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A Recipe for Revolution

June 22, 2017


Umbrella revolution in Hong Kong

WANT TO stage a fake people’s revolution in a country that refuses to submit to globalist rule? Most of the “people’s revolutions” of the last 100 years, including the Communist revolution, were sold as revolutions of the poor against the rich, but were really revolts of the rich against the rest of humanity.

The Anti-New York Times offers a recipe:


A ton of American cash from the CIA and/or George Soros
Small army of undercover CIA agents
Controlled “Human Rights /Pro Democracy” groups
Idealistic “Western wannabee” college brats
Easily manipulated do-gooder “libtards”
Professional signs & banners written in English
Bribable / blackmailable journalists
Bribable / blackmailable politicians
Bribable / blackmailable academics
Corrupt Union bosses
Violent “Agent Provocatuers”


Pick a catchy theme or color for your “revolution”. Examples include “Prague Spring” (Czechoslovakia, 1968), “Velvet Revolution” (Eastern Europe 1989), Saffron Revolution” (Myanmar), “Cedar Revolution” (Lebanon), “Rose Revolution” (Georgia), “Orange Revolution” (Ukraine), “Green Revolution” (Iran), “Arab Spring” (Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria etc) and Hong Kong’s “Umbrella Revolution”. It’s all about marketing, baby!


The Kingfish

June 21, 2017


HUEY PIERCE LONG, JR., the famous politician from Louisiana, challenged the powers that now control our world and was assassinated. Would American have been different if he had lived and been elected president? Well, for one, we might not have entered World War II. He was an ardent isolationist and nationalist. We might also not be living through an historic concentration of wealth at the top. Long believed in “sharing the wealth.” He opposed the Federal Reserve and the central bank racket.

Why weep or slumber, America?
Land of brave and true,
With castles, clothing, and food for all
All belongs to you.
Ev’ry man a king, ev’ry man a king,
For you can be a millionaire;
But there’s something belonging to others,
There’s enough for all people to share.
When it’s sunny June and December, too,
Or in the wintertime or spring,
There’ll be peace without end,
Ev’ry neighbor a friend,
With ev’ry man a king.

— From “Every Man a King”
The theme song of Huey P. Long’s “Share the Wealth” movement
Lyrics by Huey P. Long

A little background:

“Huey Pierce Long Jr. (August 30, 1893 – September 10, 1935), self-nicknamed The Kingfish, was an American politician who served as the 40th governor of Louisiana from 1928 to 1932 and as a member of the United States Senate from 1932 until his death by assassination in 1935. A Democrat, he was an outspoken populist who denounced the wealthy and the banks and called for a “Share Our Wealth” program. As the political leader of the state, he commanded wide networks of supporters and was willing to take forceful action. He established the long-term political prominence of the Long family. Read More »



June 20, 2017

RICHARD EDMONDSEN at Fig Trees and Vineyards reports on the editing of the Late Show with Stephen Colbert to remove Oliver Stone’s comments about Israel. The show was an anti-Russia hate fest.


I Know Where I’m Goin’

June 19, 2017


MY HUSBAND and I recently celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary. His father, whom readers may know from Tales of Chesteronce (actually more than once) toasted his wife on their 34th anniversary, celebrated with a glass of beer (actually more than one) at their dining room table.

“To 34 years of savage amusement,” he said, raising his glass.

My husband has likewise given me much amusement — and great happiness.

This song, by the same Irish singer I posted the other day, is dedicated to my husband, the best husband a woman could possibly have. I know where I’m goin’ — and it’s wherever he’s goin’. “Feather beds are soft and painted rooms are bonny. But I would leave them all to go with my love Johnny.”

I know where I’m goin’ an’ I know who’s goin’ with me
I know who I love but the dear knows who I’ll marry

I have stockings of silk, shoes of fine green leather
Combs to buckle my hair and a ring for every finger

Some say he’s black*, but I say he’s bonny
The fairest of them all is my handsome winsome Johnny

Feather beds are soft and painted rooms are bonny
But I would leave them all to go with my love Johnny

I know where he’s goin’ an’ I know who’s goin’ with me
I know who I love but the dear knows who I’ll marry.




Muggeridge on the Media

June 19, 2017

IN the 1970s, British journalist and author Malcolm Muggeridge insisted that television news involved deliberate deception.

