Afghanistan: The Endless War
September 1, 2017
AMERICA’S ongoing occupation of Afghanistan is unjust and disastrous.
September 1, 2017
AMERICA’S ongoing occupation of Afghanistan is unjust and disastrous.
August 30, 2017
FROM “Wilhelm Reich: The Dean of the Sexual Revolution,” (2005) by Marvin H. Clark, Jr., Esq:
The effects of Barbie are hard to over state. A Jewish businesswoman, Ruth Handler, who co-founded Mattel, Inc., spotted in Switzerland a naked little sex doll named “Bild Lilli.” The sex doll was being marketed as an amusement for men. “Bild Lilli” also was a cartoon character, known for her sleazy sexuality. Men would buy the little sex doll and present it to their “dates” when they wanted to suggest “something.” Like Reich, when he noticed children’s great interest in any sex subject, Ruth Handler noticed that children immediately went for the little doll with big breasts. She returned to America determined to sell it to our kids.
The little sex doll met with opposition at Mattell. It also was rejected by the toy industry. Worst of all, American parents objected. But this was the new age of television, and Ruth Handler knew that the product needed to be marketed to the real customers, children, not parents. Television was a powerful new medium that enabled her to usurp parental control and to present the product directly to children– whether the parents objected or not. So that was what Ruth Handler did. And she relied upon the kids to nag their weary parents into submission.
To help the kids along with the job of selling their parents, Ruth Handler hired a Viennese “psychologist” at the Institute of Motivational Research to help her overcome parental objections. Earnest Dichter was a specialist in planning how to get people to buy things that they really don’t want, and Ruth Handler paid him $12,000.00 in 1958 to help her sell this little sex doll to our kids. Dichter noticed that American moms wanted their daughters to catch good husbands, so he suggested the marketing line, “This doll will help your little girl get a guy; the doll is a learning tool to teach her how to catch a man.”
Then Ruth Handler went to Jack Ryan, who was married to Zsa Zsa Gabor. He was known for wild beach parties that featured lots of scantily clad pretty girls. Jack Ryan dressed up “Barbie” for her new job. The results were devastating.
One woman of “40-something” age, stated on a 20/20 documentary, “When I got Barbie it was like getting heroin.” Another said, “You want to be in that world (where Barbie lives) and do what she’s doing.” Yet another stated, “Barbie was my way of figuring out how I wanted my family to live.” Imagine selling our kids a sex doll that has that kind of affect on them.
Barbie’s mate, “Ken,” on the other hand, “was a palpable idiot,” who even got a big “bump” to represent his genitals. Ken became known for playing “giggly, naughty games” with Barbie. When Ken would move on to someone else, as new dolls came on line, there always seemed to be a new “idiot” friend to take his place with Barbie. Barbie became a “queen” with men merely transitory in her life. Read More »
August 29, 2017
VERY interesting and thoughtful analysis by Swedish researcher Ole Dammegard, interviewed here by Jeff Rense.
August 29, 2017
THIS DAY in the Church calendar is dedicated to the Beheading of St. John the Baptist, who wasted his time and died needlessly according to the theology of the Novus Ordo Church:
For Herod himself had sent and apprehended John, and bound him in prison for the sake of Herodias, the wife of Philip his brother, because he had married her. For John said to Herod: It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother’s wife. Now Herodias laid snares for him: and was desirous to put him to death, and could not. For Herod feared John, knowing him to be a just and holy man: and kept him, and when he heard him, did many things: and he heard him willingly.
“And kept him”: That is, from the designs of Herodias; and for fear of the people, would not put him to death, though she sought it; and through her daughter she effected her wish.
