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The Black Death, 2017-18

March 14, 2020

ASK YOURSELF why the media did not raise panic and alarm, why schools did not close for weeks or even days, why public institutions did not go into lockdown and why the financial industry did not react during the flu season of 2017-18, when more than 60,000 Americans died after contracting the flu.

Notice in the chart below that even young children died (reportedly no children have died with coronavirus), but the overwhelming majority of deaths were among the elderly, presumably those who were already ailing which is sadly common with viruses which can cause pneumonia.

March, 2020 may turn out to be a watershed moment in the history of mass manipulation.

The public, in America and Europe especially, has demonstrated more than ever that when the controlled media says something, no matter how exaggerated and contrary to common sense, it will react with unthinking acceptance and slavish obedience. Not that there isn’t a serious virus or that people shouldn’t exercise caution, especially with the elderly. But this is madness, with a totalitarian atmosphere.

Cosme Beccar Varela writes at Tradition in Action:

All the governments of the world have surrendered to the demands of an anonymous power that directs universal public opinion and issues tyrannical orders with the excuse of preventing the spread of the execrating virus.


But no one seems to suspect that there is something “rotten” behind this collective dementia. That is why I am forced to write these lines to alert readers that it is almost certain that we are being manipulated by a powerful world force (the same one that has imposed the “agenda” of the feminist, homosexual, abortion and free-love moral revolution). Being thus duped by it is a way to show that humanity is on the verge of falling into a culpable credulity that will be the psychological and moral climate in which the antichrist will be accepted without any protest.

Figures are provided by the Centers for Disease Control:

[This post has been updated.]

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True Wellness

March 14, 2020

DELICATE and excessive attention to health nourishes self-love and immortification, and often destroys that health which it studied anxiously to preserve. ”

—- Rev. Alban Butler, Lives of the Saints



The Acceptable Hatred

March 13, 2020

THE trial opened this week of a man who repeatedly admitted killing four men in Fresno in 2017 for no other reason than that they were white.

Coverage in The New York Times is muted with one online report by the Associated Press. Most Americans will never recognize the name of Kori Ali Muhammad, an American who dabbled in Islam and voodoo, and reportedly had not been to a mosque in 25 years.

“When I walked up to the truck, I saw a Mexican driver and a white guy,” he said. “I didn’t want to target the driver because he was Mexican so I shot the white dude.”

Christians for Truth reports.



Child Abuse

March 12, 2020


I HAVE only watched the first three minutes of this video by Amazing Polly so I cannot vouch for all of it and I am not endorsing all of it. I have no idea what she says in the rest of the video, but her remarks about adults frightening children with this virus hysteria are so on target. I applaud Polly’s outrage here.

Real adults don’t talk about scary things around children (especially scary things that are not proven to be true.) Real adults in the company of children censor all news that promotes panic and fear. Real adults know that the innocence of children is sacred. Real adults know that the innocence of children must be guarded, just as you would guard a child’s life itself. Real adults project calm and reassurance. Real adults, though they cannot be perfect ever and make mistakes, seek to control their words and emotions out of love of children and out of appreciation for the touching sensitivity and mental vulnerability of the young which they themselves once possessed and have since lost.

A frightened, anxious childhood leads to crippled adulthood. Innocence is also precious in its own right.

Maybe that’s the problem here. Too many Americans never really had a morally protected childhood so they have not reached psychic maturity. And now they are reacting like lemmings to this panic in the news, running to the supermarket for weeks of supplies and obsessively dousing themselves with hand sanitizer, talking and thinking about nothing else even though they have not encountered a single person sick from a deadly virus.

They are engaging in mass child abuse. Shame especially on all those in charge of organizations and government agencies who have totally lost control of themselves with their canceled events and ponderous, foreboding statements. The Mass Manipulator in Chief is loving all this, every single minute of it.

