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Happy Fourth of July

July 4, 2019


Boys Tug of War, Fourth of July; Vale, Oregon, 1941

GOD BLESS America!

Here is the Second Marine Aircraft Wing Band, Cherry Point, North Carolina with “America the Beautiful.” There is something beautifully nostalgic about this performance. Go ahead: Indulge in nostalgia today. Nostalgia is not stuck in the past. It is the love of things as they should be.


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Words of an Anti-Suggragette, cont.

July 3, 2019


“MRS. [Cora] Seabury avers that where woman is, homes will naturally exist. Homes have not existed ‘naturally.’ There was a long, long time in human history when not a dream of a home existed. From lawless individualism to tribal life, from tribe to clan, from the clan, at last, through mighty struggles, the family was evolved — the final grouping of the race — the social unit. That point was not reached until man the savage, man the rover, had consented to be bound, and bound for life, to one woman. It has been one object of Christian civilization to hold man to this saving compact. First to hold his spirit by affection for wife and child, and next to hold his material interests for the sake of society. The work has so well progressed that to-day the man’s family is dearer to him than his own life. He will live for them, and fight for them; and the women who proclaim that man is woman’s enemy, are the assassins of their own peace and of the growing peace of home.”

— Helen Kendrick Johnson

Woman and the Republic: A Survey of the Woman-Suffrage Movement in the United States and a Discussion of the Claims and Arguments of Its Foremost Advocates, 1897



The Library — and More!

June 29, 2019


A Peaceful Read, George Goodwin Kilburne; 1869

Today’s cutting-edge libraries function as part of a mopping-up campaign to extinguish whatever small fragments of imagination children might have left after having been bombarded by thousands of colorful flashing pictures on screens throughout their infancy.

ALAN writes:

“Imagination Lives Here” is a pet slogan of the St. Louis Public Library. It can be seen on library trucks. It is part of the aggressive novelty-and-marketing frame of mind by which American libraries are now run.  I think it is good for a laugh.

A hundred years ago, “library” meant a storehouse of books, including the best that had been thought and written.  That was enough to attract grown-ups and children alike. But to the modern anti-mind, enough is never enough.  It is a measure of the American passion for excess that people who run libraries today look upon that idea as old-fashioned—by which they mean: inexpressibly horrible.  Instead, they favor aggressive sales ploys like free concerts, movies, games, coloring books, crayons, comic books, ‘zine making, and prizes for reading books. This fact alone proves that we are living in an alternate universe. And isn’t it so much better?, they say. And isn’t it so much Folderol?, I say.

At this point, someone will object:  But don’t libraries today discharge their traditional function of making books and periodicals available? Of course they do, and they do it very well. But that is part of the revolutionary stratagem of one step back, two steps forward. That is how the Fabians have it rigged. It is as if they said to Americans: You may continue to use libraries qua libraries, but at the same time we will use them to help advance the Permanent Revolution.  And have no doubt that American libraries are now run by feminists and Fabian change agents.   

That is bad enough and should tell us all we need to know about the philosophical-political slant of people who run libraries.

Equally bad is the pandering to the eye, which is very different from an appeal to the moral-philosophical-esthetic-intellectual capacity of mind and thought that was part of the traditional identity of libraries. Pandering to the eye is now excused because entire generations of Americans have grown up staring at screens and are therefore stuck on what can be seen instead of what can be thought.  Books in libraries are now displayed face-out, as in book stores that pander to the lowest common denominator.  Most of them are hip, cute, ironic, shocking, and cutting-edge cool.

I can remember a time in the retail world when stores began giving themselves cutesy names and tacking on the words And More. Since the people who run libraries are no longer standard-bearers but fad followers, how could they not transform their libraries into Books—And More?

I have no objection to amusement parlors, fun houses, and entertainment centers. But I want them to be called by those names, not by the word Library. In other words, I want a library to be what it has always been. The modernist anti-mind cannot understand such naked simplicity. The modernist anti-mind hates limits and boundaries. Its guiding ethos is: And More. Enough is never enough. For a thing to be what it is is never enough. For books to be what they are is never enough. There must always be: And More. Read More »


Love, Not Fear

June 28, 2019



SENTIMENTALITY is the over-use of the heart, and heartlessness is its under-use. We live in a world awash in a sentimentality that covers over heartlessness. It is a brilliant seduction, the heartlessness clothed in deceptive talk of love. Thus love is cheapened and misrepresented. Warmth is really coldness and hatred.

