Superb Actor Available
February 19, 2018
THE Parkland shooting hoax had it all — except the excellent actor Harrison Hanks. Read More »
February 19, 2018
THE Parkland shooting hoax had it all — except the excellent actor Harrison Hanks. Read More »
February 19, 2018
YOU HAVE to hand it to those involved in the staged shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Applause, please. Their performances have been top notch. These two sisters — the sisters Carbocci — do a fine job in this CNN interview on Friday, aided especially in the case of the teary-eyed Hannah by her thick, watery-lensed glasses, which make her tears all the more realistic. Hannah and Kaitlin recount the dramatic tale of how they exchanged 77 text messages during the eight-minute shooting. As Hannah lay under the teacher’s desk, she sent dozens of remarkably legible and coherent texts, mostly sentimental messages to her family. She wasn’t tense and alert to what was happening around her, as a normal person who might be shot any minute would be, she was sending messages to her sister. Read More »
February 16, 2018
A COMMENTER at Fellowship of the Minds writes:
My 14-year-old daughter got off the bus yesterday after school and we watched this [shooting in Parkland, Florida] unfold pretty much from the beginning, live. I have always talked to her about all the false flags and media manipulation over the years, she would laugh at me and roll her eyes especially after I called Sandy Hook a bunch of [nonsense], I never believed in the conspiracy stuff, until I was home and watched that live also on TV and I was like [what]!?!? Read More »
February 15, 2018
BEFORE Catholic neighborhoods were ethnically cleansed and Catholic worship consigned to the new catacombs.
[Image source]
February 15, 2018
THE CONVERGENCE of Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day was too much for the gun-grabbing massacre mimics to pass up. Yesterday’s supposed shooting of 17 students in Parkland, Florida has all the hallmarks of another Sandy Hook Hoax. Could it be real? The burden of proof is on those who say it was. Mere photos of parents and children crying do not prove any murders occurred. Nor, sadly, in this age of sinister secrecy and mass propaganda, do mere reports by government officials. Read More »
February 15, 2018
STEPHEN IPPOLITO writes from Australia:
Apart from the issues you and your commenters rightly flagged in your post on the Olympic games, it seems to me that another problem is that so few these days view competitive sporting spectacles through the lens of perspective and proportion – which is how properly-formed and thinking adults naturally view everything.
Too many now look care about sporting displays for the superficial appeal: valuing the mere mechanical exercise of showing who can run the fastest or jump the highest or hit a fuzzy ball most accurately. To do so is to miss the true point and value of sport entirely.
Unless the mechanical exercise displays some higher transcendental value then sports are nothing more than childrens’ games played by grown ups. There is a word that stands for the process of imbuing physical activity with transcendent value. I heard it a lot when growing up but it is now seldom heard, if at all: sportsmanship. Read More »
February 14, 2018
EVERYONE reading this now will be gone in a hundred years. So will their relatives and friends. All will vanish, including the greatest of accomplishments. The only permanent act that you or anyone else performs in this world is prayer, or those things that lead to prayer:
AH, foolish man, why do you plan to live long when you are not sure of living even a day? How many have been deceived and suddenly snatched away! How often have you heard of persons being killed by drownings, by fatal falls from high places, of persons dying at meals, at play, in fires, by the sword, in pestilence, or at the hands of robbers! Death is the end of everyone and the life of man quickly passes away like a shadow.
Who will remember you when you are dead? Who will pray for you? Do now, beloved, what you can, because you do not know when you will die, nor what your fate will be after death. Gather for yourself the riches of immortality while you have time. Think of nothing but your salvation. Care only for the things of God. Make friends for yourself now by honoring the saints of God, by imitating their actions, so that when you depart this life they may receive you into everlasting dwellings.
Keep yourself as a stranger here on earth, a pilgrim whom its affairs do not concern at all. Keep your heart free and raise it up to God, for you have not here a lasting home. To Him direct your daily prayers, your sighs and tears, that your soul may merit after death to pass in happiness to the Lord.
