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Honoring Thugs

August 19, 2016


A sketch of the planned museum and memorial in Alabama

ON March 15, 1900, in Hazelhurst, Ga., Bryan and Numun Goolsby agreed to cut cotton for farmer Dan Mims. But shortly after they were hired, they hit Mr. Mims over the head with their axe handles, stabbed him in the eye and cut his throat. When his wife heard a commotion and came out of the farmhouse with their baby in her arms, the Goolsby brothers knocked her to the ground. The baby was killed in the fall and she was seriously injured. (Source.)

The teenaged brothers, who were black and were apparently intending to rob the couple even though they were hired for pay, fled. One of them was later lynched by an angry mob. Mr. Goolsby will presumably be among those honored, his name etched in stone, by a new $20 million memorial in Alabama to victims of vigilante mobs. See Mike King’s report on this temple to murderers and rapists, where, in a desperate and almost comical attempt at creating suitable altars, soil samples from sacred spots where lynchings occurred will be on display. You won’t find a lick of sympathy for the likes of Mr. and Mrs. Mims and their poor baby in The New York Times’s piece on the project. Read More »


Kane’s Downfall

August 16, 2016



Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane in court yesterday

DOES anyone actually believe the feminist contention that women make politics better? The case of Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane, who was elected the first woman in the post four years ago in a wave of feminist euphoria, is more evidence to the contrary.

Kane, a Democrat, was convicted yesterday of perjury and abuse of office charges in connection with her efforts to shut down a corruption investigation in Philadelphia and exact revenge against a political enemy. She was so unpopular that five of her former or current aides testified against her in court, according to The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin R. Steele persuaded jurors that Kane orchestrated the illegal leak of secret grand jury documents to plant a June 2014 story critical of her nemesis, former state prosecutor Frank Fina. Kane then lied about her actions under oath, the jury found.

She will be sentenced within 90 days and must resign if the convictions are not overturned.

Kane showed a penchant early on for violating protocol and the limits of her office when in her first year she refused to defend the state’s marriage law in court. Thus began a statewide career of reckless abandon. Read More »


Queen of Heaven

August 15, 2016


Assumption of the Virgin, 18th century; unknown Mexican artist

Assumption of the Virgin, 18th century; unknown Mexican artist (Philadelphia Art Museum)

AMERICAN art museums possess thousands of paintings and statues of the Virgin Mary. Isn’t it odd? Museums aren’t churches. Why are these religious images there?

They are there because of their undeniable beauty. Sadly, they are also there because the churches they once adorned were plundered, closed or destroyed. Most were taken from altars and churches.

Even in our de-supernaturalized world, where the idea that a real woman could become the “Mother of God” is inconceivable and even laughable, even in this world, no one seriously challenges the inclusion of these works in the canon of masterpieces. Such nobility and virtue, tenderness and maternal devotion, such supreme feminine beauty, shine forth from them. Mary was the most beautiful woman. She is the most beautiful woman. She is full of grace, in the way a beautiful garden is full of blossom, seed and leaf. Artists cannot exhaust the subject of Mary’s beauty. It is impossible. If every artist in the entire world were to devote his life to depicting Mary (admittedly an absurd thought in a world where artists devote themselves to depicting ugliness), they together could not sufficiently capture her, such is the nature of her perfection and the profundity of her beauty.

Never do we see Mary smiling in an extroverted way. Her gaze is usually averted. She is always in a state of contemplation. It is true: Her soul magnified the Lord.

If these paintings were all suddenly taken away, our museums would be altered and people would notice the absence even though they may be only vaguely or unconsciously aware of that presence, it being a singular characteristic of the Mother of God in that she has a hidden quality, an invisibility that is a reflection of her humility. She is humble and yet she is the woman marked out from all of history to be the valiant defender of mankind. She is the woman destined to crush the serpent’s head.

Catholics observe many specials feasts of the Mother of God, but today, the Feast of the Assumption, is the most important. It marks the day when Mary was assumed into heaven and crowned Queen, a dogma which was defined after many centuries of belief in 1950 by Pope Pius XII.  According to a tradition that dated back to the time of the apostles, Christians believed that Mary was assumed — body and soul — into heaven not many years after the death of Christ. The angel Gabriel appeared to her and told her the details of her departure from this world. She answered with the words she had spoken to him many years before:

Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word.

