DONALD TRUMP has done it. He has made American nationalism acceptable. He has weakened the power of the “Nazi” and “racist” slurs. Thank you, Mr. Trump! I don’t agree with everything you’ve said and I certainly don’t embrace everything you’ve done, but I congratulate you today and I am happy that you have won. Thank you, Ohio! Thank you, Florida! Thank you, Pennsylvania! Thank you, American “Nazis” who worked hard to bring this about. Stand proud to be a “racist,” “misogynist,” “divisive” “Nazi” today.
Thank you most of all to God in saving us from the greater evil.
The polls were wrong. Did voters not want to admit even on the phone that they were voting for Trump? Ordinary people live in fear of expressing their desire for functioning borders and economic sovereignty. “Nazi! Nazi! You are a racist!!” Falsely labeling people who have accepted tens of millions of immigrants, paid their way in many cases and not mistreated them, as bigoted “racists” is not a surefire political strategy. (An estimated 22 percent of Latino voters in Pennsylvania voted for Trump. Are they racist too?)
Thank you, Donald, for barreling through with all your crass assertiveness this demonization of people who are generally not racists, but want what all people in the world, including Mexicans and Muslims, want and deserve: a homeland. Who was it that said Americans are the only people who get culture shock for simply walking out of their homes? It’s true. Wanting limits on immigration is not hating immigrants.
You are a fairly old man, Donald, and have nothing to lose. You can use this victory to serve the interests of truth and sanity or make it a hollow victory. You could make America better, if not great, by not just controlling our borders and appointing anti-abortion judges but also refusing to allow our military to be neo-conned into inflicting harm on other nations for no good reason.
Now, as one of your first acts as president-elect, please encourage Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, that shriveled, baby-hating witch, to make good on her threat to move. There are plenty of great places to live in New Zealand, with its mountains and meadows and raw cheese. All that can be yours, Ruth. But no, you won’t leave. You’ll prefer to stay and scorn the country that has treated you so well.
New Zealand awaits you, Ruth!
And Lady Gag-Us too is feeling hopeless. What a bummer. Here she is in a Rolls Royce last night “praying” and later staging a protest on a trash truck. May she and other Satanic, Hollywood furies take their immense, preternatural talents elsewhere.
Lady Gag-Us in her Rolls
Taking out the trash
Miley Cyrus, another political genius, also promised to leave. That alone would make America great again.
And then there’s the Illuminati, mind-controlled Katy Perry (below). She said she would leave too!
Please, Hollywood demons, America’s not for you! There are plenty of other countries where you can spread your venom openly and freely. You can get lattes and nationalized health care in Canada. You have the money to do it. We’re behind you!! We support your principled stance! Hollywood stars once stood for a modicum of virtue and beauty. Now they stand for sickness, freakishness and insanity. Clothed in Satanic red and black, they stand for the inversion of beauty and hatred of good.
Both Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz, also known as “Jon Stewart,” and the immortal, plasticized Cher have even threatened to go to another planet. Somehow we’d get by without you. Sorry you are not as powerful as you had hoped. Yes, this very close vote was against you too. The American deplorables say, “Bon Voyage!”
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