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December 15, 2016

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Madonna and Child, Marianne Stokes; 1907

Image Courtesy of It’s About Time


The Foolish Fir Tree

December 15, 2016





— Henry Van Dyke (1852-1933)

A Little fir grew in the midst of the wood
Contented and happy, as young trees should.
His body was straight and his boughs were clean;
And summer and winter the bountiful sheen
Of his needles bedecked him, from top to root,
In a beautiful, all-the-year, evergreen suit.

But a trouble came into his heart one day,
When he saw that the other trees were gay
In the wonderful raiment that summer weaves
Of manifold shapes and kinds of leaves:
He looked at his needles so stiff and small,
And thought that his dress was the poorest of all.
Then jealousy clouded the little tree’s mind,
And he said to himself, “It was not very kind
“To give such an ugly old dress to a tree!
“If the fays of the forest would only ask me,
“I’d tell them how I should like to be dressed,
“In a garment of gold, to bedazzle the rest!”
So he fell asleep, but his dreams were bad.
When he woke in the morning, his heart was glad;
For every leaf that his boughs could hold
Was made of the brightest beaten gold.
I tell you, children, the tree was proud; Read More »


Disgraceful Rex Tillerson

December 15, 2016


WHAT COULD be more corrupt than the role played by Rex Tillerson, Trump’s choice for Secretary of State and former head of the Boy Scouts of America, in the organization’s decision to allow openly homosexual boys in the organization? The man is a disgrace. Under his command, Exxon also became a company with a high rating on the “Corporate Equality Index.”

Tillerson is quoted in the BSA’s Scouting magazine as responding to the vote allowing homosexual Scouts as follows:

Regardless of where you were on this decision, it’s also very normal for people to feel like there are winners or losers. I’m here to tell you that’s not true. … There are neither winners nor losers. What’s left after we made the decision to change is the mission, and the mission has not changed.

Millions of boys were the losers.

Given Tillerson’s background, we have reason to believe he will continue to push Hillary’s LGBTQ agenda on the entire world. Read More »


In Norway, Children Belong to the State

December 15, 2016


I lived for four years in Norway, and had a good working and social relationship with many of its citizens. Currently, I have family members who live there. However, since my departure nearly three decades ago, the country, primarily under Labor Party governments, has moved in a direction that has given a full-throttle impetus to what I would describe as the “Nanny-Administrative State,” which has assumed the legal and moral authority in separating children from their parents, and parents from their children.

That particular governmental organization is called Barneverent, or Child-Protective Agency.

What follows are the comments of someone I know and trust about the current situation in which children in today’s Norway are separated from their parents in a way that is reminiscent of Stalin’s Russia, One case involved a Czech woman: Read More »


Russian Brides and Angry White Voters

December 14, 2016

THE real reason many American men don’t take seriously charges of pro-Trump Russian intervention in the election is not because there is no real evidence of intervention. No, the real reason is that they secretly envy Russian men who have submissive wives and are thus willing to let Putin do anything. Where Russia could not conquer through the Communist Party (it was really internationalists who tried to conquer via the Communist Party, but never mind), it will conquer through the reactionary white male.

This is the theory put forth by Vanity Fair writer Peter Savodnik, plumbing the depths of the Trump voter’s twisted psyche. Certainly, the appreciation for Russian women, compared to overworked American feminists who are conditioned to be angry, is real. But to Savodnik, who starts off by dismissing conspiracies and then unquestioningly accepts the fake-news, unsubstantiated conspiracy theory of Russia tipping the election, it is the clue to Trump’s victory via Russian hacking. “Angry white men” would let Putin do anything because he meets their deepest fantasies. No kidding. (What about all those angry white women who voted for Trump? We are left with no answer.)

Donald Trump’s choice of female partners reflects the yearnings and inclinations of these angry, white men—many of whom, one imagines, now comprise his base. Read More »


A Papal Christmas Message, 1944

December 14, 2016


Pope Pius XII

Pope Pius XII

POPE Pius XII delivered this Christmas message, “Democracy and a Lasting Peace,” in 1944:

“But when the goodness and kindness of God our Saviour appeared” (St. Paul’s Epistle to Titus, Chap. 3, 4th verse).

For the sixth time since the opening of the dreadful war, the Christmas liturgy again hails with these words redolent of peaceful serenity, the coming into our midst of God, Our Saviour.

The humble, mean cradle of Bethlehem, by its wonderful charm, focuses the attention of all believers. Deep into the hearts of those in darkness, affliction and depression there sinks and pervades a great flood of light and joy.

