayer and almsgiving. These penitential days are more important than ever. This is something you can do to help yourself, your country and the people you know.

Reflections on the Autumnal Embertide can be found at Fisheaters.

In the 13th century, Blessed Jacopo de Voragine gave eight reasons to fast on an Ember Day: Read More »


Baseball Memories

September 13, 2024

ALAN writes:

“Young and foolish,
 Why is it wrong to be,
 Young and foolish,
 We haven’t long to be,
 Soon enough the carefree days, the 
 sunlit days go by…..”

— “Young and Foolish” (1954)

How very true. And so now, I look back to those carefree, sunlit days from the other end of life. The years 1958-’64 stand out in memory, and baseball was a big part of those years — as it was then, not as it is today.

Grandfather, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins — all took an interest in baseball, mostly via radio, sometimes in attending games at Sportsman’s Park in north St. Louis.  Some of them had played softball or baseball at neighborhood parks when they were young. When I was 9-10 years old, each of my parents took me to games at that wonderful old ballpark, just a few years before it was made into dust. (Frank Sinatra comes to mind:  You could stand at that location today and invoke his recording of “There Used to Be a Ballpark” right there.)

Baseball entered my awareness in 1958. My father taught me the essentials of the game on many evenings and Saturday afternoons at Marquette Park. I learned about baseball cards from classmates at St. Anthony of Padua school. All summer long, we collected them, traded them, and carried them in our pockets.  In spring and autumn, we played games with them outside our school building during recess.  We reconnoitered our neighborhood and found five confectionaries, two dime stores, two drug stores, and two corner markets where we knew we could find five-cent packs of baseball cards in case our nickels and dimes became too burdensome.

The vivid colors, the format, the names and players pictured on those 1958 Topps cards became etched forever deep in memory. My boyhood pal Jeff and I compared our evaluations of such cards as we walked through Marquette Park in the heat of midsummer days, pausing now and then for life support at one of the two drinking fountains. We walked countless times past the screen door with a bell on the top and into the Kozy Korner Confectionary in search of such cards. One of my classmates suckered me out of a nickel in exchange for a 1957 Cardinals team card. (Real value in 1958: One cent.) Couldn’t even trust a fellow altar boy.

I remember sitting in our living room with my grandfather as he watched games in the 1958 World Series on our black-and-white television.  Twenty years earlier, he watched my mother and her classmates play softball at Fox Playground in south St. Louis. If the Cardinals were well on their way toward losing a game, he would get up and turn the radio off in exasperation. At age 79, he could endure only so many losses by the home team. In later years, I felt the same. Read More »


Women Suffer the Effects of ‘Diversity,’ cont.

September 12, 2024


Lucky Larry

September 11, 2024

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September 10, 2001

September 11, 2024


How Many Died on 9/11?

September 11, 2024

SIMON SHACK at September Clues has for years maintained that either no one was killed at the World Trade Center on 9/11 or there were a small number of accidental deaths. Look at his research and judge for yourself. Regardless, many people died in the aftermath of that day as a result of war and asbestos-related injuries.

Shack wrote:

If you have come to terms with the fact that 9/11 was a massive money-making scheme and – of course – a pretext to wage hugely profitable wars, the basic rationale behind this Grand Deception should, hopefully, become clearer. It is essential to consider all the variables which such an audacious false-flag operation would entail and what precautions its plotters must have observed: The Grand Deception plan was undoubtedly meant to be foolproof and, ideally, free of unnecessary elements of risk and opposition. There was simply no rationale for the 9/11 plotters to commit a mass murder of some 3,000, mostly white-collar professionals (brokers, bankers, financial analysts, etc.) whose families would likely have access to first-rate, ‘uptown’ legal assistance. Surely, killing that many people would have been an utterly senseless, self-inflicted aggravation on the part of the perpetrators. Since they could reliably rely on the fully compliant ‘top-brass’ of the mainstream media, they would have used this unique, exclusive asset to its full potential.

