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The Thinking Housewife


The Communist Plan for Race War

August 3, 2020




Berlin Rally Against Corona Communism

August 3, 2020




The Covids

August 3, 2020



Now, the Mask Wearing People had faces with masks.
The Open Face People refused and held fast.

Those masks did no good, ‘cause the virus is small.
You might think such a thing wouldn’t matter at all.

But, because they had masks, all the Mask Wearing People
Would brag, “We’re the kindest of all the Townsheeple!”

With their snoots in the air, they would sniff and they’d snort,
“We’ll have nothing to do with the Open Face sort!”

And, whenever they met some, when they were out walking,
They’d bitch and they’d moan, squealing and squawking.

When the Mask Wearing People went out to the mall,
Could an Open Face enter the store? Not at all.

You only could shop if your faces had masks.
Still the Open Face People refused and held fast.

The liberal despots demanded compliance.
“Cover your faces!” In the name of fake science.

They lied and they threatened, without hesitation.
“No life as before! Not without vaccination!” Read More »


The Four Foundations of Covid Fraud

July 31, 2020

IF I WERE to slap myself in astonishment every time I met someone who actually believes the criminally deceptive Covid-19 numbers in the news — the surges, the new cases, the rising death toll — I would be dead of brain injury in a few weeks.

Many, many people, even otherwise intelligent people, swill these lying statistics like binge drinkers in Fort Lauderdale downing strawberry daiquiris during spring break.

“Gee, honey, they say deaths are up to 150,000. We’ll have to stay in for another five months. But, don’t worry, we can watch the news all day to pass the time.”

One friend is planning to have virtually no social contact until a vaccine is released. He probably has a greater chance of dying of the vaccine than Covid-19, but nothing can shake his conviction that we are living through the Black Plague.

I asked him if he knew anyone who had been sick or died of the illness. He knew one woman in her 30s who experienced a flu, and recovered.

“And I know a man who was perfectly healthy and working. Two weeks later, he was dead.”

I asked him how old the man was.

“Ninety-one,” he said, with a poker-straight face.

I kid you not.

People will believe what they will believe.

For the skeptics who have not succumbed to the scam or emotion, The Anti-New York Times today offers a brilliantly succinct and comprehensive summary of just how the statistics and, in many cases, the deaths themselves, are manipulated. Thank you, Mike King, for this great summary. (He unfortunately buys the wild idea that this is a conspiracy against Trump and Republicans. As I said, people will believe what they will believe.):


1. Cases Diagnosed by “Symptoms” and “Presumption”

Hospitals and nursing homes are – as per CDC directives – allowed to diagnose cases “by symptoms” and still receive their per case Covid commission checks. How many cases of pneumonia, influenza, COPD etc. were diagnosed as “presumed” Stupid-19, “by symptoms” such as fever or difficulty breathing? Answer: Lots!

From the CDC’s own bloody website / Q&A: Read More »


The Health Secretary Speaks

July 31, 2020

DR. Richard Levine is the “Health Secretary” of Pennsylvania who goes by the name “Rachel Levine” and openly impersonates a woman. This might seem like a sick joke, but it’s true. Imagine someone who can’t read being the Education Secretary, and you get the absurdity of it. He doesn’t recognize basic and obvious facts of biology, but is a top ranking, state health official. That says much about our government and the willingness of Americans to swallow open lies.

This week, Dr. Levine, who has brought Pennsylvania under inane, unconstitutional and punishing restrictions, complained about the “transphobic” attacks against him during his Covid drag queen rule. The elderly languish under ongoing quarantine, Pennsylvanians continue to absorb the mass trauma they have experienced, the fearful barely see the light of day, businesses are folding because of his directives, but Levine is ticked off that others have noticed the most obvious thing about him:

Levine spent the first four minutes of a COVID-19 briefing addressing recent discrimination she said she has faced because she is a transgender woman.

A dunk tank at the Bloomsburg Fair, menu items and Facebook posts have mocked Levine’s gender identity.

“I want to emphasize that while these individuals may think they are only expressing their displeasure with me, they are in fact hurting the thousands of LGBTQ Pennsylvanians who suffer directly from these current demonstrations of harassment. Your actions perpetuate a spirit of intolerance and discrimination against LGBTQ individuals and specifically transgender individuals,” Levine said.

Fair officials and others have apologized for their actions.

Look, we all have things we’d like to change about ourselves, some have very big things. But most people somehow learn the art of resignation. Transphobia is another word for common sense. We should be compassionate towards suffering, but deeply afraid of lying, delusional behavior. Richard is not a Rachel and there is a case to be made that he belongs not just in a dunk tank at the state fair, but under permanent, lifelong quarantine in a locked facility with no visitors ever just like all those who died this year in near solitude because of his unconstitutional orders. He is a danger to public health. When faced with a psychopathic manipulator, we should put the things she, I mean he, says before a mirror. When he says he’s being hurt, he’s actually hurting others. When he says the mockery of him is hurting others, it is actually helping them.

Levine is guilty of mentally abusing the young and the vulnerable by promoting the transgender lie. When he says he is a victim of discrimination, we know the exact opposite is true. He has gotten to this position of power precisely because he is impersonating a woman. He is not a victim of discrimination; he is a beneficiary of it. The people who apologized should be ashamed of themselves not for ridiculing him, but for failing to ridicule this state of affairs enough.

“My heart is full with a burning desire to help people and my time is full with working towards protecting the public health of everyone in Pennsylvania from the impact of the global pandemic due to COVID-19. And I will stay laser focused on that goal,” she said.

Are you interested in this Health Secretary’s burning desires?