Mary’s role in human history and in the supernatural order has been defined over time.

O happy day which raised up and so highly exalted this most humble handmaiden of the Lord that she might become the most glorious queen of heaven and the mistress of the world. Indeed she could not have risen to more sublime heights since she had been elevated to the very Throne of the heavenly kingdom, and thus was established in glory next after Christ. O happy and truly honorable is this day which constituted and confirmed for us a Queen and Mother who is at once powerful and merciful in the kingdom of God, that we might have her, who ever remains the Mother of the Judge, as a Mother of mercy protecting us and interceding for us with Christ, unceasingly watching over the work of our salvation. [Homily of St. Peter Canisius.]

The Mother who will never fail us, who loves us with such exquisite compassion, may give us a taste of that refined humility we see in those glorious paintings. If we ask her, she may let a particle of her perfection to fall from heaven where she is ever Queen and to lodge in our own souls, making us better than we are and helping us to forget our self-love.



Wisdom from a Police Chief

August 13, 2016

ALAN writes:

In 1962, William H. Parker, then police chief of Los Angeles, nailed the evils around him: resentment against authority, mass communications, automobile culture, women working outside the home, and the weakening of American families. These are a few of the reasons why he was often vilified. But I suggest he could see, think, and speak with pinpoint accuracy. It would be a phenomenal achievement if American men today could do half that well.

“….since the end of world War II, I think there has been a world-wide revolution against constituted authority. A police officer is the living, physical symbol of authority and so it is against him that this resentment is frequently directed.

“….I do think technological changes in American life have largely disrupted, if not destroyed, the home influence. At the time when communications and freedom of movement were rather limited, the family was in control. One gravitated to the home for all one’s social life, or most of it. Now, of course, the home has become the place where many people just keep their clothes and eat and sleep.

“It was a tragedy when the mothers of America went out of the home and became wage-earners. Many of them had to do it. But I believe that raising a family is a full-time job. We haven’t made any formal, scientific study of case histories of juvenile crime here to relate the crime to the family and home life of the juvenile. But we have seen that divorce and the breaking-up of the home and the attitude that children are an unfortunate accident of marriage rather than a purpose of marriage are so often in the background of juvenile criminals that we just expect these attitudes today…..”

— Los Angeles Chief of Police William H. Parker. Interviewed by Donald McDonald, Dean-elect of the College of Journalism of Marquette University. St. Louis Police Journal, June 1962, p. 3.



August 13, 2016


Paolo Uccello born as Paolo di Dono (Italian artist, 1397-1475) Faith from Frescos at the Chapel of Our Lady of the Assumption in Prato Cathedral. 1435

Faith from Frescos at the Chapel of Our Lady of the Assumption in Prato Cathedral. 1435


“Communism by the Back Door”

August 12, 2016


THE 21-part documentary New World Order: Communism by the Backdoor, produced by Dennis Wise,  is a powerful and riveting exploration of the totalitarian forces of globalism. Many pressing issues are discussed: World War II, conflict in the Middle East, the “cancer” of usury, the migrant invasion of Europe, mass immigration in America, multiculturalism, false flags, the Talmudic quest for world domination, Islam in Europe, Britain’s downfall, the occult, the satanic decadence of popular culture — and much more, all of it interconnected because all of it derives from a heavily concealed and organized effort to create a one world government, or New World Order.

One of the important points made by Wise and those interviewed is that we cannot address the problems of today unless we understand the wars of the 20th century. The series busts some of the myths, especially those involving the demonization of the German people. In addition, the episodes on Freemasonry, the United Nations and Hollywood are terrific. Some outstanding commentators, such as E. Michael Jones and John MacManus, are featured. Even the segment on the infiltration of the Catholic Church is dynamite, giving a lucid and ringing endorsement of sedevacantism. I have reservations or objections about a few of the points made (I do not, for instance, support a war of eradication against Israel, as is mentioned by one of the people interviewed; also the episode on the Torah should have been about the Talmud) and there is strong language condemning Judaic subversion that will make some readers truly apoplectic, but my impression after watching 16 episodes is overwhelmingly positive. (Of course, some will find the points made here so contrary to what they have been taught that they will reject all of it — and be mad as hell as well.) I am sure this is well worth your time, especially in these dog days of summer. If you find anything that is unsupported by the evidence, I’d be interested to know.