And when a convenient day was come, Herod made a supper for his birthday, for the princes, and tribunes, and chief men of Galilee. And when the daughter of the same Herodias had come in, and had danced, and pleased Herod, and them that were at table with him, the king said to the damsel: Ask of me what thou wilt, and I will give it thee. And he swore to her: Whatsoever thou shalt ask I will give thee, though it be the half of my kingdom. Who when she was gone out, said to her mother, What shall I ask? But she said: The head of John the Baptist. And when she was come in immediately with haste to the king, she asked, saying: I will that forthwith thou give me in a dish, the head of John the Baptist.
And the king was struck sad. Yet because of his oath, and because of them that were with him at table, he would not displease her: But sending an executioner, he commanded that his head should be brought in a dish. And he beheaded him in the prison, and brought his head in a dish: and gave it to the damsel, and the damsel gave it to her mother. Which his disciples hearing came, and took his body, and laid it in a tomb.
[Gospel of Mark, Chapt. VI, 17-29]
August 29, 2017
J.P. STRALEY writes:
I read Alan’s remembrance of George and his comment on the small-screen fixation of younger people. I want to tell you why all these screens — TV, movies, and computer — are bad for young people.
First, I am writer of sorts. I make a story with words and give enough hints that the reader can erect what amounts to an image of the character’s personality and an image of the world he inhabits. Note the word “hint.” As a writer you can never include voluminous detail, the reader will fade way from you and put down the book. When this happens you’ve failed.
As a writer you give what amounts to clues, and the reader’s mind grasps these clues and puts together the image. The point here is that it is interactive. The reader is always interpreting and imagining as he reads the story. This trains the mind. You must pick up clues and interpret them, fast! Believe me, this is good for you. In children’s books you notice that for first graders there are plenty of images and few words. Move on to the third grade and there are a few images and more words. A person should be a mature reader by sixth grade, and books of that level have very few images and carry the story entirely by words. Books that tell stories in settings that may not be known to the reader have a few vivid images — think of Treasure Island, etc. Read More »
August 29, 2017
AN HISTORIC CATHOLIC school in Marin County, Ca. has removed more than 160 sacred statues of Jesus, Mary and the saints from school grounds. The statues, school officials said, made non-Catholic students feel uncomfortable.
WND reports:
The chair of the [San Domenico] school’s board of trustees, Amy Skewes-Cox, explained to the local paper that the move was made to help non-Christian students feel more welcome.
“If you walk on the campus and the first thing you confront is three or four statues of St. Dominic or St. Francis, it could be alienating for that other religion, and we didn’t want to further that feeling,” she said.
The removal of a statue of Mary and the Christ child from the school’s center courtyard was especially troubling to parents.
There’s a word for the ecumenism of the Vatican II Revolution in the Catholic Church. It’s atheism.
‘I’m okay. You’re okay. We’re all okay.’ And God, for all intents and purposes, does not exist.
More on San Domenico from Lifesitenews: Read More »
August 29, 2017
HENRY MAKOW considers Jewish reaction to the famous headline, above, on the firing of Steve Bannon:
There is an incredible cognitive dissonance taking place when Jews hurl the aspersion “hate” at people who are simply resisting the hatred which is central to one of their most important religious texts, the Talmud.
The essence of their other central text, the Kabbalah is that Jews channel God’s will. They will redefine reality to serve their interests and perversions, and the goyim will be re-engineered and exploited accordingly. This is the true meaning of the New World Order. The goy establishment has been created and defined by Kabbalah (i.e. Freemasonry.) Many Jews are warm, brilliant and industrious people. But they’re not “a holy nation.” Their leaders dupe them to champion “the underdog” to undermine their rivals.
Organized Jewry are the only people who have a licence to hate. They hate anyone who resists their dispensation. Anyone who wants to be master in his own house is their enemy. They hate Trump because he seems to offer a lifeline for the people they wish to dispossess.
Ordinary Jews have a choice. Ignore the truth, and hope to benefit, or dissociate themselves from Organized Jewry, as I have done and champion a genuine diversity where various nations, races and religions retain their identity, and are masters of their own domain.