But those are human imperfections, in which we all participate. Today, the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (see resources here), is a day to meditate on the perfection of divine love, on the ineffable, mysterious and indulgent qualities of the immense love God has for man.

Behold this heart which has loved men so much that it has spared nothing, even to exhausting and consuming itself, to testify to them its love…

These words were spoken to a pious nun in a vision in the 17th century, when Christ opened up this new source of grace in the souls of men, another manifestation of the profound change in the relationship between man and God that occurred with the Incarnation.

Hence it is before the Incarnation of the Word, however great the prodigies God performed in favor of his people, He was always feared more than loved by them; but finally God made Himself perceptible, so to speak, by becoming man, and this Man-God has done things that go beyond anything that we can imagine to induce men to love Him.

[Fr. John Croiset, The Devotion to the Sacred Heart; TAN Books, p. 71]

He can never be entirely eradicated from the human heart, even from the most unmoved human being. He speaks to us from within, as the great French clergyman, Cardinal Pie, explained in the 19th century: Read More »


Practicing for Death

June 28, 2019


Woman on her Deathbed, Vincent Van Gogh

“DEATH can be robbed of its greatest fearfulness if we practice for it. Christianity recommends mortification, penance, and detachment as a rehearsal for the great event. For every death should be a great masterpiece, and, like all masterpieces, it cannot be completed in a day. A sculptor who wishes to carve a figure out of a block uses his chisel, first cutting away great chunks of marble, then smaller pieces, until he finally reaches a point where only a brush of hand is needed to reveal the figure. In the same way, the soul has to undergo tremendous mortifications at first, and then more refined detachments, until finally its Divine image is revealed. Because mortification is recognized as a practice of death, there is fitting epitaph inscribed on the tomb of Duns Scotus, Bis Mortmis; Semel Sepultus (twice died, but buried only once). When we die to something, something comes alive within us. If we die to self, charity comes alive; if we die to pride, service comes alive; if we die to lust, reverence for personality comes alive; if we die to anger, love comes alive.

The basic spiritual principle is this: Death must be conquered in every thought and word and deed by an affirmation of the eternal.

—- Fulton J. Sheen, “Fear of Death”



The Higher Ed Trap

June 27, 2019

FROM The Anti-New York Times:

Of all the many sleazy scams and high crimes that the PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) commits against “We the People,” perhaps none is worse than the criminal racket known as “higher education.” It amounts to a multi-trillion dollar conspiracy in which the government, academia and corporate America all collude to rob parents of a huge chunk of their life savings and/or put our young people into student-debt bondage before they can even find a decent job after graduation — assuming they will ever find one at all. The roles that the aforementioned PRC institutions play in this ongoing tragedy are as follows: Read More »


Capitalism Means Big Government

June 27, 2019

HERE is a succinct statement as to why “free market” Capitalism as we know it leads necessarily to Communist-style big government. From an article by Arindam Basu:

The debt­-finance system, by generating a chronic insufficiency of purchasing power, thereby requiring increased borrowing (in lieu of large trade surpluses) if economic activity is not to grind to a halt, causes the State ­ with its great, almost unlimited capacity to borrow, thanks to its power to tax (i.e. creditors are eager to lend to it in the knowledge that it will always have a means to pay them back), to expand its role in the economy.

Thus, as society finds its purchasing power increasingly insufficient to satisfy its requirements, the State steps in, with its role becoming larger and larger as it fills the growing gap. Caught unawares by these developments, which they were utterly incapable of anticipating, economists scrambled to come up with theories explaining ­ and indeed, justifying ­ such extensive government intervention.

