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Divide and Conquer

September 7, 2024

“THIS truth is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of capital to govern the world. By dividing voters by the political party system we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance.”

— A. K. Chesterton, The Menace of the Money Power: An Analysis of World Government by Finance (1946)



Signs of a Staged Mass Shooting

September 6, 2024

EVERY day of the week in America, people are sadly killed in violent crimes.

These ordinary deaths usually receive no intense media coverage lasting for days on end. The public is not pummeled with the details, almost as if they were being systematically traumatized themselves. There are no instantaneous public expressions of grief by politicians or community-wide, televised candlelit vigils. There are no immediate calls on national television for legislative action and new security measures. These crimes often involve reckless or inexpert use of guns. There are no socially awkward and clumsy teenagers displaying the sort of Rambo-style marksmanship even highly-trained and fit members of the military would find difficult to replicate.

As I learned in the years when I was a newspaper reporter covering violent crime, family members and witnesses are devastated. They sometimes cry uncontrollably. They can barely speak or talk coherently. They experience intense shock, particularly if they have witnessed violence and bloodshed. They cannot put into words their trauma or fear in the very first moments after a violent crime, let alone smile repeatedly, as the famous Robbie Parker did at a nationally publicized press conference after his daughter was allegedly gunned down in a quiet, suburban school, just before the president interrupted his schedule and flew in for photo ops.

Always ask yourself when a big story emerges with lots of accompanying political hoopla, “Does anyone benefit?” and “Is my instinctive compassion being manipulated?”

Guns can be put to bad (murder) or good (self defense) use. But lies, especially systematic lies, are never good and can break the moral compass of a society. Terrorizing millions of children with mass coverage of allegedly horrifying crimes in schools is child abuse. My interest in this subject is primarily motivated by concern for the psychological damage done by terror propaganda.

Since the Obama administration (see video below), it has been lawful in the United States for the federal government to engage in domestic propaganda events (i.e., public deception) to combat “extremism.” Given this documented fact, it is not absurd or ridiculous for some to claim that, due to strange anomalies in certain events, the government is doing just that or that generously compensated citizens would participate in deception and even consider their participation virtuous, especially given that it is legal.

Any one or two of these phenomena at a crime scene would not be alarming or prove anything. Many or all of them appearing together is a serious problem and suggests political propaganda with an agenda of stoking fear and enacting legislative gun restrictions or security measures.

Here are some signs of a staged event:

** No clear or convincing imagery of actual attack despite the presence of dozens or hundreds of cell phones

** Immediate, pervasive, non-stop media coverage

** Victims killed instantly despite the advanced state of medical treatment for gunshot wounds

**Victims declared dead without being taken to the hospital

** Active shooter drills conducted in vicinity same day or not long before

** Witnesses say they thought it was a drill

** Lack of normal emergency response; victims often not taken to hospital

** Relatives fail to exhibit normal shock and trauma; speak as if reciting a script; laugh and smile

** Journalists ask leading questions and coach witnesses

** Police or ambulance staff stand around or mill about at scene without urgency; no sign of actual bloodshed

** Flashing lights and sirens suggest chaos and emergency scenario, but no scenes of actual carnage

** Federal or state officials quickly on the scene

** Politicians instantly call for legislative action

** Alleged perpetrator identified right away though normally it would take hours or days

** Death of perpetrator

** Highly implausible marksmanship; one in a million chance that anyone could shoot that accurately

** Contradictory details by alleged witnesses

** Manifesto by perpetrator

** Lack of convincing blood or wounds on surviving victims

** Photos of shoes at scene (Masonic symbolism)

** Empty chairs, clothes or discarded personal items at scene suggest chaos and create dramatic imagery

** Immediate identification of victims though normally it would take hours for journalists or police to collect and release information

** Wounded victims able to communicate and smile soon after attack despite grave injuries, defying all known medical norms