Whatever this virus is, and I believe it is nothing like they are saying, it is an experiment in control too. Even if it were to cause the deaths of tens of thousands, it is psychological warfare at its finest and its worst effects will be mental, not physical. Read More »


Thrift and Hope

March 12, 2020


On the coronavirus issue, I believe it is a hoax with serious economic repercussions.  We would benefit from relearning the skills of our forefathers who lived through the depression, including thrift and home gardening.  (See more on this at Ice Age Farmer.) Coronavirus appears to be a form of the flu (which about 200 people a day die from in the U.S.). We need to remember to use reason; viruses mutate all the time. The elite will likely use fear mongering in our controlled media and politics to take our liberties and push a vaccine on us (and I hope I am wrong).  Since it’s difficult to carry out their evil U.N. agenda to reduce the world’s population with a flu-like virus, they may have people asking for the thing that actually does sicken them. Like geoengineering/cloud seeding/weather modification, the coronavirus vaccine will be a backdoor form of poison, in the guise of doing good. Read More »


Divine Beauty

March 12, 2020

Fraktur, Philadelphia Library

“IF the goodness, beauty, and sweetness of creatures are alluring to the minds of men, the fountain-head of the goodness of God Himself, in comparison with the rivulets of goodness which we find in creatures, will set on fire the minds of men and draw them wholly to itself.”

—- St. Thomas Aquinas



A Pandemic of Pandemic Proportions

March 11, 2020

FROM “The Propaganda Master Comes to Town,” a tale of virus fakery, by Jon Rappaport:

“Back in his limo, the maestro puts in a call to his contact at the CDC. ‘Listen up,’ he says, ‘you people over there are starting to wobble. I’m talking about the diagnostic test for the virus. First, your test kits were bad, they didn’t work. Now you don’t have enough of them to satisfy needs. Plus the word is starting to leak out that the tests are inherently unreliable and no one should believe them. This crap must stop now. Shore up your troops. Get them in line. I want healthy people and sick people and old people and young people and all people to be diagnosed with corona, and I don’t want any uncertainties. You and I know the test is a joke, it doesn’t work, but nobody else can find that out. Got it? People over there at the CDC can be replaced. They can find themselves out on the street. What’s in charge of this operation is propaganda, not science. YOU back US up. That’s the hierarchy. I want FEAR raging through the population. If you can’t hold up your end, you’re going to find all the quotes about the epidemic in the press are suddenly coming from the World Health Organization, not the CDC. I’ll make sure you’re shoved into the background. The World Health people are professional. They know how to deliver a unified con job. Those two idiots, the governor of New York and the mayor of New York, are doing more to hype this fake epidemic than all the employees of the CDC put together. Get your house in order. Fast.’

“He closes his phone and puts it in his pocket. On the way to the airport, he hums a little tune. He looks out the window. He thinks to himself, if we can stretch this out far enough, we can force a cancelation of the Olympics. Maybe we can even stage a presidential election in America on the Internet. No one votes in a booth. Can’t risk transmission of the virus. He chuckles. His phone vibrates. He takes it out.” Read More »


Avengers: Endgame

March 11, 2020

SOME reflections on the movie Avengers: Endgame and “Feminism, Mediocrity and Abandonment of the Fight.”



One World, One Virus

March 11, 2020

AS THE media and governmental agencies continue to bombard the public with the coronavirus and as the World Health Organization has declared a pandemic despite the very low global death rate (about 4,000 alleged dead out of a world population of 7.7 billion), here are some questions you should be asking as you read the news. Let me also say, I am sincerely sorry for those who are sick and the relatives of the deceased or stricken. On their behalf, let us ask more:

What percentage of the 31 deaths that have occurred in the U.S. involved people over the age of 80 and those who had other serious health problems? In China?

Why if the virus has not been disastrous in China, with a very small percentage of the population having died, and why if the virus is receding there, do public officials keep suggesting that it will be disastrous in the U.S.?

Why has Angela Merkel said that two-thirds of the German population will be sickened?

Why has Italy been more affected than other countries?

Is the coronavirus more lethal overall than the average flu?

Why are quarantines being imposed now and not during the average flu season?

