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Nihilist America

September 6, 2018

FROM Our Borders, Our Selves: America in the Age of Multiculturalism, a forthcoming book from VDare Books by the late Lawrence Auster:

We do not resist, and in most cases do not even notice, the desacralizations that surround us because they constitute the very fabric of our culture. Every culture has an organizing idea that is expressed, consciously or unconsciously, in every facet of its physical and social environment. Just as the organizing idea of medieval Europe was Christianity, and the organizing idea of nineteenth century America was democracy, so the organizing idea of our present, multicultural society is nihilism.

To characterize modern society as nihilistic may strike the reader as extreme. Nihilism is conventionally thought of as an attitude of total negation, as “a rage against creation and against civilization that will not be appeased until it has reduced them to absolute nothingness.” [Eugene Rose, Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age, Fr. Seraphim Rose Foundation, Forestville, CA, 1994]. What does this frightful will to destruction have to do with our happy-go-lucky, prosperous, fun-loving country? The answer is that there are degrees and stages of nihilism short of the extreme kind described above. As Fr. Seraphim Rose writes, nihilism is entirely compatible with a “positive” attitude toward life, with enthusiasm, goals, self-esteem, creativity, and most of all with a sense of limitless freedom. What defines nihilism in all its variations is not an attitude of total negation toward everything (which, as we have said, is only the most extreme form of nihilism), but the belief that there is no absolute truth and no rational basis for determining right and wrong. In its early stages, nihilism simply denies the existence of moral truth. In its advanced stages, nihilism replaces moral truth by a new, non-moral criterion of human action–such as “power,” “vitality,” “self-fulfillment,” or “prosperity.” Read More »


Shapiro’s Vendetta

September 4, 2018


LAST MONTH, when I was away from home and not following the story, Catholic League President Bill Donohue, PH.D., wrote of the mind-blowing injustice of the grand jury report on clergy sex abuse issued by Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro:

Importantly, in almost all cases, the accused named in the report was never afforded the right to rebut the charges. That is because the report was investigative, not evidentiary, though the report’s summary suggests that it is authoritative. It manifestly is not. Read More »


Remembering a ’60s Housewife

September 4, 2018

Seldom have I felt as comfortable in anyone’s presence as I did with Lynn and her family.  To her, they were probably only ordinary years.  But she had such a benevolent sense of life and projected such cheerfulness and optimism in her voice and her demeanor that those two years were a high point in my life. 

ALAN writes:

ONE DAY last March, I was looking for a newspaper death notice. I did not find it, but I found something I was not looking for: The death notice for a man whom I had played with when he was a baby in 1963.  He thus became one of the few people I have known and seen make the journey from birth to death.

It was in 1963 that I first heard the 1930s’ ballad “Deep Purple.”  Missourian Jane Froman recorded it in a beautifully arranged version in the 1950s.  Its tone and melody remind me of good friends of ours who are now deceased but who live in the deep purple of my memories.

On ordinary days in the spring of 1963, we became friends with a young married couple who were also our neighbors in a residential area of south St. Louis, less than a mile from where sheep grazed in fields behind a Catholic high school in the 1940s and where my great-aunt could look out the back window in her home and see a farm in the 1930s.  I will call them Ken and Lynn.  She was a housewife and he was a factory worker.  Color slides taken by my mother show them to be a handsome couple in the prime of life.  Their son was born that spring.  I played with their young daughter in our backyard. Read More »


$38 Billion to Israel

September 4, 2018


Legislation to give Israel $38 billion over the next ten years is currently working its way through Congress. This is the largest military aid package in U.S. history.

Yet, while Israeli media are covering the legislation, virtually no U.S. news reports have informed American taxpayers about this proposed disbursement of their tax money.

The proposed military aid amounts to $23,000 per every Jewish Israeli family of four. (Aid to Israel has been on average about 7,000 times greater per capita than U.S. aid to others around the world.)

The proposed aid is divided between two bills. One has already passed, but the main bill is still before Congress.


Applauding Cultural Genocide

September 4, 2018

IMAGINE if Indians became a minority in Calcutta. Imagine an Arab openly celebrating the demise of Indian culture.

Nuseir Yassin, known [as] Nas Daily, celebrates the demise of British culture in this video made for Facebook. Zionist Report writes: “And, if you are a non-White Goy, you should be offended by this too. Because after Europe (research the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan), your culture and race are next. In the end, if you don’t know who you are, and where you come from, you have no reason to defend it… and therefore much easier to control.”


