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No Obituaries for Parkland Dead

March 12, 2018

OBITUARIES for most recently deceased Americans can be found at the major obituary website, Tributes.com. For instance, the obituary of a dear uncle of mine who died on February 25th is listed on the site.

None of the victims of the Parkland shooting could be found there as of yesterday.


Ripped and Risen

March 12, 2018

THE Occupied Vatican has issued an Easter stamp.

It depicts a toned “Gym Jesus”  — an apparent shout-out to the man lovers in Antipope Francis’s Tower of Babble. The stamp is not only cheesy and sentimental, it’s obscene and blasphemous. What do you expect? The Vatican II religion is attuned to ugliness in art — one of the signs that it is not Catholic — and promotes a “God of Surprises.”

Stay tuned for many more surprises until the true God, working through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, brings this living hell of non-stop kitsch and blasphemy to an end.

Speaking of antipopes, ever wonder how the Church can guarantee the perpetual succession of popes given that the Vatican II “popes” defected from the faith?

The French Dominican Michel-Louis Guérard des Lauriers solved this problem with his Cassiciacum Thesis, which recognizes the election of these men as valid, but their authority null and void because of their heresies. It’s common sense, and not that hard to understand.

(Credit for this post’s title goes to EWTN.) Read More »


The Modern Family

March 9, 2018

BEVERLY writes:

As the children start writing books about their liberal, demented parents and the abuse, I wonder if the law will start prosecuting these sickos. From Lifesite News:

The daughter of famed science fiction author Marion Zimmer Bradley has written an autobiographical account revealing the horrors of growing up in a home raised by LGBT parents who repeatedly sexually abused her and her brothers.

“I have heard all the customary protestations. ‘Your parents were evil because they were evil, not because they were gay,’ but I disagree,” writes Moira Greyland in her new book, The Last Closet: The Dark Side of Avalon.

“The underlying problem is a philosophical one that is based on beliefs that are not only common to gay culture but to popular culture. And this is the central belief: All Sex is Always Right No Matter What,” she wrote.


“The Curious Case of Kyle Laman”

March 9, 2018

SEE the post at Fellowship of the Minds about Parkland shooting victim Kyle Laman, whose family is making a handsome sum from fundraisers.

Laman allegedly ran down three flights of stairs after his ankle was shattered and torn open by bullets.


The Hate Index

March 9, 2018

“HATRED” is a word bomb. Throw it into a crowd and watch it paralyze thought. Put it on your front lawn and wound the opposition with a powerful package of guilt. Feel your superiority magically rise. “Hatred” is a status symbol and an incantation — hate, hate, hate. The great thing about calling someone “hateful” is, it entitles you to be hateful. “Poof!” — and you are good, infinitely better than those crass, working-class haters with their hateful hatefulness.

The term is a weapon used by some not-very-nice people to demonize anyone who refuses groveling submission to the world controllers. You don’t need vast armies to take over the world. You just need the right words.

Hatred is invisible. You can’t ever disprove that you are hateful. You don’t feel hateful? That doesn’t mean you are not. ‘Hate’ is the perfect snare, entangling its victims in a sticky web.

Line up the hatefully hateful, the haters, the hate-happy. You have the right — no, the obligation — to hate them.



False Flags and Intellectual Pride

March 8, 2018

A COMMENT by Jude Duffy posted at Henry Makow:

A few years ago a prominent Catholic traditionalist wrote an article stating that the Catholic “traditionalist movement” should, in the future, exclude from its ranks anyone who espoused “wacky conspiracy theories” about 9/11 and other terror “events”. In this guy’s eyes, embarrassing “duh movement” by doubting the MSM version of reality had become tantamount to heresy. I mention this only because the writer concerned, would doubtless claim to be deeply skeptical of the corporate MSM – as would all the white nationalists, pro-Palestinian activists, anti-globalists, etc., who also ignore the glaringly obvious anomalies in most official accounts of terror events and “mass shootings”.

