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The Thinking Housewife


Parkland Was Staged: Ten Reasons

March 19, 2018

SEE Jim Fetzer’s listing of “ten reasons for concluding that the Parkland Shooting was a staged event, planned long in advance, which included the use of student ‘crisis actors’ faking wounds they did not incur and even teachers and doctors making false claims about the death of a fellow teacher (who was no longer at the school) and about wounds that healed in record time (in violation of the laws of physiology and medicine). ”


County Tipperary, 1963

March 17, 2018



One Man’s Spiritual Journey

March 16, 2018


Madonna and Child, Fra Filippo Lippi

DREW EMMONS describes his journey from life as a Protestant pastor to the Vatican II religion to the true Catholic Church.


Empowering the Children

March 16, 2018

“The Ultimate Deep State goal is worldwide Totalitarianism/Socialism but they need to do a few things first:

1. Take away our guns so we can’t resist their abuse.

2. Destroy the American economy to get us to agree to Socialism.

3. Destroy the family unit/institution.”

Source Read More »


Melting Snow

March 16, 2018


Melting Snow, Edward Willis Redfield

— Robert Frost

It snowed in spring on earth so dry and warm
The flakes could find no landing place to form.
Hordes spent themselves to make it wet and cold,
And still they failed of any lasting hold.
They made no white impression on the black.
They disappeared as if earth sent them back.
Not till from separate flakes they changed at night
To almost strips and tapes of ragged white
Did grass and garden ground confess it snowed,
And all go back to winter but the road.
Next day the scene was piled and puffed and dead.
The grass lay flattened under one great tread.
Borne down until the end almost took root,
The rangey bough anticipated fruit
With snowball cupped in every opening bud.
The road alone maintained itself in mud,
Whatever its secret was of greater heat
From inward fires or brush of passing feet. Read More »


A Face of Feminism

March 16, 2018

“IF ONLY I had gotten my hands on your mother.” (Warning: Sickening. Not for the sensitive.)


Recipe for World War

March 16, 2018



Where Are the Peacemakers?

March 15, 2018

“WE are passengers, careening toward the next world war and with it financial ruin by the destruction of our money. We are now witnessing almost daily threats, back and forth between our government and Russia.  It is up to God’s natural peacemakers to demand an end to wars, and to take over the war ship we ride on. Only leadership is needed, and [we] cannot provide it!”

— Charles Coulson, We Hold These Truths


Sexual Freedom and Political Control

March 15, 2018

“IN a few years, no doubt, marriage licenses will be sold like dog licenses, good for a period of twelve months, with no law against changing dogs or keeping more than one animal at a time. As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase. And the dictator (unless he needs cannon fodder and families with which to colonize empty or conquered territories) will do well to encourage that freedom. In conjunction with the freedom to daydream under the influence of dope and movies and the radio, it will help to reconcile his subjects to the servitude which is their fate.”

– Aldous Huxley, in the foreword to ”Brave New World” Read More »


The Hypnotic Cell Phone

March 15, 2018

FROM a piece by Bernie Suarez on seven major drawbacks of cell phones:

We’ve all likely seen the destruction of the person-to-person interpersonal relationship at the hands of the cell phone. No longer do people want to meet in person, instead they would rather text you. Even speaking on the phone is out of style for many younger adults. The hassle of actually having to speak to you on the phone is too much to ask for, thus a text which is exponentially less personal is more convenient for them. For some people texting allows them to more easily ignore you, put you off until later and worse.

All of this I firmly believe was by design. The globalists wanted an isolated and callous humanity hooked on electronics and depleted of real human interaction, and the cell phone gave them the perfect tool to advance this idea.

It doesn’t matter whether it was by design or not.  It’s a great technological leap in some ways,  but cell phones affect society and human health.

A friend of mine is a philosophy professor who recently asked his students why they prefer to text friends instead of calling them. The students all agreed that a phone call presented the possibility of rejection. The phone call was too personal. With texting, friends can ignore or evade requests to get together.

Cell phones make it harder to deal with normal interactions. They are hypnotic, addictive and, as Suarez says, a sophisticated propaganda tool.


Conservatism, Inc.

March 14, 2018


DR. E. MICHAEL JONES, in this interview with Vendée Radio, discusses the history of American conservatism, a managed movement started after Pearl Harbor, when the “America First” movement was deliberately killed by forces within the American and British governments.

Don’t miss this interview, which includes discussion of Catholic economic teaching. Along the way, Jones discusses many familiar names, including Richard Neuhaus, William Buckley, Russell Kirk, Thomas Fleming and Jordan Peterson. (Please disregard the part on Vatican II.)


Preparing for War in the Middle East

March 14, 2018

WHITNEY WEBB reports on the largest joint air defense exercise of U.S. and Israeli forces, a drill for conflict on three fronts: Syria, Lebanon and Palestine. Read More »


Farewell, Bigots!