During lectures on the media in London in 1976, he stated:

I remember once returning to my hotel in New York and noticing on the way that a crowd had assembled outside what was obviously an embassy or consulate of some sort — I found out afterwards that it belonged to one of the Arab countries. There were the usual students assembled — bra-less girls, bearded men, holding slogans with placards on them; also a police van in attendance, and a number of cops standing by with their truncheons — everything set for a demo. ‘What’s going on?’ I asked, and was told, as though it should have been obvious, that the cameras hadn’t yet turned up. I lingered on, until they came, and watched them set up and start rolling. Then, ‘Action!’ whereupon, placards were lifted, slogans shouted, fists clenched; a few demonstrators were arrested and pitched into the police van, and a few cops kicked, until, ‘Cut!’ Soon the cameras, the cops, and the demonstrators had all departed, leaving the street silent and deserted. Later, in the evening, in my hotel room, I watched the demo on the screen in one of the news programmes. It looked very impressive.

Muggeridge, who died in 1990 and had worked for newspapers, television and radio during his long career in journalism, was a media prophet.

His writings on the Age of Television anticipated some of the events of 9/11, such as the moment when a BBC correspondent reported the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 before it happened, and the explosion of awareness brought by the Internet.

BBC correspondent Jane Standley reported the fall of WTC 7 fell before it collapsed.

Muggeridge was pro-Communism in his youth (his father was a founder of the Fabian Society), but changed his views after he visited the Soviet Union. He reported on the famine in the Ukraine in 1933, in which an estimated 7 million died. Some of his writings on the subject were suppressed by The Manchester Guardian, the publication for which he wrote at the time. He called Walter Duranty, the Pulitzer-winning journalist who denied the famine in the pages of The New York Times, “the greatest liar I have met in journalism.” Muggeridge became a Christian in his 60s.

His lectures on the media, which later became the book Christ and the Media, fell mostly on deaf ears. Executives at the BBC, where he worked, were not impressed with his view that television production by its very nature, regardless of the good intentions of journalists, involved fantasy and propaganda, not reality.

Muggeridge said he had spoken to the famous novelist George Orwell:

He told me something that I never tire of laughing at and repeating whenever a good opportunity occurs — when he was devising the Ministry of Truth in 1984, the BBC was his model. He worked there in the war, and his Ministry of Truth bears unmistakable traces of this experience — all those long chilly corridors are unmistakably Broadcasting House.

Perhaps Muggeridge is less known than the media critic Marshall McLuhan, who was of the same era, because he was so openly Christian and never resorted to the opaque bloviations to which McLuhan was prone.

He wrote clearly and simply:

I don’t myself in any way equate the invention of printing with the invention of television. There are enormous differences between the two, and one of the most obvious ones is that the printed word — which I hold in veneration — is not subject to the same centralised control as television. In other words, many people can print clandestinely and openly, with flat-bed presses or with rotaries, and so  on; but in the case of television, you have to have, by the nature of the technology, a centralised control. What has not been worked out is whose control, or in what terms that control is to be exercised.

Words, printed words, are words that have arisen in a human mind. They are connected with thought and with art. But photography or filming, is a completely different thing. It is machine made; … it is seeing with, not through, the eye; looking but not seeing.

Muggeridge added:

If you set up a camera and take a film, that is not considered to be anybody’s views; that is reality, and, of course, it is much more fantasy than the words.




Cartoon of the Day

June 19, 2017



The Model Minority: Startup Edition

June 19, 2017

ISAAC CHOI, a naturalized U.S. citizen from South Korea, allegedly lied to investors and employees working for his Silicon Valley startup. Christopher Burgess writes at CSO that Choi lied about his education, his work background, and his resources — and sent his employees Photoshopped images of wire transfers when they were waiting to be paid.


The Eucharistic God

June 18, 2017


Down in adoration falling,
Lo! the sacred Host we hail,
Lo! O’er ancient forms departing
Newer rites of grace prevail;
Faith for all defects supplying,
Where the feeble senses fail.
To the Everlasting Father,
And the Son who reigns on high
With the Holy Ghost proceeding
Forth from each eternally,
Be salvation, honor, blessing,
Might and endless majesty.



A Father’s Farewell

June 18, 2017


IN ACT THREE of Richard Wagner’s opera Die Walkure, of the Ring Cycle, Wotan, lord of the gods, punishes his beloved daughter, Brünnhilde. In doing so, he must deprive himself of the thing he so cherishes: her company.