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Words of an Anti-Suffragette

June 26, 2019


THE great American anti-suffragist (one of many thousands of women opposed to the women’s franchise), Helen Kendrick Johnson (1844-1917), wrote in her 1897 book Woman and the Republic: A Survey of the Woman-Suffrage Movement in the United States and a Discussion of the Claims and Arguments of Its Foremost Advocates:

In demanding equality, Suffragists assume that there is not and has not been equality. In asserting that “there is no sex in mind,” they really have had to maintain that there is one sex in mind, and that the masculine, to which woman must conform. If man wanted clinching arguments to prove his superiority, could he find another to match this one which suffrage has furnished him? The quaint wit of the Yankee put it neatly when he gave the toast, “Woman–once our superior, now our equal!” Man has said: “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” He has also said, with Martin: “Whatever may be the customs and laws of a country, the women of it decide the morals.” The civilization of no nation has risen higher than the carrying out of the religious ideals of its best womanhood. If man has the outward framing of church and state, woman has the framing of the character of man.

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A Comedian in the News

June 26, 2019



Jon Stewart (born Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz) became famous as the television comedian who hosted a satirical news program, called The Daily Show on Comedy Central. Recently, Stewart has been in the news speaking before the House Judiciary Committee to discuss reauthorizing the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund. At one point Stewart lashed out at the congressmen telling them:  “You should be ashamed of yourselves.”

His televised performance before the committee is clearly a dishonest effort by Stewart to claim the moral high ground in the sordid saga of 9/11.

Why do I say Stewart is being dishonest?

It is dishonest because the primary cause of the cancers and mortality among the first responders, the ultra-fine particles in the smoke that rose from the pile, is being ignored. The smoke that the first responders were exposed to for the first three months on the pile was laden with unprecedented amounts of toxic ultra-fine particles (i.e. nano-particles). Read More »


A Neoconservative Fantasy

June 25, 2019


ON February 7, 2017 at an American Enterprise Institute event, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol said that since the white working class is doing so poorly, it should be replaced by “new Americans.” Read More »


Why Corporations Push Homosexuality

June 22, 2019


“EVERY TIME you hear ‘gay pride this’ or ‘gay pride that,’ ask yourself how much money you’re earning because basically …. you’re earning a homosexual wage. What is a homosexual wage? That’s a wage for one person — and it’s a low wage for one person because the homosexual is so distracted with his passions that he can’t organize enough to get his wages raised…. What the [feminists, the previous proxy warriors] did was destroy the family wage, which was basically one man [earning] enough money to support a family. This is a fundamental, bedrock principal of the economy. I don’t care where you went to school, I don’t care if you got a Ph.D. from Harvard, if you don’t understand this you don’t understand economics.”

—- E. Michael Jones

In addition to the video above, here’s another example of a major bank promoting homosexuality — in this case, homosexual ranchers.


From the moment he first interviewed to become a stagecoach driver for Wells Fargo in the late 1990s, Michael Wakefield felt comfortable and included within the company.

“Being gay has never been a problem, and I can be open about it,” Wakefield said. “If I go to a town and talk to a bank manager, I’m open about the fact that I’m gay, and it’s not a problem. I am who I am.”

Today, more than two decades later, he remains a stagecoach driver for Wells Fargo’s Stagecoach Experiences program.


The Sin of Racism

June 22, 2019

OVER the years, as whites have worked to defend themselves against the charge of “racism,” they have validated this slur by giving it greater importance than it deserves, and thereby helped to institutionalize it as the world’s greatest “sin.” As to genuine sin, harboring negative thoughts concerning some group is much further down the list of human deficiencies than bombing Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden and Hamburg, or hacking to death with machetes the men, women and children of an enemy tribe. Now, those are sins! Seeking to force “diversity” down the throats of an unreceptive segment of society is the religious mission of rabid, agenda-driven ideologues. None of this apparent concern for “social justice” has ever been about virtue. It’s about power.

— Elizabeth Wright, deceased black columnist


The Masculine God

June 22, 2019

ATILA Sinke Guimarães examines the reasons why God is referred to as masculine, even though He is neither man nor woman:

The nature of God is spiritual. He is a pure spirit and, as such, has no sex, since this is a characteristic of living material beings turned toward the perpetuation of the species. Thus both sexes are reflected in God and should be considered made in the image and likeness of Him. However, it is not correct that God can be symbolized equally by man or woman. 