Whatever excuse there may once have been for this willful blindness, it completely disappeared in recent years: the role of Israel, the Saudis and the western powers in sponsoring Isis and Al Qaeda in the Muslim world is now a matter of public record. It follows that there’s nothing remotely far-fetched about believing that these powers might also stage false flags in the west under the flag of Isis. Yet a vulgar intellectual snobbery (which is just another term for spiritual pride) and a short-sighted worldly concern for the public standing of their own “movements” precludes many self-proclaimed anti-globalists from admitting the truth about false flag terror – even to themselves.


Innocence Lost

March 8, 2018

PARENTS, build a moat around your children to protect them from this freakish culture.

[Image] Read More »


Logic and Parkland

March 8, 2018

RYAN writes:

First off I would like to say I appreciate you pursuing the truth, and this is not a personal attack or an attack on conspiracy theories.

However, you have some faulty logic regarding this shooting being “faked.” First, you claim there should be blood splatter everywhere, and you expect there to be blood on Nikolas Cruz. This isn’t a Tarantino movie – gunshots don’t create “splatter” unless shot in the head, and even then splatter is minimal. If you don’t believe me, watch any shooting on Live Leak. Read More »


Populist Win in Italy

March 5, 2018


MATTEO SALVINI is poised to be Italy’s next prime minister after Sunday’s election. He promised to deport 500,000 illegal migrants. The close results are likely to lead to a hung parliament.


Fifteen Years of Crimes in Iraq

March 5, 2018

RON PAUL writes in his column today:

This month marks the 15th anniversary of the US war on Iraq. The “shock and awe” attack was launched based on “stove-piped” intelligence fed from the CIA and Pentagon through an uncritical and compliant US mainstream media. The US media was a willing accomplice to this crime of aggression committed by the George W. Bush Administration.

Despite the lies we were constantly bombarded with, Iraq never presented a threat to the United States. Iraq never had the weapons of mass destruction that the neocons used to frighten Americans into supporting the war. How many of them knew all along that there were no WMDs? We’ll never know. Attacking Iraq and overthrowing its leader was long a plan in the neocon playbook and they used the 9/11 attack on the US as an excuse to pull the plan off the shelf and put it into action.

The US “regime change” war on Iraq has directly resulted in the death of at least a quarter of a million civilians, and indirectly perhaps a million Iraqis have been killed. The Iraqi infrastructure was destroyed and the country was set back many decades in development. Far from the democratization we were promised, Iraq has been turned into a hell on earth. Due to the US use of depleted uranium and other chemical weapons like white phosphorus, Iraqis will continue to suffer from birth defects and other related illnesses for generations. Read More »


More Proof Parkland Shooting Was Fake

March 5, 2018

AT 9:32 a.m. on the morning of the Feb. 14 shootings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, the school’s news anchorman David Hogg made a video interviewing a student about the shooting, which did not occur until after 2:19 p.m that day. So almost five hours before the shooting, Hogg was offering “live” commentary. See minute 1:42 in this video in which he states the time.

Hogg also mentions in the same video compilation the name of the suspect well before he could possibly have known who the suspect was. For those who do not consider the strange behavior of students who can film interviews and make a mini-documentary while hiding in a closet during a massacre sufficient reason to doubt the story, these time discrepancies should disprove the official version.

Youtube and Google have in the past week purged their platforms of hundreds of video reports about the shooting and about the Sandy Hook shootings. Why would they censor videos if they were wildly off-base?


Excitement vs. Beauty

March 4, 2018


J.P. STRALEY writes:

Just a quick comment on rock music as discussed in the recent “Globalism” post.

It’s not beautiful!  The writers and players do not have that idea in mind.

Consider the direct opposite, classical music.  There is not one work you can name in which the composer did not have the over-arching drive to create something of beauty.

Try listening to some rock, and then immediately afterward to classical.   This highlights the different ambitions of the two sets of composers…some sort of edgy excitement for rock, and just plain old transcendent beauty for classical.

[Luciano Pavarotti sings “Cujus Animam” from Rossini’s Stabat Mater.]