Ever since day one, the major hurdle for many people to even start considering 9/11 being an ‘inside job’ has been: “I can’t believe my own government would murder 3000 of their own people”. Once that psychological obstacle is removed, it should become apparent that the whole operation consisted essentially of a covert demolition of a redundant, asbestos-filled building complex. To kill thousands of people in the process never was an envisaged proposition as it would have encountered severe resistance among the insiders involved. The second objective was to blame this destruction on a foreign enemy; an inanely fanciful, outlandish tale involving hijacked airliners used as missiles was concocted, to be supported by digital imagery and special movie effects. How this was done is thoroughly illustrated in my September Clues video analyses. Read More »


Tucker Carlson Interviews Steven Jones

September 11, 2024

IN THIS 2005 interview, Tucker Carlson interviews physicist Dr. Steven Jones about 9/11. After studying the collapse of the buildings, Dr. Jones concluded they could not have been brought down by planes, but were rigged with explosives.

Notice how Carlson does not play the clip of the Building 7 collapse as Jones requests.

Notice also how Carlson cuts him off. By conducting this interview, Carlson could later say he had given “9/11 truth” a hearing, when in fact he had not. Jones appears bemused.

Years and years of interviews like this add up to so much sham journalism. The media has failed in its responsibilities. It’s an illusion machine and only by avoidance, censorship and character smears can it keep the truth at bay.



9/11: A Controlled Demolition

September 11, 2024

VIDEO link.



Flight 93: “There’s Nothing There”

September 11, 2024

Video link



Feminism vs. the U.S. Forest Service

September 10, 2024

Gifford Pinchot visiting students at School of Forestry Camp at Gray Towers

[This entry was first posted here on June 12, 2012. It’s still an interesting story. Perhaps the Forest Service has since changed, but it seems unlikely.]

TWO YEARS ago, I posted an excerpt from a book-in-progress, The Death of the U.S. Forest Service by Christopher Burchfield.  Since renamed The Tinder Box: How Politically Correct Ideology Destroyed the U.S. Forest Service, the book was published by Stairway Press earlier this spring.

Burchfield has more than fulfilled the promise evident in that excerpt. The Tinder Box is an outstanding work of investigative reporting and cultural criticism, a blow-by-blow account of how the U.S. Forest Service, with its millions of acres of cherished timberlands, was transformed from one of the most effective and highly motivated government bureaucracies in American history to a rancorous, dysfunctional and despised workplace, a bureaucratic hellhole more preoccupied with egalitarian quotas and sexual harassment seminars than its mission to preserve and govern this country’s vast woodlands.

Burchfield, who has held jobs in the Forest Service, other government agencies and IBM, spent months poring over government documents and interviewing employees of the Forest, amassing a small mountain of evidence. Anyone who doubts that feminism severely damages the morale and initiative of men, and is inherently opposed to the pursuit of excellence, is encouraged to review this evidence. This story is so disturbing, pointing as it does to an environmental disaster of significant proportions, it is sure to be ignored by the mainstream. And that is a crime. Read More »


Women Suffer Effects of ‘Diversity’

September 9, 2024

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Free Speech for Me, But Not for Thee

September 9, 2024

AUTHOR Tim Wise receives some serious blowback on Twitter for these comments today:

The only reason Trump might win is because of white people. Not because the media is too timid, or for any other reason. Blame white people. Be brave, white liberals and admit it: our people are the enemy. Now, reject whiteness and embrace humanity. It’s easy if you try.

In general, it’s perfectly okay for a Jewish person such as Wise to incite hatred against others, but dare anyone even mildly criticize collective Jewish privilege, and his head is chopped off.

Nice to see some people are not putting up with it.

Do you think when Kamala Harris says “we will hold social media accountable for the hate,” she means Tim Wise?

