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The Thinking Housewife


The Model Minority: Parachute Kids Edition

February 7, 2017

CHINESE PARENTS, most of whom have only one child, are sending their children to American high schools in the hope that they will be admitted to top universities here. Brook Larmer of The New York Times reports:

In 2005, only 641 Chinese students were enrolled in American high schools. By 2014, that student population approached 40,000 — a 60-fold increase in a single decade — and it now accounts for nearly half of all international high-school students in the United States. “Parents realize that they have to start earlier if they want their children to get into a top U.S. university,” says Nini Suet, founder of Shang Learning, a boutique consultancy with headquarters in Beijing that charges $25,000 to $40,000 to help Chinese kids prepare for and apply to American boarding schools. “Families are looking for any edge they can get.” Read More »


Muslim Majorities in British Schools

February 7, 2017

PENELOPE writes:

If this isn’t jihad, what is?

From Express:

About 20 Church of England (CoE) schools are estimated to have a majority Muslim population, as do 15 Roman Catholic schools, latest available figures reveal.

One school, St Thomas in Werneth, Oldham, is reported to have no Christian pupils at all, according to the local diocese.

While some school and church leaders say the institutions are merely serving their community.

Professor Alan Smithers, director of the centre for education at the University of Buckingham, said the experience could be “uncomfortable” and “confusing” for children of both faiths.

Read More »


Disgusting Pictures

February 7, 2017


You have many good and beautiful posts. To comment on the evils which deluge our society is useful. However, to post obscene pictures and to refer to other blogs that are vulgar is not helpful. It only puts thoughts and pictures into our minds that we should not have. Catholics are taught to avoid immoral literature and pictures. You are not helpful by posting such material. A good example of this is today’s comments and pictures from yesterday’s Super Bowl. I would not want my grandchildren reading your website. Read More »


“Kabbala Comes to the White House”

February 6, 2017



We face a very insidious situation at this time as a president undertakes some actions that are undoubtedly in the public interest while winking at the institutionalization of grave evils. What makes the situation even more insidious is that the raging hatred that is organized and funded by all manner of Judeo-Masonic sources predisposes many Catholics who were up in arms against the efforts of the administrations of William Jefferson Blythe Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro to institutionalize and protect more and more moral evils under the cover of the civil law by means of taxpayer dollars to keep their peace, if not totally ignore, policies by a Republican president to promote the same evils by the same means.

To wit, none other than the practitioner of Kabbala named Ivanka Trump Kushner, who is the wife of presidential counsel and fellow Kabbalist Jared Kushner, prevailed upon her father, President Donald John Trump, not to issue an executive order that would give employers more freedom to protect themselves, their families and their employees from sodomites in the work place:

Ivanka Trump also weighed, behind the scene, on a policy matter. Along with Kushner, she discouraged a possible executive order that would have affected LGBTQ workplace rights and she supported a White House statement pledging to leave intact a 2014 executive order that protects workers for federal contractors from anti-LGBTQ discrimination, according to a person with knowledge of Ivanka Trump’s role in the discussion. Her involvement was first reported by Politico. (Ivanka Trump Has Big White House Role Without A Title.) Read More »


Anti-Francis Posters in Rome

February 6, 2017


THERE seem to be some “self-absorbed, Promethean neo-Pelagians” and “leprous courtiers” afoot in the Eternal City.

Call me Jorge reports on the hundreds of anti-Francis posters that appeared in Rome last weekend.


Football Frank

February 6, 2017


Pope Francis gives a thumbs up as he leaves his general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican April 2. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) (April 2, 2014) See POPE-AUDIENCE April 2, 2014.

Courtesy of Novus Ordo Watch

“POPE” Francis, who, like his immediate predecessors, has fooled millions of decent people into believing one doesn’t have to be Catholic to be “Catholic” (or Pope), found spiritual inspiration this weekend in that most wholesome of cultural events — the Super Bowl. (See video below.) I have never heard anyone  — even die-hard fans — argue that this modern-day gladiator show promotes world peace and self-sacrifice, but leave it to the motor-mouth in the Occupied Vatican to come up with that particular bit of globalist, pseudo-spiritual tripe. Can you imagine St. Peter, the first Pope, waxing eloquent over the Stupor Bowl … the thought is too outrageous and blasphemous to contemplate.

