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The Thinking Housewife


Why Are They Dumping Hillary?

November 1, 2016

MIKE KING wonders why the Obama administration has sabotaged Hillary’s campaign at the last minute:

[I]t is clear that a game is being played on us all by the dirty evil agent Julian Assange of CIA-Mossad WikiLeaks, Sulzberger’s Slimes and the rest of the Piranha Press.


Elections as Psychological Warfare

November 1, 2016

“Secrets were rarely revealed in the past because traditional people had not yet completed the alchemical processing. To make such perverse, modern revelations to an unprocessed, healthy, and vigorous population possessed of will, memory, and adherence to their deepest inner intuition and intense interest in their own salvation, would not have been a good thing for the Cryptocracy. It would have proved fatal to them.

But to reveal these after-the-act secrets in our modern time, to a people who have no memory, no will-power and no interest in their own fate except in so far as it may serve as momentary titillation and entertainment actually strengthens the enslavement of such a people.”

  — Michael Hoffman, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare (quoted here)


When Women Were Pacifists

November 1, 2016

“In times past, women led the protests against wars. Mother’s Day was originally an anti-war statement. The militant “All Men Are Rapists”feminism of the 1990s was created to trick all women into hating all men; to destroy any sympathy by women for men, to make it easier for the government to send men off to die by the thousands in the wars we see before us today.”

—   Michael Rivero


A Grim Prediction

November 1, 2016

FROM Mark Glenn at The Ugly Truth:

[E]ven if Trump wins all can be confident of the fact that Israel and her various tentacles spread throughout the world are going to do their damndest in frustrating him at every turn. Whether it is a monetary collapse or a nuclear weapon being detonated within an American city that is then blamed on Russia, all those who are looking at a Trump presidency with even an ounce of hope need to curb their enthusiasm by recognizing the fact that the Titanic struck the iceberg a long time ago and the only question that remains now is how many people are going to find a spot on the lifeboats which are/will be in very short supply.


American Pravda

November 1, 2016


REPORTERS for major news outlets, including The New York Times and MSNBC, met with the Clinton campaign in April to discuss “framing the HRC message and framing the race.” This article lists the reporters (but erroneously says they were on the Clinton “payroll”).


Winner: Hillary Photo Contest

October 30, 2016



(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)



October 30, 2016

JOE KOVACS writes at World Net Daily:

The decision by FBI Director James Comey to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server and her mishandling of classified material came after he could no longer resist mounting pressure by FBI agents described as “mutinous.” Read More »


Christ the King (and Donald Trump)

October 30, 2016


THIS Sunday, when Catholics observe the Feast of Christ the King, which recognizes the sacred truth that Jesus Christ has royal prerogatives not just over the hearts of men, but over the social order too, is a fitting occasion to pray for the election of Donald Trump.

It may seem contradictory. Trump is not a saint. And it’s not as if he is going to install a Catholic government. He isn’t even Catholic. But he is something of a miracle. After the intense destruction of the Obama presidency, God sent us someone with the strength to battle the hydra of globalism and the fanatical intolerance of political correctness. I have gained much respect for Trump, despite all his weaknesses, and will vote for him without hesitation next week. He is still standing after being attacked relentlessly. His enemies are our enemies. (His enemies include, by the way, the most dangerous man on the planet — the false pontiff, “Pope” Francis. See details of his latest interview here. How can any Catholic who is not in a coma listen to Francis-talk and still mistake this man for one of the faithful, let alone a “Pope?”)

Trump stands between us and the despotism of an extremely evil woman who chillingly champions the killing of even late-term infants in the womb; wants the further erasure of American borders and sovereignty; is a proven crook; has every intention of creating her dream socialist utopia by force; speaks of launching military attacks in response to cyber attacks and is openly provoking the world’s second major nuclear power.

While he may not make America great, he could make it better and prevent it from becoming a living hell. Let’s pray that the immense popularity Donald Trump enjoys is honored at the polls one week from Tuesday, and he becomes our next president.

[Update: Another sermon by Father William Jenkins on the election can be found here. He discusses what he believes is the possibility of civil war and the subsequent establishment of martial law.”These are things that should make us pray. … We need to be very, very concerned about the point where the country stands now.” He also further discusses — and justifies — voting for “the lesser of two evils.” He suggests we have a moral obligation to vote for Trump.]


Read More »


The Religion of the Group

October 29, 2016


The point of modern education, more and more, is the GROUP.

“Good people belong to the group.”

“The Group is everything.”

“If you don’t belong to the Group, you have a mental disorder.”

Why is all this emphasis put on the Group?

The answer to that question also gives you the reason logic isn’t taught in schools anymore:

The independent self-sufficient individual is being phased out.

The independent individual who knows how to think and make lucid judgments on his own is a threat to the EMERGING RELIGION OF GLOBALISM.

The emerging religion of Globalism is a fuzzy image of THE GROUP.