(Foul language alert for the opening few minutes. At least one episode, which carries a warning, includes violent imagery.) Read More »


The Fun Fallacy

August 12, 2016


THE belief that if Catholics are fun, fun, fun, they will draw people to their faith, is a cardinal tenet of the false religion of Vatican II. In fact, many people are simply repelled by something so lacking in reverence, majesty and seriousness. If you want song and dance you can go to your local Evangelical church, which is usually far less stringent in its moral demands. Besides, even cool nuns make lousy dancers.

A blogger calls the annual pagan festival known as World Youth Day, which just wrapped up in Krakow, Poland, “World Moron Day.” At The Eyewitness, he writes:

I’m tempted to once again mention the famous Belloc quote about standing by and watching the Barbarians but will instead point out that this sort of thing is not Catholic. Clueless young people travel long distances for an emotional “high” offered by a media-celebrated Pope.  What good will this do for them?  What solid, demonstrable good?  Emotions do not produce Saints, and these jamborees are nothing if not emotionalism gone to extremes. Read More »


Demonizing Assad

August 11, 2016

CLAIRE writes:

Thank you for posting the interview with Assad. I watched it in its entirety. It supports my suspicion that he is not the boogeyman he is made out to be in the media. The interviewer had an obvious intention to make him out as such but failed spectacularly.

I asked my husband if the propaganda has became more painfully obvious lately or if we’re more tuned in to detecting the lies. It’s his impression that it has gotten more obvious. I follow the news much more than he does. Many of those that can critically think have figured it out and the media are focusing on the remaining people who believe what they see on TV without question.

I, like Mike Rivero, on What Really Happened, worry about  how they will handle losing this propaganda war… Major false flag is my big fear. Of course I pray for that not to happen.

Thank you for your posts. I appreciate your blog. Read More »


The Tears of St. Lawrence

August 11, 2016



TONIGHT and tomorrow night, the spectacular summer display of shooting stars known as the Perseids will be at its peak. If you are fortunate enough to live away from dense urban lights and are in the Northern Hemisphere, you should be able to see as many as 150 of the flaming bits of comet debris every hour in the sky. The moon will set at about 1 a.m. (your local time) tonight and the lights should be especially visible thereafter. You can also watch the meteor shower live online. The meteors appear in all areas of the sky but always streak away from the constellation Perseus; hence their name. The flaming particles are the debris left in the path of the Comet Swift-Tuttle, which takes 130 years to circle the sun; the earth passes through the densest area tomorrow night.

Sarah Lewin writes at Space.com:

Comet Swift-Tuttle is the largest object known to repeatedly pass by Earth; its nucleus is about 16 miles (26 kilometers) wide. It last passed nearby Earth during its orbit around the sun in 1992, and the next time will be in 2126. But it won’t be forgotten in the meantime, because Earth passes through the dust and debris it leaves behind every year, creating the annual Perseid meteor shower.

When you sit back to watch a meteor shower, you’re actually seeing the pieces of comet debris heat up as they enter the atmosphere and burn up in a bright burst of light, streaking a vivid path across the sky as they travel at 37 miles (59 km) per second. When they’re in space, the pieces of debris are called “meteoroids,” but when they reach Earth’s atmosphere, they’re designated as “meteors.” If a piece makes it all the way down to Earth without burning up, it graduates to “meteorite.” Most of the meteors in the Perseids are much too small for that; they’re about the size of a grain of sand.

The spectacle is also sometimes referred to as the “Tears of St. Lawrence,” in honor of the Roman martyr who died in 258 AD and whose feast day was commemorated yesterday, August 10.

The deacon Lawrence is said to have wept when he saw Pope Sixtus II being dragged off by soldiers after the emperor Valerian ordered all deacons, priests and Bishops to be put to death. The Pope asked the young deacon to protect the sacred altar vessels and distribute them to churches and the poor. Lawrence was arrested three days later after he was overheard saying he had treasures. For his refusal to offer up the objects and to sacrifice to the Roman gods, he was roasted alive on a grid iron.