Why have India, Japan (more than half of the 1,200 confirmed cases there were from a cruise ship), Russia, Australia — all of which are closer to China than the U.S. and have many travelers from China — been less affected than the U.S.? Why has Canada, with much travel back and forth to China, had very few cases?

Why are experts forecasting a recession when so far relatively few people have been affected?

Are the government and the financial industry extending our obligations unnecessarily under the cover of induced panic?

Have you met a single person with confirmed coronavirus? Is that person seriously ill?

Please note the alarmist rhetoric in news reports. One headline declared, “the globe shudders.” This is psychological warfare. Even if the virus becomes a worldwide calamity, this alarmism does not seem justified so far. It is reasonable to suspect that we are being deliberately demoralized and further acclimated to a loss of national sovereignty, world government and intrusive laws restricting movement and individual decision-making.



Stratospheric Aerosol Injections

March 10, 2020




On Women’s History Month

March 9, 2020


WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH, observed in March, puts a spotlight on female achievement. We encounter women composers, artists, authors, activists and politicians whose accomplishments range from propaganda to the truly impressive. There is nothing wrong with celebrating those who have excelled.

But can’t we do that during the course of the year instead of having a month devoted to it? Isn’t it patronizing to have a month?

There’s another problem. In general we do not encounter achievements equal to those of the great male geniuses. Women’s History Month cannot help but highlight the areas in which the most brilliant women are inferior to the most brilliant men while neglecting the areas in which women are so often superior to men.

That’s why I don’t like Women’s History Month, which truthfully comes across as a celebration of female inferiority and vanity. This political grandstanding really misses the mark when it comes to recognizing women. So many of the important contributions of women to society are hidden and not very lucrative. There is every reason why they should be hidden and not very lucrative. Selflessness, nurturance, tenderness, aid to the poor and suffering will never win Nobel Prizes or Pulitzers and rarely show up in history books.

The 19th-century Irish Whig historian William Lecky, whose wife, by the way, was an author in her own right, made interesting comments about the differences between men and women in his 1869 book A History of European Morals from Augustus to Charlemagne, Vol II.

Lecky helps explain the problem with Women’s History Month:

There are few more curious subjects of enquiry than the distinctive differences between the sexes, and the manner in which those differences have affected the ideal types of different ages, nations, philosophies, and religions. Physically, men have the indisputable superiority in strength, and women in beauty. Intellectually, a certain inferiority of the female sex can hardly be denied when we remember how almost exclusively the foremost places in every department of science, literature, and art have been occupied by men, how infinitesimally small is the number of women who have shown in any form the very highest order of genius, how many of the greatest men have achieved their greatness in defiance of the most adverse circumstances, and how completely women have failed in obtaining the first position, even in music or painting, for the cultivation of which their circumstances would appear most propitious. It is as impossible to find a female Raphael, or a female Handel, as a female Shakespeare or Newton. Women are intellectually more desultory and volatile than men; they are more occupied with particular instances than with general principles, they judge rather by intuitive perceptions than by deliberate reasoning or past experience. They are, however, usually superior to men in nimbleness and rapidity of thought, and in the gift of tact or the power of seizing speedily and faithfully the finer inflexions of feeling, and they have therefore often attained very great eminence in conversation, as letter writers, as actresses, and as novelists.

Morally, the general superiority of women over men, is, I think, unquestionable. Read More »



March 7, 2020

THE attitude of a religious man towards the acts by which he acknowledges God to be God, is quite different according as those acts are internal or external. It is principally in the internal acts, the acts by which he believes, hopes and loves, that man’s good consists and what makes man good in God’s sight. Whence it is written, The kingdom of God is within you (Luke xvii. 21). Man’s good and what makes man good in God’s sight does not, principally, consist in external acts. The kingdom of God is not meat and drink, says St. Paul (Rom. xv. 17).”

— St. Thomas Aquinas, Meditations for Lent



The Misogyny Files, cont.

March 7, 2020


ALAN writes:

“It’s hard to believe that not that long ago men could joke about women without being sued”, you wrote.

