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The Thinking Housewife


U.S. Covid Death Stats Are Open Lies

April 27, 2020


INFORMATION in this video has been covered in previous posts, but this is an outstanding summary.

To say that Covid death figures are highly exaggerated is not to say no one has died from the novel coronavirus.

[Please let me know if you are having trouble viewing this video. You can also find it here.]



A Few Businesses Defy Lockdown

April 27, 2020


THIS discussion between Daniel McAdams and Former Congressman Ron Paul looks at a few businesses defying lockdown orders. But it’s also a good summary of the case against the lockdowns and the problems with our monetary policies that led to the lockdowns in the first place and trillions in lockdown bailouts. These two have produced many good video discussions during this nightmare and this is one of the best.



More Tests, More Infections

April 27, 2020

Christof Kuhbandner,  professor of psychology at the University of Regensburg, writes on the illusion of drastically increasing numbers of the corona-infected. In Germany, he writes, the numbers are rising but the disease was at its peak in March. (In related news, a German laboratory claims the tests trigger false positives for other corona viruses.)

Kuhbandner writes:

This can be illustrated by a simple everyday example: Let us assume that ten eggs are hidden in a garden every day (the true number of new infections). On the first day, the children are only allowed to search for one minute and they find one egg, on the second day two minutes and they find two eggs, and on the third day they are allowed to search four minutes and they find four eggs (increasing the number of tests over the time). The children could now get the misleading impression that they are exponentially more eggs (new infections) hidden in the garden every day because they find exponentially more eggs every day. But of course this is a problematic interpretation, because in reality there were always the same number of eggs (new infections) hidden in the garden. Read More »


5G and Coronavirus

April 27, 2020

I PREVIOUSLY said the evidence that 5G wireless networks are causing virus-like symptoms was weak.

Here is a study that claims to show a connection. I offer it to readers for evaluation.

Read More »


The Self-Contradictions of the WHO

April 27, 2020

BELIEVE it or not, the World Health Organization released a report only last October that said there is no evidence that the sort of social distancing and job closures currently mandated by governments and approved by the WHO itself are effective in containing serious infectious disease. The findings of the report and a similar report by the European Council of Disease Control drew from evidence collected over 10 years.

From Telepolis: 

[Click on translate]

Last October, the WHO found scientifically robust evidence for the effectiveness of just two of the measures currently being implemented or discussed: hand hygiene and wearing masks (in institutions of the health system). However, she described the quality of the scientific evidence for the effectiveness of all other measures such as social distancing, contact tracing, travel restrictions and house arrest as low or very low. [bold added]

A few months later, the WHO then recommended precisely those measures for which it had not recently been able to find reliable evidence of their effectiveness.

The contradiction between these two events cannot now be resolved simply by pointing out that the WHO document of 2019 refers to pandemic influenza, while the COVID-19 crisis was triggered by another and possibly much more dangerous virus. Firstly, on page 3 of the said document, the WHO expressly refers to a new virus for which there is still no basic immunity in the human population. On the other hand, the current WHO recommendations would appear even more questionable: If the coronavirus is the more dangerous pathogen, why should one rely on a list of measures whose effectiveness cannot even be proven against flu?

In other words, the WHO has since conducted one vast social experiment for which there was no prior scientific justification. Even the famous “flattening of the curve” was not based on science.



Common Sense on Vaccines

April 27, 2020

FROM Ron Paul:

Vaccines can improve health. For example, vaccines helped reduce the incidence of diseases like polio. But not all vaccines are safe and effective for all people. Furthermore, certain modern practices, such as giving infants multiple vaccines at one time, may cause health problems. The fact that vaccines may benefit some people, or even most people, does not justify government forcing individuals to be vaccinated. It also does not justify vaccinating children against their parents’ wishes. And it certainly does not justify keeping individuals and families in involuntary quarantine because they do not have “digital certificates” proving they have had their shots.

Read more here.



Trump on Patrick Buchanan

April 26, 2020




Tyranny and Debbie Cakes in VA

April 26, 2020


KATHERINE writes from lock-downed Virginia:

The Virginia state motto is Sic semper tyrannis.  I propose changing it to:  Amamus tyrannos.

So glad I can seek refuge at your website. The number of masked sheeple has increased here.  I sense maybe some “virtue signaling”?  Also, people talk as if nobody would be dying if it were not for the Coronavirus. And all those elderly people in nursing homes would just live on and on if they didn’t get the virus.

Meanwhile, in the grocery store I see so many masked and gloved sheeple filling their carts with soft drinks (really cheap now), Little Debbie Cakes, potato chips, ice cream, and stacks and stacks of meat.  Not a word from our illustrious political and medical leaders about eating healthfully to strengthen one’s immune system, along with the need for fresh air and sunshine.  What an incredible farce this is! Read More »


Bad Boy

April 26, 2020




Face Mask Causes Crash

April 25, 2020

THE face mask collects dirt and causes people to touch their faces more often. It can be harmful in other ways. Here’s an extreme example. Police in New Jersey say a driver wearing a face mask crashed due to oxygen deprivation. Read More »


He’s Covered

April 25, 2020


RUDIGER writes:

I finally broke down and got a mask. I feel better already! Read More »


Save Lives!