** Maudlin, seemingly-scripted details about victims, described as caring people

** Candlelit vigils, teddy bears, heart placards and “Strong” memes

** “We’re-all-in-this-together” language

** Scant information about victims’ past available on Internet

** Victims not on Social Security Death Index

** Initial video footage disappears

** Internet videos documenting staging censored

** No photos of actual carnage or convincing bloodshed on the Internet afterward though scenes of other crimes are easily available

** Victims valorized for weeks to the point of maximum emotional saturation of the public

** Masonic numbers, especially 3, 9, 6, 11, 33, 66

** Unquestioning adherence to script by journalists

** Immoral relationships, clownish stupidity and ridiculous outfits exhibited by witnesses, seemingly mocking viewers

** Deaths never independently verified

** Gofundme accounts benefit from intense publicity



— Comments —

Robert Robbins writes:

I don’t know if the latest shooting in Georgia this week actually happened, but I do see a comment here either way after watching a brief interview with a boy who supposedly lived to tell about whatever happened. As you have documented before in similar interviews post-horrific episodes, the boy is literally smiling the entire length of the interview, with flippant arm gestures (throwing arms up in the arm), which is precisely what you don’t do after an encounter as traumatic as that. Your whole body is weighed down by the stress of it and you are emotionally and physically exhausted. This young lad is smiling and seemingly ready to hit the pizza shop for a bite to eat.

“I was just like kinda scarred.”

If it did actually happen, I am perhaps more horrified that young people are so divorced from reality that their emotions cannot work for them to understand the trauma and tragedy. It is one thing for someone to be ignorant, since that is our natural beginning state, as we are born with a tabula rasa, but it is another thing for people to be apathetic to this degree or, worse still, to manifest the contrary and normal and healthy emotional state like fear, sadness, or just tiredness. Someone who laughs or smiles or is overall light hearted talking about a tragedy like shooting children is either a demoniac or a psychopath or both.

Mr. Robbins adds:

To the point, informative, and intriguing, your post was very good to help shine light on the mass shooting phenomenon. I had no idea hoaxes were a lawful thing now.

The world is so crazy, one is hard pressed not to become insane a little just trying to follow it. Perhaps therein lies the secret–don’t follow the world.

Laura writes:

Great point: Follow the world and and fall into lies.

So sad that people desire manufactured distractions. That’s the heart of it all.

Alan writes:

Whether “mass shootings” are real events or hoaxes is a valid question but a secondary point.  As you note, there are good reasons to conclude that some or many such incidents are staged.  But either way, they are a most convenient pretext for another propaganda barrage and for Do-Gooder entities to crawl out of the woodwork.

“Gun control” and “mental health” are codewords for surrendering more and more power to government and to “public-private partnerships”, which is code for Communist Government.  Either way, limitless government will come out on top, while individual rights, personal responsibility, the right to bear arms, and the administration of law by means of objective standards and rules are to be extinguished sooner or later, as Tyrannical Government may decide.  We can be certain that it is all carefully planned, scripted, and rehearsed.

Laura writes:

A moratorium on all publicity surrounding these events would help solve the problem, but that’s not even remotely possible.

Kathy G. writes:

The idea that it is a legitimate/legal government function to lie to and terrorize it’s own citizens with propaganda and shooting/pandemic hoaxes is simply monstrous, and should completely erase any lingering notion that we live in any kind of a “representative” system. This is all very old strategy, the ancient “Problem-Reaction-Solution”, the first historical reference of it that I know of being Diocletian burning down his own palace in order to blame and punish the early Christians. Nearly daily now, I learn of some historical event I was taught that was in reality something else entirely, or some new “crisis”, incident, or impending doom-prophecy. The Great Deceiver has been very active in the past several hundred years, and secrets are being revealed. Being grounded in Christ, Scripture, and Faith is such a help. I can’t imagine not having that, and trying to make sense of all of this and understand reality.