I will testify that there was such a time. Consider the teenage girls who carried army cots, magazines, tangerines, coffeepots, watermelons, TV sets, potato chips, and electric fans in their purse.

Did they beat up on Paul Petersen for singing about them in 1962’s “She Can’t Find Her Keys?” They did not. They laughed along with everyone else.

(Lyrics for She Can’t Find Her Keys by Paul Petersen – Songfacts)



Saturday at Home

March 7, 2020


THE 1959 hit song, “I Got a Wife,” was recorded by the American musical ensemble Mark IV. Set to a catchy polka, it reminds me of all the times I have “gibbered” my husband, especially on Saturdays.

Needless to say, this would never be a hit today, not just because it’s not lewd. You could probably be arrested for singing it. It’s hard to believe that not that long ago men could joke about women without being sued. It’s hard to believe there once was a time when even women had a sense of humor.



Down with Equality

March 7, 2020


Annie Kenney and Christabel Pankhurst, c. 1908 (Wikipedia)

“WOMEN, I contend, are not men’s equals in anything but responsibility. We are not their inferiors, either, or even their superiors. We are quite simply different races. We live by an impulse separate from that of men. A separate tide beats in our blood. Our bodies are shaped to bear children, and our lives are a working-out of the processes of creation. All our ambitions and intelligence are beside that great elemental point. Yet, for the first time in history, society takes no cognizance of it.”

— Phyllis McGinley, “The Honor of Being a Woman,” The Province of the Heart; Viking Press, 1959, pp 13-14



Inner Peace

March 6, 2020

“A GREAT SECRET for preserving peace of heart is to do nothing with over-eagerness, but to act always calmly, without trouble or disquiet. We are not asked to do much, but to do well. At the Last Day, God will not examine if we have performed a multitude of works, but if we have sanctified our souls in doing them. Now, the means of sanctifying ourselves is to do everything for God and to do perfectly whatever we have to do. The works that have as their motive vanity or selfishness make us neither better nor happier, and we shall receive no reward for them.”

— Rev. F.X. Lasance, Kindness,  The Bloom of Charity; St. Bonaventure Publications, 2005; p. 35.



Managed Fear

March 6, 2020



Fear contained in the news can rule your life. I look back and see that often nothing happened except that I took care of my home and family with one eye on the news, and a divided heart!!! A lot of women will regret the time spent on all this drama.

“Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear — kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor — with the cry of grave national emergency… Always there has been some terrible evil to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it by furnishing the exorbitant sums demanded. Yet, in retrospect, these disasters seem never to have happened, seem never to have been quite real.”

―  General Douglas MacArthur 1957



Devastated Little Girls

March 6, 2020


Helene Schjerfbeck, The Neck of a Little Girl

“‘ONE of the hardest parts of this,’ said Senator Elizabeth Warren, her voice shaking as she announced the end of her campaign on Thursday, ‘is all those little girls who are going to have to wait four more years. That’s going to be hard.'” (Source)

This is one of the funniest things I have ever read. And it shows why Elizabeth Warren could not win. She’s out of touch with reality. Anyone who thinks eight-year-olds really care about politics is dumb.

Most little girls dream of being un-elected princesses. If not that, they’d like to be housewives pushing baby carriages and reigning  over their own domestic kingdoms. If you asked most girls, which would you rather do when you grow up: spend your days filling out a lot of paperwork at a desk, shaking hands with other people who spend their days filling out a lot of paperwork at desks, and making decisions that will make you unpopular OR marry a man you love, take care of little babies, clean, cook, and make curtains for a little home, there would be no question, the latter would be the answer. However, it is true, that if little girls are told or given the impression that being a president is a matter of wearing nice clothes, waving to nice people and having your picture taken, they may prefer the former.

Thanks to political agitators like Liz, who is nothing but a traitor to the true interests of the female sex, many of them will end up as employed drudges with broken families and women presidents. Perhaps the lie of progress will help them forget their dreams.