— Thomas à Kempis, Meditation on Death, The Imitation of Christ
February 13, 2018
The Olympic Games are these days just another opportunity for the warfare state to push pro-war propaganda.
Who can forget just four years ago, where the games at Sochi in Russia provided a venue for US commentators to relentlessly pummel everything and anything Russian. It was the pre-Russiagate psychological preparation of battlefield, brought to you by the military-industrial complex that pulls the strings of its mainstream media puppets.
This year the target is still Russia, whose athletes innocent of doping are still forbidden from wearing their country’s colors or being identified as citizens of that country. It seems Orwellian.
But the big target of the warmongers in this year’s Olympics is North Korea. Neocons — and even many “non-interventionists,” “libertarians,” and even “progressives” — have worked themselves into a frenzy simply because the North Korean leader has sent his sister down to “turn on a charm offensive” with the South in hopes of an ultimate reunification of the long-divided country. How DARE Kim’s sister be allowed to observe at the games! “The North Koreans are killing millions of their own people, they need regime change!” Read More »
February 12, 2018
KYLE writes:
The National Portrait Gallery unveiled two new additions to the presidential art collection today: Barack and Michelle Obama. The new portraits confirm again that this nation made a grave error in assuming this man would be a “racial healer.”
The pictures have been described as “breaking tradition” with presidential portraits of the past. The primary portrait shows a seated Barack Obama, arms folded in lap, enveloped by a wall of greenery and flowers blooming around him. Michelle’s portrait, equally garish, shows her seated in a long, flowing dress with black and gray triangular designs. The commissioned artists, both African American, have portfolios that exclusively feature African Americans. Both artists have been candid with how much race influences their style and choice of subject matter. Surprise–their work is critical of white people.
Kehinde Wiley, an artist from Los Angeles and painter of Barack’s portrait, has painted images of black women holding the severed head of white women on at least two occasions. [Ed. — He is shown above making a Masonic hand sign — too obviously.] Read More »
February 12, 2018
IT IS WRONG and immoral to watch the Olympic Games currently taking place in Peongchang, South Korea. When on our own, we should avoid them like the plague. We should avoid them even though the participants often make great sacrifices and exhibit true athletic excellence that may be thrilling and inspiring to witness. The athletes are not to blame for the decadent, increasingly occult atmosphere of Olympic competition. It is wrong to watch the games for the following reasons:
** The athletes dress and sometimes perform with extreme immodesty, whether they are wearing form-fitting skiing outfits or skimpy skating costumes. This immodesty is especially degrading of the women athletes.
** The training of Olympic athletes has reached an inhuman level of supposedly scientific fine-tuning that too often physically harms participants. There is a freakish quality to the Olympic ideal of athletic excellence.
** The Olympic ceremonies are riddled with occultism. (See more here.) The public, international worship of Satan is the end game.
** The games celebrate multiculturalism not true diversity, especially when it comes to Western nations.
** The intense commercialism of the games is contrary to the spirit of amateur athletics. The games are too much about money and promote indebtedness.
** The Olympics create ugly and expensive buildings (see here, here and here) that often become ghost towns afterward, such as the $51 billion Sochi Olympic park.
** The nations gathered to foster international harmony give no recognition to the only source of true peace and harmony: God and the Mystical Body of Christ on earth. The Olympics are a manifestation of One World-ism, which fosters apocalyptic conflict. Read More »
February 11, 2018
“Paganism regards woman as a slave, and this is the result of failure to appreciate every human being as a distinct, living personality. When personality is overlooked, a slave ceases to be an intelligent being, and becomes merely a thing, or at best a domestic animal. Where woman is regarded as the slave of her husband, polygamy results, for he may have several slaves and consequently several wives. ** The number of his wives and slaves is as unimportant as the number of his domestic animals and of the utensils employed in his business. A further result of this theory is that marriage ceases to be permanent. A worn-out utensil is thrown away, a worthless slave is got rid of in one way or another, and so is an animal which is no longer required. If the wife is nothing but a chattel belonging to the husband, he can keep her or dispose of her as he chooses.