Janice writes:

Another aspect of these events comes to mind: the possibility of the pre-planning of the abduction of children from these places so they can be trafficked – afterward falsely reported as being killed? Maybe my imagination is in overdrive, but that could be one more motivation behind these stagings. Faking crimes is diabolical to begin with, so its not as if those responsible for it are incapable of it! Unless logistics would somehow prevent it, these ” crime scenes” would lend perfect cover for such activities.

Laura writes:

I hadn’t thought of that. Anything’s possible, but I think the success of these things depends on parents not losing their children. It’s unlikely any parent would remain quiet if a child’s body disappeared.

Another interesting video about these events:




The Case Against Winston Churchill

September 6, 2024

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Patience with Oneself

September 5, 2024

Fraktur, Courtesy of Philadelphia Public Library

“A SOUL TO whom God makes known its defects is much more burdensome to itself than its neighbor ever could be to it, because the latter, however near to us, is not always with us; at any rate is not within us, whereas we carry ourselves about with us, and cannot leave ourselves for a single moment, nor completely cease to behold ourselves, to feel ourselves, and to carry about with us everywhere our imperfections, and our faults. But see wherein the infinite goodness of our God shines forth; for the sorrow and shame that our faults cause us are their own remedy, provided that this shame never turns into defiance, and that the sorrow is inspired by the love of God, and not by self−love. Sorrow born of self−love is full of vexation and bitterness; far from healing the wounds of our soul, it only serves to poison them. On the other hand, sorrow produced by the love of God is calm and full of resignation; while detecting the fault it delights in the humiliation which follows, and from this it results that much merit is gained, and thus even from losses we make, profit. Cease then from tormenting yourself on account of your defects and of the imperfection of your works. Offer to God the sorrow they occasion you, and allow His divine Providence to make good these slight infidelities by many little crosses and sufferings of all kinds. Arm yourself only with patience, raise yourself again as soon as possible and deplore your falls with a sweet, tranquil humility. God wishes you to act thus, and by this indefatigable patience you will render Him more glory and will make more progress than the most violent efforts would have enabled you to do.”

— The Rev. Jean Pierre de Caussade, S.J., Abandonment to Divine Providence



The Power of the Female Consumer

September 4, 2024


IF THE UNEASY American Woman were really fulfilling her economic functions today, she would never allow a short pound of butter, a yard of adulterated woolen goods, to come into her home. She would never buy a ready-made garment which did not bear the label of the Consumer’s League. She would recognize that she is a guardian of quality, honesty, and humanity in industry.

“A persistent misconception of the nature and the possibilities of this practical side of the Business of Being a Woman runs through all present-day discussions of the changes in household economy. The woman no longer has a chance to pay her way, we are told, because it is really cheaper to buy bread than to bake it, to buy jam than to put it up. Of course, this is a part of the vicious notion that a woman only makes an economic return by the manual labor she does. The Uneasy Woman takes up the point and complains that she has nothing to do. But this release from certain kinds of labor once necessary, merely puts upon her the obligation to apply the ingenuity and imagination necessary to make her business meet the changes of an ever changing world. Because the conditions under which a household must be run now are not what they were fifty years ago is no proof that the woman no longer has here an important field of labor. There is more to the practical side of her business than preparing food for the family! It means, for one thing, the directing of its wants. The success of a household lies largely in its power of selection. Today selection has given way to accumulation. The family becomes too often an incorporated company for getting things— with frightful results. The woman holds the only strong strategic position from which to war on this tendency, as well as on the habits of wastefulness which are making our national life increasingly hard and ugly. She is so positioned that she can cultivate and enforce simplicity and thrift, the two habits which make most for elegance and for satisfaction in the material things of life.”

        —-  Ida M. Tarbell, The Business of Being a Woman, Macmillan Company, 1912; (p. 28-29). Kindle Edition.