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Prayer for Those Tempted to Despair

September 9, 2024

“O HOLY GHOST, who art God and our most gracious Consoler, deliver us, we beseech thee, from all sadness and discouragement; preserve all Christians from despair and its baneful consequences. Give to all, most mercifully, even to those who should attempt to take away their own lives, or whom a sudden and violent death should carry off, the time and grace of salutary contrition before the soul leaves the body. Amen.”

— The Holy Ghost Prayer Book; Imprimatur, Francis Cardinal Spellman; 1952



Global Tyranny as a Righteous Cause

September 9, 2024

THE dispersion of the Jews has rendered them a cosmopolitan people. They are the only cosmopolitan people, and in this capacity must act, and are acting, as a solvent of national and racial differences.

“The great Ideal of Judaism is not that Jews shall be allowed to flock together one day in some hole-and-corner fashion, for, if not tribal, at any rate separatist objects; but that the whole world shall be imbued with Jewish teachings.

“That in a Universal Brotherhood of Nations, a great Judaism, in fact, all the separate races and religions shall disappear. The new Constitution of the Jewish Board of Deputies marks an epoch in the history of that important institution.

“The real importance of the new Constitution is that it provides a machinery for enabling the Jews of England to work together when the occasion requires, that in short it organizes the Jews of the whole Empire, and renders their aggregate force available in cases of emergency.” [bold added]

Jewish World, February 9 and 16, 1883 Read More »


The “Popular” Song

September 7, 2024

“THE entire population of the United States could be turned into narcotic addicts if the same freedom was given the illicit narcotic ring as is now given the Yiddish popular song manufacturers. But in such a condition it would be stupid to attack the addicts; common sense would urge the exposure of the panderers.

“A dreadful narcotizing of moral modesty and the application of powerful aphrodisiacs have been involved in the present craze for popular songs — a stimulated craze. The victims are everywhere. But ministers, educators, reformers, parents, and public-spirited citizens are beginning to see the futility of scolding the young people thus diseased. Common sense dictates a cleaning out of the source of disease. The source is in the Yiddish group of song manufacturers who control the whole output and who are responsible for the whole matter from poetry to profits.

“Next to the moral indictment against the so-called ‘popular’ song is the indictment that it is not popular. Everybody hears it, perhaps the majority sings it; it makes its way from coast to coast; it is flung into the people’s minds at every movie and from every stage; it is advertised in flaring posters; phonograph records shriek it forth day and night, dance orchestras seem enamored with it, player pianos roll it out by the yard. And by sheer dint of repetition and suggestion the song catches on — as a burr thistle catches on; until it is displaced by another. There is no spontaneous popularity.

“It is a mere mechanical drumming on the minds of the public. There is often not a single atom of sentiment or spiritual appeal in the whole loudly trumpeted ‘success’: men and women, boys and girls have simply taken to humming words and tunes which they cannot escape, night or day. The deadly anxiety of ‘keeping up with the times’ drives the army of piano-owners to the music stores to see what is ‘going’ now, and of course it is the Yiddish moron music that is going, and so another home and eventually another neighborhood is inoculated.

“But there is no popularity. Take any moron music addict you know and ask him what was the ‘popular’ song three weeks ago and he will not be able to tell…”

— Henry Ford, The Dearborn Independent (1922)

Read More »


Divide and Conquer

September 7, 2024

“THIS truth is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of capital to govern the world. By dividing voters by the political party system we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance.”

— A. K. Chesterton, The Menace of the Money Power: An Analysis of World Government by Finance (1946)



Signs of a Staged Mass Shooting

September 6, 2024

EVERY day of the week in America, people are sadly killed in violent crimes.

These ordinary deaths usually receive no intense media coverage lasting for days on end. The public is not pummeled with the details, almost as if they were being systematically traumatized themselves. There are no instantaneous public expressions of grief by politicians or community-wide, televised candlelit vigils. There are no immediate calls on national television for legislative action and new security measures. These crimes often involve reckless or inexpert use of guns. There are no socially awkward and clumsy teenagers displaying the sort of Rambo-style marksmanship even highly-trained and fit members of the military would find difficult to replicate.