“Someone may feel inclined to exclaim that all this has nothing to do with us; no wife is now her husband’s slave. Of course she is not legally, but is she not sometimes practically a slave? Do not men allow their wives to toil in order to support the family? Do none amongst us heap upon women cares and burdens such as the men alone are qualified to bear? Men are very apt to relieve themselves of their troubles; and women are by nature inclined to take anxieties upon themselves.
At the wedding feast in Cana a difficulty presented itself– the wine ran short, and our Lady became aware of the fact. She, being a woman, sympathized at once with the embarrassment felt by the host, and was impelled to do her best to remove it. She revealed a truly feminine trait, one that God’s hand seems to have impressed upon woman at her creation, but the more a man may admire it, the more careful should he be not to abuse his wife’s emotional and sympathetic disposition by casting upon her burdens that she is unfit to bear.”
— “Christian and Pagan Views of Marriage,” by the Rev. K. Krogh-Tonning, D.D. [emphasis added]
[Ed. — Polygamy is arguably more harmful to men as a whole than it is to women. A significant percentage of men in polygamous societies never marry. Wealthy or powerful men monopolize the marriage market. Therefore polygamy does not view the weaker man also as a “distinct, living personality.”]
February 9, 2018
THIS anecdote appeared this week in the Catholic Tradition Newsletter and is reprinted with the kind permission of its author, the Rev. Fr. Courtney Edward Krier:
ON a flight from Las Vegas to Los Angeles this past week there was a woman who asked if she could take the seat next to me. Being on a plane and without observing who it was in particular, I replied out of courtesy that it was fine. After she had settled in she made it known that she was a porn star and comic stand-up and wanted to use the opportunity to sit next to a priest to get material for one of her next gigs. Being that now I had little choice but to be patient—she didn’t seem to be immodestly attired besides pants—I went on with my work and prayers. This woman soon began to extol her work in the sex industry and her rise in the stand-up comedy stage with a male neighbor and, further, how she wanted to make her lifestyle as acceptable in society as the LGBT had made theirs. She explained that when she was a teenager she left her mother because her mother was too strict and religious. She went to live with her father, a Freemason she said, who always approved of whatever she wanted to do. She also expressed she was disappointed that her mother still refused to approve of her lifestyle and even now would refuse to accept whatever she sent because it was gotten as a result of her immoral trade. Read More »
February 9, 2018
“IMMACULATE Heart of Mary, perfect Model of Sanctity, take my soul and mold it according to thy sublime perfections. Purify my heart and set it free from every obstacle to holiness, so that detached from self and the pleasures of sense, thou mayest adorn it with the virtues and perfection of thy own Immaculate Heart. Then, lead my soul to that divine intimacy which alone can satisfy the immense capacity for love and union with which God has created the human heart. From thee, I confidently hope for this grace of holiness, and I entrust my eternal destiny to thy Immaculate Heart.”
February 9, 2018
Feminists are now finding out that self-hatred is a dead end street and having driven down it at full speed they are now hitting the wall. The wall is called reality. There is no happy ending for those who follow ideologies, it’s impossible because one can never win a clash with truth. If you are taught to hate yourself (even without realising it), your sex and your race and choose to believe that’s what you must do, then it’s certain you have no future and can’t offer one either.
Communism and Nazism should be a lesson to those addicted to political Feminism, ideologies always end in the destruction of the believers, in this case themselves. To accept certainty about who you are and reject the confines of political correctness is liberating. However, it will take courage for any of them to draw back from the precipice, to love instead of lie, to humble themselves, but it can be done. For such we must pray. However, no mercy should be shown towards ideologies, mercy is shown towards persons not political doctrines. Feminism has past its use by date and is well into the nihilistic stage. The feminists of the 60’s taught white women to hate their unborn, to dismiss them as something alien instead of life of their life and blood of their blood. The unborn were to be viewed as something hindering self-fulfillment. Where has that ended up for them? It has led from dehumanising their unborn into dehumanising themselves. One cannot deny natural absolutes without suffering harm.