August 27, 2017
ALAN writes:
This week brought the unwelcome news that one of my parochial school classmates is no longer with us.
Like most of our classmates, George and I were altar boys. In memory, I can still picture him at early morning Mass in his white surplice and black cassock.
In our school years, George always seemed to me to be one of the top students in our class. He was good at school subjects and also at sports and games. He was one of the fastest runners in our class. That was important to boys at age 8-10.
George and I were never close friends, but that was only because no one in a class of 30 or more children could become close friends with everyone else. But I remember George as always being there and always in good humor. He was an all-around good fellow.
When I think of George in those years, I think of balance and proportion. He seemed to have an intuitive understanding of such things. It seemed he was always in control of himself, never giving too little or too much in the way of energy or attention. It seemed that George always had his head on straight.
His family lived just a few houses down from our school. Shortly after noon on the day John Kennedy was murdered, our teacher asked George if he would go to his house and bring back a radio by which she and our class could keep informed of events in Dallas. George agreed to do so.
George and I fell out of contact for half a century. We met again at our 50-year class reunion in 2014. Read More »
August 25, 2017
FROM an article by Jude Duffy about Antifa’s “pseudo-anarchist” warfare:
Why, if Antifas oppose war, do they violently disrupt the rallies of anti-war groups like the Alt-Right and Alt-Lite, but never those of Neocon warmongering politicians such as the Bush clan, Mitt Romney, and Lindsey Graham, much less those of Democrat war-mongers, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama?
Compared to the power and influence these politicians wield, the Alt Right is a piffling non-movement, with no money, no corporate backers and no mainstream media presence. Yet the supposedly radical Antifas devote most of their energy to violently harassing this tiny group, while studiously ignoring the big sharks of AIPAC and the Greater Israel movement. Read More »
August 22, 2017
CRHISTOPHER BOLLYN’S The War on Terror: The Plot to Rule the Middle East presents, in the words of the author, “a concise historical analysis of the origin of the War on Terror and the strategic plan to Balkanize the Middle East under the pretext of fighting terrorism. It contains fifteen chapters about the relationship between the terror attacks of 9/11 and the War on Terror and explains the common origin of both. It also reveals the real underlying strategy of the War on Terror, America’s longest war.”
August 21, 2017
FROM The Ascent of Mount Carmel by St. John of the Cross:
14. 9. … In observing a ray of sunlight stream through the window, we notice that the more it is pervaded with particles of dust, the clearer and more palpable and sensible it appears to the senses. Yet obviously the sun ray in itself is less pure, clear, simple, and perfect in that it is full of so many specks of dust. We also notice that when it is more purified of these specks of dust it seems more obscure and impalpable to the material eye. And the purer it is, the more obscure and inapprehensible it seems to be. If the ray of sunlight should be entirely cleansed and purified of all dust particles, even the most minute, it would appear totally obscure and incomprehensible to the eye since visible things, the object of the sense of sight, would be absent. Thus the eye would find no images on which to rest, because light is not the proper object of sight but only the means by which visible things are seen. If there is nothing visible off which the ray of light can reflect, nothing will be seen. If the ray, then, were to enter through one window and go out another without striking any quantitative object, it would be invisible. Yet the ray of sunlight would be purer and cleaner than when it is more manifestly perceived because it is filled with visible objects.
14.10. The spiritual light has a similar relationship to the intellect, the eye of the soul. This supernatural general knowledge and light shines so purely and simply in the intellect and is so divested and freed of all intelligible forms (the objects of the intellect) that it is imperceptible to the soul. This knowledge, when purer, is even at times the cause of darkness because it dispossesses the intellect of its customary lights, forms, and phantasies and effects a noticeable darkness.
14.10.(2). When this divine light does not strike so forcibly, individuals apprehend neither darkness, nor light, nor anything at all from heavenly or earthly sources. Thus they sometimes remain in deep oblivion and afterward will not realize where they were, or what occurred, or how the time passed. As a result it can and does happen that a person will spend many hours in this oblivion, yet on returning to self think that only a moment or no time at all has passed.