I’m not.

When Richard Levine says he is protecting public health, he is disastrously damaging it. He is a public health emergency.


Read More »


The Molding of the Commie Child

July 31, 2020

FROM The Contemplative Observer:

Our generation of today bears little to no resemblance with earlier generations. It is safe to assume that these ancestors of ours would turn in their graves (possibly they do), could they see what has happened to their countries – to a world, a culture, a civilisation, that they had helped build.

This author, born in the first half of the 1960s, still has experienced, mostly as a child and youth, the final years of an entirely different world (which the revolution of the late sixties and seventies did away with). Everybody of his age, or older, has. So, let’s take a look back on how things were then, and what things are like now.

What first comes to mind is the authority parents, relatives, teachers and even neighbours had over children. One simply didn’t object; or protest; or address adults (let alone complete strangers) on a first-name basis (or even try to argue with them or school them). It was called respect, and obedience, and decent conduct – all of which have been subsumed by the Left under their deadly label of “poisonous pedadgogy”, the real poison properly so called having been their own widely advertised (and widely accepted) “anti-authoritarian education” (the term nicely echoing Frankfurt School member Theodor Adorno’s 1950 book, The Authoritarian Personality). Read More »


St. Ignatius

July 31, 2020


MAN IS created to praise, reverence and serve God our Lord, and by this means save his soul.

The other things on the face of the earth are created for man to help him in attaining the end for which he is created.

Hence, man is to make use of them in as far as they help him in the attainment of his end, and he must rid himself of them in as far as they prove a hindrance to him.

Therefore, we must make ourselves indifferent to all created things, as far as we are allowed free choice and are not under any prohibition. Consequently, as far as we are concerned, we should not prefer health to sickness, riches to poverty, honor to dishonor, a long life to a short life. The same holds for all other things.

Our one desire and choice should be what is more conducive to the end for which we are created.

— St. Ignatius of Loyola



What Every White Person Needs to Know

July 31, 2020




Sowell on Slavery

July 31, 2020




It’s Sinful to Hate Your Own Race

July 30, 2020

BUT if any man have not care of his own, and especially of those of his house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. 

— 1 Timothy 5:8



Whites Are Racist for Loving Nature

July 30, 2020

WHITES already are discriminated against in jobs at national and state parks. But other changes are in the offing. Camping, hiking, fishing, rock climbing — these activities all exhibit “systemic racism.”

ABC News reports on “The Great White Outdoors” and how “people of color” do not visit national parks in large numbers, not because they don’t like visiting national parks, but because ….. there are too many whites there.

The fact that whites have set aside so much land, made it accessible to the public and financially sustained it for decades does not ease the burden of guilt.

Perhaps we need George Floyd on Mount Rushmore and every black person should receive a free, all-expenses paid trip to Yosemite. But even then … whites would be guilty for having cared about something other than themselves.



Nadler Says Violence a “Myth”

July 30, 2020




Masked Woman Tells Children “I Hope You Die”

July 30, 2020


COVID fear-mongering by the government and media has turned a significant minority into psychopaths.



The Covid Vaccines and Transhumanism

July 30, 2020




Gun Store in Madison, Va.

July 29, 2020



Letter to a Grandmother

July 29, 2020


ALAN writes:

Dear Grandma,

Many years have gone by since we last spoke. I remember that you were always there at home every day of my life; well, at least until I got to be seven years old, when you went away through no choice of your own.

I remember that my mother asked our good friend Betty to look after me for several hours on that day in 1957. You and Grandpa are pictured in a photograph from 1945 that I keep on my bookshelves, and I have often talked to you there.

I know that in the 1930s-‘40s, you and my mother enjoyed listening to Kay Kyser’s radio program and that its theme song was “Thinking of You”.  So tonight I am thinking of you, Grandma.

I miss you terribly and I miss any chance to express to you the gratitude that seven-year-old boys are too young to understand.

Any number of things prompt me to remember you, from Christmas photographs to flowers in the back yard, from the unbearable heat of summer days to the night in 1956 when we watched television news reports about the sinking of the Andrea Doria.  The Homer Laughlin “Tulips in a Basket” chinaware in the cabinet across the room from me reminds me of you and how you chose to use that china only on special occasions.

One evening in 1994 I happened by chance to hear the 1920 song “Love Nest”. Its melody reminded me instantly of the comfort I felt when you sat there with me on nights in the 1950s and we enjoyed the comedy of George and Gracie on “The Burns and Allen Show” on black-and-white TV, for which “Love Nest” was the theme song.

And this offers me a chance to show you an example of how stupid modern Americans have become:  You would consider it the nuttiest idea you ever heard—which it is—but modern Americans believe that boys can become girls and men can become women.  By contrast, consider the following lines from the Burns and Allen radio show of Jan. 17, 1946.  George and Gracie are talking about orchestra leader Meredith Willson and a women’s club called the Beverly Hills Uplift Society. Read More »


Wednesday Quiz

July 29, 2020



Corporate America Embraces Marxism

July 26, 2020

AN IMPORTANT piece at The Anti-New York Times looks at how corporate CEO’s have been forced to participate in a Communist-style Revolution:

It explains why so many companies allowed themselves to be “shaken down” by the “anti-capitalist” Marxists of Black Lives Matter. You see, it wasn’t actually a small group of Black lesbian street activists who forced Corporate America to promote BLM on their company websites while collectively pledging an estimated $1.6 Billion dollars to the Reds. No sir. It was the Vanguard-BlackRock-State Street Investment Mafia that did that!

Wow, this makes a lot of sense out of recent events.