September Gold

September 4, 2024

— by Archibald Lampman

Now hath the summer reached her golden close,
And, lost amid her corn-fields, bright of soul,
Scarcely perceives from her divine repose
How near, how swift, the inevitable goal:
Still, still, she smiles, though from her careless feet
The bounty and the fruitful strength are gone,
And through the soft long wondering days goes on
The silent sere decadence sad and sweet.

The kingbird and the pensive thrush are fled,
Children of light, too fearful of the gloom;
The sun falls low, the secret word is said,
The mouldering woods grow silent as the tomb;
Even the fields have lost their sovereign grace,
The cone-flower and the marguerite; and no more,
Across the river’s shadow-haunted floor,
The paths of skimming swallows interlace. Read More »


Error and Charity

September 4, 2024

“CATHOLIC doctrine tells us that the primary duty of charity does not lie in the toleration of false ideas, however sincere they may be, nor in the theoretical or practical indifference towards the errors and vices in which we see our brethren plunged.”

— Pope St. Pius X



A Philosopher’s Thoughts on ‘Black Rage’

September 1, 2024

FROM Racism, Guilt, Self Hatred, And Self Deceit by Gedaliah Braun, PhD (2007):

I am an American who from 1976 to 1988 taught philosophy at universities in Nigeria, Kenya and Papua New Guinea, since which time I have lived in South Africa … With very few exceptions, blacks in Africa regard it as an obvious, commonplace fact, needing no argument, and provoking no ‘offense’ whatsoever, that the white man is superior to the black man. ‘Blaming’ this inferiority on whites or colonialism (‘externalism’), therefore, is obviously a nonstarter.

This claim about black attitudes is based on conversations with hundreds of blacks in Africa and Papua New Guinea. That indigenous blacks so matter-of-factly believe this does not make it true; but it does establish that for them, the question of racial differences is not a ‘sensitive’ issue. Where does this idea come from – that racial difference is a despicable idea, so disgraceful that the mere suggestion of it can end careers? I believe it comes from whites rather than blacks, which is why, in black Africa, where there are few whites and remarkably little Western ideological influence, the idea that all races are the same and that it is morally bad to say otherwise is almost unknown. Read More »


Reading Is Not Always Healthy

August 31, 2024

Daniel Garber, The Orchard Window (1918)

“THERE is nothing so absurd,’ quipped the ancient Roman philosopher-statesman Cicero, ‘that it can’t be said by a philosopher.’ Unfortunately, philosophers’ absurdities aren’t limited to classroom sophistry and eccentric speculations. They make their way into print and are thereby released upon the public. They can be, and have been, as dangerous and harmful as deadly diseases. And as with deadly diseases, people can pick up deadly ideas without even noticing. These ideas float, largely undetected, in the intellectual air we breathe.

“If we take a good, hard, sober look at the awful effects of such deadly ideas we can come to only one conclusion: there are books that really have screwed up the world, books that we would have been better off without.

“This should not come as a shock, except to those who don’t believe that ideas have consequences. Thomas Carlyle, the eminent Scottish essayist and sometime philosopher, was once scolded at a dinner party for endlessly chattering about books: ‘Ideas, Mr. Carlyle, ideas, nothing but ideas!’ To which he replied, ‘There once was a man called Rousseau who wrote a book containing nothing but ideas. The second edition was bound in the skins of those who laughed at the first.’ Carlyle was right. Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote a book that inspired the ruthlessness of the French Revolution (and even more destructive things after that).

‘Common sense and a little logic tell us that if ideas have consequences, then it follows that bad ideas have bad consequences. And even more obvious, if bad ideas are written down in books, they are far more durable, infecting generation after generation and increasing the world’s wretchedness.’