Heads that were bowed lift again serenely, for Christmas is the feast of human dignity, “the wonderful exchange by which the Creator of the human race, taking a living body, deigned to be born of a virgin, and by His coming bestowed on us His divinity” (first antiphon of first vesper for the feast of the Circumcision).

But our gaze turns quickly from the Babe of the Crib to the world around us, and the sorrowful sigh of John the Evangelist comes to our lips: “and the light shines in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it” (John, first chapter, fifth verse).

For alas, for the sixth time, the Christmas dawn breaks again on battlefields spreading ever wider, on graveyards where are gathered the remains of victims in ever-increasing numbers, on desert lands where a few tottering towers tell with silent pathos the story of cities once flourishing and prosperous, and where bells fallen or carried off no longer awaken the inhabitants with their jubilant Christmas chimes. Read More »


Francis: “Gravedigger of Europe”

December 14, 2016

Pope Francis kisses the foot of a refugee during the foot-washing ritual at the Castelnuovo di Porto refugees center near Rome, Italy, March 24, 2016. Pope Francis on Thursday washed and kissed the feet of refugees, including three Muslim men, and condemned arms makers as partly responsible for Islamist militant attacks that killed at least 31 people in Brussels. REUTERS/Osservatore Romano/Handout via Reuters ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. REUTERS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS IMAGE. EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVE. THIS PICTURE IS DISTRIBUTED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS.

Pope Francis kisses the foot of a refugee during the foot-washing ritual at the Castelnuovo di Porto refugees center near Rome, Italy, March 24, 2016.REUTERS

FROM AN article by the author “Miles Christi” on the efforts by the motor-mouth antipope, Francis, to encourage the racial and religious obliteration of Europe:

Europe is now submerged by the immigration of Muslim masses. The situation is so explosive that one hardly sees how a civil war could be avoided eventually. But “Francis” is a dedicated pro-immigration activist; and such a brazen one that he does not hesitate to point the finger at Europeans and to ask forgiveness to the immigrants because of their so-called “bad reception” in Europe. Well, not only such statements are obviously wrong, but they contribute to reinforce the hostility and contempt of Muslim “refugees” toward this “racist” white and Christian society, which gives them such a bad reception… Read More »


“Russian Hacking: All Sizzle, No Steak”

December 13, 2016

A FREE SAMPLE of The Anti-New York Times.



Persecution Sounds Nice — ‘Til You Face It

December 13, 2016

FROM a comment at Fitzpatrick Informer:

I saw a comment on The American Conservative site today saying persecution is the seed of the Church. People often say this type of thing in an offhand way, but realistically how many of us are ready to be persecuted? It seems to me that even the ridicule and hostility that comes with, say, disputing the official version of things like 9/11 is beyond the ken of most Christians (including most traditional Catholics) these days, so it’s difficult to see how they’d cope with the full on persecution that a Hillary administration might well have hastened. We can only pray that some good will come from Trump’s victory – even if many of the hopes entertained by the alt-right are outlandish.

Indeed. There is a shocking amount of cowardice out there. Read More »


A World of Illusions

December 13, 2016

HENRY MAKOW, who is Jewish, writes at his site in a post called “History Tells Us Trump is a Huckster:”

Ordinary Jews can’t believe it because they are not Satanists. But many Cabalist Jews are. They have the money, comprise the secret leadership, and manipulate the rest.

[Rabbi Joshua] Trachtenberg was a Reform Rabbi for 30 years. His portrait gazes down on his personal library housed at Temple Emeth in Teaneck NJ.

He is one of many decent Jews like myself who have been used as a Trojan Horse for the Illuminati under the aegis of communism, socialism, liberalism, feminism, zionism, neo conservatism and “gay rights.”

We are all Jews now, Godless, deceived, degraded and used. But at least we know where we stand, and can act accordingly.


Linguistic Eradication of “He” and “She”

December 13, 2016


THE student union at Oxford University, the birthplace of the Oxford English Dictionary, has advocated that students support the abolition of the ‘he’ and ‘she’ pronouns by using ‘ze.’


A Sandy Hook Christmas

December 13, 2016



EVEN if you have the attention span of a fruit fly, as Barry Soetero says, you can understand the biggest shooting hoax in American history and give the truth to others for Christmas. The four-year anniversary of the Sandy Hook school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut is tomorrow. Do you dislike treason? Do you dislike calculated, mass traumatization of the general public, including young children frightened that they too might someday be shot to death at school? Do you dislike the bilking of millions in a fraudulent charity scheme? Or is it not such a big deal to you?

