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The Thinking Housewife


Income Distribution

June 14, 2017


Finder of the Lost

June 13, 2017


St. Anthony of Padua; Francisco Zurbaran

Responsory to St. Anthony of Padua

If miracles thou fain would see;
Lo! error, death, calamity,
The Leprous stain, the demon flies,
From beds of pain the sick arise.

The sea withdraws and fetters break,
And withered limbs he doth restore;
While treasures lost are found again,
When young or old his help implore. Read More »


Nationalists in India

June 12, 2017

A NATIONALIST organization in India teaches women to be militant and feminine:

“We teach the girls to be fully empowered and equipped – that is, physically, mentally and spiritually strong, so that a girl is capable of protecting herself and is able to guard her country, its traditions, its sanskriti and its languages. The Samiti instills pride for the nation in her.”


The Samiti informs the girls that becoming good mothers is important, since it is the woman who is responsible for sculpting the nature of her child. “Maata nirmata bhaviti hai, ma chahe toh nar se Narayan bana sakti hai, ma chahe toh vidhwansak bana sakti hai.” (A mother is the ultimate creator. If she wants, she can bring up her child to be a saint or a destroyer).


Becoming a Housewife Before Children

June 12, 2017

ANNA F. writes:

I like your blog very much, especially your posts on modesty. It is refreshing to read your writings on various topics because you display the common sense that is sorely lacking in world today! Well, most people might think what you say is outrageous but it would have been accepted as obvious truths 100 years ago. Right? I hope so.

Originally, I came across your blog from googling Solange Hertz’s name. She is my favorite author and I have read many of her books and your writing reminds me of her.

Anyway, I wanted to ask you a couple of questions. Read More »


Childhood Today

June 12, 2017


Read More »


Ireland’s Dispossession

June 12, 2017

JUDE DUFFY writes at Fitzpatrick Informer that the immigration problem in Ireland is worse than that in Germany, France, the UK and Sweden and yet receives little attention:

On O’Connell Steet, Dublin city centre’s main thoroughfare, foreigners often outnumber native Irish at a rate of well over 100 to one. The official figures say migrants account for around 15 per cent of the Irish population—much higher than in most European countries, but still a huge underestimate.

These days you can drive from the centre of Dublin to its northern inner suburbs without seeing one white Irish pedestrian en route. Schools in many parts of Dublin have almost no white Irish pupils, and convenience stores, restaurants and supermarkets are staffed overwhelmingly by south Asians, Africans, Chinese and Eastern Europeans. Last year Merkel and her fellow Rotchshild shills opened the gates of continental Europe to millions of “refugees”, but successive Irish governments had beaten them to it by about 20 years. From the mid-1990s onwards, Ireland welcomed hundreds of thousands of migrants from all over the globe. This process accelerated rapidly from the mid 2000s onwards—to the point where foreigners now form a majority in many localities.


For many Irish men, the ultimate statement of their masculinity is not pride in their country, but a nerdishly obsessive devotion to English soccer teams like Manchester United or Chelsea. They exemplify the cultural phenomenon I call the “macho mangina”: those men who have no stomach for defying the Feminist-thought cops and national suicide engineers, and who, instead, overcompensate by adopting a lifestyle the corporate crass media, with clear diversionary intent, sets before them as “manly” – e.g., obsessive interest in sport, cars, alcohol, heavy metal, porn, etc.


The Dynamism of Individuals and Peoples

June 9, 2017


King Solomon

FROM AN excellent essay by Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira at Tradition in Action:

There are men who correspond to grace and fulfill their vocations dragging whole historical eras with them or there are others whose sins have analogous consequences. They unleash dynamisms, they bring together charges of energy that were dispersed, make them surge forward.


We can also see this dynamism in the roles God assigns to peoples in History. It is very beautiful to see when a dynamism enters a people and illuminates it from within; henceforth everything that people does takes on a special brilliance. This can be a natural, supernatural or preternatural phenomenon. As a consequence of that dynamism, a people become splendorous.

In the Old Testament, this happened with the Chosen People in the golden phase of its history, that is, during the kingships of David and Solomon. The episode of the Queen of Sheba traveling from afar to see King Solomon was a repercussion of the brilliance of the vocation God had given to the whole people that shone especially in him.