[The Ascent of Mt. Carmel, Book Two, Chapter 14, St. John of the Cross, Translated by Kieran Kavanaugh, O.C.D. and Otilio Rodrigeuz, O.C.D.]
August 17, 2017
Adam Swart – CEO
Adam founded Crowds on Demand in October 2012 to revolutionize the ‘people’ business. He takes a ‘hands-on’ approach with all Crowds on Demand clients, helping them to advocate for important causes, build their businesses, settle disputes or amplify their message. Adam has a long track record of delivering major wins even on the toughest of campaigns. Before starting Crowds on Demand, Adam worked as a Reporter for AOL’s Patch sites, in product management positions at various Bay Area start-up companies, and as a political organizer for campaigns including Jerry Brown’s successful election as Governor of California in 2010. Adam has long been an active investor. He first developed his interest in the market at the age of six years old when he decided Southwest Airlines was a good company to invest in due to the Honey Roasted Peanuts. He continues investing in quality businesses to this day. In his free time, Adam can be seen running on LA’s beautiful beaches, piloting small planes, and exploring the world. He has made it to six continents and is still working his way to Antarctica.
Contact Adam at
August 17, 2017
Slovenian “artist” Maja Smrekar has won first prize for “hyrbid art” in the Prix Ars Electronica 2017 competition. The most controversial part of her “art project” consisted in having a non-reproductive cell from her dog implanted in her ovum.
The project at large is called K-9_topology, and the specific subproject of the human-animal cell fusion is called ARTE_mis, presumably an allusion to the Greek deity Artemis, the “goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, virginity and protector of young girls”, who is sometimes portrayed with a hunting dog by her side (source).
Read more at Novus Ordo Watch about the response from the Vatican II Church.
August 17, 2017
SEE also the account of a Charlottesville attendee at
It is quite true, as reported, that the police did not protect demonstrators from Antifa and did little to prevent confrontations. Attendees of the demonstration, rather than walking a clear path to the park, were instead forced to walk through a line of screaming protesters. Liberal clergyman and elderly women held signs about “peace” and “love” and smiled benevolently—as violent Leftist protesters attacked from the crowd. They are as culpable as the Antifa themselves for the violence unleashed. Read More »
August 16, 2017
THE VIDEO I posted the other day which showed drone footage of the scene of the Charlottesville car attack was banned by Youtube and is now posted at Vimeo. (Youtube is stepping up its efforts at censorship.) It shows large groups of people congregating around the scene before the attack as if preparing for an event. (H/T Henry Makow)
Also see this by Baxter Dmitry:
A Charlottesville police officer has come forward to express his anger at being told to “stand down” by the city mayor during violent clashes between protestors. He also claims the protests, which pitched “white supremacists” against members of Antifa, were “set up” to further the agenda of the elites.
“We [Charlotesville police] were ordered to bring the rival groups together. As soon as they were in contact with each other, we were told to stand down. It was outrageous. We weren’t allowed to arrest anyone without asking the mayor first. We weren’t even allowed to stop the driver as he sped away.“
“The event was being set up as far back as at least May and it went like clockwork.”
And Dr. Eowyn writes at Fellowship of the Minds:
Incredibly, the leader of what the MSM call the rally’s “white supremacist Nazis” is a former avid Obama supporter and Occupy Wall Street protester named Jason Kessler, who supposedly did a 180° reversal and became a Trump supporter.
Divide and conquer — that’s the strategy (language warning):
August 15, 2017
Sing, sing, ye angel bands,
All beautiful and bright;
For higher still and higher,
Through fields of starry light,
Mary, your Queen, ascends,
Like the sweet moon at night.
A fairer flower than she
On earth hath never been;
And, save the throne of God,
Your heavens have never seen
A wonder half so bright
As your ascending Queen.