But if a real Pope were to speak on the Super Bowl, you would expect that he would condemn it. Big-time, modern sports spectacles threaten world peace and self-sacrifice. Sports can indeed be healthy and normal, but the Super Bowl is garbage. No matter how good the chicken wing recipes and fun get-togethers may be, the Super Bowl brings satanic music rituals, false patriotism, intense commercialism, militaristic arrogance, unhealthy sports regimens and a mob mentality into millions of homes. It is corrupting, Frank, not ennobling. The athletic industrial complex is bread-and-circuses that corrupt the normal man’s desire for fun and athletics, and distracts men from the fight to defend their souls, their homes, and their nations from those who use “world peace” as a pretext for world conquest.

Jorge Bergoglio is everything Freemasons ever wanted in a Pope — and more. It’s taken centuries of covert plotting and revolution to achieve this triumph. He’s the gift that keeps on giving.


See commentary at Novus Ordo Watch.

Update: Thomas A. Droleskey reflects on how sports has changed and how “what was once a legitimate diversion became an obsession.”


School-Induced Illiteracy

February 6, 2017


IN HIS 2011 book, School-Induced Dyslexia and How It Deforms a Child’s Brain, the late author and education reformer Samuel L. Blumenfeld argued that the whole language or “progressive” method of reading instruction had caused a massive increase in illiteracy, especially among blacks, and a skyrocketing number of diagnosed cases of “dyslexia.”

Elementary school children in public schools are taught to read today by memorizing a few dozen “sight,” mostly one-syllable, words. The traditional phonics method involves sounding out the letters and gradually progressing to bigger words.


According to Phyllis Schlafly:

The change from teaching school children to read by phonics and replacing phonics with the so-called “whole word” or “look-say” method was fully debunked in the landmark book “Why Johnny Can’t Read” by Rudolph Flesch in 1955. Unfortunately, the truth had no impact on public schools, which stuck with the new method because it was part of “progressive” education. It was brought to Teachers College at Columbia University with a $3 million grant from John D. Rockefeller Jr., who then sent four of his five sons to be educated by Dewey’s progressive ideas.

Blumenfeld was thus not alone in contending that the whole language approach had been a disaster, causing “learning disabilities” and behavior problems. Literacy rates among black students especially declined. His 2011 book includes this testimony from the teacher, Paul Lukawski:

I have been a high school English teacher for 14 years. I remember in college wanting to know how to teach children to read. I went to a teacher college established in 1910. The school had one of the oldest teacher colleges in the country. Its College of Education enjoyed an excellent reputation. I asked three different professors how do you teach reading. I received three different vague responses.

After I completed my second year of teaching, I realized that my students could not read. I taught grades nine through twelve. The second year, I had three classes of ninth graders. I assigned the novel To Kill a Mocking Bird for them to read. I realized that most of my students could not read the novel’s literate narrative. Read More »


The Stupor Bowl

February 6, 2017




MIKE KING offers ten reasons (warning: vulgar photos) to hate the Super Bowl, including the excessive commercialism, the degeneracy of the halftime show (whatever happened to marching bands?), the mindless militarism, the psychotic narcissism of the players and the “misguided passion” of fanatical fans:

Nothing wrong with a little diversion and fun cheering for your hometown team; but many of these “fans” display a passion so intense that a straight-jacket is warranted. If only they would get as agitated about Obongo and Fed robbing them blind, or their children’s future in a permanently depressed economy, or the innocent people in faraway lands being killed by the US-Israel led Axis of Evil, or the never-ending flood of “migrants” being pumped into America, or the potential coming wars with Russia and China, or the fact that their elementary school kids are being forced to learn the joys of homo-anal sex and cross-dressing. What pathetic losers these people are!


The Rights of God

February 5, 2017


WHEN PEOPLE who don’t believe in God come before God, He will not believe in them.

When people who believe God exists, but act as if He doesn’t exist, come before God, He will act as if they don’t exist.

When people who reject the rights of God come before God, they will have no rights.