Trump on the Housewife

October 29, 2016

I’M SURPRISED Donald Trump has not gotten a hard time for his previous comments on housewives:

“I have more respect for a great homemaker as a wife than I do [for] a wife who’s a good wife and a good businessperson,” Trump said in the episode, which aired on A&E. “I have far more respect for a homemaker because in many respects I think it’s tougher. I think it’s a lot harder to beautifully bring up a family.”

“Most women would agree with me,” Trump said.

Hillary, obviously, does not agree.


He Can’t Make America Great

October 29, 2016

THOUGH DONALD Trump would ideally put a check on mass immigration, globalist economics and the power of the corporate media, he cannot make America great.

No nation can be great when its families are weak (not to mention when it is constantly at war). American families are extremely weak. No advanced society in history has survived for long with this level of family breakdown, voluntary childlessness, rejection of the complementary roles of men and women, and sheer confusion. If you can provide evidence otherwise, I will entertain it. In his private life, Trump has set a bad example. That is true no matter how successful his children are. His presidency — the best outcome of this election — would promote that bad example.

But the problem goes beyond his private life. Trump may, in the best of all worlds, make the economic conditions of families somewhat better. But that would not solve the more fundamental problems caused by hyper-individualism, promiscuity, childlessness and disloyalty. Trump has no solutions for an atomistic society in which the individual pursuit of happiness is paramount. In fact, he promotes it.

America cannot be great when the family structure is this weak. Nations are based on love.


The Revolution Continues

October 28, 2016


A plastic purse for carrying America’s most cherished food product.



Celebrating Contradiction in Malmö

October 28, 2016


BK writes:

I received this ‘invitation’ within the hour:

‘We hope you’ll be able to join us at a livestream this October 31st, as we watch His Holiness Pope Francis, Lutheran World Federation President Bishop Munib A. Younan, and General Secretary Rev. Martin Junge lead the common prayer service in Lund, Sweden, and the public symposium that follows in Malmö, Sweden.’ Read More »


The Economics of Mass Immigration

October 27, 2016


M. OLIVER HEYDORN writes at the Clifford Douglas Institute website:

We live now in an age of mass migrations and of rumours of mass migrations. With the term ‘mass migration’ we are referring, of course, to the movement, not merely of large numbers of people, but of whole groups of people, who constitute various racial-cultural gestalts, en masse from one nation or region to another. When it comes to explaining why this mass migration has been occurring, why it is, on the whole, a negative phenomenon, and what can be done to reduce migratory flows to saner proportions and saner forms, Social Credit theory has much to contribute to the public discourse.

See my previous post on Social Credit theory here. Social Credit aims to create an adequate flow of debt-free money in the economy and provide “national dividends” to citizens so that, among other things, the shortage of jobs caused by technological innovation does not result in a pervasive shortage of money. In Heydorn’s words, Social Credit is a “radical type of monetary reform that is specifically designed to subordinate the activities of the group to the well-being of each individual member of economic association (thus liberating the individual from the domination of the group – and from the domination of the elite who control the group – that currently characterizes economic life). ”

Heydorn continues in the above post:

Respect for the organic, i.e., that which arises spontaneously from within, is a hallmark of Social Credit philosophy and policy. Social Credit’s great objection to mass migration and to the type of multicultural societies which mass migration produces is the thoroughly inorganic character of both. People do not fall prey to a spontaneous desire to permanently uproot themselves by journeying thousands of miles away from home, often inter-continentally, because they have an overwhelming wish to enrich someone else’s culture or for the love of travel. They do it because the reigning financial system (amongst other possible factors) makes it difficult, if not extremely difficult, for many people to achieve a decent standard of living in their own countries of origin. The more well-to-do nations are all too eager to welcome these immigrants, who may be likened to ‘refugees’ fleeing financial oppression, as potential economic adjuncts. Provided that the money is forthcoming, these people will produce and above all consume, thus helping to satisfy the need for continual economic growth. [cont.]


Total Smut

October 27, 2016

WESLEY MORRIS, pop culture critic and Pulitzer Prize recipient, acclaimed as a latter-day Oscar Wilde, writes in the pages of The New York Times that American culture does not pay sufficient reverence to the black male sexual organ. Seriously.

Nothing is beneath the Times — absolutely nothing — when it comes to promoting racial division and dragging America into the gutter.


Mommy, Where Are You?

October 26, 2016


JAMES N. writes:

This is a “pumping pod” at the Atlanta Airport so that businesspeople, salespeople, managers and lawyers can pump in privacy between flights.

God forbid that anything should deter the needs of commerce.


Hallmark Greetings from the Antipope

October 26, 2016



Virgin and Child, Francesco di Stefano

ANOTHER day, another blasphemy from Frank the Fake:

“Practice and teach this prayer, for to ask and beg for consolation is the main service of joy,” Francis noted. “Joy is constitutive of the gospel message … good news cannot be given with a sad face.”

As anyone with the slightest familiarity with Catholic history knows, and as these paintings show, the good news has been given with a sad face.

 Ecce Homo, Andrea Mantegna, c. 1500

Ecce Homo, Andrea Mantegna, c. 1500


All the News Not Fit to Print

October 25, 2016

A STORY you won’t find in The New York Times.

See many more cases here.