“[T]he fire which burnt outside was less keen than that which blazed within,” Pope St. Leo the Great wrote of the martyr’s death.

St. Lawrence is the patron saint of single men and deacons. He is also, somewhat morbidly, the patron saint of cooks. See more here.

Consider saying a prayer to St. Lawrence if you see one of the falling stars:

Blessed Lawrence said: The darkness is no darkness with me, but the night is as clear as the dawning, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.

Pray for us, o holy Lawrence!

Martyrdom of St. Lawrence, artist unknown

Martyrdom of St. Lawrence, artist unknown



The Future of Pizza

August 8, 2016

SAGE M. writes:

The day we’ve long dreaded has arrived, finally.  May the memory of the West live long, and may it bear fruit yet greater than that which we have known.


Ecumenical Luv

August 8, 2016

Cheek to Sheik

SHEIK Ahmed el-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar University in Cairo and chief scholar of Sunni Islam, has been the object of friendly overtures by “Pope” Francis, including a warm meeting (above) two months ago.

The sheik recently reiterated his belief, based on the Koran, that all apostates — including converts to Christianity — should be killed. See more here, at Mahound’s Paradise.


An Interview with Assad

August 3, 2016

I HIGHLY recommend this recent interview with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad. He contends the United States government and its allies never intended to defeat the country’s terrorists, including ISIS, but has sought to manage them in the hope of toppling him.


Mass Shootings and Terror: How to Respond

August 3, 2016




IN THIS lull between reports of massacres and terrorist events, I would like to suggest strategies for dealing with these extremely alarming and disturbing incidents, events which are having such a profound effect on our world. Surely, there will be more.

“Conspiracy” researchers will continue to investigate each and every report, but it takes time for them to sift through it all. They commit inevitable mistakes and blunders, and sometimes seem to suggest that everything in the news is disinformation. Everything in the news is not disinformation. Deception is embedded in truth. Perhaps you reject all of their skepticism and have a rock-solid confidence in the non-existence of mass manipulation. In any event, most people do not have time or energy to apply a searing skepticism to the news and find out what is true and what is false.

In light of this, consider responding in the following way whenever a mass shooting or terrorist event occurs:

* Follow written reports (or none at all) and avoid imagery, which is more emotionally powerful and prone to manipulation. Obviously those researching the media presentation of these events must look at the imagery, but you don’t need to if you don’t want to get caught up in the details or fear falling into a universal skepticism that is confusing.

* Reject “gun control.” The solution is armed citizens, not “gun control.” School massacres can be prevented by a minority of armed teachers or administrators trained in the use of firearms.

* Reject increased security. Protest it. Refuse the police state. Reject empowerment of the profit-making security industrial complex. People are making vast sums of money off our fears and have a financial stake in inflaming them. Enhanced security and surveillance demoralize, dehumanize and create a climate of constant tension by their very existence and pose an extreme threat to our liberties.

* Reject all international military solutions to domestic terror events and all interference in the affairs of other countries. Too many good and decent soldiers and hundreds of thousands of civilians have lost their lives in the “War on Terror,” which is not in our national interest.

* Reject fear. Pray for confidence and hope.

We can defeat “terror.” With truth, patience, confidence and heroism, we can prevail.


The Mass Shooting President

August 2, 2016


THERE IS no precedent in American history for the number of civilian mass shootings that have occurred — 16 so far this year — under Obama. Dave Gahary reports on the issue at American Free Press. There is also no precedent for Obama’s politicization of shootings. Ironically, gun sales have soared. Read More »


An Alternative Monetary System

August 2, 2016

SOMETHING TO explore and ponder: A “public honor-based credit system where everyone is his own central banker.”


The Wood Thrush

August 2, 2016


ESCAPE from this hectic world and all its distractions. Here is one of nature’s most beautiful sounds: the song of the wood thrush, recorded in the Smoky Mountains. (See “Thrush Hollow”)


Khan Man vs. Trump

August 1, 2016

FROM The Anti-New York Times:

It is always as amusing as it is aggravating to witness the speed with which the intolerant atheists of the political Left can, when the situation calls for it, suddenly switch on a dime and profess such love and empathy for Christianity and, in this case, Islam. The latest display of this hypocrisy is evident in the sudden “rock star” status bestowed upon one Khizr Khan, father of Humayun Saqib Muazzam Khan, a Pakistani-Muslim-American soldier killed in the Iraq War, in 2004.