When people who are ashamed of God come before God, He will be ashamed of them.

Those who stone prophets will eat the dust of their own hatred for all eternity.


Trump’s Toxic Masculinity

February 4, 2017



IF “toxic masculinity,” to borrow a phrase from the opposition, is the display of unprovoked aggression, then Trump has had a week of it.

Issuing a sudden ban on travel from a country that has not been responsible for terrorist acts in America (Iran); conjuring the phony script of 9/11 that has already dragged us into unnecessary war; justifying the detention of a five-year-old boy at an airport; overseeing drone strikes in Yemen that killed innocent people, including children, and supporting the aggression there by Saudi Arabia; engaging in outright war-mongering against a nation with which we have concluded a non-aggression pact (Iran)?

Trump better get his act together. He’s looking like a bully. This isn’t what those who voted for him wanted, especially those who were alarmed by Hillary’s war-mongering. Let nationalists not be fooled by his talk or actions against abortion. Real men don’t pick fights.


The Baby Scientist

February 4, 2017


j3 Jozef Israëls (Dutch Realist painter, 1824-1911) Children of the Sea. 1872 (2)

Children of the Sea, Jozef Israëls; 1872

ALAN writes:

In “The Baby Philosopher,” you wrote:

                “The baby is not capable of conceptual thinking. But still he acquires an important philosophical premise early on through all this investigation. He is mostly a scientist, but he starts to become a philosopher too….”

Entirely correct. Few people understand that what is often dismissed as “just playing” is not always play and is never “just” anything, but rather the most earnest endeavor by an infant to make sense of what he sees, hears, and feels.  No endeavor in life could be more earnest or less corrupt.

But your essay also struck a chord in my memory because of that phrase about “the baby is mostly a scientist…” In a letter printed by a St. Louis newspaper in 1971, I wrote:

       The claim that very few children would acquire any more than a very superficial grasp of science if artificial motivations were not used is a ludicrous conjecture. Actually, all evidence indicates the opposite.  Indeed, every baby is a scientist and remains such until the schools have mutilated his natural love of learning by turning it from an active into a passive process. 

The occasion for my remarks was a clash of opinions with a philosophy instructor about Charles Silberman’s book Crisis in the Classroom (1970).  The instructor contended that Silberman’s critical assessment of mindlessness in American public schools was unfounded.  He also made the common mistake of confusing schooling with learning.

I contended that Silberman’s assessment was valid and that schools are not about learning but about training for docility.  I argued that the most important things children learn, they do not learn in school or because of school.

Silberman’s work was funded by a private company.  The philosophy instructor was employed by a tax-supported “community college.” People who feed at the public trough are not likely to welcome suggestions that what they do can be done better and at less cost by private schools, companies, or families.

In 1971, I was quite young and my views on the matter of education vs. schooling were not fully formed.  Nor was I exempt from being influenced by a few writers who leaned Leftward but also echoed my sentiments against compulsory school attendance laws.  Some of what I wrote then was poorly expressed or just plain wrong.  But I stand by the essence of the paragraph quoted above. Read More »


Women’s Progress, cont.

February 3, 2017


Democrats and liberals accuse Republicans of conducting a war on women. Assault, rape, and murder are the worst things that can be done to a woman. I would bet a lot of money that most of the assaults, rapes, and murders of women are done by people who identify as liberals, and if they voted or had a party affiliation, it would be Democratic.

Walter Williams


Women in Art

February 3, 2017

FORTUNATELY, we know the status of women has vastly improved. Otherwise, judging from the history of Western art, we would be tempted to conclude otherwise.