Truth and Lies in Pennsylvania

September 2, 2018

TheMediaReport.com writes:

A priest washed out the mouth of a young sex assault victim with holy water? Another priest sodomized a boy with a crucifix? Another priest assaulted another kid multiple times on an airplane? 300 “predator priests”? The Church “did nothing”?

Are these sickening stories all true? No, they’re not, and we will show you explicitly in this special, two-part report.

Where does one begin to get at the truth of the recently released Pennsylvania grand jury report that has wrought breathless headlines across the globe? Here are two essential starting points: Read More »


The Murder of Fr. Alfred Kunz

August 31, 2018


Fr. Alfred Kunz

WHEN “Monsignor” Jean François Lantheaume, former first counsellor at the “apostolic” nunciature in Washington D.C., confirmed earlier this week that he had personal knowledge that the accusations against high ranking prelates made by “Archbishop” Carlo Maria Viganò were true, he stated, “I can tell you as being the direct witness that Vigano is telling the truth: I was the direct witness! these may be the last lines I write… if I am found chopped up by a chainsaw and my body sunk in concrete, the police and the hacks will say that we have to consider the hypothesis of suicide !!!”

Perhaps Lantheaume’s statement about his own safety was simply a dark joke. But that the life of someone who would expose the homosexual network in the Vatican II Church would be in grave danger is apparently not paranoia. “Archbishop” Viganò has gone into hiding for very good reason.

In 1998, Fr. Alfred Joseph Kunz, a Catholic priest in Dane, Wisconsin, near Madison, was murdered in his rectory. No one has ever been arrested for the crime, though police say they have a suspect and those who knew Fr. Kunz have their own theories. From a report by the Dane County Sheriff’s Office (warning: this contains some graphic details and is not for those with delicate sensibilities):

“On March 4, 1998, at 7:00 a.m., the body of Fr. Alfred J. Kunz, DOB 4/15/30, was found in the hallway of St. Michael School. The school is in the Village of Dane, population approximately 600, located in rural Dane County 5 miles northwest of Madison, Wis., the state capital. Read More »


How a True Pope Dealt with Homosexual Vice

August 31, 2018

FOUR HUNDRED and fifty years ago yesterday, Pope St. Pius V decreed in his bull Horrendum illud scelus that any cleric caught in the crime of homosexual acts should be turned over to civil authorities to be put to death:

That horrible crime, by which corrupt and obscene cities were destroyed by fire through divine condemnation, causes us most bitter sorrow and shocks our mind, impelling us to repress such a crime with the greatest possible zeal. Read More »


“A Whole Lot of Fun”

August 31, 2018

DR. THOMAS DROLESKEY writes at Christ or Chaos on the unfolding scandal involving “Pope” Francis and charges that he protected a sexual predator:

What Father Carlo Maria Vignano has done is to bring into public light the festering grievances within the counterfeit church of conciliarism [Dr. Droleskey is referring to what many today mistakenly believe to be the Catholic Church], and it is, of course, quite delightful to see the arrogant and defiant Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who is ill-tempered and does not take criticism or opposition very well— remember, most leftists don’t cotton to opposition — suffer as he well deserves for his countless offenses against Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and Our Lady and for the infinite harm that he has done and continues to do to souls. Read More »


Who Was Gregory Baum?

August 30, 2018


Gregory Baum

KYLE writes:

In his memoirs published in 2016, The Last Conversations, Benedict XVI openly acknowledged a “gay lobby” in the Vatican, and claimed he managed to “break up this power group,” which he estimated as constituting four to five different individuals who tried to influence decisions. His boast of success may have been premature as the recent priest scandals in Pennsylvania have once again opened up a conversation on the question of homosexual clergy and how much influence they currently have in the Vatican II church. Read More »


Corn Soup

August 30, 2018


EVOLUTIONISTS would have us believe that the mystique of late summer is a trick.

The hummingbirds and the bees, the fields of ripening corn, the blackberry’s clever pockets bursting with juice — all are nature’s way of getting us to propagate the species. Talk about hoaxes! Though these scientists-turned-philosophers claim to believe in random events, they impute to nature itself — an entirely material reality — a form of mind and design.

