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Cheney, Giuliani and Explosives on 9/11

September 12, 2018

TED WALTER, in a piece posted yesterday at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, examines the initial interpretations of how the Twin Towers collapsed.

This is a must-read article. (Video of interviews with firefighters may be upsetting and is not for the sensitive.)

Despite the fact that most members of the fire department thought the buildings were leveled with explosives—and many of them had directly witnessed what they believed were explosions—Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik both denied having any information about secondary explosions at a press conference that afternoon, with FDNY Commissioner Thomas Van Essen standing by their side …

For 17 years, those who have argued that the buildings were exploded have been ignored or demonized as mentally ill. Meanwhile, the experts on the ground that day insisted explosives were involved.


Dear Attorney General

September 12, 2018

BILL DONOHUE, president of the Catholic League, has written a sharply-worded letter to state attorney generals who are seeking to emulate Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s sensationalistic, defamatory grand jury report on sex abuse in the Catholic Church.

Note: There has indeed been sexual abuse of children by clergy, particularly in the decades immediately after the 60s and the advent of the Sexual Revolution — and sex abuse of children is always, without exception, a heinous crime, worthy in this blogger’s opinion of the death penalty not psychological counseling. Nevertheless, Shapiro’s report is deceptive, unconstitutional, inflammatory and, unlike most grand jury reports, had almost nothing to do with bringing legal charges against wrongdoers, which is the normal purview of attorney generals. There is evidence of much more sex abuse in public schools  — and yet there is no call for similar grand jury investigations of public education. There are also many documented instances of sex abuse in Orthodox Jewish communities, even though these communities have been known to punish severely those who come forth with charges, and yet we see no comparable investigations there, or comparable media campaigns. Wonder why.

Though I don’t accept Donohue’s general position on the Vatican II Church, and believe the Vatican II revolution unleashed a plague of homosexuality among its clergy, I embrace Donohue’s mission to prevent more organized defamation.


So True

September 11, 2018


I’m really liking what you are putting up on your blog about 9/11.

I found this quote by a man named Robert Grodin, from a documentary called “Plaza Man”

“What happens to the individual who dissents or finds the truth: he is marginalized, harassed, intimidated, caricatured, smeared, which, as the DA stated, has the same effect as liquidating him.”

(Note: I’m under-impressed with Robert Grodin as a family man, but the quote is so true. It has happened to even the most benign blogger!)


Lucky Larry

September 11, 2018



Controlled Demolitions

September 11, 2018





Crisis Actor Mark Walsh

September 11, 2018


NOTICE the security detail behind Mark Walsh as he plants the official explanation of building collapses on 9/11. The explanation and the entire exchange are obviously scripted.


Who Did It?

September 11, 2018


FOR MORE information, see the Wikispooks entry, “Israel Did It.”


WTC Building 7

September 11, 2018



The Miraculous Passport

September 11, 2018


DR. Niels Harrit is the Associate Professor for Chemistry at the Copenhagen University in Denmark, and a globally recognized scientist who has published various scientific papers. He was part of the scientific team which discovered nanothermite in samples of dust from the 9/11 W.T.C attacks.”

Watch the full interview here.


No Plane at the Pentagon

September 11, 2018


NO PASSENGER PLANE was seen at the Pentagon on 9/11. The building was hit by a missile. This is an excellent interview with April Gallup who was at the Pentagon that day. The very first police officer on the scene also said there was no plane.



No Plane Debris at Shanksville

September 11, 2018

THE crater was made by a military drone, seen by at least one eyewitness, and not a passenger plane. As Donald Rumsfeld said (in a slip up during a speech), Flight 93 was shot out of the sky and the debris was elsewhere.

Christopher Bollyn on “the Shanksville deception:”

Something incredibly ugly happened to Flight 93 over rural Pennsylvania on 9-11.  A mass murder atrocity could explain why the public was deceived into thinking that a small crater was the crash site while the bodies of the victims and wreckage were actually being picked up from the real debris field hundreds of meters away in the dark woods.  How many victims were there anyway?  Two hundred?  Why was the wreckage of Flight 93 kept hidden?


