Trump on the “Holocaust”
April 25, 2017

FOR THE third time since January, Donald Trump today commemorated the “Holocaust.” In a passionate speech at the Capitol Building, the president promoted the falsehood that six million Jews were killed in gas chambers, eulogized the proven fraud and profiteer Elie Wiesel, viciously defamed the German people, misrepresented the sacrifices of American soldiers in World War II and smeared historians and scientists who have sought accuracy with the slur “Holocaust denier.” Trump used quasi-biblical language to describe the creation of the theocracy of modern-day Israel, which, he said, had “arisen from the desert,” as if miraculously, when, in fact, it arose through international political machinations, war, theft, terrorism and mass expulsions.
There are four categories — make that five — (with some overlap) of people who endorse the popularized version of the “Holocaust:” the intellectually lazy, the gullible, the fearful, the distracted and the deceitful. Trump appears to fit into the last category. It defies belief that he could not know of the voluminous evidence — such as that provided by the Committee for Open Debate of the Holocaust — available at the click of a mouse.
No order commanding the extermination of Jews by the Hitler government has ever been found. No convincing evidence of gas chambers has ever been located and evidence that there could not have been homicidal gas chambers in detention camps such as Auschwitz is overwhelming. Zyklon B was a delousing agent used to prevent the spread of typhus and to protect Jewish inmates of labor camps. No mass graves have been found. No bodies with traces of lethal gas have been found. No ovens that could have processed so many bodies have been found. According to statistics provided by Jewish organizations, the Jewish population was 15,748,091 worldwide in 1938 and 15,753,638 in 1948. Official accounts of the number who perished have been quietly and repeatedly revised by the millions downward and yet these revisions are never called “Holocaust denials” or taken into account in the “six million” story. The revisers of these figures have never spent time in jail, as has the 87-year-old German woman Ursula Haverbeck, whose offense was openly writing about the evidence, or been beaten up by Jewish thugs, as was the French historian Dr. Robert Faurisson (below).

Some “Holocaust” survivors (the abundance of survivors being yet another clue) promoted by the media have even admitted to fabricating stories. See more here.
The stench of this holy tale is overwhelming. Trump’s foremost loyalties lie with Israel, not America.