April 25, 2020

FROM The Anti-New York Times:

The Anti-New York Times proposes that the Federal Government impose a series of directives which will save countless thousands of lives each year. Should any of you pro-shutdown normies chance across these life-saving proposals — we’d like to know if you support such suggestions. And if not, why not?

Crisis: About 40,000 Americans are killed in automobile accidents each year.

Life-Saving Proposal:

*A 25-mile-per-hour speed limit on the nation’s highways — 15 mph on roads and streets. All new and used cars to be fitted with automatic speed limiting technology.

*To reduce non-essential travel, an additional $2 per gallon gas tax will be imposed

Estimated Lives Saved (as per computer model)30,000 per year
Read More »


Future Pandemic Scenarios

April 25, 2020

BILL SARDI at Corbett Report makes some interesting predictions:

There is a second wave of Covid-19 coming in the next few months. We don’t have to speculate about this. Not only have we heard this from all manner of politicians and health “authorities” over the past few months, but it was an integral part of MIT Technology Review’s now-infamous “We’re not going back to normal” article, which revealed how the waves of lockdown and release were going to restructure our lives and condition us into the Corona World Order. And, lest there be any doubt that this is an important part of the plandemic narrative, Bill Gates just reaffirmed it in his latest “GatesNotes on “The first modern pandemic.” Read More »


Two E. R. Doctors Discuss Covid

April 25, 2020


[Direct link to video]

DR. Artin Masihi and Dr. Dan Erikson work at Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield, California. They discuss their experience with the virus pandemic so far and question why healthy people were placed under quarantine. [Posted at Lifesite News.]

Listen carefully to the interviewers. They seem to have gotten all their information from White House press conferences and done no independent research of their own.

I was confused in listening to these doctors as to why they recommend mass testing. Note: Their clinics administer the tests.

Warning: Dr. Masihi repeats the dubious claim that the Covert-19, I mean Covid-19, virus lives on surfaces for 72 hours. This theory came from artificial laboratory tests conducted by the CDC. A German virologist who studied the virus in real life conditions refutes this claim.


[Here is the link to this video.]



The Manchurian Candidate, Junk Science and Hype

April 25, 2020

“A LOYAL READER” writes:

I have been a reader for a while now, and appreciate your perspective on many topics.  We may not always agree, but it is refreshing to come to your site for perspective, especially in the latest national and world events.  You correctly describe the “crisis” as a coup.  I couldn’t agree more.  I read once, perhaps on your site, that “evil will always tell you what it’s doing.”  This is so true in today’s events.  No matter how many times we read the “death toll” of this supposedly pervasive threat to our well-bring, the numbers struggle to reach even a couple of hundred deaths in most states.  Yet, we are told the numbers are “spiking” and “climbing” as if we must all be in a panic!  I daresay more people have been killed in car accidents or by lightning strikes than have actually died directly from COVID.    I think the fact that our society has become so God-less over the past generation has helped to create the fear of dying in so many.  They try to hold on to this life because they think that is all there is, and perhaps are fearful that it isn’t. Read More »


Things Are Worse in Europe

April 24, 2020


GERMANS protesting the Corona lockdown were arrested in the city of Chemnitz earlier this week. They had violated strict rules for public protests. Only 15 people were permitted to gather at a time; many more showed up.

Some of the police shoved and appeared to taunt the protestors. I can’t imagine that happening here. Chemnitz is located in what was formerly Soviet-occupied East Germany. An enormous concrete bust of Karl Marx still towers over the city square.

In Berlin, there were also protests. (To translate, click on CC in the lower right of the screen; then go to settings and choose autotranslate and click on English.)



Corona and the Deification of Man

April 24, 2020

TONY S. writes:

You are absolutely correct when you say, “Americanism is a civil religion, a form of toxic idolatry.”

I’ve upset lots of conservatives and unfortunately lost a few friends during this lockdown. In a number of group texts, I’ve explained that American conservatives are just liberals who have a different messiah than the one Democrats accept. Both really, liberals and conservatives, desire power over others to fix the world the way they think it should be. They both have a therapeutic view of existence: the world is to be cured of its ills by man. The only things they argue about are the trivialities of how this should be accomplished.

A true conservative understands that this world is tragic, that man cannot fix the world; salvation is only through Christ. To believe otherwise is Talmudic, Masonic and American. They convict Jesus for not taking the offers of worldly benefit with which Satan tempted Him. It’s few who understand that Jesus could have cured all blindness but chose not to. Instead He told his apostles that the reason man was born blind was to manifest the glory of God. This is what a true Christian understands – our sufferings in this world are to accomplish God’s purposes and when those are achieved He will bring a new, resurrected creation free of this world’s flaws.

We are called to comfort and  give aid to those who suffer, but we worship man if we believe that our task is to create a New World.



Goodbye, My Town

April 24, 2020


AMERICAN downtowns were ravaged by Big Business, and a regulatory environment that favors it, a long time ago. So much for the “free market.”

Now kiss the remaining independent retailers goodbye. Amazon will probably even figure out a way to deliver a haircut.

Say goodbye to your town.