From Wikipedia:

Wotan arrives in wrath and passes judgement on Brünnhilde (since she disobeyed his orders). She is to be stripped of her Valkyrie status and become a mortal woman, to be held in a magic sleep on the mountain, prey to any man who happens by. Brünnhilde begs mercy of Wotan for herself, his favorite child. Wotan consents to her last request: to encircle the mountaintop with magic flame, which will deter all but the bravest of heroes (who, as shown through the leitmotif, they both know will be the yet unborn Siegfried). Wotan lays Brünnhilde down on a rock and, in a long embrace, kisses her eyes closed into an enchanted sleep. He summons Loge (the Norse demigod of fire) to ignite the circle of flame that will protect her, then slowly departs in sorrow.

In this beautiful scene, Wotan takes the higher path. He defends justice, but at a great price.

The scene is a reminder of the sometimes awesome responsibilities of fatherhood and the tender love a good father bears for his children. A father’s authority is grounded in love and is distinct from any other form of authority. Without human fatherhood, we would not understand as well our Divine Father’s all-encompassing love for us.

Happy Father’s Day! Thank you, fathers. Even ordinary men — not gods — make heroic sacrifices and must sometimes risk a child’s happiness for the sake of justice.


A Father’s Hell

June 17, 2017

JEFF writes in response to the previous post:

Gay “marriage” is certainly an abomination. Sadly, so is most modern heterosexual marriage.

My wife divorced me. She took both of my sons. I get four days a month on the “standard possession” order. I have no conservator rights over my children because I had a far left, Black Lives Matter, radical feminist “judge.” My wife has told my son James, since gaining control, that he is a girl. She dresses him as a girl. Presents him as a girl. She enrolled him in kindergarten as “Luna” his girl name. She’s entered him in a clinic that does sex changes on children.

James is five years old. Five. Years. Old. His saint name is Damien after Saints Cosmas and Damien. May they intercede for their namesake, my son.

[In contrast], what if I had used a surrogate? She could not have taken my sons from me. James would not have been abused. I would not be in this accursed state. The laws have made fatherhood into slavery and motherhood into tyranny.

That gay man has more right to his son than a natural father like myself. The social incentives are poor for everyone.



June 16, 2017


Hair stylist Laurentius Puranama poses with the son he conceived with an Indian surrogate. Laurentius lives with his son and “husband” in Philadelphia.

A FIRE is raging through our world — an inferno that is consuming the innocence of children.

When the Our Lady appeared to the three children at Fatima, Portugal, she spread her hands and showed them a vision of hell:

“The beam of light seemed to penetrate the earth, and we saw as it were a vast sea of fire, in which were plunged, all blackened and burnt, demons and souls in human form like transparent brands. Raised into the air by the flames they fell back in all directions, like sparks in a huge fire, without weight or poise, amidst loud cries and horrible groans of pain and despair which caused us to shudder with fear…”

Are we not glimpsing the flames of hell too?


The Bride

June 15, 2017



My young love said to me “My mother won’t mind
And my father won’t slight you for your lack of kine”
And she stepped away from me and this she did say
“It will not be long, love, till our wedding day.”

She stepped away from me and she went thro’ the fair
And fondly I watch’d her move here and move there
And then she went homeward with one star awake,
As the swan in the evening moves over the lake.

The people were saying no two e’er were wed
But one has a sorrow that never was said
And she smiled as she passed me with her goods and her gear
And that was the last that I saw of my dear.

I dreamed it last night that my true love came in
So softly she entered, her feet made no din
She came close beside me and this she did say,
“It will not be long love till our wedding day.”

[There are numerous versions of this old Celtic song. The lyrics above are somewhat different from the song in the video.] Read More »


The Power and Holiness of Sex

June 15, 2017


The Wedding March, Theodore Robinson; 1892

FROM More than Many Sparrows: A Practical Guide to Christian Living by Fr. Leo J. Trese (Fides Publishers Association, 1958):

In planning the human race God did a most gracious thing. He chose to make mankind partners with Him in His work of creation; partners in the very highest of His works of physical creation: in the fashioning of human life. God did not have to create us male and female. He could have provided for the perpetuation of the human race in many other ways. He could have made us a sexless race of beings, Himself creating each body individually as He does now create each soul individually.

In His infinite goodness, however, God did choose to share with us His own creative power. Man, woman and God; these three would be partners. By an act of profound love which would express the complete giving of themselves to one another, man and woman would initiate the new human body into which God would infuse the new spiritual soul. This would be parenthood, in which the paternal strength and providence of God and the maternal tenderness and patience of God would be reflected by diffraction in human mother and father.

