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Satanism and Government

November 7, 2016

“OUR government has been taken over by a cabal of occultists,” says Fr. William Jenkins in a talk  about the John Podesta Wikileaks email that reveals Satanic activity in the Clinton camp.

“This is a formula for the worst kind of tyranny possible.”

“We shouldn’t be surprised that there is this cabal at the highest levels government…. We’ve just been holding back, thinking,’It couldn’t really be that.’ But that’s exactly what it is. It is explicit Satanism.”


Ivanka Prays at Rebbe’s Grave

November 7, 2016

ON the weekend before the election, Ivanka Trump prayed at an important site to Orthodox Jews. From The Jewish Telegraph Agency:

Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner visited the grave of the last  Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menaḥem Mendel Schneersohn.

The couple visited the Queens, New York, gravesite, known as the “Ohel,” on Saturday night in the run-up to Tuesday’s election. The couple may have been praying for victory for Ivanka’s father, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Thousands of visitors come to the gravesite every year looking for the blessings the rebbe used to give to visitors when he was alive. Schneerson died in 1994.

Schneersohn is well-known for his open declarations of Jewish racial supremacism: Read More »


An Enviable Position

November 5, 2016

ISRAEL SHAMIR, the Israeli author, writes at Unz Review:

I envy you, American citizens. I do not care about your military might, nor for your supreme currency, the US dollar. I envy your chance to deal on 11/8 a decisive blow to the rule of the Masters of Discourse. Though the Masters control the entirety of world media, and they decide what people may think and say from Canada to Hong Kong, only you, American citizens, can defeat them. This is a great chance, a unique opportunity not to be missed.

The Masters of Discourse can be defeated. They are not stronger than any ruler of past. Trump has a great quality making him fit for the task: he is impervious to labels and libels. He had been called everything in the book: anti-Semite, racist, women hater, you name it. And he still survived that flak. Such people are very rare.


Trump Signed Anti-Porn Pledge

November 5, 2016

DONALD TRUMP signed an anti-porn pledge this summer, which states:

If elected President of the United State of America, I promise to:

1) Uphold the rule of law by aggressively enforce existing federal laws to prevent the sexual exploitation of children online, including the federal obscenity laws, child pornography laws, sexual predation laws and the sex trafficking laws by: Read More »


Engineering a Trump Victory?

November 4, 2016

FROM Brandon Smith at Alt-Market.com:

I believe that the U.S. presidential election has … been predetermined; with a Trump win.  Some people might be confused by this concept.

Trump’s campaign has been consistently compared to the Brexit campaign by globalists in the media, as well as by mainstream pundits.  They call it a “dangerous” trend of rising populists.

The propaganda surrounding the Brexit asserts that the referendum will eventually lead to global economic crisis; and already, central banks and politicians are attempting to tie the Brexit to anything that might go wrong fiscally in the near future.

The propaganda surrounding Trump is the same; that Trump is unfit to lead America and that his economic policies will end in global financial ruin.

One constant connects the Brexit referendum and Trump — both are supported by conservative movements with anti-globalist leanings.

I submit that there is in fact a wider economic crisis on the way, and that the elites plan to use the Brexit and Trump as scapegoats for this crisis. Read More »


Women’s Liberation

November 4, 2016


I BELIEVE these are both fake Hillary ads but the message is true. Read More »


Justice vs. Feminist Lies

November 4, 2016

A federal court jury has found Rolling Stone reporter Sabrina Rubin Erdeley guilty of defamation, with actual malice, in connection with her article about a 2014 sexual assault at a University of Virginia fraternity that later was proven to have been fabricated.


Trump Ad

November 4, 2016


THIS Trump ad includes the Federal Reserve and George Soros. Is his argument a “dark, divisive and dangerous vision?”



The Model Minority: Rent-a-Womb Edition

November 4, 2016

THE Hollywood Reporter examines the soaring demand by Chinese couples for California women willing to sell gestational services:

At San Diego’s Expect Miracles Surrogacy, international clients account for 80 percent of IPs. And of foreigners participating in this permutation of California’s birth tourism, the number of Chinese IPs [intended parents] is growing the fastest, making up the most common single foreign nationality for many agencies right now. Read More »


The Wikileaks Election

November 4, 2016

IN AN interview with Judith Sharpe of In the Spirit of Chartres, Dr. E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars and author of many fine books, comments on the presidential election, which he says represents a conflict between two sources of information: the mainstream, government-controlled media and the alternate media, including Wikileaks.

“The Empire is losing control of the flow of information,” Jones says, “And it’s had a devastating effect on the Clinton campaign.”

He believes the polls are wrong because people will not admit publicly that they are going to vote for Trump and he makes some interesting comments on Trump the Playboy and the death of Republican “conservatism.”


The Baby Philosopher

November 3, 2016

Janey in Pink and White Dress, William Matthew Prior, 1840

Janey in Pink and White Dress, William Matthew Prior, 1840

A baby who is past infancy and able to crawl and explore is typically a very busy person. He has important things to do.