Medical Facts and Mass Shootings

March 3, 2018

THE UNFAMILIARITY OF AMERICANS with basic medical facts related to gun violence is a serious problem in this age of mass shooting reports. Those who have never been to crime scenes or seen real people who have been shot or stabbed (I did repeatedly in my years as a newspaper reporter) may be easily deceived.

The writer Bernie Suarez explains in this 2017 piece some of the things you need to look for in the news in terms of both the physical and psychological responses to gun violence. (I apologize for the ads on the linked page.) He writes: Read More »


Homemakers Unite

March 3, 2018

BREITBART NEWS reports this positive development:

HomeMakers for America will be in the nation’s capital on March 8 to celebrate a national and international movement that started in May 2017 when the pro-God, pro-family, and pro-freedom organization published its Declaration of Mothers.

Since then, thousands of women in more than 4,000 U.S. cities and all 50 states have signed the declaration, several governors are proclaiming March 8 International Mothers Influence Day, and last month Rep. Diane Black (R-TN) entered the declaration into the Congressional Record.

In January 2018 HomeMakers for America partnered with women around the world to issue the Worldwide Declaration of Mothers, which has since been signed by organizational leaders representing eight million people in more than 150 countries around the world.

“It is clear that despite what the media and radical feminists would have us believe, the pink-hatted protestors do not speak for the majority of women in America—or the world,” the organization said in its press release about the national briefing that will take place at the Phyllis Schlafly Center in Washington, D.C.

HomeMakers for America noted that the left degrades motherhood and its crucial role for children, families, the community, and civil society.

Read more here.


No One Died at Parkland

March 2, 2018

IN A WORLD SATURATED WITH cell phone cameras, there is not a single credible image on the Internet of anyone wounded or dead at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb. 14, 2018.

No one died in the shooting. Ignore theories from the alt-media that the police did it or that there were multiple shooters. There is no graphic evidence that anyone died. Nor is there testimony from a single genuinely traumatized person. The whole thing was a staged drill by psychopathic liars.

Liberate yourself. Tune out the artificial fear and anxiety — including anxiety generated by “we-told-you-so” conservative commentators who say Nikolas Cruz — a dazed teenager and unlikely commando arrested with not a visible speck of blood on him — was a killer because he was fatherless! Read More »


Northwoods, Kennedy and the Deep State

March 2, 2018


January 1963, Meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 4:30PM
(Cecil Stoughton. White House Photographs.)

KYLE writes:

On March 13, 1962, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Lyman L. Lemnitzer, signed off on a proposed false flag operation that would employ the Central Intelligence Agency to commit acts of terrorism against U.S. citizens in attempt to rally public support for a war against Communist Cuba. The memorandum, Operation Northwoods, was fully declassified nearly four decades later on April 30, 2001, roughly five months before the September 11 attacks. Although the proposed actions of Operation Northwoods were rejected by President John F. Kennedy, its existence set a dangerous precedent. The deep state planned to sacrifice the lives of American citizens to move an agenda forward. This forever casts doubt on highly-publicized tragic attacks and the official narratives rolled out by media and government.

As soon as Kennedy came into office, his administration was confronted by foreign policy challenges that no other American president had encountered. By forming an alliance with the U.S.S.R during the Second World War, the U.S. had sealed the prospect of confronting a Communist superpower at some point in the near future. By clearing the European chess board, it opened a path for the Soviet takeover of eastern Europe. The incremental “spread of red” had positioned a nuclear threat at the foot of America’s bed in the form of a Cuban-Russian alliance that eventually led to the thirteen day standoff known as the Cuban Missile Crisis.

John F. Kennedy aboard the PT-109 in the South Pacific, 1943.

Read More »


Where’s Equal Pay?

February 27, 2018

SINGLE, CHILDLESS WOMEN in their twenties earn an average of eight percent more than comparable men in the top 366 metropolitan areas. In Atlanta, they earn 22 percent more; in New York, 17 percent.

Read more. (Scroll down the page.)


On Self-Mortification

February 26, 2018


Wells Cathedral

IF WE don’t bring the body under subjection, it will trample on the soul.

In this Lenten sermon on exterior mortifications, the Rev. Nicolás Despósito explains the purpose of the fasts and penances of Lent.