In related news, seven Sandy Hook parents reportedly visited the White House before the shooting and three visited on the same day. Another anniversary story: James Tracy explains “How Questioning the Sandy Hook Official Narrative Cost Me My Tenured Professorship” at Veterans Today.



RedSilverj on Pizzagate Shooting

December 12, 2016



Shakespeare’s Turn

December 12, 2016



FROM Campus Reform:

Students at the University of Pennsylvania removed a portrait of Shakespeare from a prominent location in the school’s English department after complaining that he did not represent a diverse range of writers.

In fact, the chair of the department confirmed in a statement that the portrait was stripped from the wall by his students as “a way of affirming their commitment to a more inclusive mission for the English department,” The Daily Pennsylvanian reports.

Additionally, Department Chair Jed Esty explained that the portrait was “delivered” to his office and replaced with a photograph of Audre Lorde, a celebrated African American feminist and author, in a move that was intended to send a message to Esty, whose department agreed to replace the portrait several years ago.

Esty went on to confirm that the portrait of Lorde will remain in Shakespeare’s place until he and his colleagues can reach an agreement on what to do next, announcing the establishment of a “working group” to help monitor the process.




Trump Regrets

December 12, 2016

KATHERINE S. writes:

I fear that we have been duped. Trump is looking more and more like a Zionist neo-con. His selection of Pence, Flynn, “Mad Dog” Mattis (and now Bolton?) signals American Exceptionalism and “Israel First” on steroids.

I wish that I had not voted for Trump. My original inclination was not to vote at all, in keeping with the conclusion that I reached in 1992, that the voting process in the USA is like gambling in a casino, where the house (i.e., TPTB/Deep State) always wins.

But Hillary was SO bad. It seemed reasonable to say, as you did: I dislike Trump, but I dislike nuclear war even more. However, seeing Trump’s chosen lieutenants, I fear that we will get that nuclear war with Russia, after all, via Iran, and for the sake of Greater Israel. Read More »


A Face of Feminist Progress

December 12, 2016


CHRISTINE LAGARDE, managing director of the International Monetary Fund and an outspoken feminist who has said women would bring better values to business, went on trial today for alleged criminal negligence in a €400 million payout to a French tycoon. From The New York Times:

Ms. Lagarde is accused of “negligence by a person in a position of public authority” in overseeing a politically charged arbitration case in 2007. In the case, Bernard Tapie, a flamboyant French tycoon close to Nicolas Sarkozy, then France’s president, was awarded more than 400 million euros, or $430 million, to settle a dispute with the partly state-owned bank Crédit Lyonnais.

Her lawyer appealed for a postponement, but the court — which is hearing the case in the same courtroom where the French queen Marie-Antoinette was tried — denied the request. The trial is scheduled to run through Dec. 20 but could conclude earlier.


“Was I negligent? No,” she continued. “And I will work to convince you allegation by allegation.”

She may, of course, be innocent. But her case is a reminder that one of the great things about women not having power such as this was that they could not misuse it.

Lagarde, like her friend German Chancellor Angela Merkel, is a big fan of open borders. She wants women all over the world to increase their presence in the paid workforce.


Sin Is Against Nature

December 12, 2016


“SIN is neither something concocted by a ‘vengeful’ God, and nor was it maliciously devised to serve as a leash or a horse’s bridle by some kind of moralistic institution. No: ‘To sin is nothing else but to hang back from the good that belongs to one by nature.’…

… Because sin always takes place by going against the natural [naturhaften] impulse of the sinner himself, whoever does wrong can never therefore be completely at one with himself. Even the torments of the damned arise, in the final analysis, from a dichotomy inside the person: the pain of being cut off from what the sinner continues to will and to love by virtue of his very nature.”

— The Concept of Sin, Josef Pieper


Jewish Censorship and Ritual Defamation

December 12, 2016


THE British singer Alison Chabloz describes (above) the repercussions to her allegedly “anti-Semitic” songs and satires. All she has done is speak and sing. For that, she has been bullied, fired, received death threats, arrested and had her property confiscated. As Chabloz explains in the final minutes of the above video, militantly tribal Jews and their leaders do not care about the welfare of most Jews. They are the true “anti-Semites.” Sadly, many ordinary Jews would rather persecute those who expose the truth than revolt against the leaders who have lied to them and misled them.

Chabloz is a courageous woman. For those interested in more on this topic, a “Holocaust Deprogramming Course” can be found here.