In the man the image and likeness of God is properly expressed, but in the woman this exists to the measure in which she participates in the very plenitude of the man. The woman was created for the man – to be spouse, mother, or daughter – while the man was created to rule the material universe, to govern his equals and, in this way, to serve and glorify God. Therefore, the man is, from this aspect, the proper symbol of God, while the woman is the symbol by participation. Therefore, it is inadequate to refer to God as woman. 

All this is pretty outrageous, from a feminist point of view.

That’s because feminism is an Inferiority Complex. Feminism is motivated by weakness, femininity by strength.


The Soviet Union Lives On?

June 22, 2019


CAPITALISM and Communism work together to create a one-world government.



Thinking vs. Reading

June 20, 2019


“THE DIFFERENCE between the effect produced on the mind by thinking for oneself and that produced by reading is incredibly great; and thus it is for ever increasing the original disparity between minds, by virtue whereof we are driven to the one or to the other. Thus reading forces on the mind ideas that are as foreign and heterogeneous to the tendency and mood it has at the moment, as is the seal to the wax whereon it impresses its stamp. Thus the mind is totally compelled from without to think first of one thing and then of another, for which it has absolutely no inclination or disposition. When, on the other hand, a man thinks for himself, his mind follows its own natural impulse, as this has been more specifically determined for the moment either by external environment or by some recollection. Thus the environment of intuitive perception does not impress on the mind one definite idea as does reading, but gives it merely the material and the occasion to think what is in accordance with its nature and present disposition. Therefore the mind is deprived of all its elasticity by much reading as is a spring when a weight is continually applied to it; and the surest way not to have thoughts of our own is for us at once to take up a book when we have a moment to spare. This practice is the reason why erudition makes most men more stupid and simple than they are by nature and also deprives their literary careers of every success. As Pope says, they remain: For ever reading, never to be read. [The Dunciad, ш. 193-4.]

— Arthur Schopenhauer, Parega and Paralipomena: Short Philosophical Essays (1851) Chapter XXII On Thinking for Oneself


Mr. and Mrs. Buttigieg

June 19, 2019

FRANK BRUNI of The New York Times writes:

“Pete and Chasten Buttigieg celebrated their first wedding anniversary on Sunday. You know this if you’re among Pete’s roughly 1.1 million Twitter followers or Chasten’s 340,000, because they traded sweetly effusive missives, as they frequently do.

Pete gushed: “One year ago I married the love of my life. I’m so thankful I found you, Chasten, and can’t wait to spend the rest of our life together.” Chasten posted pictures of the two of them with their arms around each other, which he introduced by writing that he was on his way “to find this cute guy on the trail. Can’t believe it’s been one year.”

The Anti-New York Times responds (indelicate language warning!): Read More »


When Mommy and Daddy Are Narcissists

June 19, 2019

IN recognition of Pride Month, here is an interesting piece about The Last Closet: The Dark Side of Avalon, a book by Moira Greyland, who was raised by a lesbian mother and homosexual father.

“Every single child of gay parents with whom I spoke had certain things in common,” she writes in The Last Closet. “Those with only same-sex parents in the home ached for their missing parent and longed for a real father, and nearly all of us had been sexualized far too young.”



Royal Baby Photo

June 18, 2019



Have you seen the  “formal” photograph of the new six-week old royal grandchild?

I hate to malign a new baby, but look at his creepy dark eyes and no full view to give balance to his infant face, and often babies’ photos are of them smiling or looking contented at least. He looks like what a milder variation of “Rosemary’s Baby” might have looked like. And he has really big hands for such a new baby, and it’s not just the camera angle. The infant has his mouth deliberately covered in an occult manner to suggest a secret is being covered.

Meghan Markle strangely hid “Archie” from view behind blankets for an unusually long time. It is out in the open that Harry is into the occult,  Meghan’s sister is also an occult practitioner, so it will have rubbed off on to her. These God-rejecting stooges will drag their infant child into it.

These are really weird and creepy people.