In the history of the New Testament, the French people received a similar grace of predilection at the baptism of Clovis, when France became the first-born daughter of the Church.

The history of a people is in many ways the history of this splendor that dwells in it. At a certain point, however, that splendor begins to diminish, as it did in France after the French Revolution. Either someone reignites that splendor or the dynamism fades and nothing goes forward anymore. These are some samples of the mysterious crescendos and decrescendos of History.

This is a general view of what I consider the deepest layer of reality with an indication of the roles played by the natural, supernatural and preternatural in it.


Liber Custumarum, 1321-25


Even God Worships Man

June 9, 2017

WHAT is the world’s most famous false shepherd up to now? Ah, yes. He’s come out with another whopper: God needs man and cannot possibly get along without him.

Now don’t go telling me that we can ignore or defy the teachings of a real pope and only on rare occasions listen up when he makes a solemn pronouncement. No, sir-ee. Catholics cannot be anti-papists. We are obliged to approach with a spirit of submission and obedience the ordinary teachings of the Pope and this is but one of many examples of the outrageous errors of this arch-blasphemer and fake.



The Southern Belle, Yesterday and Today

June 9, 2017


Henrietta Isabella Sommers (1750–1783); John Theus



Desserting the Monetary System

June 9, 2017


A year ago I began a correspondence with one of my grandchildren, who is now ten years old and home-schooled. We both created little hand drawn catalogs of goods and services for each other, including ordering forms, for things like handmade books, paintings, wildflower seeds, newsletter subscriptions, home baked goods and anything that could be sent by post or used for bed and breakfast service in each other’s homes. Read More »


Artist and Scientist

June 7, 2017


Summer Duck, Mark Catesby (1722-26)

MARK CATESBY (1682-1749) spent four years exploring and documenting the wildlife of the Carolinas, Florida, and the Bahamas. His extraordinary watercolors are the result.


Against Usury

June 7, 2017

FROM an article by Anthony Migchels at Real Currencies:

The Banking System is One. It is controlled top down. Those that control it are the Money Power. It’s global and it rules finance. It dominates every Government on the planet through it.

Its basic operations are simple: maintain monopolistic control of the money supply. Provide credit at interest. Create a boom/bust cycle by inflation and deflation. Finance those under control or to be brought under control and starve the rest. Translate this financial omnipotence to Global Despotism.

The implementation of these basic policies have become more complex during the last century. But for the controllers little has changed. Read More »


Pants on London Bridge

June 5, 2017


London Bridge pants are falling down,
Falling down, falling down.
London Bridge pants are falling down,
My fair lady.


Go Figure

June 5, 2017




Theresa May Calls for Internet Censorship

June 4, 2017

THERESA MAY says the Internet must be regulated — internationally — after London Bridge attack.

Mission accomplished.


Television of Yesteryear

June 4, 2017



What Is Wisdom?

June 4, 2017

“THE GIFT of Wisdom is an illumination of the Holy Ghost, thanks to which our intellect is able to look at revealed truths in their more sublime light, to the greater joy of our souls.”

— Rev. M. Meschler, S.J. “The Gift of Wisdom: Meditations on the Holy Ghost”

O Blessed Light of Life Thou art,
Fill with Thy Light the inmost hearts
Of those that hope in Thee.

Without thy Godhead nothing can
Have any price or worth in man,
Nothing can harmless be.



June 4, 2017



Maid and Mother, pure and kind,
’Tis the Whitsun morning;
June hath wearied sun and wind
For the world’s adorning,—
Earth is blossomed like a bride
For the blessed Whitsuntide.

Thrice the mighty Spirit wrought
For thy soul’s completing:
First, thy stainless self He brought
To the world’s entreating;
Next, to work thy “Fiat” came;
Last, He crowns thy brow with

’Tis Elijah’s olden rite,
Slow the sign preparing:
First, God built thee, altar bright,—
Christ, the Victim, bearing;
Last, from Heaven, at thy desire
Flashed the Lord’s consuming fire.

– Edward F. Garesché, S.J