FROM Lifesite News:
Joseph Sciambra, who participated in the “gay” subculture in his youth as a porn actor and later abandoned the lifestyle after returning to the Catholic faith, has been working for years to bring about a reform of such [“gay-friendly”] parishes and programs, and to alert the public about the harm being done to Catholics who suffer from “same-sex attraction.” However, the bishops and diocesan administrations consistently ignore him and others who complain.
“For the most part, my attempts at instigating a dialogue or discourse with certain bishops in terms of sharing my experiences about gay-affirmative parishes and ministries has failed,” Sciambra told LifeSiteNews. “In some cases, it has taken years to elicit a single response. Then they have recommended patience.”
Patience, however, is difficult for Sciambra, who watched dozens of friends die as a result of their homosexual lifestyle.
“As someone who lost friends to AIDS, partially because they were willfully deceived by priests who recommended that they remain in the ‘gay’ lifestyle, watching as these parishes and ministries continue to confuse and mislead others, sometimes for over 30 years, it’s difficult to remain patiently silent,” Sciambra told LifeSiteNews. “I tend to look at it this way: When a doctor is treating someone suffering from a leg infected by gangrene, does the doctor advise patience, or does he act swiftly and decisively in order to save the person? Because time is of the essence.”