As I learned in the years when I was a newspaper reporter covering violent crime, family members and witnesses are devastated. They sometimes cry uncontrollably. They can barely speak or talk coherently. They experience intense shock, particularly if they have witnessed violence and bloodshed. They cannot put into words their trauma or fear in the very first moments after a violent crime, let alone smile repeatedly, as the famous Robbie Parker did at a nationally publicized press conference after his daughter was allegedly gunned down in a quiet, suburban school, just before the president interrupted his schedule and flew in for photo ops.

Always ask yourself when a big story emerges with lots of accompanying political hoopla, “Does anyone benefit?” and “Is my instinctive compassion being manipulated?”

Guns can be put to bad (murder) or good (self defense) use. But lies, especially systematic lies, are never good and can break the moral compass of a society. Terrorizing millions of children with mass coverage of allegedly horrifying crimes in schools is child abuse. My interest in this subject is primarily motivated by concern for the psychological damage done by terror propaganda.

Since the Obama administration (see video below), it has been lawful in the United States for the federal government to engage in domestic propaganda events (i.e., public deception) to combat “extremism.” Given this documented fact, it is not absurd or ridiculous for some to claim that, due to strange anomalies in certain events, the government is doing just that or that generously compensated citizens would participate in deception and even consider their participation virtuous, especially given that it is legal.

Any one or two of these phenomena at a crime scene would not be alarming or prove anything. Many or all of them appearing together is a serious problem and suggests political propaganda with an agenda of stoking fear and enacting legislative gun restrictions or security measures.

Here are some signs of a staged event:

** No clear or convincing imagery of actual attack despite the presence of dozens or hundreds of cell phones

** Immediate, pervasive, non-stop media coverage

** Victims killed instantly despite the advanced state of medical treatment for gunshot wounds

**Victims declared dead without being taken to the hospital

** Active shooter drills conducted in vicinity same day or not long before

** Witnesses say they thought it was a drill

** Lack of normal emergency response; victims often not taken to hospital

** Relatives fail to exhibit normal shock and trauma; speak as if reciting a script; laugh and smile

** Journalists ask leading questions and coach witnesses

** Police or ambulance staff stand around or mill about at scene without urgency; no sign of actual bloodshed

** Flashing lights and sirens suggest chaos and emergency scenario, but no scenes of actual carnage

** Federal or state officials quickly on the scene

** Politicians instantly call for legislative action

** Alleged perpetrator identified right away though normally it would take hours or days

** Death of perpetrator

** Highly implausible marksmanship; one in a million chance that anyone could shoot that accurately

** Contradictory details by alleged witnesses

** Manifesto by perpetrator

** Lack of convincing blood or wounds on surviving victims

** Photos of shoes at scene (Masonic symbolism)

** Empty chairs, clothes or discarded personal items at scene suggest chaos and create dramatic imagery

** Immediate identification of victims though normally it would take hours for journalists or police to collect and release information

** Wounded victims able to communicate and smile soon after attack despite grave injuries, defying all known medical norms

** Maudlin, seemingly-scripted details about victims, described as caring people

** Candlelit vigils, teddy bears, heart placards and “Strong” memes

** “We’re-all-in-this-together” language

** Scant information about victims’ past available on Internet

** Victims not on Social Security Death Index

** Initial video footage disappears

** Internet videos documenting staging censored

** No photos of actual carnage or convincing bloodshed on the Internet afterward though scenes of other crimes are easily available

** Victims valorized for weeks to the point of maximum emotional saturation of the public

** Masonic numbers, especially 3, 9, 6, 11, 33, 66

** Unquestioning adherence to script by journalists

** Immoral relationships, clownish stupidity and ridiculous outfits exhibited by witnesses, seemingly mocking viewers

** Deaths never independently verified

** Gofundme accounts benefit from intense publicity



— Comments —

Robert Robbins writes:

I don’t know if the latest shooting in Georgia this week actually happened, but I do see a comment here either way after watching a brief interview with a boy who supposedly lived to tell about whatever happened. As you have documented before in similar interviews post-horrific episodes, the boy is literally smiling the entire length of the interview, with flippant arm gestures (throwing arms up in the arm), which is precisely what you don’t do after an encounter as traumatic as that. Your whole body is weighed down by the stress of it and you are emotionally and physically exhausted. This young lad is smiling and seemingly ready to hit the pizza shop for a bite to eat.

“I was just like kinda scarred.”

If it did actually happen, I am perhaps more horrified that young people are so divorced from reality that their emotions cannot work for them to understand the trauma and tragedy. It is one thing for someone to be ignorant, since that is our natural beginning state, as we are born with a tabula rasa, but it is another thing for people to be apathetic to this degree or, worse still, to manifest the contrary and normal and healthy emotional state like fear, sadness, or just tiredness. Someone who laughs or smiles or is overall light hearted talking about a tragedy like shooting children is either a demoniac or a psychopath or both.

Mr. Robbins adds:

To the point, informative, and intriguing, your post was very good to help shine light on the mass shooting phenomenon. I had no idea hoaxes were a lawful thing now.

The world is so crazy, one is hard pressed not to become insane a little just trying to follow it. Perhaps therein lies the secret–don’t follow the world.

Laura writes:

Great point: Follow the world and and fall into lies.

So sad that people desire manufactured distractions. That’s the heart of it all.

Alan writes:

Whether “mass shootings” are real events or hoaxes is a valid question but a secondary point.  As you note, there are good reasons to conclude that some or many such incidents are staged.  But either way, they are a most convenient pretext for another propaganda barrage and for Do-Gooder entities to crawl out of the woodwork.

“Gun control” and “mental health” are codewords for surrendering more and more power to government and to “public-private partnerships”, which is code for Communist Government.  Either way, limitless government will come out on top, while individual rights, personal responsibility, the right to bear arms, and the administration of law by means of objective standards and rules are to be extinguished sooner or later, as Tyrannical Government may decide.  We can be certain that it is all carefully planned, scripted, and rehearsed.

Laura writes:

A moratorium on all publicity surrounding these events would help solve the problem, but that’s not even remotely possible.

Kathy G. writes:

The idea that it is a legitimate/legal government function to lie to and terrorize it’s own citizens with propaganda and shooting/pandemic hoaxes is simply monstrous, and should completely erase any lingering notion that we live in any kind of a “representative” system. This is all very old strategy, the ancient “Problem-Reaction-Solution”, the first historical reference of it that I know of being Diocletian burning down his own palace in order to blame and punish the early Christians. Nearly daily now, I learn of some historical event I was taught that was in reality something else entirely, or some new “crisis”, incident, or impending doom-prophecy. The Great Deceiver has been very active in the past several hundred years, and secrets are being revealed. Being grounded in Christ, Scripture, and Faith is such a help. I can’t imagine not having that, and trying to make sense of all of this and understand reality.

Janice writes:

Another aspect of these events comes to mind: the possibility of the pre-planning of the abduction of children from these places so they can be trafficked – afterward falsely reported as being killed? Maybe my imagination is in overdrive, but that could be one more motivation behind these stagings. Faking crimes is diabolical to begin with, so its not as if those responsible for it are incapable of it! Unless logistics would somehow prevent it, these ” crime scenes” would lend perfect cover for such activities.

Laura writes:

I hadn’t thought of that. Anything’s possible, but I think the success of these things depends on parents not losing their children. It’s unlikely any parent would remain quiet if a child’s body disappeared.

Another interesting video about these events:




The Case Against Winston Churchill

September 6, 2024

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