The poets know otherwise. They know that the mysterious bounty and beauty of summer correspond with an invisible, intangible, immaterial reality. Robert Frost wrote of a summer caterpillar:

She is as in a field a silken tent
At midday when the sunny summer breeze
Has dried the dew and all its ropes relent,
So that in guys it gently sways at ease,
And its supporting central cedar pole,
That is its pinnacle to heavenward
And signifies the sureness of the soul,
Seems to owe naught to any single cord,
But strictly held by none, is loosely bound
By countless silken ties of love and thought
To everything on earth the compass round,
And only by one’s going slightly taut
In the capriciousness of summer air
Is of the slightest bondage made aware.

The very summer breeze communicates love and thought. How can we prolong this delightfulness? How can we absorb it?

We can put it in a food processor and eat it.

My husband said yesterday that if he were to have blood tests right now, they would show that 60 percent of the contents of his veins is corn soup. We have eaten it all week. It is a simple recipe I thought up as I went along. The important ingredient is summer:

Lightly sauté chopped sweet summer onions in a heavy pot with a small amount of butter, putting the lid on so that the onions do not brown. When they are soft, add the corn (preferably sweet white corn) scraped from a dozen or so ears. Add enough chicken or light vegetable broth to just a few inches below the top of the corn. Return the lid and cook on medium low heat until the corn is just tender. Do not overcook. Add one cup of light cream (or more to just cover the corn) and bring to a simmer. Turn off the heat and let the soup cool. Process to a puree in a food processor or blender. (If you don’t have either, you can leave as is.) Return to stove. Add salt and fresh pepper to taste and more broth or cream to achieve the right smooth consistency.

Sometimes soup can have the same effect as a poem. It can summarize summer.


“Goodbye, Good Men”

August 30, 2018

IN his 2002 book Goodbye, Good Men: How Liberals Brought Corruption into the Catholic Church, author Michael S. Rose argued that for decades normal Catholic men were being turned away from seminaries in favor of men who supported the sexual revolution. For instance, men who did not believe women should be priests — that is, men with a healthy and normal sense of masculine identity — were being turned down for the priesthood. The rough, cigar-smoking, golf-playing priest of yesteryear was long ago replaced by men who were noticeably un-manly, reflecting changes in the culture at large, but more importantly changes in the mental universe of those leading Catholic institutions. The ongoing sex abuse scandal — and the explosive revelations of the last few days — are not surprising in light of Rose’s findings. In fact, that there would be anything but widespread sexual crimes in the institutions of what was once the Catholic Church would be a major surprise.

In an interview, Rose stated:

In bringing the “sexual revolution” into the Church, liberals have welcomed—even preferred—radicalized active homosexuals to orthodox seminarians in the name of “tolerance.” Now that tolerance has been exposed as a toleration of criminal acts. The extent of the sex abuse scandals and the accompanying payoffs and cover-ups has mystified many of the faithful who are simply at a loss to understand how this could have occurred, and why it was swept under the rug for so long. Goodbye, Good Men presents evidence that the root of this problem—both the cover-up and the sex abuse itself—extends down to the very place where vocations to the priesthood germinate: the seminary. The corrupt, protective network starts in many of these seminaries, where gay seminarians were encouraged to “act out” or “explore their sexuality” in highly inappropriate ways.

Through the seminaries, moral and religious liberals have brought a moral meltdown into the Catholic priesthood. If the sex scandals that have rocked the Catholic Church are to end, the individuals responsible for this moral meltdown must be rooted out. Only then will the “dark shadow of suspicion,” as the Pope calls it, be removed from “all the other fine priests who perform their ministry with honesty and integrity, and often with heroic self-sacrifice.”

But the problem is not just “liberals” in the Church. The problem is that with the Vatican II Revolution — comparable in the ecclesiastical sphere to the French and Communist Revolutions in the civil realm — Catholicism was replaced with a new faith. Known as “modernism,” it is a faith with its own dogma, morals and worship, a faith opposed to the Catholic religion despite the many things it shares in common with it. That it shares so much in common with the Catholic faith was the main reason why this religion was so successful.

The problem in the seminaries that Rose described originates at the top — in the papacy itself and the men who by virtue of their very sophisticated and artful deformations of the faith, however sincere their belief in the new religion was, deceived many sincere, devout and well-intentioned Catholics and thereby lost all claim to the offices they held — and hold.

The sex abuse crisis in the Catholic Church will never end and never be solved until true popes and traditional worship once again uphold the true faith. The Catholic Church is a hierarchical institution, deformation of the faith at the top leads to a massive falling away from the perennial truths.

