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The Thinking Housewife


Does Hillary Have Vascular Dementia?

September 21, 2016

HILLARY Clinton is suffering from vascular dementia, according to an anonymous medical school professor. She was diagnosed in 2013 and the illness has a three- to five-year survival rate.  Her symptoms, including the unusual wandering of her eyes at an event on Monday, are consistent with this compelling theory. It explains why she collapsed last week and looked fine a short time later. It was a neurological event, not pneumonia, which would involve visible exhaustion and coughing, which she did not exhibit.


Edith Stein on Overworked Women

September 20, 2016



EDITH STEIN,  the university professor, philosopher and eventual Carmelite nun, said at a convention in 1930:

Many of the best women are almost overwhelmed by the double burden of professional and family duties — or often simply of gainful employment. Always on the go, they are harassed, nervous and irritable. Where are they to get the needed inner peace and cheerfulness in order to offer stability, support, and guidance to others? In consequence there are daily little frictions with husband and children despite real mutual love and recognition of the other’s merits, hence unpleasantness in the home and the loosening of family ties.

She also stated in the same speech:

Every profession in which woman’s soul comes into its own and which can be formed by woman’s soul is an authentic woman’s profession. The innermost formative principle of woman’s soul is the love which flows from the divine heart.

(Essays on Women, Edith Stein)


Exercise and Femininity

September 20, 2016


Jogging is unfeminine and immodest

 MRS. W. writes:

My husband and I have been following your blog since he discovered you last year. Our journey to find the True Catholic Church has been a difficult one and we are still continuing to learn more about it. As I have said we have been reading you for a while and have come to respect you and your opinions most highly. You are one of the few women who seem to really understand what is going on in the world and, it would seem, that no subject is taboo for you and I therefore trust your opinions. With that I have something to ask you: what are your views on modesty? Read More »


Assad Groupies?

September 20, 2016

BRANDON MARTINEZ comments on what he says is the alternative media’s unquestioning approval of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad.


“Diversity” Is Not Catholic

September 19, 2016

WOLFGANG GRASSL writes at Crisis Magazine:

The frantic quest for “diversity” is a deeply anti-Catholic impulse. It finds no support in Catholic moral and social teaching. There is no mention of diversity as a goal of Catholic life in the Catechism of the Catholic Church or in any of the pastoral, moral, or social constitutions and encyclicals before and after Vatican II. Diversity has never been advocated by the great thinkers of the Church, who have instead preached unity. And there is a good reason for this glaring absence: Catholics marvel at the natural diversity of God’s Creation, at the difference in people, animals, landscapes, plants, and languages. They want to preserve as much of this diversity as is possible, because it enriches all of us. But they will resist disturbing the order God has willed for the world. Erecting skyscrapers in the Sahara Desert, crossbreeding species, developing artificial languages, dying our hair green—all of these increase diversity, but at what cost? Artificial diversification drives out the natural diversity of God’s very good Creation. Enticing students of a particular race from a distant big city to move to a small rural one, or making every effort to prioritize gay and lesbian candidates for faculty positions, does not exactly exemplify the improvement of the world to which Christians are called.

[emphasis added] Read More »


Killary the Barbarian

September 19, 2016


RACHEL writes:

Have you seen this?  This is really not about women.  It’s about ANTI-children.

Women always have had control over their reproductive life.  It’s called, don’t have sex. Read More »


The Woman Behind Your Kitchen Design

September 19, 2016


LILLIAN MOLLER GILBRETH is credited with inventing the layout of the modern kitchen.

It’s an interesting story. Here’s a 2012 article about her from Slate. Gilbreth, described as an industrial psychologist and engineer, had 12 children (and the help of servants). She was an anonymous assistant to her husband until his death, at which point she pursued their joint field on her own.

She did motion studies of women working in the kitchen and introduced “Gilbreth’s Kitchen Practical” at a Women’s Exposition in 1929. The design is similar that in many kitchens today.

In the 1940s, what Gilbreth called “circular routing” became known as the kitchen “work triangle,” a concept that designers still rely on today. In an efficiently planned kitchen, the perimeter of the triangle formed by stove, sink, and refrigerator should be no greater than 26 feet, with a typical distance of 5.5 feet between appliances.

As neat as her ideas are, others probably would have come up with them if she hadn’t. But no one else could have come up with those twelve Gilbreths.


From a Sunday Bulletin

September 18, 2016


Bury thy sorrow, hide it with care;
Bury it deeply; the world has its share.
Think of it calmly, when curtained by night,
Tell it to Mary and all will be right.

Tell it to Mary, She knoweth thy grief;
Tell it to Mary, She’ll send thee relief.
Hearts grown aweary with heavier woe
Drop into darkness; go, comfort them, go—
Bury thy sorrow, let others be blest,
Give them the sunshine; tell Mary the rest.



The Goy Guide to World History

September 17, 2016


THE brilliant E. Michael Jones offers his panoramic view of Western history in “The Goy Guide to World History.” This is Part I (above). Here is Part II (below), in which he wisely says, “The Jewish people are the human shields for the Jewish leaders.”