March 13, 2018


Another arrogant Jewish culture warrior slings mud at white America

THE editor of National Geographic magazine, Susan Goldberg, apologizes for the racist opinions of her predecessors in the latest issue.

I’m the tenth editor of National Geographic since its founding in 1888. I’m the first woman and the first Jewish person—a member of two groups that also once faced discrimination here. It hurts to share the appalling stories from the magazine’s past.

Aside from the substance — or lack of substance — of Ms. Goldberg’s apology, it’s an odd thing for an editor to do. Editors don’t normally seek to denigrate their publications in public.

It seems that it is Ms. Goldberg who is the bigot.

Would the magazine of WASP racists fascinated by exotic cultures in far-off lands (though they did feature too many pictures of naked women — just like the mainstream media today) have ever so undercut the confidence of native, non-white cultures by portraying their children in sexual confusion (see below)? (Sorry, previous link was a fake.) I think not. I would wager that no previous editor of National Geographic has had anything remotely like the political agenda of Susan Goldberg and her backers in the entertainment industry, of which National Geographic is now a part. Read More »


Before Feminists Found Abortion

March 13, 2018



A Beautiful Death

March 12, 2018


The creepy Katy Perry — a demon from Hollywood

A NUN who had been legally battling both the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and Hollywood’s Katy Perry in an effort to prevent Kerry from purchasing her convent’s former headquarters collapsed and died in court on Friday.

Sister Clare Rose Holzman’s religious order, the sisters of the Most Holy and Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary — decimated by Vatican II and by psychological experimentation performed on the sisters — left the building years ago. See Susan D. Harris’s report in The American Thinker on the psychology experiments conducted at the convent. Harris writes:

Never being one to believe in coincidences, I can’t help but believe that Katy Perry knows exactly why she wants that particular piece of property, that it holds some kind of sick symbolism for her.

But Sister Clare, 89, waged a valiant fight, for both financial and moral reasons, to prevent the creepy Kerry from taking over the building. Just a few hours before her death, Sister Clare told Fox News:

“Katy Perry represents everything we don’t believe in. It would be a sin to sell to her.”

What a great way to go — fighting one of Hollywood’s dark legions. May the soul of Sister Clare rest in peace for all eternity. The victory is hers.


St. Paul in Jerusalem

March 12, 2018


St. Paul in prison

MOST people, even non-Christians, know the dramatic accounts of Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion and Resurrection, historical events that are central to the Easter season. Fewer are familiar with the similarly dramatic events that occurred after Christ’s Passion and Resurrection. Understanding these events is crucial to understanding how the whole world came to know of this one execution.

The Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament tells of escapes, rescues, imprisonments, angry tribunals, executions and tense crowds that characterized the apostles’ evangelization efforts. The story of St. Paul’s visit to the Jewish temple in Jerusalem makes for especially riveting reading.

Remember, Paul had been a Jew who had been traveling through lands of the Roman Empire to round up other Jews who were joining the new sect of followers of the “Nazarene.” Those he captured were put in prison and sometimes executed. He had stood by as Stephen, also a Jew, was stoned to death by an angry Jewish crowd. Paul did all this until, as we all know, he was traveling to Damascus and was struck by a bolt of light and heard the voice of Christ. He instantly believed in the divinity of Jesus as the Messiah and became the most famous evangelist. He would receive other miraculous messages as well.

In Chapter 21, Paul visits the temple in Jerusalem to make sacrificial offerings. (The first Christians for a time honored what for many was their ancestral religion in this way.) After a few days of his presence, many in the temple come to realize who Paul is and seize him. They bring him before a Roman tribune, demanding that he be put to death.

Paul requests Roman justice: “Is it lawful for you to scourge a man that is a Roman, and uncondemned?” Read More »


No Obituaries for Parkland Dead

March 12, 2018

OBITUARIES for most recently deceased Americans can be found at the major obituary website, Tributes.com. For instance, the obituary of a dear uncle of mine who died on February 25th is listed on the site.

None of the victims of the Parkland shooting could be found there as of yesterday.


Ripped and Risen

March 12, 2018

THE Occupied Vatican has issued an Easter stamp.

It depicts a toned “Gym Jesus”  — an apparent shout-out to the man lovers in Antipope Francis’s Tower of Babble. The stamp is not only cheesy and sentimental, it’s obscene and blasphemous. What do you expect? The Vatican II religion is attuned to ugliness in art — one of the signs that it is not Catholic — and promotes a “God of Surprises.”

Stay tuned for many more surprises until the true God, working through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, brings this living hell of non-stop kitsch and blasphemy to an end.

Speaking of antipopes, ever wonder how the Church can guarantee the perpetual succession of popes given that the Vatican II “popes” defected from the faith?

The French Dominican Michel-Louis Guérard des Lauriers solved this problem with his Cassiciacum Thesis, which recognizes the election of these men as valid, but their authority null and void because of their heresies. It’s common sense, and not that hard to understand.

(Credit for this post’s title goes to EWTN.) Read More »