In this article by Maggie Haberman (cough cough) and Richard Oppel (cough cough), Papa Khan is cast as the righteous victim-hero who dares to defy the evil anti-Muslim bigot who would be King. Whether Papa Khan knows it or not, this is just a goof-ball script straight out of Hollywood. Sulzberger’s Slimes and the Demonrat Party couldn’t possibly care any less about some dead Muslim soldier or his offended parents. Papa Khan is either a pathetic fool who can’t see that he is being used, or there are some shekels coming his way in gratitude for the “historic” anti-Trump speech which he delivered during last week’s Demonrat Convention in Filthydelphia. Bravo, Papa Khan, bravo — and a shout-out to Mama Khan for her silent pictures routine.

Regular readers of The Anti-New York Times are aware of our disdain for Orange Man’s [Donald Trump’s] ignorant obsession with the fictional phenomenon that he insists we must call “radical Islamic terrorism.” However, in this particular case, we are compelled to defend Orange Man from the nasty attacks of this ignorant alien buffoon who seems to believe that his loss affords him some special moral authority that absolves him of the burden of logical thinking. Sorry Khan-Man — nobody gets a logic pass at The Anti-New York Times!

[cont.] Read More »


The Racist Photo ID

August 1, 2016


This man went through the torturous and discriminatory process of obtaining a photo ID.

IT was bad enough that the bigots of North Carolina, wrongly thinking that they were living in a democracy, passed a law excluding men from women’s restrooms. They also all but ordered mass lynchings by attempting to enact legislation that required photo identification for voters at the polls.

Yes, the evil, white bogeymen of North Carolina, who irrationally persist in thinking they can make their own laws, hold the hateful belief that even their black citizens are intelligent and capable enough to acquire photo identification



federal appeals court last week threw out a North Carolina law requiring ID (funny, how federal judges can just do that). The judges, who just happen to represent the party that would most benefit from black voter fraud, came perilously close to saying that the people of North Carolina are haters and nothing they do or say can ever redeem them. In code language that everyone understands, that’s exactly what they said. Writing for the court, Judge Diana Motz, said the voter ID law showed “an inextricable link between race and politics in North Carolina” and targeted blacks with “surgical precision,” as if the law, which applied to whites too, was an actual bomb. (We know there isn’t an inextricable link between race and politics in, say, New York City.)

Here are the thoughts of Governor Pat McGrory, nothing but a modern-day incarnation of a slave driver:

“Photo IDs are required to purchase Sudafed, cash a check, board an airplane or enter a federal courtroom,” Mr. McCrory said. “Yet three Democratic judges are undermining the integrity of our elections while also maligning our state.”

The intention behind the law was rotten, said the federal court. It does not matter that voter ID is a common sensical check against fraud that every state should adopt no matter how white or black it is. It does not matter that government and charities can help those who are poor obtain ID. What matters is that North Carolinians are bigots.

The Washington Post found absolute proof that the law was made with devious racial hatred in mind. The smoking gun? Voter fraud does not exist. Get that? Reports of voter fraud are as common as reports of abduction by space aliens. Of course, perpetrators of voter fraud immediately call the League of Women Voters to report what they have done. “Hello? Is this the League of Women Voters? Hi, I would like to report that I have just voted on behalf of my friend, Johneesha, for 50 bucks.” People are sooner abucted by Martians than agree to spend half an hour voting for someone else for a certain amount of cash.

The Exploiter of Blacks insists the black man is capable enough to attend any university, and yet says he is not intelligent or capable enough to obtain a simple voter ID.  It’s actually racist to think blacks are capable. But that’s not surprising. The pursuit of “racial equality” is not intended to treat black Americans with dignity, but to use them as pawns in the political conquest of America by …. those who are as white as snow.

What will the evil people of North Carolina do next?

Heaven only knows.

Perhaps they will pass a law — hateful to the core — saying two plus two equals four! Read More »