— Benjamin Wiker, Ten Books that Screwed Up the World, and Five Others that Didn’t Help

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The Weaker Vessel

August 30, 2024

St. Barbara, Master of Frankfurt (1460-ca. 1533)

GOD seems to have set women apart to pay the debt of sin. Men saints have a wider sphere of action and one that attracts attention. They travel all over the world, found or reform Religious Orders, convert the heathen, exercise their ministry in the pulpit by their eloquence. Woman has a more passive role to fulfill: she has not the sacerdotal character and may pass her life in silent suffering on a bed of sickness. The temperament of a woman is more affectionate and devoted, as well as less selfish than a man’s. She is likewise more impressionable and susceptible of emotion. Our Lord Himself met with a readier welcome from women; they excel in little and refined attentions, little acts of thoughtful charity such indeed as a man, unless he is a St. Francis of Assisi, overlooks.”

— Joris-Karl Huysmans (1848-1907)



Friends of the Cross

August 30, 2024

EVERYTHING reminds us of the cross. We ourselves are made in the form of a cross. Balm and sweetness exhale from the cross. The unction, which overflows from the cross, inundates our souls, in proportion as we unite ourselves with it, holding it tightly against our hearts. The cross contains more wisdom than any book; all who do not know this book are ignorant, however many other books they may have studied. Those only are truly wise who love and consult this book, who study it deeply. Bitter as this book is, they are never happier than when they can immerse themselves in its bitterness. The more they frequent this school, the more they desire to remain there, never do their studies weary them.”

— St. John Vianney



Afflictions and Grace

August 30, 2024

“Without the burden of afflictions it is impossible to reach the height of grace. The gift of grace increases as the struggle increases.”

—- St. Rose of Lima



The Poor Man’s Riches

August 30, 2024

“WHAT if a man is poor? Even so he is rich. Look at His riches with eyes of faith only. For you look only at an empty purse; not at a conscience filled with God. Outwardly he has nothing, but within he has charity. How much can one give from charity and not exhaust it!”

— St. Augustine



Gaza and the Great Replacement

August 29, 2024

STAGE a fake war in Gaza.

Garner billions in U.S. aid.

Cause protests and political division in the West.

Send millions of Muslim refugees from “war-torn” Palestine to Europe.

Conquer your greatest enemy.

Redevelop Gaza into a resort area.

Checkmate! According to Fakenukes Phil, that’s the current agenda in the Middle East and it’s succeeding. I can’t endorse all Phil’s theories, but this one sounds right.



St. Augustine vs. One Worldism

August 28, 2024

“DIFFERENCE of race or condition or sex is indeed taken away by the unity of faith, but it remains embedded in our mortal interactions, and in the journey of this life the apostles teach that it is to be respected, and they even proposed living in accord with the racial differences between Jews and Greeks as a wholesome rule.” [bold added]

— St. Augustine, Epistle to the Galatians (3:28-29)



Social Order and Faith

August 28, 2024

“MANY examples can be cited which show that absolutely nothing would remain intact in human society if we should determine to believe only what we can grasp by perception.”

— St. Augustine, The Advantage of Believing



When Superiority Died

August 28, 2024

IN 1967, Carleton Putnam, businessman, Princeton graduate and author, wrote:

Let a man be told incessantly that everything he and his forefathers had achieved was largely a matter of chance; that the poverty and backward condition of other individuals and races was also largely a question of luck — in fact perhaps even the fault of himself and his forefathers; that his standards of morals, fiscal responsibility and personal integrity were no better than anyone else’s; that his civilization was mostly happenstance and really nothing much to be proud of; that since all humanity were innately equal, all actual differences must be due to the other man’s misfortune and his own four-leaf clovers — let a man hear these things often enough and his values were bound to change. Read More »


Summer Gratitude

August 28, 2024

O all ye things that spring up in the earth, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever.  

O ye fountains, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever.  

O ye seas and rivers, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 

O ye whales, and all that move in the waters, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever.

 O all ye fowls of the air, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever.

O all ye beasts and cattle, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever.

 O ye sons of men, bless the Lord, praise and exalt him above all for ever. 

O let Israel bless the Lord: let them praise and exalt him above all for ever.  

O ye priests of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 

O ye servants of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever.

[Daniel 3:76-85]