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High School Women of 1958

March 28, 2017


A READER has informed me that this photo I posted with a brief entry on college women of yesteryear is not a photo of women in college at all.

It is a photo of women in high school, from the 1958 graduating class of Upper Darby High School outside Philadelphia.

Wow, pause for a moment and reflect on this astounding glimpse into the past. Judging by appearances, these are mature women prepared for real life, not children prepared for another phase of extended childhood.

Some of these young women are very beautiful. They have movie star looks. But notice how the ones who have humbler looks are beautified and even ennobled by their dignified dress and charming modesty. Styles of today are, in contrast, especially unkind to women not endowed with great looks. By the way, Upper Darby was not a wealthy town. These are middle-class students. Thanks, feminism! Thanks all you pink-hatted gripe artists! Thanks for destroying the beauty, purpose and nobility of femininity! Read More »


Downplaying Male Decline

March 28, 2017

NED HOLSTEIN, founder of the National Parents Organization, writes:

This Washington Post article about “the sea of despair” among working class whites is a variant on “Meteor Threatens Life on Earth: Women Affected Most.”

Both the researchers and the Post (and also NPR) report the relative increase in these deaths by sex, which makes it look as if the burden is shared by both men and women (196 percent increase in men, 115 percent increase in women). But a 115 percent increase in a small number is still a small number. A 196 percent increase in an already large number is a huge number. They need to also publish the ABSOLUTE death rates by sex; these will show that the problem is lopsided, with men affected at a much, much greater level than women.

Obscuring the lopsided gender effect by only reporting percentage increases instead of absolute increases is not an accident; after all, nothing today is important unless it affects women.

I also fear that the researchers who follow up on this will utterly fail to take into account the large effects on dads of being non-custodial parents, forced to pay back-breaking amounts of child support for children they do not get to see. If they did, they would find lots of low-education young and middle aged men with no decent job prospects, AND no prospect of ever being able to pay the child support that is demanded of them by law, NOR any prospect of being allowed to be close to their children. The researchers will neglect this out of habit, because they have never wanted to look at the reality of men’s lives, preferring to look at the politically correct causes. Read More »


Ugly, Arrogant Feminist Art

March 28, 2017


DAN R. writes:

To the strains of Helen Reddy (“I am Woman”), score one for girl power! And with Mayor Bill DeBlasio’s decision to allow the “fearless girl” statue to stand at least until next year, let’s score one for commie power. The bull, described by its Italian-born sculptor as a symbol of prosperity and strength, has stood on Wall Street since 1989. Who but a commie would want to demean such a symbol? Why, feminists of course, who are only too happy if it can play a part in raising the numbers of women on Wall Street to the magical level of 50%. Apart from the “fearless girl” statue being worthy of a character in a comic book, it’s a parasitic work that owes everything to its placement in front of the bull, stated proudly and openly by a professor at the School of Visual Arts in New York. “The girl has changed the meaning of the bull forever,” said the professor, David Levi Strauss. The sculptor of the bull certainly recognizes this and is planning to sue the company that commissioned the work.

So she’s facing a bull for the opportunity to work on Wall Street?

Poor little girl.


Read More »


A College Professor Retires

March 27, 2017

PETER T. SINGLETON, at the Center for Literate Values, writes on political correctness at the state university where he will soon no longer be teaching. It is not acceptable anymore to speak of “freshman” students or only two genders:

Gender ideology … like all progressive ideology, is never satisfied with its gains because its ultimate goal is to transform earth into heaven (an undertaking that always transforms earth into hell).


How to Silence Free Thought

March 27, 2017

FROM an essay by Laird Wilcox, “The Practice of Ritual Defamation: How values, opinions and beliefs are controlled in democratic societies:”

Defamation is the destruction or attempted destruction of the reputation, status, character or standing in the community of a person or group of persons by unfair, wrongful, or malicious speech or publication. For the purposes of this essay, the central element is defamation in retaliation for the real or imagined attitudes, opinions or beliefs of the victim, with the intention of silencing or neutralizing his or her influence, and/or making an example of them so as to discourage similar independence and “insensitivity” or non-observance of taboos. It is different in nature and degree from simple criticism or disagreement in that it is aggressive, organized and skillfully applied, often by an organization or representative of a special interest group, and in that it consists of several characteristic elements.