The small world he inhabits is a university to him. He is the teacher; the people around him are useful too. But his main daily preoccupation, his subject matter, is things. The physical world is made up of many different substances and mechanisms. His job is to understand them. That’s why he wants to touch things, put them in his mouth, knock them over, bang them on the floor, throw them, push their buttons, examine them from all sides with his hands. He wants to understand and see how things work. Fortunately, he does not yet possess language. If he did, words would interfere with his studies. They would get in the way of his absorption with objects as they are. This brief, pre-verbal phase is extremely important in his mental development.

The baby is not capable of conceptual thinking. But still he acquires an important philosophical premise early on through all this investigations. He is mostly a scientist, but he starts to become a philosopher too. Read More »


Child Laborers

November 3, 2016


FASCINATING photos of children laborers at textile mills, farms, homes and on the streets of New York taken by photographer Lewis Wickes Hines in the 20th century were influential in bringing about child labor reform. A selection can be found at It’s About Time. Though some of the children pictured are bedraggled and dirty, they generally look healthy and decently dressed. Some are seen working alongside their mothers. Many went to school too and some are seasonal workers, picking short-term crops or shucking oysters. The girls look like girls and the boys look like boys. Many have an introspective look  — maybe from the discipline and the time alone with their thoughts while working. These are intriguing photos.





Read More »


Praying for the Dead

November 2, 2016


All Souls Day, Jakub Schikaneder

All Souls Day, Jakub Schikaneder

Sweet is the consolation of the dying man, who, conscious of imperfection, believes that there are others to make intercession for him, when his own time for merit has expired; soothing to the afflicted survivors the thought that they possess powerful means of relieving their friend. In the first moments of grief, this sentiment will often overpower religious prejudice, cast down the unbeliever on his knees beside the remains of his friend and snatch from him an unconscious prayer for rest; it is an impulse of nature which for the moment, aided by the analogies of revealed truth, seizes at once upon this consoling belief. But it is only a flitting and melancholy light, while the Catholic feeling, cheering though with solemn dimness, resembles the unfailing lamp, which the piety of the ancients is said to have hung before the sepulchres of their dead.

— Cardinal Wiseman, Lecture XI; See more on All Souls Day at Fish Eaters

On Italian traditions:

In some areas of Lombardy, the night between November 1st and 2nd people put in their kitchen a vase full of water so that the dead can quench their thirst. While in Friuli they leave a lamp on, a bucket of water and some bread.

Despite the many differences in the local traditions, the belief is one: the dearly departed will come to visit their relatives on this day. The whole country honors the dead by preparing, cleaning and decorating graves during the whole week prior to the Feast. In certain areas of Italy, some habits stand out more than other, which find their roots in tradition, heritage and the undying love for those who no longer live among us.



The Internet Coup

November 2, 2016


MORE Clinton bombshells are released by the hour. (I offer this video by Steve Pieczenik without further comment; I don’t know what to make of it — though my sense is that it is some sort of con.) The e-mails found on the laptop of Anthony Weiner, husband of Huma Abedin, are of especial interest today. The New York Police Department, which was investigating the messages, is rumored to have forced the FBI to act or face charges of complicity when the most explosive information was leaked by the city’s investigators.

Hillary Clinton-insider Huma Abedin’s estranged husband Anthony Weiner has a perverted past, and his laptop had more than 650,000 emails which involve Team Clinton. ….

…. The messages detail the massive pay-for-play corruption between Clinton’s inner-circle and wealthy Democrat donors. In exchange for contributions to the Clinton Foundation, access to the federal government was sold off. Just the mere releasing of her schedule was a massive security violation, but that’s one of the smallest crimes uncovered here in this expanded investigation. Read More »


ISIS: The Manufactured Bogeyman

November 2, 2016


IN THIS two-part 2015 video, the author Brandon Martinez “unravels the murky origins of ISIS and unveils how the group’s meteoric rise in Iraq and Syria is a continuation of US psychological warfare designed to facilitate the Zionist-Neocon agenda of toppling seven sovereign Middle Eastern and North African States.”

Part 1 can be found here.

All this is connected to the 2016 presidential race and Clinton’s hostility to Russia. See more on these issues in Christopher Bollyn’ recent articles: “Zionism: The Root Cause of the Wars in the Middle East” and “Who Is Behind Hillary Clinton’s Hostility to Russia and Why It Matters.”


The Obama Effect on Education

November 1, 2016

HANS BADER writes:

The Obama administration has systematically attacked civil liberties on campus over the last seven years, in many different ways.


Latin Wisdom

November 1, 2016


TRANSLATION: Lock her up.


Who Was Martin Luther?

November 1, 2016

ANGELA Pellicciari discusses her new book “The Truth about Martin Luther:”

He is not a reformer, he is a revolutionary dominated by hatred. He destroyed the society of his time, too. He established a direct relationship between the individual and God, depriving the person of community. In the interiority of our own consciousness, one can make God say anything that comes to mind. He destroys the theological truth, a truth that ended up leaving the Gnostics, and later the philosophers, first without and later against Revelation. Luther wanted to be free in the way that he wanted. He understood freedom as freedom from Rome, but instead subjected himself to the princes. Spinoza and Locke would take this idea of freedom as a basis to establish an enlightened philosophy solely from reason, independent of theological truth, which later developed into Freemasonry.