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Please Donate

December 12, 2016


Edward Willis Redfield (1865-1969)

IF YOU have found anything of value at this site during the past year, please donate to keep it up and running. Your support is essential.

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Thank you for your generosity. May God bless you and your families.


Do They Detest Children?

December 12, 2016



A very brave woman in Northern Ireland debates the “gay marriage” issue in a town meeting. Her name is Susan Ann White [she has been a reader of this site] and she begins her speech at approximately 1:37. A crowd of men jeer at her when she explains that homosexual men are much more likely to abuse children and one man attempts to get her distracted on another issue so she commands them to keep on topic.


The Kafka-esque CIA Story

December 12, 2016

CRAIG MURRAY, a former British Ambassador, writes at Zero Hedge:

I have watched incredulous as the CIA’s blatant lie has grown and grown as a media story – blatant because the CIA has made no attempt whatsoever to substantiate it. There is no Russian involvement in the leaks of emails showing Clinton’s corruption. Yes this rubbish has been the lead today in the Washington Post in the US and the Guardian here, and was the lead item on the BBC main news. I suspect it is leading the American broadcasts also.

A little simple logic demolishes the CIA’s claims. Read More »


What Happened to the Peace Movement?

December 12, 2016


GHASSAN KHADI writes at The Saker:

For seven and a half decades we did not hear a single American President speak of putting an end to the foreign intervention policy until Donald Trump did just a few days ago.

For decades, peace activists and their supporters worked hard, rallied, fought riot police, went to jail, got tortured and killed, and all of this just to end one specific war or to avoid another from erupting. Never before have we heard of a possibility of all American foreign intervention wars, present and future to end.

Whether or not Trump will keep this promise is something to be seen, but what is mind boggling, and I dare say sinister, is that not a single peace activist seems to have made any positive comment.

Where have all the flowers gone?

Not even the Dalai Lama made a whisper of hope in the wake of Trump’s proclamation. Even Greenpeace seems none-the-wiser, probably because Trump is not “green” leaning and mocks global warming.

Does the world prefer an American President who on one hand acknowledges global warming but does nothing about it, and then turns around and fills the planet with the smoke and pollutants of war?

The peace movement was, as they liked to say in the sixties, co-opted.



December 11, 2016




As steal the first grey heralds of the morn
In ripples of light o’er the sea,
So rapturous thrills of a joy unborn
Must have come, O Mary, to thee!
Faint tremblings of waves whose low refrain
Soft beat on the shores of thy virginal heart,
Where finite and Infinite both had part.

Of the Word was that wordless melody,
And His Heart was the heart of the ecstasy
That whispered of Peace to be born of pain,
When over Judea the glad refrain
Should be sung by angels Christmas morn,
In heavenly harmony—Christ is born!



The “Soft Coup”

December 10, 2016

WHERE is the evidence that Russia manipulated the election of Donald Trump?

The latest CIA report is an extraordinarily evil effort to delegitimize an election. Read More »


Please Donate

December 10, 2016



Bob Cratchit and his family

IF YOU have found anything of value at this site during the past year, please donate to keep it up and running. Your support is essential.

You can donate through Paypal, or write to me at thinkinghousewife@msn.com for a mailing address.

Thank you for your generosity. May God bless you and your families.


“The Bad War”

December 10, 2016



FROM the introduction to M.S. King’s book “The Bad War: The Truth Never Told about World War II,” a a 246-page book that will probably challenge most of what you think on the subject and would make a good gift for the open-minded few:

During the 75 years which have now passed since the end of the grand history-altering event known as World War II (aka “The Good War”), only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard. It is a story which, as is always the case, has been scripted by the victors and implanted, no, pounded, into the minds of all subsequent generations. Every medium of mass indoctrination has been harnessed to the task of training the obedient masses as to what the proper view of this event should be.

Academia, news media, public education, book publishing, TV documentaries, Hollywood films, clergymen and politicians of every stripe all sing the same dreadful anthem. You know the familiar lyrics: “Germany, Italy and Japan tried to enslave the planet. The “good guys” of the “world community” banded together and stopped them; but not before millions were killed in Hitler’s gas chambers.”

Literally, not a day seems to pass without some sort of media reference to this simplistic goofball narrative; a silly children’s fable which oh-so-conveniently ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, omits vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie. Indeed, the “official story” amounts to a manufactured mendacity of such mountainous dimensions that the human mind will have a hard time processing the actual truth of the grand event, no matter how compelling the case may be.

Because the moronic mantra is never questioned, the public mind quite naturally assumes it to be an indisputable truth, on par with the belief in 2 + 2 = 4. That is what differentiates mythology from an ordinary lie. Whereas a lie can be dispelled in a matter of minutes, or days at the most; myths can take 100 years, or more, to kill.