9/11 Flight Attendant: “It’s a Frame”

September 11, 2018

IF THE opponents of the official version of the 9/11 attacks relied on something as minor as this recording — which could have been tampered with — they would not have much of a case.

But this is one detail in a mountain of evidence against the official story. It is a very compelling detail nevertheless. This flight attendant was likely not on the plane at the time of this call.


Giuliani and 9/11

September 10, 2018



The Dancing Israelis

September 10, 2018


FROM Laurent Guyenot’s article today at Unz Review, “9/11 Was an Israeli Job: How America was neoconned into World War IV:”

Researchers who believe Israel orchestrated 9/11 cite the behavior of a group of individuals who have come to be known as the “dancing Israelis” since their arrest, though their aim was to pass as “dancing Arabs.” Dressed in ostensibly “Middle Eastern” attire, they were seen by various witnesses standing on the roof of a van parked in Jersey City, cheering and taking photos of each other with the WTC in the background, at the very moment the first plane hit the North Tower. The suspects then moved their van to another parking spot in Jersey City, where other witnesses saw them deliver the same ostentatious celebrations.

One anonymous call to the police in Jersey City, reported the same day by NBC News, mentioned “a white van, 2 or 3 guys in there. They look like Palestinians and going around a building. […] I see the guy by Newark Airport mixing some junk and he has those sheikh uniforms. […] He’s dressed like an Arab.” The police soon issued the following BOLO alert (be-on-the-look-out) for a “Vehicle possibly related to New York terrorist attack. White, 2000 Chevrolet van with New Jersey registration with ‘Urban Moving Systems’ sign on back seen at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ, at the time of first impact of jetliner into World Trade Center. Three individuals with van were seen celebrating after initial impact and subsequent explosion.”

By chance, the van was intercepted around 4 pm, with five young men inside: Sivan and Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner, and Omer Marmari. Before any question was asked, the driver, Sivan Kurzberg, burst out: “We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are your problem”.The Kurzberg brothers were formally identified as Mossad agents. All five officially worked for a moving company (a classic cover for espionage) named Urban Moving Systems, whose owner, Dominik Otto Suter, fled the country for Tel Aviv on September 14.[4] Read More »


Strange Events Before 9/11

September 9, 2018

ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS FOR 9/11 TRUTH looks at three anomalous events that occurred at the World Trade Center Towers in the months and weeks immediately preceding the attacks:

There was an increase in security at the Trade Center in the two weeks before 9/11, for reasons that are unclear, which only ended the day before the attacks. Also, the fire alarm system in World Trade Center Building 7 was placed on “test condition” every morning in the seven days before the attacks and on the day of 9/11. While it was in this mode, any alarms would be ignored. WTC 7 was a massive skyscraper located just north of the Twin Towers, which mysteriously collapsed late in the afternoon of September 11. And some of the elevators in the Twin Towers were out of service in the months before the attacks, supposedly due to maintenance work or modernization.


9/11: Destroying the Evidence

September 9, 2018



The Litmus Test

September 8, 2018


The Tidy and the Untidy

September 7, 2018


Tidy and Sloppy Neighbors, June 1, 1961, Saturday Evening Post. Illustration by John Falter

KYLE writes:

I recently drove through my old neighborhood on the way home one evening and noticed that a plurality of the houses my childhood friends grew up in, homes built in the 1970s, haven’t aged gracefully. Most of the aesthetic ornamentation of these houses has become blackened from dirt and brake dust. Window shutters, glass panes, aluminum siding, gutters, entry sidewalks, and garage doors are long overdue for a good pressure washing. Wooden deck patios are a good shove away from falling down. Flowerbeds are barren from being washed out by clogged gutters that flood the bed below and wash out the mulch. Often times garden beds are clogged with dried up leaves from the previous autumn.

Large weeds are often indistinguishable from the plants next to them. The concrete driveways we played basketball on now feature a multitude of spider-web-like cracks and in some cases, they’ve damn near been pulverized to gravel. The streets are riddled with erosion from salt that city workers pound on it during winter months. The same streets are soiled from the engine oil of parked vehicles, giving the neighborhood streets the seedy look of a Wal-Mart parking lot. Read More »