A few examples:


Master G.Z._Madonna and Child with the Donor, Pietro de' Lardi, Presented by Saint Nicholas (1420_30)

Madonna and Child with the Donor, Pietro de’ Lardi, Presented by Saint Nicholas, Master G.Z.; 1420-30




Head and Shoulders of a Woman, Leonardo Da Vinci; ca. 1500–1505


Working Title/Artist: Young Mother Sewing Department: Am. Paintings / Sculpture Culture/Period/Location: HB/TOA Date Code: Working Date: 1900 photography by mma, DP139632.tif touched by film and media (jnc) 9_2_09

Young Mother Sewing, Mary Cassat; 1900



Self-Portrait, Alice Bailly, 1917

Self-Portrait, Alice Bailly, 1917


Woman and Pears (Fernande); Pablo Picasso; 1909

Woman and Pears (Fernande); Pablo Picasso; 1909



Hershman, Lynn

Roberta’s Construction Chart #2, Lynn Hershman Leeson; 1976


Isa Genzken. Schauspieler (Actors) (detail). 2013. Mannequins, clothes, shoes, fabric, and paper, dimensions variable. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Buchholz, Cologne/Berlin. © Isa Genzken. Photo: Jens Ziehe, Berlin.

Isa Genzken. Schauspieler (Actors) (detail). 2013.


The Presentation at the Temple

February 2, 2017


1460-64 Giovanni Bellini (Italian Early Renaissance Painter 1430-1516) Presentation at the Temple (2)

Giovanni Bellini; Presentation at the Temple (1460-64)

And Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary his mother: Behold this child is set for the fall, and for the resurrection of many in Israel, and for a sign which shall be contradicted; and thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed.  (Lk. 2: 33-35)


We Are Terrorists

February 2, 2017


The misuse of military force has only spread violence and chaos across the Muslim world and spawned an explosive mix of political disintegration, rule by militias and warlords, a dizzying proliferation of armed groups with different interests and loyalties and, ultimately, more blowback for the West.

Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Turkey, Israel, Qatar and other “allies” have been only too eager to exploit and redirect our aggression against their own enemies: Iran; Syria; Libya; and different ethnic groups, minorities and political movements in what was, for centuries, a diverse, tolerant region of the world.

The U.S. has become a blind giant stumbling through a thick forest of shadows and unseen dangers, striking out with its devastating war machine at the instigation of self-serving allies and the same dark forces in its own “intelligence” bureaucracy who have stirred up trouble, staged coups and unleashed war in country after country for seventy years.

— Nicolas J S Davies, author of Blood On Our Hands: the American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq


The Myth of Terrorist Refugees

February 2, 2017

FROM The Independent Institute:

According to the Cato Institute, the United States admitted 3,252,493 refugees between 1975 and 2015. Twenty of them were terrorists. This represents some 0.00062 percent of all refugees. Only three attacks carried out by these refugees were successful.

In total, in a span of forty years, “terrorist refugees” have killed three people in the United States.

But what about the attacks in San Bernardino, the Orlando Pulse Nightclub shooting, the Boston Marathon bombings, and 9/11? [False flags all.] Are these not “proof” that such a ban is warranted? After all, the individuals responsible for the attacks had some connection to foreign countries.

In reality, the current executive order would have stopped exactly none of these attacks. Read More »


Trump Administration Threatens Iran

February 2, 2017

DANIEL McADAMS wrote yesterday:

It wasn’t hard to see this coming. President Trump’s National Security Advisor, Gen. Michael Flynn, delivered a clear threat to the government of Iran today, ominously stating that “as of this day, we are officially putting Iran on notice.” What is less clear is the General’s rationale for issuing the threat.

Flynn cites two justifications for bringing the US on war footing against Iran. Both are dubious. First, he blames Iran for a recent attack on a Saudi naval vessel carried out by Houthi forces in Yemen. According to Flynn, because the Houthis are backed by Iran — itself a specious claim — it is Iran that is actually responsible for the attack.

Even if it were true that the Houthis are Iranian proxies, this kind of guilt-by-association reasoning gets quite awkward when considering what some US-backed rebels in Syria have done with US-provided weapons and training. Like beheading young boys. Read More »


The Occult in a Children’s Movie

February 2, 2017

THE beast in Disney’s new version of Beauty and the Beast has horns — like Baphomet. See the report at Fellowship of the Mindswhere Dr. Eowyn writes:

The message of Disney’s new Beauty and the Beast movie is this:

The Devil is just misunderstood! He just wants your love! The Devil loves you and wants to give you riches and finery. All you gotta do is tell him you love him, and he’ll turn into a handsome prince, and you’ll live happily ever after.