Author Dresden James describes the group psychology at play:

“A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn’t the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn’t flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.” Read More »


Satan Fills a Void

December 9, 2016


St. Michael and the Dragon

SATAN fills the void created by indifference to God.

There is no neutrality in matters of the soul.

You are either heading downward or you are heading upward. You are either slaying the dragon or serving him.


The Hellish Oakland Fire

December 9, 2016

Fellowship of the Minds reports on the Oakland fire at the warehouse known as the Ghost Ship:

The fire collapsed the warehouse’s roof, which then fell onto the second floor that, in turn, collapsed onto the ground floor. A total of 36 people were killed in the inferno, the deadliest in the history of Oakland and one of the deadliest building fires in the United States in the last 50 years.

The rave concert had no permit. The 10,000 sq. ft. building, named Ghost Ship, had been illegally converted into a cluttered live-work artist collective, with no smoke alarm or fire extinguisher. There had been many complaints from neighbors about the piles of garbage and building materials outside the warehouse, and illegal construction inside — all unattended to by city hall.

When news of the fire first broke out, I saw some pictures of those who were at the concert, posted on Facebook by families and friends as missing. All had studs, piercings and/or tattoos. One young man made a devil’s horns sign with his hand.

You’ve probably seen pictures of the interior of the warehouse before the fire, of some of the live-work artist units. What the media didn’t and won’t show you are the disturbing pictures — of devilish masks; statues and images of demons and pagan “gods”; and death symbols of skulls and even a coffin.  (Source of pics below: Oakland Ghost Ship)


To be burned to death is an unimaginably horrific way to die, and my condolences go to the families and friends of the 36 who lost their lives.

Artists were attracted to the building, which was not zoned as a residence, because of the cheap rents.



The Scourging of One Teacher

December 9, 2016

A BRITISH COLUMBIA teacher at an elite private school mentioned to his class that he disapproved of abortion and was subsequently subject to days of ritual humiliation and forced contrition before he was fired from his job. Christie Blatchford at The National Post reports:

“When I didn’t show contrition,” he said, “I was summoned upstairs and grilled by two administrators who told me my job was on the line.”

Now panicking — he has a family to support and had just recently returned to teaching after several years in business with a relative — he apologized profusely and promised to apologize the next day to the offended student. Read More »


Satanism in the Art World

December 9, 2016


[WARNING: Disturbing images.]

PHOTOS of a 2011 fundraising gala at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles exemplify the work of the Serbian “performance artist” Marina Abramovic, now famous for inviting Clinton campaign chair John Podesta to a “spirit cooking” dinner. At the gala, cakes were made to look like dead bodies. They were sliced by Abramovic in a red dress wielding an enormous knife. The female guests were all asked to wear lab coats. The centerpieces were live heads, which were considered a bit “exploitative” by some of the artists in attendance. A total of 750 guests paid $2,500 a piece to attend the dinner.

With its hatred of beauty, modern art leads to the worship of death and demons. It doesn’t matter whether this was all just “performance art.” All Satanic ritual is performance art.


Patroness of the United States

December 7, 2016


O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!


The Feast of the Immaculate Conception Read More »


The Family

December 7, 2016


The Angelus

December 7, 2016



Feminism in a Few Words

December 7, 2016

S.M. HUTCHENS writes at Touchstone:

I have for many years dealt with feminism, particularly in its religious form, as an adversary, regarding it as an enemy of the human race because it is the enemy of half its members.  If I were to be asked to explain briefly what it is, and what is wrong with it, I would reply it is a form of utopianism, essentially an insanity, founded on refusal to accept the male as male.

If the lovely, but very young, Emma Watson wonders out loud before a United Nations audience why so many strangely take feminism for man-hating, the answer is that even if someone feels no ill-will toward men in general, but supports programs that proscribe maleness in accordance with a formula that makes them “equal” to women despite their manifest differences, this denies their being as male and prohibits them from exercising it. What better practical example might there be of hatred, especially interesting among those who invariably find it among people who refuse to accept sexual deviation as personal identity?  What about granting the same to men who will not submit to castration? Read More »


Glaring Hypocrisy

December 7, 2016

WHEN a white, male presidential candidate used a crude and demeaning term for female anatomy (in a private discussion), feminists cried, “Misogyny!”

When a group of NGO-financed, feminist agitators known as ”Pussy Riot” use the same term — and much worse — as they trounce around naked in public places to protest the remaining shreds of sanity and social order, they are considered valiant defenders of freedom. (See more here. Warning: Obscene images.)


Pizzagate, cont.

December 7, 2016

A READER sent this post by Aedon Cassiel, who examines the evidence that John Podesta and others connected to Hillary Clinton are pedophiles: Read More »