    Ritual Defamation is not ritualistic because it follows any prescribed religious or mystical doctrine, nor is it embraced in any particular document or scripture. Rather, it is ritualistic because it follows a predictable, stereotyped pattern which embraces a number of elements, as in a ritual. Read More »


Mother Killed in Middle East

March 24, 2017


STAFF Sgt. Alexandria Mae Morrow was the mother of two young children, ages two and four.

“Equality” and the fraudulent “War on Terror” create two more orphans. Read More »


Israeli-American Arrested for Bomb Threats

March 23, 2017

JOHN TIFFANY writes at The American Free Press:

Since Jan. 1, over 100 bomb threats have been made against Jewish institutions, such as schools and community centers, around the world, including in the United States, New Zealand, and Australia. The establishment immediately insinuated that “hateful Trump supporters” were terrorizing the Jewish community. Now it turns out a 19-year-old Jewish man living in Israel, who holds dual citizenship in America and the Middle Eastern state, stands accused of making most of the threats.

In related news, a Jewish man in upstate New York was arrested this week for spray-painting swastikas on his home in another fake anti-Semitic crime.

When the Jewish suffering racket is in jeopardy, Jews — a tiny, tiny minority of Jews never publicly excoriated by the majority — stage anti-Semitic acts that gentile Americans almost never commit. Expect much more of this.


Forest Fries

March 23, 2017



Recently a rumor spread in Germany that the food from McDonald’s contains wood products. (McDonald’s fries are extremely popular in Germany.)

To refute this, MacDonald’s produced this video.

The deadpan seriousness of the actor is priceless. The script in English: Read More »


White Decline

March 23, 2017



MORE here. Fifty years of non-stop demonization of white men and outsourcing of labor don’t exactly boost morale.


19th-Century Sports Bras

March 23, 2017

Screen Shot 2017-03-22 at 8.30.24 AM

Natassia writes:

I thought you might get a kick out of this. It’s a screenshot from The Morning Times (Washington, D.C.), Dec. 29th, 1895, page 11. The entire newspaper is free to read on the Library of Congress website.

I came across it while researching for my genealogy hobby. Read More »


Can You Download a Forest?

March 23, 2017

G.R. writes:

This essay by Fabrice Hadjadj in Humanum reminded me of you. It’s titled “Rediscovering the “Language of Wood”: Why Can’t We Just Substitute ‘Be Fruitful and Multiply’ with ‘Connect and Download?’”

Here is an excerpt:

Some might think that there is no difference between the library of Trinity College and a database. One might argue that the database is more useful, because it can be carried in a pocket on a USB stick or on an external hard drive. But can you live in an external hard drive? With the library, there is the large park outside, the useless vastness of the halls and of the large windows, the humble solemnity of the slabs of rock which hold the memory of the forests, the hammered leather of the bindings which preserve the memory of the animals, and the physical closeness of the teacher, the physical closeness of that fellow-student or of that pretty co-ed we don’t know; and then the pen, the ink, the heavy paper which forces us not to waste and on which we cannot write just anything: all things which don’t serve us in our work, which don’t provide information for our topic of research, but which sustain us in our presence to the world, and which remind us of the generous density of existence.


Sex Ed

March 23, 2017

S.K. writes:

Recently you had a commenter post regarding teacher-student affairs.

I have followed these stories before, overwhelmingly female teachers and always they are the initiators of it. The male-female gym teacher with the girls seems far rarer. Last year one female teacher had become pregnant by a student half her age, and she was married (she was going to pass off the child as her husband’s). And these are generally young and beautiful women by and large, and often married. This phenomenon will one day need to be explained somehow, in the meantime all we can do is look on and wonder why. Read More »


David Brooks on “Anti-Semitism”

March 22, 2017

IN response to New York Times columnist David Brooks’ assertion that only envy or mental illness could motivate criticism of the Jewish cultural and political agenda (otherwise known as “anti-Semitism”), the editorial staff of The Anti-New York Times displays what must be derangement and envy:

That’s it David! Like our neurotic counterparts in the Middle East and Europe, we Americans who are concerned about the negative impact of Jewish Marxism and Zionism are also mentally unhinged — just envious losers who suffer from an “inferiority complex.” Never mind the fact that sex-crazed Jewish Hollywood is corrupting our children, or that the Jewish Central Bank is debasing our currency, or that the Jewish Lobby wants us to shed blood for Israel, or that the Jewish-run media is propagandizing the public with fake news, or that Jewish academia persecutes scholars who dare to question the conventional accounts of World War II and the Holocaust TM. No. Our sentiments are all about “inferiority complex.”