“With John XXIII taking control of the papacy in 1958 the modernists had enough power then to bring in their modernist false faith — their anti-faith — and to begin immediately to construct a religion to go with their modernist faith,  to do that they had to deconstruct the traditional Catholic religion, its mass, its sacraments, its catechism, its code of canon law, its devotions and all the rest and replace them.” says Fr. William Jenkins, SSPV. “A new faith requires a new religion… The modernist brought in their own morality, which is basically what the Church has always condemned … It was therefore just a matter of time before all this played out. When they brought in their new modernist morality, they opened the floodgates to the homosexuals and the homosexuals flooded the seminaries.”

But also the male priest was undermined in his masculine identity by virtue of the immense changes to Catholic liturgy with Vatican II. No longer was the priest on the altar only with men. He was increasingly surrounded by women and women now dominate the liturgical life of many parishes. The rule of women leads inescapably to homosexuality and effeminacy.

Therefore what else could we expect?


“An Ecclesiastical Chernobyl”

August 29, 2018


“Pope” Francis and then Cardinal Theodore McCarrick

NOVUS ORDO WATCH has been vigilantly (and perceptively as always) following the events which may represent the death knell to “Pope” Francis’s pseudo-papacy — the accusations by “Archbishop” Carlo Viganò that Francis was personally involved in the cover-up of “Cardinal” Theodore’s McCarrick’s sex abuse crimes:

Yesterday we published a post chronicling what had happened since “Archbishop” Carlo Viganò released his 11-page dossier accusing Francis of having known about and covered up Theodore McCarrick’s shameful immoral acts. As this is becoming nothing less than an ecclesiastical Chernobyl, we’re going to start providing daily updates on the day’s developments and links to commentary, in addition to our usual postings on other topics. Please bear with us as we navigate through this unprecedented disaster that could bring the end of the Francis “pontificate”.

The claims against Francis are reportedly highly credible. How will the cunning spinmeister ever attuned to public opinion spin this? So far, the man who is an ever-flowing fount of public statements has been uncharacteristically silent.

See more posts here, here and here. Get an overview in the audio “Tradcast” episode. Read More »



August 28, 2018


St. Augustine, Gian Lorenzo Bernini; 1650

“MY iniquities were like a snowball growing in size as it rolls.”

— St. Augustine, speaking of his days in Rome


McCain the Liar

August 28, 2018

SADDAM Hussein is a megalomaniacal tyrant whose cruelty and offense to the norms of civilization are infamous” Saddam’s government is a clear and present danger to the United States of America…..

“He has developed stocks of germs and toxins in sufficient quantities to kill the entire population of the earth multiple times. He has placed weapons laden with these poisons on alert to fire at his neighbors within minutes, not hours, and has devolved authority to fire them to subordinates. He develops nuclear weapons with which he would hold his neighbors and us hostage.

No, this is not just another self-serving, oil-rich potentate. He is the worst kind of modern-day tyrant — a conscienceless murderer who aspires to omnipotence who has repeatedly committed irrational acts since seizing power. Given this reality, containment and deterrence and international inspections will work no better than the Maginot Line did 62 years ago.”

— John McCain, Oct. 10, 2002, on the floor of the Senate


Veterans Despised John McCain

August 27, 2018


Glaring Hypocrisy

August 27, 2018

SEVENTY-FOUR people were shot, 12 fatally, in Chicago over the weekend of August 3.

These shootings have not prompted intense coverage and a non-stop campaign for gun control in the media as did the alleged school shootings at Parkland and Sandy Hook. Why? It cannot be that black lives categorically don’t matter, in the political sense. Remember Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown? They were single black victims and their deaths were the focus of apocalyptic coverage.

If you cannot explain this relative silence, dear reader, you should not be following the news at all (which is a good idea anyway).


Drugs, cont.

August 26, 2018

MARKY Mark writes:

Your post about the drug war resonated with me, as I was a front line participant in the drug war during the 1980s. I used to serve in the U.S. Navy, and we did a couple of drug patrols when I was based on the East Coast.

During one patrol, we were in too close to shore, and the water was too shallow for us to use SONAR; I was a SONAR operator when I served. Since we couldn’t use SONAR, we stood watches in the RADAR room. Though I didn’t work up there long enough to become an expert, I learned a few things as we helped the RADAR guys track possible drug smugglers. Read More »