During a charade, Comedienne Sarah Silverman said that conscience clause law that prevented aborted fetuses from being used in manufactured food products would be a reason for her to “eat an aborted fetus.” Read More »
February 8, 2018
IN RECOGNITION of Black History Month, I offer two poems by an African American: Phillis Wheatley (1753-1784), a woman sold into slavery in West Africa who ended up as a domestic maid in Boston. I had never heard of Wheatley until recently. She once expressed the opinion that she was glad to have been enslaved because through it she was introduced to Christianity. Yikes!!
Twas mercy brought me from my Pagan land,
Taught my benighted soul to understand
That there’s a God, that there’s a Saviour too:
Once I redemption neither sought nor knew.
Some view our sable race with scornful eye,
“Their colour is a diabolic dye.”
Remember, Christians, Negroes, black as Cain,
May be refin’d, and join th’ angelic train.
Wheatley’s masters in Boston, John and Susanna Wheatley, devoted considerable effort to educating her and eventually emancipated her.
“By the age of 12, Phillis was reading Greek and Latin classics and difficult passages from the Bible. At the age of 14, she wrote her first poem, “To the University of Cambridge, in New England.” Recognizing her literary ability, the Wheatley family supported Phillis’s education and left the household labor to their other domestic slaves. The Wheatleys often showed off her abilities to friends and family. Strongly influenced by her studies of the works of Alexander Pope, John Milton, Homer, Horace and Virgil, Phillis Wheatley began to write poetry.” Source
My second poem by Wheatley is also at odds with American mainstream history. It expresses Loyalist sentiments toward King George III and was written after he repealed the Stamp Act. (Tens of thousands of Loyalists fled America after the close of the Revolutionary War.) The monarchist view and touching loyalty of the poem are nothing less than political heresy — another possible reason why Wheatley is little known.
YOUR subjects hope, dread Sire—
The crown upon your brows may flourish long,
And that your arm may in your God be strong!
O may your sceptre num’rous nations sway,
And all with love and readiness obey!
But how shall we the British King reward!
Rule thou in peace, our father, and our lord!
Midst the remembrance of thy favours past,
The meanest peasants most admire the last.
May George, belov’d by all the nations round,
Live with heav’ns choicest constant blessings crown’d!
Great God, direct, and guard him from on high,
And from his head let ev’ry evil fly!
And may each clime with equal gladness see
A monarch’s smile can set his subjects free!
And to think, Wheatley never even went to school, she never spent 12 long years of her life in a cinderblock prison known as public school, and yet she was able to produce these fine verses.
Wheatley tragically died at the age of 31 after marrying a man who was imprisoned for debt. She never got tenure as a black history professor or made much money from her poems. After she was freed, she still worked as a servant. She faced the lot of most poets: poverty laced with idealism. May her memory live in the hearts of Americans! Read More »
February 8, 2018
“STRIVING for and supporting 9/11 truth and justice is nothing less than the moral imperative of our time. Some might ask, why? Some will say we have lived quite alright since 9/11. Why is it our moral imperative to support 9/11 truth and justice?
There are two basic reasons why it is. Firstly, because 9/11 is a global deception that was used to impose upon us a false narrative to transform our nation and society and take us into an open-ended and criminal war of aggression known as the War on Terror. After 15 years of waging this criminal war agenda we have killed over 1 million innocent people and destroyed the lives of millions more. By accepting the false narrative of 9/11 foisted on us by the terrorist masterminds themselves we have accepted a false reality, imposed on us through deception.
Secondly, by not investigating and prosecuting the real criminals behind 9/11 we have let them get away with the atrocity of mass murder of 3,000 people on 9/11. By accepting their false narrative we have empowered and enriched the very terrorist masterminds behind this outrageous crime. As Socrates said, criminals who go unpunished become only worse. So, by failing to prosecute the real criminals behind 9/11 we subject ourselves, our children, and our nations to their agenda of war and terrorism — which can only get worse and more violent.
This is why it is our moral imperative to support 9/11 truth and justice. Nothing could be more important to our survival and the welfare of our nation(s). We have a very real moral obligation to be active in our support of 9/11 truth and justice.”
— Christopher Bollyn, author and investigative journalist Read More »