It takes chutzpah to believe that the only reason people would criticize you is that you are better than them.


Dumb Americans in Ivy League

March 22, 2017


Gustav Dore, Belling the Cat; 1868

Gustav Dore, Belling the Cat; 1868

S., a longtime reader from India, writes:

No doubt everyone is by now well informed about the on-going H1B visa issue. CBS 60 minutes recently aired a special featuring the Americans who lost their jobs to Indians. On this ground, I have no ethical or moral dilemma whatsoever. Indeed, I know of many such Indians, with questionable English and technology skills, who are displacing Americans using the H1B program. That is not right, but this is not what this email is about.

The majority of H1B visa hirees tend to be Indians, but no news report tells you how many of them are Indians who have used an American education to get here, who are in fact qualified and paid on par. Here’s a look at what a Columbia University Computer Science Engineering Class looks like: Read More »


In the Graveyards of St. Louis

March 22, 2017


From the archives of Most Holy Trinity Church, St. Louis

JAMES H. writes:

Alan’s missive on his visit to an old Catholic cemetery in St. Louis reminded me of my own visit to a St. Louis graveyard.

A few weeks ago, my sister and I visited Holy Trinity Church in North St. Louis, St. Nicholas Church in South St. Louis and Calvary Cemetery. My paternal great-great-great uncle was from a small town near Paderborn, Germany and was Rector at Holy Trinity when he died in 1907. Paderborn, Germany is the same town my maternal great-great-grandmother was from as well and only 20 miles from Rheder, Germany where her husband was born. Small world!

My uncle is buried in Calvary Cemetery in North St. Louis – truly one of the most beautiful cemeteries I’ve ever visited.

On our visit, I could not help being struck by the many beautiful churches in North and South St. Louis, each and every one a testament to the faith-filled men and women who built these communities. Now these same “communities” have been largely destroyed. Read More »


Restroom Liberation

March 21, 2017

A LIBERAL woman describes her experience with a man in the women’s room at Disneyland.


Counterfeit Church Abandons “Gays”

March 21, 2017


FROM Lifesite News:

Joseph Sciambra, who participated in the “gay” subculture in his youth as a porn actor and later abandoned the lifestyle after returning to the Catholic faith, has been working for years to bring about a reform of such [“gay-friendly”] parishes and programs, and to alert the public about the harm being done to Catholics who suffer from “same-sex attraction.” However, the bishops and diocesan administrations consistently ignore him and others who complain.

“For the most part, my attempts at instigating a dialogue or discourse with certain bishops in terms of sharing my experiences about gay-affirmative parishes and ministries has failed,” Sciambra told LifeSiteNews. “In some cases, it has taken years to elicit a single response. Then they have recommended patience.”

Patience, however, is difficult for Sciambra, who watched dozens of friends die as a result of their homosexual lifestyle.

“As someone who lost friends to AIDS, partially because they were willfully deceived by priests who recommended that they remain in the ‘gay’ lifestyle, watching as these parishes and ministries continue to confuse and mislead others, sometimes for over 30 years, it’s difficult to remain patiently silent,” Sciambra told LifeSiteNews. “I tend to look at it this way: When a doctor is treating someone suffering from a leg infected by gangrene, does the doctor advise patience, or does he act swiftly and decisively in order to save the person?  Because time is of the essence.”


Twitterer-in-Chief Threatens North Korea

March 20, 2017

SOME free polemic from The Anti-New York Times:

[I]f Twitterer-In-Chief’s juvenile cyber-blurbs are any indication, the road ahead may be very rocky.  “North Korea is behaving very badly,”he tweeted. Then added, “They have been ‘playing’ the United States for years. China has done little to help!”

And who the frickety-frack is Orange Man [Trump] — that self-professed champion of “national sovereignty” — to lecture North Korea and China on what are purely their own domestic affairs? Why should North Korea disarm itself? How did that work out for Qaddafi of Libya? How does this aggressive posture serve the interests of the “America First” ideal that OM campaigned on and got elected with? And if these threats against Iran, North Korea, and, though subtly, China do not serve the American people, then who does benefit?