September 17, 2016


Wilton Diptych, 1395

Wilton Diptych, 1395


The White Male: He Is NOT Diverse

September 17, 2016

KRISTOR writes at The Orthosphere:

In the latest issue of Touchstone, SM Hutchens identifies the ultimate target of the Social Justice Warriors:

The white male conservative is the hidden, negative correlative of “diversity” among those who value that concept. It is he who, by definition, is not diverse, and therefore can not only not share in that virtue, but is the embodiment of all that opposes it. Read More »


The New Novus Ordo Watch

September 17, 2016

ONE OF the best websites on the Internet, Novus Ordo Watchhas a great new look and format. See its new page of memes about Vatican II (samples below) and sedevacantism and lots of great introductory articles and videos.

Congratulations, Novus Ordo Watch! You’re the best!



Read More »


Noam Chomsky and 9/11

September 17, 2016


ALFRED SCHAEFER, in 2013,  had a conversation about the 9/11 attacks with the famous linguistics professor and public intellectual, Noam Chomsky, a person whom Schaefer had greatly admired. Schaefer made this video after their exchange, which caused his complete disillusionment with the cunning, dismissive and evasive Chomsky, who defends the lies of 9/11 despite his years of critiquing mass manipulation by the media. Chomsky is finished. Barring his complete turnabout, he has destroyed his credibility forever.

This is an excellent presentation. As Schaefer makes clear, people who are cognitively and emotionally capable of examining the evidence against the official version of 9/11 with an open mind, and yet refuse to do so, are complicit in the cover-up of these crimes. Posterity will judge them harshly. Even though they may have social acceptance now, future generations will know the truth and will condemn them. They will be the outcasts in the minds of posterity that 9/11 truthers are today.

For those who cannot handle an extended reflection on this topic, here is a five-minute exposé:


Forgotten Grandparents

September 16, 2016


In the simple days, the highlight of a child’s life was the trip to the Grandparent’s house. My husband is a preacher in a church, and is hearing almost daily, reports from grandparents in tears who say their children are too busy taking their children to fairs and amusement parks and vacation locations, to visit the grandparents long enough to form any heart-felt connection. He calls this a national plague, and says it is destroying the country faster than bad politics. When families are strong, individuals cannot be swayed to participate in false ideas.

Detachment, emotionally and physically, is encouraged even in homeschool families, making individuals vulnerable to all kinds of evil.

I too remember the simple home life, where there was not so much time to argue with one another. We were too busy bringing in the wood from the wood pile, or heating the water for washing, and gathering in the food from the garden.

Yet, even those who did not live so rough a lifestyle and who had more leisure and personal comfort at home, could hardly wait to take the children to Grandma’s house. The children looked forward to it more than a trip to Disneyland.


Modern-Day White America

September 16, 2016


RHONDA Pasek, 50, and her friend, James Acord, 47, are shown passed out in an SUV on a street in East Liverpool, Ohio while Pasek’s four-year-old grandson is in the backseat. Both adults had overdosed on heroin. They were resuscitated and arrested.

Drug overdoses killed a record 3,050 people in Ohio last year, more than one-third of them from fentanyl, a super-potent opiate often mixed with heroin. Source Read More »


In Praise of Suffering

September 16, 2016

FROM an essay by Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira:

[W]hen sorrow enters our lives it is a proof of the love God has for us. We should also realize that if sorrow does not enter our lives, we do not have this proof of His love for us. Therefore, we should not complain when sufferings come to us – nervous problems, difficulties in our apostolate, misunderstandings with our friends, problems at home, poor health, business troubles. We should accept these things as normal, as a proof of the love of Divine Providence for us.

When I see a person without maturity, stability, rationality, elevation of spirit, I think: He is lacking suffering. These qualities only come with suffering – much suffering.

If we receive such trials, certainly we should pray for them to end. But to the measure that they remain, we should thank God and Our Lady.


September 16, 2016



Francesco d’Ubertino Verdi, (1494 – 1557) Mary and Child




September 16, 2016

THERESA BYRNE writes at Finer Femininity:

When I grew up our life was very simple. We lived in a one bedroom home with seven children. In our tiny kitchen you could see the dirt ground under the linoleum. We had to pump the septic out all the time and the highlight of our week was hoping to see “Uncle Mark” on Sunday evening.

And yet our fondest memories are of those times. We grew a huge garden out back and it was not unusual to see my dad lying in the sunshine, in-between rows of tomatoes, taking a cat nap.

When autumn came, dressed in her gowns of orange and yellow, we would rake piles of leaves and play long into the evening, only coming in when it was time to say night prayers and go to bed.

We lived our days down by the creek skipping rocks, up in the mulberry tree picking berries and in the back yard, playing on our old, rickety jungle gym.
Snack time consisted of celery and peanut butter, date balls or nuts and raisins. We lived simply and happily..

Now don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for electricity and don’t want to go back to days without air conditioning, but to slow down a bit, relearn to “stop and smell the roses”, I think that would be lovely!