The dignity of parenthood is enhanced by a further privilege accorded by God. Father and mother are not only to be partners of God in the creation of a new human life, they also are to be His partners in the nurturing of the child’s spiritual soul. Parents not only will be the procreators of children, they also will be the makers and molders of saints. Under the warmth of their love for each other and the child, this new soul will unfold and flower with the sanctity willed for it by God. Through the love of His parents for him, the child will learn what it means to be loved by God; through his own love for his parents the child will learn what it means to love the God Who gave them to him. Through the prayers and the example of the parents, God will channel His graces to the child. Not merely to people the earth with humans, but to people heaven with saints; this is the ultimate meaning of parenthood.

The sexual drive underlies all this and is a part of the total gift of marital love and (when God so wills) parenthood. Original sin destroyed the perfect control which reason was to have exerted over it, as over other human drives. But no amount of misuse and abuse can destroy the beauty and holiness of God’s gift of sex.


Child Sacrifice and Female Athletes

June 15, 2017


Moloch and his Minions, engaging in child sacrifice

NOT ALL female athletes suffer from fertility problems.

Dr. Eowyn writes at Fellowship of the Minds:

This is a companion post to DCG’s post this morning on U.S. gold medalist runner Sanya Richards-Ross’ confession that she had an abortion one day before she left for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, and her even more startling admission that every female athlete she knows has had abortions — “I literally don’t know another female track-and-field athlete who hasn’t had an abortion”.

That “every” female athlete has had abortions strains credulity in our age of widespread knowledge of birth control and availability of contraceptives. [TH: Actually, abortion and contraception are part of the same social phenomenon.]

What Richards-Ross doesn’t tell you in her autobiographical book that she’s hawking, Chasing Grace, is that female athletes deliberately get pregnant (and then abort) in order to boost their athletic performance. The practice is called blood doping.

WebMD explains that blood doping is an illicit method of improving athletic performance by artificially boosting the blood’s ability to bring more oxygen to muscles via increasing the amount of the amount of hemoglobin — an oxygen-carrying protein — in the bloodstream. The increase in hemoglobin allows higher amounts of oxygen to reach and fuel an athlete’s muscles, thereby improving stamina and performance, particularly in long-distance events, such as running and cycling.

Blood doping is banned by the International Olympic Committee and other sports organizations. Read More »


Femininity and Collegiate Sports

June 15, 2017


Women’s golf, Iowa State University, 1940s

AMERICAN colleges in the late 19th and early 20th centuries believed that women should pursue physical fitness in a distinctly feminine way. Today, in the age of Title IX, this approach is detested as “inequality.” However, at that time, a woman was believed to have great influence on the world around her through her grace, charm, modesty and refinement. She was being groomed for an influential role in society, but one radically different from the utilitarian role women are groomed for today.

As one example, I offer this history of physical education and sports for women at Iowa State University. Female students were at one point taught what was known as “Swedish gymnastics,” a program of calisthenics developed by a poet laureate of Sweden.

In-class work was described in the 1909 General Catalog:

“The Swedish System of gymnastics, including marching tactics, calisthenics, and apparatus work is taught.  The highest ideals are kept constantly before the mind, not only in health and strength but ease, grace, and refinement in manner and carriage of the body.” Read More »


Exercise and Infertility

June 14, 2017

IN THE past, the belief that highly strenuous exercise compromised the health and fertility of women was common and led to efforts to encourage women to pursue less demanding athletic activity, such as tennis, field hockey, calisthenics, and archery.

This belief, frequently ridiculed in the age of feminism, has been vindicated with time (the view that women should engage in no vigorous exercise has not.)

The “Female Athlete Triad” is a growing concern.  From Runner’s World: Read More »


Violent Democrats

June 14, 2017

David Wilcox, a Trump supporter, was beaten in Chicago in November.

TRUMP VOTERS have been punched, knocked to the ground, dragged from their cars and now, in the wake of a shooting of five at a Congressional ball game yesterday by a Bernie Sanders supporter, shot. (A partial list of other attacks can be found here.)

Just ‘Google,’ “Trump supporter attacked” and “Hillary voter attacked” and you will grasp which side of the political divide is violent.


The Necktie

June 14, 2017

IT HAS no practical function and can be quite uncomfortable. It is a symbol of dignity and respect for the job or activity of the wearer. And visually, it is a focal point that directs the gaze to the shoulders and upper torso, conveying an impression of strength.

Kaede Lire reflects on the vanishing necktie at Tradition in Action.

The man in a tie is a figure of respect. The man in a T-shirt is a boy.